630 research outputs found

    Review Laporan Keuangan pada Dinas Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil Kabupaten Buleleng Sesuai dengan Standar Akuntansi Pemerintah (SAP)

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memberikan informasi yang terbatas mengenai laporan keuanganyang telah disusun oleh Dinas Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil. Dari penelitan yang dilakukan terdapatdua (2) tujuan utama dalam melakukan review laporan keuangan yaitu 1) memberikan informasi tentangkebenaran format dalam penyusunan laporan keuangan Dinas Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil sesuaidengan Strandar Akuntansi Pemerintah (SAP). 2) mengetahui apa saja yang menjadi ruang lingkup ataslaporan keuangan dan melakukan review terhadap ruang lingkup dari laporan keuangan sesuai denganStandar Akuntansi Pemerintah (SAP). Jenis penelitian data ini adalah data kualitatif berupa informasitentang laporan keuangan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode observasi dengan caramengamati dan mencatat secara sistematik gejala-gejala yang diselidiki. Data yang diperolehselanjutnya dianalisis dengan prosedur analitis dan permintaan keterangan. Dari hasil review denganmenggunakan prosedur analitis dan permintaan keterangan diperoleh hasil penelitian yang menunjukkanbahwa: 1) format laporan keuangan dan ruang lingkup laporan keuangan telah sesuai Standar AkuntansiPemerintah (SAP) yang terdiri dari laporan realisasi anggaran, neraca, laporan arus kas, dan catatanatas laporan keuangan. 2) masih terdapat kesalahan dalam pencatatan nilai ke dalam laporan keuangan.3) ketidak sesuaian antara hasil permintaan keterangan dengan pencatatan laporan keuangan yangtelah dilakukan.Kata kunci: Standar Akuntansi Pemerintah (SAP), Laporan Keuangan, Prosedur Analitis, PermintaanKeterangan


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    Violent extremism and radicalization that lead to terrorism (VERLT) by radical Islamic groups is a significant issue in Indonesia: their objective is to change the republic of Indonesia to an Islamic state and to enforce Islamic law as the only law in Indonesia. Their strategy is to build a network to diffuse radical Islamic ideology within Indonesian communities. The Indonesian government works hard to counter VERLT. However, its approach is not maximizing its understanding of its network and should leverage network analysis. This thesis examines how the Indonesian government can better counter VERLT using social network analysis (SNA). This thesis uses case study analysis to assess the effectiveness of the Indonesian government’s effort in countering VERLT. Next, this thesis examines the networks of Indonesian radical Islamic groups and identifies their narrative with SNA and semantic network analysis. It finds that the radical Islamic groups in Indonesia effectively utilized their networks to spread VERLT, especially using social media. This thesis recommends the Indonesian government to develop hybrid kinetic and non-kinetic strategy to disrupt the network of radical Islamic groups and counter VERLT.Mayor, Indonesian ArmyApproved for public release. Distribution is unlimited

    Risks for Peripheral Arterial Disease in the Elderly with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus : Their Correlation with High Sensitivity C-reactive Protein and Ankle-brachial Index

