27,395 research outputs found

    Does the Third Law of Thermodynamics hold in the Quantum Regime?

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    The first in a long series of papers by John T. Lewis, G. W. Ford and the present author, considered the problem of the most general coupling of a quantum particle to a linear passive heat bath, in the course of which they derived an exact formula for the free energy of an oscillator coupled to a heat bath in thermal equilibrium at temperature T. This formula, and its later extension to three dimensions to incorporate a magnetic field, has proved to be invaluable in analyzing problems in quantum thermodynamics. Here, we address the question raised in our title viz. Nernst's third law of thermodynamics

    Thermodynamics of black holes: an analogy with glasses

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    The present equilibrium formulation of thermodynamics for black holes has several drawbacks, such as assuming the same temperature for black hole and heat bath. Recently the author formulated non-equilibrium thermodynamics for glassy systems. This approach is applied to black holes, with the cosmic background temperature being the bath temperature, and the Hawking temperature the internal temperature. Both Hawking evaporation and absorption of background radiation are taken into account. It is argued that black holes did not form in the very early universe.Comment: 4 pages revtex; submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Solvable glassy system: static versus dynamical transition

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    A directed polymer is considered on a flat substrate with randomly located parallel ridges. It prefers to lie inside wide regions between the ridges. When the transversel width W=exp(λL1/3)W=\exp(\lambda L^{1/3}) is exponential in the longitudinal length LL, there can be a large number expL1/3\sim \exp L^{1/3} of available wide states. This ``complexity'' causes a phase transition from a high temperature phase where the polymer lies in the widest lane, to a glassy low temperature phase where it lies in one of many narrower lanes. Starting from a uniform initial distribution of independent polymers, equilibration up to some exponential time scale induces a sharp dynamical transition. When the temperature is slowly increased with time, this occurs at a tunable temperature. There is an asymmetry between cooling and heating. The structure of phase space in the low temperature non-equilibrium glassy phase is of a one-level tree.Comment: 4 pages revte

    Quantum description of spherical spins

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    The spherical model for spins describes ferromagnetic phase transitions well, but it fails at low temperatures. A quantum version of the spherical model is proposed. It does not induce qualitative changes near the phase transition. However, it produces a physical low temperature behavior. The entropy is non-negative. Model parameters can be adapted to the description of real quantum spins. Several applications are discussed. Zero-temperature quantum phase transitions are analyzed for a ferromagnet and a spin glass in a transversal field. Their crossover exponents are presented.Comment: 4 pages postscript. Revised version, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Resolving HD 100546 disc in the mid-infrared: Small inner disc and asymmetry near the gap

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    A region of roughly half of the solar system scale around the star HD 100546 is largely cleared of gas and dust, in contrast to the bright outer disc. However, some material is observed in the immediate vicinity of the star. We investigate how the dust is distributed within and outside the gap, and constrain the disc geometry with mid-infrared interferometric observations using VLTI/MIDI. With baseline lengths of 40m, our long baseline observations are sensitive to the inner few AU from the star, and we combined them with observations at shorter, 15m baselines, to probe emission beyond the gap at up to 20AU from the star. We modelled the mid-infrared emission using radial temperature profiles. Our model is composed of infinitesimal concentric annuli emitting as black bodies, and it has distinct inner and outer disc components. We derived an upper limit of 0.7AU for the radial size of the inner disc, from our longest baseline data. This small dusty disc is separated from the edge of the outer disc by a large, roughly 10AU wide gap. Our short baseline data place a bright ring of emission at 11+-1AU, consistent with prior observations of the transition region between the gap and the outer disc, known as the disc wall. The inclination and position angle are constrained by our data to i=53+-8deg and PA=145+-5deg. Compared to the rim and outer disc geometry this suggests co-planarity. Brightness asymmetry is evident in both short and long baseline data, and it is unequivocally discernible from any atmospheric or instrumental effects. The origin of the asymmetry is consistent with the bright disc wall, which we find to be 1-2AU wide. The gap is cleared of micron-sized dust, but we cannot rule out the presence of larger particles and/or perturbing bodies.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Frequency Metrology on single trapped ions in the weak binding limit: The 3s1/2-3p3/2 transition in 24-Mg+

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    We demonstrate a method for precision spectroscopy on trapped ions in the limit of unresolved motional sidebands. By sympathetic cooling of a chain of crystallized ions we suppress adverse temperature variations induced by the spectroscopy laser that usually lead to a distorted line profle and obtain a Voigt profile with negligible distortions. We applied the method to measure the absolute frequency of the astrophysically relevant D2 transition in single 24-Mg+ ions and find 1072082934.33(16)MHz, a nearly 400fold improvement over previous results. Further, we find the excited state lifetime to be 3.84(10) ns.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Laser-Cluster-Interaction in a Nanoplasma-Model with Inclusion of Lowered Ionization Energies

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    The interaction of intense laser fields with silver and argon clusters is investigated theoretically using a modified nanoplasma model. Single pulse and double pulse excitations are considered. The influence of the dense cluster environment on the inner ionization processes is studied including the lowering of the ionization energies. There are considerable changes in the dynamics of the laser-cluster interaction. Especially, for silver clusters, the lowering of the ionization energies leads to increased yields of highly charged ions.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figure

    Multipole moments in Kaluza-Klein theories

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    This paper contains discussion of the problem of motion of extended i.e. non point test bodies in multidimensional space. Extended bodies are described in terms of so called multipole moments. Using approximated form of equations of motion for extended bodies deviation from geodesic motion is derived. Results are applied to special form of space-time.Comment: 11 pages, AMS-TeX, few misprints corrected, to appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Distributions of inherent structure energies during aging

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    We perform extensive simulations of a binary mixture Lennard-Jones system subjected to a temperature jump in order to study the time evolution of fluctuations during aging. Analyzing data from 1500 different aging realizations, we calculate distributions of inherent structure energies for different aging times and contrast them with equilibrium. We find that the distributions initially become narrower and then widen as the system equilibrates. For deep quenches, fluctuations in the glassy system differ significantly from those observed in equilibrium. Simulation results are partially captured by theoretical predictions only when the final temperature is higher than the mode coupling temperature.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Sampling functions for multimode homodyne tomography with a single local oscillator

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    We derive various sampling functions for multimode homodyne tomography with a single local oscillator. These functions allow us to sample multimode s-parametrized quasidistributions, density matrix elements in Fock basis, and s-ordered moments of arbitrary order directly from the measured quadrature statistics. The inevitable experimental losses can be compensated by proper modification of the sampling functions. Results of Monte Carlo simulations for squeezed three-mode state are reported and the feasibility of reconstruction of the three-mode Q-function and s-ordered moments from 10^7 sampled data is demonstrated.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, REVTeX, submitted Phys. Rev.