5,255 research outputs found

    Air cargo market outlook and impact via the NASA CLASS project

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    An overview is given of the Cargo/Logistics Airlift Systems Study (CLASS) project which was a 10 man-year effort carried out by two contractor teams, aimed at defining factors impacting future system growth and obtaining market requirements and design guidelines for future air freighters. Growth projection was estimated by two approaches: one, an optimal systems approach with a more efficient and cost effective system considered as being available in 1990; and the other, an evolutionary approach with an econometric behavior model used to predict long term evolution from the present system. Both approaches predict significant growth in demand for international air freighter services and less growth for U.S. domestic services. Economic analysis of air freighter fleet options indicate very strong market appeal of derivative widebody transports in 1990 with little incentive to develop all new dedicated air freighters utilizing the 1990's technology until sometime beyond the year 2000. Advanced air freighters would be economically attractive for a wide range of payload sizes (to 500 metric tons), however, if a government would share in the RD and T costs by virtue of its needs for a slightly modified version of a civil air freighter design (a.g. military airlifter)

    Pengaruh Kecakapan Profesional, Kompleksitas Tugas, Gaya Kepemimpinan Dan Integritas Aparat Pengawas Internal Pemerintah Terhadap Efektivitas Pemeriksaan Alokasi Dana Desa (Studi Pada Aparat Pengawas Internal Pemerintah Kabupaten Talaud)

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    . Controlling and auditing of village funds allocation or Alokasi Dana Desa (ADD) by regional-government internal auditor or aparat pengawas internal pemerintah daerah (APIP) are necessary to support the good and accountable governance.This research is aimed to identify the influences of professional skills, complexity of task, leadership, and integrity of APIP, to the audit effectiveness of village funds allocation or alokasi dana desa (ADD). The population of this research were all regional government internal auditors (APIP) of Talaud regency, consisting of 34 samples.This Research used the primary data.Data collection was collected by questionnaires answered up by APIP.This research used multiple regressions to analyze the data. The analysis result shows that professional skills, complexity of task, and leadership do not significantly influence to the audit effectiveness of fillage funds allocation (ADD). On the other hand, the integrity of APIP significantly influences the audit effectivennes of filage funds allocation (ADD)

    Pengaruh Profitabilitas, Leverage, Growth, Size Terhadap Harga Saham Dengan Pengungkapan Tanggung Jawab Sosial Sebagai Variabel Intervening Pada Perusahaan Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    The more rapidly business development currently rises tight competition among corporate companies, either national or International. Company does not longer become entity that only focuses to itself thus separate from sosial environment, but become the part of the environment so there is an interaction that arises, caused by the positive response from surrounded environment to its existence. This research purpose is to find out the influence of Profitability, leverage, growth, and size to stock price with company social responsibility disclosure as intervening variable at listed companies in BEI at periode of 2010 - 2012. Its population is companies that are listed in BEI at 2010 – 2012 periode, as much as 525 companies. By using judgement sampling method, it is obtained 55 companies as sample. The used analysis method is path analysis, while research data processing uses computer program IBM SPSS Statistic 22. From testing calculation, it is found that the testing of profitability, leverage, growth, size and company social responsibility disclosure simultaneously have significant influence to stock price of listed companies in BEI. Partially, Profitability does not significantly influence company social responsibility disclosure; Leverage significantly influences to company social responsibility disclosure; Growth does not significantly influence company social responsibility disclosure; Size significantly influence company social responsibility disclosure; Profitabiliy significantly influence stock price; Leverage significantly influence stock price; Growth does not significantly influence stock price; Size significantly influences stock price; company social responsibility disclosure does not significantly influence stock price. Profitability does not significantly influence stock price through company social responsibility disclosure; Leverage significantly influences stock price through company social responsibility disclosure; Growth significantly influence stock price through company social responsibility disclosure; Size does not significantly influence stock price through company social responsibility disclosur

    Predicting the mortality of pneumonia-induced direct lung injury using serum metabolomics

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    Pneumonia-induced acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) presents a significant source of morbidity and mortality in the ICU with no current treatment beyond supportive measures. A good predictive method to determine mortality of ARDS currently does not exist. As such, it is important to identify potential biomarkers that can predict mortality of pneumonia induced ARDS. Multivariate statistical analysis of 1H-NMR analyzed data yielded a predictive model that separated patient cohorts based on 28-day mortality. This study was a critical step forward to potentially develop new diagnostic and treatment options for those afflicted with pneumonia-induced ARDS

    Effective Hamiltonian Approach to Hyperon Beta Decay with Final-State Baryon Polarization

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    Using an effective Hamiltonian approach, we obtain expressions for hyperon beta decay final-state baryon polarization. Terms through second order in the energy release are retained. The resulting approximate expressions are much simpler and more compact than the exact expressions, and they agree closely with them.Comment: 1 Figure Will appear in Phys Rev D 60 Article 117505 (Dec 1, 1999

    Iron mineralogy and redox conditions during deposition of the mid-Proterozoic Appekunny Formation, Belt Supergroup, Glacier National Park

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    The redox state of the mid-Proterozoic oceans, lakes, and atmospheres is still debated, but it is vital for understanding the emergence and rise of macroscopic organisms and eukaryotes. The Appekunny Formation, Belt Supergroup, Montana, contains some of these early macrofossils dated between 1.47 Ga and 1.40 Ga and provides a well-preserved record of paleoenvironmental conditions. We analyzed the iron chemistry and mineralogy in samples from Glacier National Park, Montana, by pairing bulk rock magnetic techniques with textural techniques, including light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and synchrotron-based X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Field observations of the Appekunny Formation combined with mineralogical information allowed revised correlations of stratigraphic members across the park. However, late diagenetic and/or metasomatic fluids affected primary iron phases, as evidenced by prevalent postdepositional phases including base-metal sulfides. On the west side of the park, pyrrhotite and chlorite rims formed during burial metamorphism in at least two recrystallization events. These complex postdepositional transformations could affect bulk proxies for paleoredox. By pairing bulk and textural techniques, we show primary records of redox chemistry were preserved in early diagenetic and often recrystallized framboidal pyrite, submicron magnetite grains interpreted to be detrital in origin, and red-bed laminae interpreted to record primary detrital oxides. Based on these observations, we hypothesize that the shallow waters of the mid-Proterozoic Belt Basin were similar to those in modern marine and lacustrine waters: fully oxygenated, with detrital reactive iron fluxes that mineralized pyrite during organic diagenesis in suboxic, anoxic, and sulfidic conditions in sedimentary pore waters

    Metrology for electron-beam lithography and resist contrast at the sub-10 nm scale

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    Exploring the resolution limit of electron-beam lithography is of great interest both scientifically and technologically. However, when electron-beam lithography approaches its resolution limit, imaging and metrology of the fabricated structures by using standard scanning electron microscopy become difficult. In this work, the authors adopted transmission-electron and atomic-force microscopies to improve the metrological accuracy and to analyze the resolution limit of electron-beam lithography. With these metrological methods, the authors found that sub-5 nm sparse features could be readily fabricated by electron-beam lithography, but dense 16 nm pitch structures were difficult to yield. Measurements of point- and line-spread functions suggested that the resolution in fabricating sub-10 nm half-pitch structures was primarily limited by the resist-development processes, meaning that the development rates depended on pattern density and/or length scale.China Scholarship Council (Fellowship)United States. Dept. of Energy. Center for Excitonics (Award DE-SC0001088)Information Storage Industry ConsortiumNanoelectronics Research InitiativeNational Science Foundation (U.S.
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