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    The Indonesian elderly population has been projected to increase up to about four-fold inthree decades (1990-2020). As a consequence of this population trend, the increased prevalence ofdegenerative diseases would be inevitable; this would include the prevalence of peripheral arterialdisease.This study aims to identify the correlation of diverse risk factors, either traditional or nontraditional,with the ankle-brachial index scores, and the correlation of novel non-traditional riskfactor, e.i. high sensitive C-reactive protein with the prevalence of perioheral arterial disease in theelderly, age 60-80 years old, with type 2 diabetes mellitus.Among the 146 elderly patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, and based on measurement ofthe ABI score, approximately 30.9% of them had PAD. Some traditional and non-traditional riskfactors having a significant correlation with the ankle-brachial index score, were age (r = -0.396, p <0.001 for right ABI; r = -0.509, p < 0.001 for left ABI), supine systolic blood pressure (r= -0.268, p =0.012 for right ABI; r = -0.267, p = 0.013 for left ABI), 2-hour post-prandial blood glucose (r= -0.252, p = 0.018 for right ABI), and hsCRP (r = -0.280, p = 0.011 for right ABI; r = -0.402, p <0.001 for left ABI); whereas other risk factors like obesity based on waist circumference and BMI,non-supine systolic blood pressure, fasting blood glucose, HbA1C, duration of diabetes, plasma lipidsdid not show statistically significant different odd ratios. After linear regression test for risk factorshaving significant correlations with ABI, age and hsCRP were found to influence the ABI scores.Based on a case-control study, risk factors which, to some extent, had statistically significant valuesas risk factors, include older age (? 70 years old; OR = 7.737 [CI = 2.515-23.805]; p < 0.001),relatively high supine diastolic blood pressure (? 90 mmHg; OR = 6.882 [CI = 0.789-60.060]; p =0.048), and high concentration of hsCRP (> 3 mg/L; OR = 4.420 [CI = 1.287-15.181]; p = 0.013).Among these statistically significant risk factors, after logistic regression test analysis, only the age ofthe patient appeared to have significant influence on the prevalence of PAD.In conclusion, this study demonstrates a negative correlation between hsCRP and ABI score;and high levels of hsCRP appeared to be a risk factor for PAD. The age of the patient, however,appeared to be the strongest risk factor for PAD


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    Abstrak - Skripsi ini membahas tentang kerjasama Internasional yang mengambil studi kasus mengenai Strategi Indonesia dalam menghadapi ASEAN- China free Trade Agreement. Tren perdagangan bebas yang terjadi saat ini, mengakibatkan setiap negara untuk ikut serta agar mengalami kemajuan ekonomi. Kerjasama ACFTA merupakan kerjasama perdagangan tentang penurunan ataupun penghapusan tarif untuk mengurangi kerugian dari penerapan pajak yang tinggi sehingga dapat meningkatkan volume perdagangan tiap-tiap pemegang kepentingan. Indonesia sebagai negara anggota ASEAN bekerjasama dengan China karena Indonesia melihat China memiliki potensi yang besar dengan jumlah penduduk yang besar dan tingkat pertumbuhan ekonomi yang tinggi merupakan pasar yang luas terhadap produk-produk ekspor di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis kualitatif. Penafsiran data dan penarikan simpulan dilakukan dengan mengacu pada rujukan konsep dan teoritis kepustakaan sesuai dengan permasalahan penelitian yang telah dirumuskan sebelumnya. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penurunan dan pengahapusan tarif serta hambatan non tarif di China membuka peluang terhadap Indonesia untuk meningkatkan volume dan nilai perdagangan ke negara yang penduduknya terbesar dan memiliki tingkat pertumbuhan ekonomi tertinggi di dunia. Kerjasama ini juga telah membuka akses pasar produksi. Iklim investasi pun semakin meningkat. Penciptaan regim investasi yang kompetitif dan terbuka membuka peluang terhadap Indonesia untuk menarik lebih banyak investasi dari China. Peningkatan kerjasama ekonomi menciptakaan lapangan pekerjaan baru dari hasil kerjasama ekonomi dan pembangunan yang dilakukan perusahaanperusahaan China di Indonesia. Intinya, kepentingan Indonesia yang dibawa dalam kerjasama ACFTA sedikit mulai terpenuhi. Agar pemanfaatan kerjasama ini lebih optimal, Indonesia harus mampu meningkatkan daya saing dan mulai memperbaiki sistem dan infrastrukturnya. Kata kunci: ACFTA - Ekpor - Impor Abstract - This thesis discusses the international cooperation that takes a case study on the strategy of Indonesia in facing the ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement. The trend of free trade that occurs at this time, resulting in each country to participate in order to experience economic progress. Cooperation ACFTA is a trade cooperation on the decline or elimination of tariffs to reduce losses from the application of higher taxes so as to increase the volume of trading of each stakeholder. Indonesia as the ASEAN member countries to cooperate with China because Indonesia see China has a great potential with a large population and a high rate of economic growth is a broad market to export products in Indonesia. This study uses qualitative analysis. The interpretation of the data and drawing conclusions made with reference to the concepts and theoretical literature references according to research problems that have been formulated before. These results indicate that the reduction and elimination of tariff and non-tariff barriers in China an opportunity for Indonesia to increase the volume and value of trade to a country whose population is the largest and has the highest economic growth rates in the world. This cooperation has also opened access to market production. The investment climate is increasing. The creation of a competitive investment regime and open opportunities for Indonesia to attract more investment from China. Increased economic cooperation menciptakaan new jobs from the results of economic cooperation and development undertaken Chinese companies in Indonesia. In essence, the interests of Indonesia is carried in cooperation ACFTA little started fulfilled. To be more optimal utilization of this cooperation, Indonesia should be able to improve their competitiveness and start fixing the system and infrastructure. Keywords: ACFTA – Export – Import&nbsp


