23,299 research outputs found

    Multiple dynamical components in Local Group dwarf spheroidals

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    The dwarf spheroidal (dSph) satellites of the Local Group have long been thought to be simple spheroids of stars embedded within extended dark matter halos. Recently, however, evidence for the presence of spatially and kinematically distinct stellar populations has been accumulating. Here, we examine the influence of such components on dynamical models of dwarf galaxies embedded in cold dark matter halos. We begin by constructing a model of Andromeda II, a dSph satellite of M31 which shows evidence for spatially distinct stellar components. We find that the two-component model predicts an overall velocity dispersion profile that remains approximately constant at 1011\sim 10 - 11 km s1^{-1} out to 1\sim 1 kpc from the center; this is despite wide kinematic and spatial differences between the two individual components. The presence of two components may also help to explain oddities in the velocity dispersion profiles of other dSphs; we show that velocity dispersion profiles which appear to rise from the center outwards before leveling off--such as those of Leo I, Draco, and Fornax--can result from the gradual transition from a dynamically cold, concentrated component to a second, hotter, and more spatially extended one, both in equilibrium within the same dark halo. Dwarf galaxies with two stellar components generally have a leptokurtic line-of-sight velocity distribution which is well described by a double Maxwellian. Interestingly, we find that multiple equilibrium components could also provide a potential alternative origin for ``extra-tidal'' stars (normally ascribed to tidal effects) in situations where corroborating evidence for tides may be lacking.Comment: Accepted by MNRAS Letters. Revised version, with addition of new section and expanded discussio

    Neutrino propagation in Neutron Matter and the Nuclear Equation of State

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    We study the propagation of neutrinos inside dense matter under the conditions prevailing in a proto-neutron star. Equations of state obtained with different nuclear effective interactions (Skyrme type and Gogny type) are first discussed. It is found that for many interactions, spin and/or isospin instabilities occur at densities larger than the saturation density of nuclear matter. From this study we select two representative interactions, SLy230b and D1P. We calculate the response functions in pure neutron matter where nuclear correlations are described at the Hartree-Fock plus RPA level. These response functions allow us to evaluate neutrino mean free paths corresponding to neutral current processes.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, to appear in "The Nuclear Many-Body Problem 2001", NATO Science Series II (Kluwer Academic Publishers

    Symmetries in two-dimensional dilaton gravity with matter

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    The symmetries of generic 2D dilaton models of gravity with (and without) matter are studied in some detail. It is shown that δ2\delta_2, one of the symmetries of the matterless models, can be generalized to the case where matter fields of any kind are present. The general (classical) solution for some of these models, in particular those coupled to chiral matter, which generalizes the Vaidya solution of Einstein Gravity, is also given.Comment: Minor changes have been made; the references have been updated and some added; 11 pages. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Is a Simple Collisionless Relic Dark Matter Particle Ruled Out?

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    The central densities of dark matter (DM) halos are much lower than predicted in cold DM models of structure formation. Confirmation that they have cores with a finite central density would allow us to rule out many popular types of collisionless particle as candidates for DM. Any model that leads to cusped halos (such as cold DM) is already facing serious difficulties on small scales and hot DM models have been excluded. Here I show that fermionic warm DM is inconsistent with the wide range of phase space densities in the DM halos of well-observed nearby galaxies.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, LaTeX uses emulateapj.sty, revised version to appear in ApJ Letters. Argument clarified and strengthened in response to criticism, conclusions little change

    Gas-Rich Companions of Isolated Galaxies

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    We have used the VLA to search for gaseous remnants of the galaxy formation process around six extremely isolated galaxies. We found two distinct HI clouds around each of two galaxies in our sample (UGC 9762 & UGC 11124). These clouds are rotating and appear to have optical counterparts, strongly implying that they are typical dwarf galaxies. The companions are currently weakly interacting with the primary galaxy, but have short dynamical friction timescales (~1 Gyr) suggesting that these triple galaxy systems will shortly collapse into one massive galaxy. Given that the companions are consistent with being in circular rotation about the primary galaxy, and that they have small relative masses, the resulting merger will be a minor one. The companions do, however, contain enough gas that the merger will represent a significant infusion of fuel to drive future star formation, bar formation, or central activity, while building up the mass of the disk thus making these systems important pieces of the galaxy formation and evolution process.Comment: Corrected dynamical friction calculation error. Revised discussion & conclusions. 7 pages, 4 tables, 6 figures, to appear in May 1999 Astronomical Journa

    A Faster Implementation of Online Run-Length Burrows-Wheeler Transform

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    Run-length encoding Burrows-Wheeler Transformed strings, resulting in Run-Length BWT (RLBWT), is a powerful tool for processing highly repetitive strings. We propose a new algorithm for online RLBWT working in run-compressed space, which runs in O(nlgr)O(n\lg r) time and O(rlgn)O(r\lg n) bits of space, where nn is the length of input string SS received so far and rr is the number of runs in the BWT of the reversed SS. We improve the state-of-the-art algorithm for online RLBWT in terms of empirical construction time. Adopting the dynamic list for maintaining a total order, we can replace rank queries in a dynamic wavelet tree on a run-length compressed string by the direct comparison of labels in a dynamic list. The empirical result for various benchmarks show the efficiency of our algorithm, especially for highly repetitive strings.Comment: In Proc. IWOCA201

