2,199 research outputs found

    Designated Hitters, Pinch Hitters, and Bat Boys: Judges Dealing with Judgment and Inexperience, Career Clerks or Term Clerks

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    Urbanisation is an increasing phenomenon especially the last years, which is of major concern due to the damage that can cause on environmental components such as climate, biosphere, land and water resources. A prevalent way to control this damage and mitigate the negative impacts of urban areas, lately, is considered the use of international tools like BREEAM Communities. BREEAM Communities is a third party assessment and certification standard that assesses, rates and certifies international processes, addressing environmental, social and economic sustainability objectives that can have an impact on large-scale development projects. A prevailing aspect of an urban development process is the urban design part which demands a lot of effort during the whole process. This study, focuses on how BREEAM Communities incorporates and influences the urban design of a large-scale development. By analysis of case studies regarding development projects in Sweden that either used BREEAM Communities or rejected it, qualitative interviews with relevant actors and quantitative analysis of the tool with charts and diagrams, the benefits and the drawbacks of the tool in relation to urban design are being explored. The main methods used for collecting and analysing the data are a theoretical approach, case studies analysis and interviews. Based on the overall qualitative and quantitative results of this study, the tool proved to be urban design sensitive since it includes a wide range of issues related to urban design and in particular, it has the potential to provide inspiration and support to the urban design team from an early stage throughout the process. Finally, a set of certain guidelines for architects and urban designers were prepared in order to optimise their job by setting priorities and to make their work more time and cost efficient.Urbanisering har ökat kraftigt de senaste Ären, vilket gör urbaniseringens negativa effekter pÄ miljömÀssiga bestÄndsdelar som klimat, biosfÀr samt mark- och vattenresurser angelÀgna att utreda. Ett sÀtt att kontrollera och motverka de negativa miljöeffekterna frÄn stÀder har varit genom att anvÀnda internationella verktyg som BREEAM Communities. BREEAM Communities Àr en tredjeparts utvÀrderings- och certifieringsverktyg vilket utvÀrderar, klassificerar och certifierar internationella processer genom att vÀrdera miljömÀssigt, socialt och ekonomiskt hÄllbara mÄl vilka kan pÄverka storskaliga utvecklingsprojekt. En stor bestÄndsdel i ett stadsutvecklingsprojekt Àr designdelen, vilken krÀver mycket fokus under hela processen. Den hÀr uppsatsen fokuserar pÄ hur BREEAM Communities involverar och influerar stadsutvecklingen i ett storskaligt projekt. Genom att analysera utvecklingsprojekt i Sverige som antingen anvÀnde BREEAM Communities eller förkastade detta, genom kvalitativa intervjuer med relevanta aktörer och kvantitativa analyser av verktygen genom tabeller och diagram har fördelar och nackdelar med verktygen i relation till stadsutveckling och design utforskats. En teoretisk ansats har anvÀnts som huvudmetod för att samla in relevant data. Baserat pÄ de kvalitativa och kvantitativa resultaten framtrÀdde ett resultat som visar att verktygen var anvÀndbara vid stadsutveckling eftersom de inkluderar en lÄng rad olika frÄgor och har potential att tillhandahÄlla inspiration och support för stadsutvecklingsteamet redan frÄn ett tidigt stadie i processen. Dessutom var en del hjÀlpmedel förberedda för arkitekter och urbana designers för att optimera deras arbete genom att sÀtta upp en prioriteringslista och genom att göra deras arbete mer tids- och kostnadseffektivt.Research project at the Division of Environmental Strategies Analysis, KT

    The Honorable James F. Battin

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    The Honorable James F. Batti

    Designated Hitters, Pinch Hitters, and Bat Boys: Judges Dealing with Judgment and Inexperience, Career Clerks or Term Clerks

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    This paper explores the relationship of the law clerk to the judge and why judges decide to make their term clerks career clerks or switch from career clerks back to term clerks. In exploring this issue, 26 judges were interviewed and provided a broad set of reasons both to have a career clerk or to stick with term clerks. The decision to hire a career clerk rests on serendipitous events while the choice to switch back to term clerks is deliberate. In the game of baseball the manager in the World Series has to change tactics when considering how to use the designated hitter. The district judge hiring law clerks has to consider how that person is to be used, as a designated hitter, a pinch hitter or a bat boy. Experience, wisdom, judgment, maturity, and even humility -- aspirational qualities for judges -- are not often found in new law clerks. Delegating the judge\u27s responsibilities to such a person creates risks for the system