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    Abstrak - Skripsi ini membahas tentang kerjasama Internasional yang mengambil studi kasus mengenai Strategi Indonesia dalam menghadapi ASEAN- China free Trade Agreement. Tren perdagangan bebas yang terjadi saat ini, mengakibatkan setiap negara untuk ikut serta agar mengalami kemajuan ekonomi. Kerjasama ACFTA merupakan kerjasama perdagangan tentang penurunan ataupun penghapusan tarif untuk mengurangi kerugian dari penerapan pajak yang tinggi sehingga dapat meningkatkan volume perdagangan tiap-tiap pemegang kepentingan. Indonesia sebagai negara anggota ASEAN bekerjasama dengan China karena Indonesia melihat China memiliki potensi yang besar dengan jumlah penduduk yang besar dan tingkat pertumbuhan ekonomi yang tinggi merupakan pasar yang luas terhadap produk-produk ekspor di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis kualitatif. Penafsiran data dan penarikan simpulan dilakukan dengan mengacu pada rujukan konsep dan teoritis kepustakaan sesuai dengan permasalahan penelitian yang telah dirumuskan sebelumnya. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penurunan dan pengahapusan tarif serta hambatan non tarif di China membuka peluang terhadap Indonesia untuk meningkatkan volume dan nilai perdagangan ke negara yang penduduknya terbesar dan memiliki tingkat pertumbuhan ekonomi tertinggi di dunia. Kerjasama ini juga telah membuka akses pasar produksi. Iklim investasi pun semakin meningkat. Penciptaan regim investasi yang kompetitif dan terbuka membuka peluang terhadap Indonesia untuk menarik lebih banyak investasi dari China. Peningkatan kerjasama ekonomi menciptakaan lapangan pekerjaan baru dari hasil kerjasama ekonomi dan pembangunan yang dilakukan perusahaanperusahaan China di Indonesia. Intinya, kepentingan Indonesia yang dibawa dalam kerjasama ACFTA sedikit mulai terpenuhi. Agar pemanfaatan kerjasama ini lebih optimal, Indonesia harus mampu meningkatkan daya saing dan mulai memperbaiki sistem dan infrastrukturnya. Kata kunci: ACFTA - Ekpor - Impor Abstract - This thesis discusses the international cooperation that takes a case study on the strategy of Indonesia in facing the ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement. The trend of free trade that occurs at this time, resulting in each country to participate in order to experience economic progress. Cooperation ACFTA is a trade cooperation on the decline or elimination of tariffs to reduce losses from the application of higher taxes so as to increase the volume of trading of each stakeholder. Indonesia as the ASEAN member countries to cooperate with China because Indonesia see China has a great potential with a large population and a high rate of economic growth is a broad market to export products in Indonesia. This study uses qualitative analysis. The interpretation of the data and drawing conclusions made with reference to the concepts and theoretical literature references according to research problems that have been formulated before. These results indicate that the reduction and elimination of tariff and non-tariff barriers in China an opportunity for Indonesia to increase the volume and value of trade to a country whose population is the largest and has the highest economic growth rates in the world. This cooperation has also opened access to market production. The investment climate is increasing. The creation of a competitive investment regime and open opportunities for Indonesia to attract more investment from China. Increased economic cooperation menciptakaan new jobs from the results of economic cooperation and development undertaken Chinese companies in Indonesia. In essence, the interests of Indonesia is carried in cooperation ACFTA little started fulfilled. To be more optimal utilization of this cooperation, Indonesia should be able to improve their competitiveness and start fixing the system and infrastructure. Keywords: ACFTA – Export – Import&nbsp