    A Planck-like problem for quantum charged black holes

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    Motivated by the parallelism existing between the puzzles of classical physics at the beginning of the XXth century and the current paradoxes in the search of a quantum theory of gravity, we give, in analogy with Planck's black body radiation problem, a solution for the exact Hawking flux of evaporating Reissner-Nordstrom black holes. Our results show that when back-reaction effects are fully taken into account the standard picture of black hole evaporation is significantly altered, thus implying a possible resolution of the information loss problem.Comment: 6 pages, LaTeX file, Awarded Fifth Prize in the Gravity Research Foundation Essay Competition for 200

    The Tidal Evolution of Local Group Dwarf Spheroidals

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    (Abridged) We use N-body simulations to study the evolution of dwarf spheroidal galaxies (dSphs) driven by galactic tides. We adopt a cosmologically-motivated model where dSphs are approximated by a King model embedded within an NFW halo. We find that these NFW-embedded King models are extraordinarily resilient to tides; the stellar density profile still resembles a King model even after losing more than 99% of the stars. As tides strip the galaxy, the stellar luminosity, velocity dispersion, central surface brightness, and core radius decrease monotonically. Remarkably, we find that the evolution of these parameters is solely controlled by the total amount of mass lost from within the luminous radius. Of all parameters, the core radius is the least affected: after losing 99% of the stars, R_c decreases by just a factor of ~2. Interestingly, tides tend to make dSphs more dark-matter dominated because the tightly bound central dark matter ``cusp'' is more resilient to disruption than the ``cored'' King profile. We examine whether the extremely large M/L ratios of the newly-discovered ultra-faint dSphs might have been caused by tidal stripping of once brighter systems. Although dSph tidal evolutionary tracks parallel the observed scaling relations in the luminosity-radius plane, they predict too steep a change in velocity dispersion compared with the observational estimates hitherto reported in the literature. The ultra-faint dwarfs are thus unlikely to be the tidal remnants of systems like Fornax, Draco, or Sagittarius. Despite spanning four decades in luminosity, dSphs appear to inhabit halos of comparable peak circular velocity, lending support to scenarios that envision dwarf spheroidals as able to form only in halos above a certain mass threshold.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figs., accepted by Ap

    The cosmological origin of the Tully-Fisher relation

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    We use high-resolution cosmological simulations that include the effects of gasdynamics and star formation to investigate the origin of the Tully-Fisher relation in the standard Cold Dark Matter cosmogony. Luminosities are computed for each model galaxy using their full star formation histories and the latest spectrophotometric models. We find that at z=0 the stellar mass of model galaxies is proportional to the total baryonic mass within the virial radius of their surrounding halos. Circular velocity then correlates tightly with the total luminosity of the galaxy, reflecting the equivalence between mass and circular velocity of systems identified in a cosmological context. The slope of the relation steepens slightly from the red to the blue bandpasses, and is in fairly good agreement with observations. Its scatter is small, decreasing from \~0.45 mag in the U-band to ~0.34 mag in the K-band. The particular cosmological model we explore here seems unable to account for the zero-point of the correlation. Model galaxies are too faint at z=0 (by about two magnitudes) if the circular velocity at the edge of the luminous galaxy is used as an estimator of the rotation speed. The Tully-Fisher relation is brighter in the past, by about ~0.7 magnitudes in the B-band at z=1, at odds with recent observations of z~1 galaxies. We conclude that the slope and tightness of the Tully-Fisher relation can be naturally explained in hierarchical models but that its normalization and evolution depend strongly on the star formation algorithm chosen and on the cosmological parameters that determine the universal baryon fraction and the time of assembly of galaxies of different mass.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures included, submitted to ApJ (Letters

    Nuclear liquid-gas phase transition and supernovae evolution

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    It is shown that the large density fluctuations appearing at the onset of the first order nuclear liquid-gas phase transition can play an important role in the supernovae evolution. Due to these fluctuations, the neutrino gas may be trapped inside a thin layer of matter near the proto-neutron star surface. The resulting increase of pressure may induce strong particle ejection a few hundred milliseconds after the bounce of the collapse, contributing to the revival of the shock wave. The Hartree-Fock+RPA scheme, with a finite-range nucleon-nucleon effective interaction, is employed to estimate the effects of the neutrino trapping due to the strong density fluctuations, and to discuss qualitatively the consequences of the suggested new scenario.Comment: version2 - precise that nuclear liquid-gas phase transition is 1st order and the unique instable mode is isoscala