7 research outputs found

    The clinical relevance of Ki-67 expression in laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma

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    The aim of this study was to determine the prognostic value of Ki-67 immunostaining in patients affected by laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma. A systematic review was carried out in a tertiary university referral center. An appropriate string was run on PubMed to retrieve articles dealing with Ki-67 immunohistochemical staining and laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma. A double cross-check was performed on citations and full-text articles by two investigators independently to review all manuscripts and perform a comprehensive quality assessment. Of 85 abstracts identified, 18 articles were included. These studies reported on 1,342 patients with histological confirmed diagnosis of laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma. Most studies showed a statistical association between Ki-67 immunohistochemical expression and at least one of the clinical and histopathological parameters considered by the authors. Overall the studies analyzed suggested that the tumoral proliferative index was statistically connected respectively with T stage (2/18), N stage (4/18), grading (6/18), disease-free survival (10/18) and overall survival (4/18). Our review strongly suggests that immunohistochemical staining of Ki-67 correlates with tumoral aggressiveness and worse prognosis in patients affected by laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma. Further high-quality prospective studies should be carried out to confirm our finding and determine the eventual differences between cancers of specific laryngeal subsites

    Metalothionein - imunohistochemický biomarker rakoviny: Meta-analýza

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    Metallothionein (MT) has been extensively investigated as a molecular marker of various types of cancer. In spite of the fact that numerous reviews have been published in this field, no meta-analytical approach has been performed. Therefore, results of to-date immunohistochemistry-based studies were summarized using meta-analysis in this review. Web of science, PubMed, Embase and CENTRAL databases were searched (up to April 30, 2013) and the eligibility of individual studies and heterogeneity among the studies was assessed. Random and fixed effects model meta-analysis was employed depending on the heterogeneity, and publication bias was evaluated using funnel plots and Eggers tests. A total of 77 studies were included with 8,015 tissue samples (4,631 cases and 3,384 controls). A significantly positive association between MT staining and tumors (vs. healthy tissues) was observed in head and neck (odds ratio, OR 9.95; 95% CI 5.82– 17.03) and ovarian tumors (OR 7.83; 1.09–56.29), and a negative association was ascertained in liver tumors (OR 0.10; 0.03–0.30). No significant associations were identified in breast, colorectal, prostate, thyroid, stomach, bladder, kidney, gallbladder, and uterine cancers and in melanoma. . However, a high degree of inconsistence was observed in several tumor types, including colorectal, kidney and prostate cancer. Despite the ambiguity in some tumor types, conclusive results are provided in the tumors of head and neck, ovary and liver and in relation to the tumor grade and patient survival.Metalothionein (MT) byl rozsáhle zkoumán jako molekulární marker různých typů rakoviny. Navzdory tomu, že v této oblasti byly zveřejněny četné hodnocení , byl proveden meta-analytický postup. Proto výsledky na aktuální studie imunohistochemické bázi byly shrnuty pomocí meta-analýzy v této recenzi. Web of Science, PubMed, Embase a centrálních databází byly vyhledávány (až do 30.dubna 2013) a způsobilosti jednotlivých studií a heterogenity mezi studiích byla hodnocena. Náhodné a fixní efekty modelu meta-analýza byla použita v závislosti na různorodosti, a publikace zaujatost byla hodnocena pomocí trychtýř pozemky a testy Eggers.Celkem 77 studií bylo zahrnuto s 8015 vzorky tkání (4631 případů a 3384 kontrol).Významně pozitivní asociace mezi MT barvení a nádorů (vs. zdravých tkání) byl pozorován v oblasti hlavy a krku (poměr šancí, OR 9,95; 95% CI 5.82- 17,03) a ovariální nádory (OR 7,83, 1,09 - 56,29), a negativní asociace byla zjištěna v jaterních nádorů (OR 0,10; 0,03 - 0,30). Žádné významné asociace byly identifikovány v prsu, tlustého střeva, prostaty, štítné žlázy, žaludku, močového měchýře, ledvin, žlučníku, a rakoviny dělohy a melanomu. , Nicméně, vysoký stupeň nesouladu byl pozorován u několika typů nádorů, včetně tlustého střeva, ledvin a prostaty. Navzdory nejednoznačnosti některých typů nádorů, průkazné výsledky jsou uvedeny v nádorů hlavy a krku, vaječníků a jater a ve vztahu ke stupni nádoru a přežití pacienta

    Metallothionein – Immunohistochemical Cancer Biomarker: A Meta-Analysis

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