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    Abstrak - Skripsi ini membahas tentang kerjasama Internasional yang mengambil studi kasus mengenai Strategi Indonesia dalam menghadapi ASEAN- China free Trade Agreement. Tren perdagangan bebas yang terjadi saat ini, mengakibatkan setiap negara untuk ikut serta agar mengalami kemajuan ekonomi. Kerjasama ACFTA merupakan kerjasama perdagangan tentang penurunan ataupun penghapusan tarif untuk mengurangi kerugian dari penerapan pajak yang tinggi sehingga dapat meningkatkan volume perdagangan tiap-tiap pemegang kepentingan. Indonesia sebagai negara anggota ASEAN bekerjasama dengan China karena Indonesia melihat China memiliki potensi yang besar dengan jumlah penduduk yang besar dan tingkat pertumbuhan ekonomi yang tinggi merupakan pasar yang luas terhadap produk-produk ekspor di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis kualitatif. Penafsiran data dan penarikan simpulan dilakukan dengan mengacu pada rujukan konsep dan teoritis kepustakaan sesuai dengan permasalahan penelitian yang telah dirumuskan sebelumnya. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penurunan dan pengahapusan tarif serta hambatan non tarif di China membuka peluang terhadap Indonesia untuk meningkatkan volume dan nilai perdagangan ke negara yang penduduknya terbesar dan memiliki tingkat pertumbuhan ekonomi tertinggi di dunia. Kerjasama ini juga telah membuka akses pasar produksi. Iklim investasi pun semakin meningkat. Penciptaan regim investasi yang kompetitif dan terbuka membuka peluang terhadap Indonesia untuk menarik lebih banyak investasi dari China. Peningkatan kerjasama ekonomi menciptakaan lapangan pekerjaan baru dari hasil kerjasama ekonomi dan pembangunan yang dilakukan perusahaanperusahaan China di Indonesia. Intinya, kepentingan Indonesia yang dibawa dalam kerjasama ACFTA sedikit mulai terpenuhi. Agar pemanfaatan kerjasama ini lebih optimal, Indonesia harus mampu meningkatkan daya saing dan mulai memperbaiki sistem dan infrastrukturnya. Kata kunci: ACFTA - Ekpor - Impor Abstract - This thesis discusses the international cooperation that takes a case study on the strategy of Indonesia in facing the ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement. The trend of free trade that occurs at this time, resulting in each country to participate in order to experience economic progress. Cooperation ACFTA is a trade cooperation on the decline or elimination of tariffs to reduce losses from the application of higher taxes so as to increase the volume of trading of each stakeholder. Indonesia as the ASEAN member countries to cooperate with China because Indonesia see China has a great potential with a large population and a high rate of economic growth is a broad market to export products in Indonesia. This study uses qualitative analysis. The interpretation of the data and drawing conclusions made with reference to the concepts and theoretical literature references according to research problems that have been formulated before. These results indicate that the reduction and elimination of tariff and non-tariff barriers in China an opportunity for Indonesia to increase the volume and value of trade to a country whose population is the largest and has the highest economic growth rates in the world. This cooperation has also opened access to market production. The investment climate is increasing. The creation of a competitive investment regime and open opportunities for Indonesia to attract more investment from China. Increased economic cooperation menciptakaan new jobs from the results of economic cooperation and development undertaken Chinese companies in Indonesia. In essence, the interests of Indonesia is carried in cooperation ACFTA little started fulfilled. To be more optimal utilization of this cooperation, Indonesia should be able to improve their competitiveness and start fixing the system and infrastructure. Keywords: ACFTA – Export – Import&nbsp