    Drug Control in Massachusetts

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    Resonant Clumping and Substructure in Galactic Discs

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    We describe a method to extract resonant orbits from N-body simulations exploiting the fact that they close in a frame rotating with a constant pattern speed. Our method is applied to the N-body simulation of the Milky Way by Shen et al. (2010). This simulation hosts a massive bar, which drives strong resonances and persistent angular momentum exchange. Resonant orbits are found throughout the disc, both close to the bar itself and out to the very edges of the disc. Using Fourier spectrograms, we demonstrate that the bar is driving kinematic substructure even in the very outer parts of the disc. We identify two major orbit families in the outskirts of the disc that make significant contributions to the kinematic landscape, namely the m:l = 3:-2 and 1:-1 families resonating with the pattern speed of the bar. A mechanism is described that produces bimodal distributions of Galactocentric radial velocities at selected azimuths in the outer disc. It occurs as a result of the temporal coherence of particles on the 3:-2 resonant orbits, which causes them to arrive simultaneously at pericentre or apocentre. This resonant clumping, due to the in-phase motion of the particles through their epicycle, leads to both inward and outward moving groups which belong to the same orbital family and consequently produce bimodal radial velocity distributions. This is a possible explanation of the bimodal velocity distributions observed towards the Galactic anti-Centre by Liu et al. (2012). Another consequence is that transient overdensities appear and dissipate (in a symmetric fashion) on timescales equal to the their epicyclic period resulting in a periodic pulsing of the disc's surface density.Comment: 11 Figures, 1 Table. Accepted for publication in ApJ. Version 2 reflects minor changes to the text. Animation referenced in Figure 7 is available at http://hubble.shao.ac.cn/~shen/resonantclumping/DensMovie.mp

    Must the Paleface Pay To Puff? Confederated Salish and Kootenai v. Moe

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    Must The Paleface Pay To Puff? Confederated Salish And Kootenai v. Mo

    Benchmarks for testing community detection algorithms on directed and weighted graphs with overlapping communities

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    Many complex networks display a mesoscopic structure with groups of nodes sharing many links with the other nodes in their group and comparatively few with nodes of different groups. This feature is known as community structure and encodes precious information about the organization and the function of the nodes. Many algorithms have been proposed but it is not yet clear how they should be tested. Recently we have proposed a general class of undirected and unweighted benchmark graphs, with heterogenous distributions of node degree and community size. An increasing attention has been recently devoted to develop algorithms able to consider the direction and the weight of the links, which require suitable benchmark graphs for testing. In this paper we extend the basic ideas behind our previous benchmark to generate directed and weighted networks with built-in community structure. We also consider the possibility that nodes belong to more communities, a feature occurring in real systems, like, e. g., social networks. As a practical application, we show how modularity optimization performs on our new benchmark.Comment: 9 pages, 13 figures. Final version published in Physical Review E. The code to create the benchmark graphs can be freely downloaded from http://santo.fortunato.googlepages.com/inthepress

    Dynamical Scaling Behavior of Percolation Clusters in Scale-free Networks

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    In this work we investigate the spectra of Laplacian matrices that determine many dynamic properties of scale-free networks below and at the percolation threshold. We use a replica formalism to develop analytically, based on an integral equation, a systematic way to determine the ensemble averaged eigenvalue spectrum for a general type of tree-like networks. Close to the percolation threshold we find characteristic scaling functions for the density of states rho(lambda) of scale-free networks. rho(lambda) shows characteristic power laws rho(lambda) ~ lambda^alpha_1 or rho(lambda) ~ lambda^alpha_2 for small lambda, where alpha_1 holds below and alpha_2 at the percolation threshold. In the range where the spectra are accessible from a numerical diagonalization procedure the two methods lead to very similar results.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Tracing the Sars-CoV-2 Impact: The First Month in Switzerland

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    This note describes the changes in travel behaviour in response to the spread of the Sars-CoV-2 epidemic in Switzerland. The existing analyses of the Google or the national Intervisa data have limits due to missing socio-demographic details about their users. We briefly describe our GPS tracking panel and its sample. The analyses focus on the changes for different income groups and for the differences in accessibility. It will be supplemented by the weekly https://ivtmobis.ethz.ch/mobis/covid19/report