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    Technology developments are progressing very rapidly has created a new step in making spending to meet demand. Sales can occur from and to anywhere and anytime regardless of working hours. It is not independent of the behavior patterns that tend as if the dependence on the Internet, because the Internet as source of information in many ways. It is Ndy Shop. This study to examine the effect of store image and trust in online purchasing decisions either partially or simultaneously. Judgmental sampling method of sampling used by the consumer of Ndy Shop as the population, so the number of samples obtained by 110 consumer. The method of data analysis using multiple linear regression with SPSS. The results of the analysis in this study showed that there is significant influence between variable store image and trust in online purchasing decisions either partially or simultaneously. Keywords: store image, trust, and purchase decisions.   &nbsp

    The Lactate/Pyruvate Ratio of Metabolic Modulation Using Glucose Insulin Kalium and Lactate Solution and Their Effect on Functional Mechanical Recovery of the Isolated Perfused Heart

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    Metabolic modulation with Glucose Insulin Kalium (GIK) solution has beenreally well known in their capacity to improve post ischemic heart function. In this regardGIK intervention on post operative Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) can improveheart function recovery on reperfusion period (Goldhaber dan Weiss, 1992; Atwell et al.,1997). Post operative CABG intervention with GIK will produce a beneficial effect onthe elevation of heart energy to prevent ionic homeostasis disturbance and reactiveoxygen species (ROS) production that become the basis of reperfusion injury (Silvermandan Stern, 1994; Cross et al., 1995; Taegtmeyer et al., 1997; Opie, 1999; Lazar, 2002;Doenst et al., 2003; Trence et al., 2003).Many efforts have been made to clarify how exactly GIK works to improve postischemic heart function as in CABG. This is crucially done in order to be able to modifythe solution concerned. Although this solution has been clearly proved to improve postischemic heart function, it is not totally free from its adverse effect. Its main side effect isthat it can provoke hyperglycemic state, which contrasts with the tight glucose control incontinuously normal range for the patients who are critically ill.In this study lactate and pyruvate level in the coronary effluent were measuredfrom the isolated heart directly perfused with GIK and lactate. It was shown that thepreischemic lactate level was low and then clearly elevated as soon as the reperfusiontook place due to anaerobic metabolism. In accordance with reperfusion time lactate leveldecreased gradually. In relation with pyruvate level, this substrate evolution looked likethe appearance of lactate but its value was lower if compared with lactate.The recovery in functional mechanical activity of the post ischemic heart seems tobe much more related to the pattern of the evolution of logarithmic lactate/pyruvate ratio(L/P ratio). Logarithmic value of L/P ratio in GIK group increased since the earlyreperfusion period (+40%, p < 0.05), followed by improvement in recovery ofmechanical activity in this group which was significantly higher if compared with thecontrol group. Similar fashion was found in lactate group in regard to the evolution of thelogarithmic value of L/P ratio in this group, where its value was significantly highercompared with the control group. The logarithmic evolution pattern on L/P ratio for thisgroup increased along the reperfusion time (+34% p < 0.05).From the present study, it can be concluded that the recovery of functionalmechanical activity of the post ischemic heart perfused with GIK is through modificationon cellular lactate metabolism

    Peran Mediasi Motivasi Kerja dalam Pengaruh Kompensasi terhadap Semangat Kerja

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    Compensation factors and motivational play an important role in increasing spirit at work. This study was conducted to determine the effect of compensation on spirit at work at and to determine the motivational role in mediating the influence of compensation on employee morale. The study was conducted on employees Unagi Handicraft & Painting by the number of respondents as many as 40 employees. The number of respondents is determined using saturation sampling technique. The data collection is done by distributing questionnaires using a 5-point Likert scale to measure 11 indicators. Data analysis technique used is path analysis. The test results compensation positive and significant impact on spirit at work, compensation positive and significant impact on motivation and motivation positive and significant impact on spirit at work. The limitation of this study is the location of this research will be in the scope of the industry in Unagi Handicraft & Painting so the results of this study can not explain the circumstances of the other industry besides Unagi Handicraft & Painting
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