29,335 research outputs found

    Universal charge transport of the Mn oxides in the high temperature limit

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    We have found that various Mn oxides have the universal resistivity and thermopower in the high temperature limit. The resistivities and thermopowers of all the samples go toward constant values of 7±\pm1 mΩ\Omegacm and 79±-79\pm3 μ\muV/K, which are independent of carrier density and crystal structures. We propose that the electric conduction occurs in a highly localized way in the high temperature limit, where the exchange of entropy and charge occurs in the neighboring Mn3+^{3+} and Mn4+^{4+} ions.Comment: 4 pages, 4 eps figures, to be published in J. Appl. Phy

    Structure-related transport properties of A-site ordered perovskite Sr3ErMn4-xGaxO10.5-d

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    We report x-ray diffraction, resistivity, thermopower, and magnetization of Sr3ErMn4-xGaxO10.5-d, in which A-site ordered tetragonal phase appears above x=1, and reveal that the system exhibits typical properties seen in the antiferromagnetic insulator with Mn3+. We succeed in preparing both A-site ordered and disordered phases for x=1 in different preparation conditions, and observe a significant decrease of the resistivity in the disordered phase. We discuss possible origins of the decrease focusing on the dimensionality and the disordered effect.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Restrictions of generalized Verma modules to symmetric pairs

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    We initiate a new line of investigation on branching problems for generalized Verma modules with respect to complex reductive symmetric pairs (g,k). Here we note that Verma modules of g may not contain any simple module when restricted to a reductive subalgebra k in general. In this article, using the geometry of K_C orbits on the generalized flag variety G_C/P_C, we give a necessary and sufficient condition on the triple (g,k, p) such that the restriction X|_k always contains simple k-modules for any g-module XX lying in the parabolic BGG category O^p attached to a parabolic subalgebra p of g. Formulas are derived for the Gelfand-Kirillov dimension of any simple k-module occurring in a simple generalized Verma module of g. We then prove that the restriction X|_k is multiplicity-free for any generic g-module X \in O if and only if (g,k) is isomorphic to a direct sum of (A_n,A_{n-1}), (B_n,D_n), or (D_{n+1},B_n). We also see that the restriction X|_k is multiplicity-free for any symmetric pair (g, k) and any parabolic subalgebra p with abelian nilradical and for any generic g-module X \in O^p. Explicit branching laws are also presented.Comment: 31 pages, To appear in Transformation Group

    Doppler radar with multiphase modulation of transmitted and reflected signal

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    A microwave radar signal is generated and split by a circulator. A phase shifter introduces a series of phase shifts into a first part of the split signal which is then transmitted by antenna. A like number of phase shifts is introduced by the phase shifter into the return signal from the target. The circulator delivers the phase shifted return signal and the leakage signal from the circulator to a mixer which generates an IF signal output at the Doppler frequency. The IF signal is amplified, filtered, counted per unit of time, and the result displayed to provide indications of target sense and range rate. An oscillator controls rate of phase shift in the transmitted and received radar signals and provides a time base for the counter. The phase shift magnitude increases may be continuous and linear or discrete functions of time

    Doppler radar having phase modulation of both transmitted and reflected return signals

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    A microwave radar signal is generated for transmission through an antenna. Before transmission, the signal is phase modulated by 0 deg or 90 deg amounts during each alternate half-cycles of an intermediate frequency (IF) clock signal. After transmission and return, the signal is again phase modulated the same amounts during each alternate half-cycles. The return phase modulated signal is mixed with a leakage signal component of the microwave signal, leaving an IF Doppler. The IF Doppler signal may then be amplified, removing any requirement that direct current level signals be amplified and also removing the effect of detector noise from the Doppler signal

    Modeling Grain Boundaries using a Phase Field Technique

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    We propose a two dimensional frame-invariant phase field model of grain impingement and coarsening. One dimensional analytical solutions for a stable grain boundary in a bicrystal are obtained, and equilibrium energies are computed. We are able to calculate the rotation rate for a free grain between two grains of fixed orientation. For a particular choice of functional dependencies in the model the grain boundary energy takes the same analytic form as the microscopic (dislocation) model of Read and Shockley.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Co-NMR Knight Shift of NaxCoO2 \dot yH2O Studied in Both Superconducting Regions of the Tc-nuQ3 Phase Diagram Divided by the Nonsuperconducting Phase

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    In the temperature (T)-nuQ3 phase diagram of NaxCoO2 \dot yH2O, there exist two superconducting regions of nuQ3 separated by the nonsuperconducting region, where nuQ3 is usually estimated from the peak position of the 59Co-NQR spectra of the 5/2-7/2 transition and well-approximated here as nuQ3~3nuQ,nuQ being the interaction energy between the nuclear quadrupole moment and the electric field gradient. We have carried out measurements of the 59Co-NMR Knight shift (K) for a single crystal in the higher-nuQ3 superconducting phase and found that K begins to decrease with decreasing T at Tc for both magnetic field directions parallel and perpendicular to CoO2-planes. The result indicates together with the previous ones that the superconducting pairs are in the spin-singlet state in both phases, excluding the possibility of the spin-triplet superconductivity in this phase diagram. The superconductivity of this system spreads over the wide nuQ3 regions, but is suppressed in the narrow region located at the middle point of the region possibly due to charge instability.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Method and apparatus for measuring distance

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    The invention employs a continuous wave radar technique and apparatus which can be used as a distance measuring system in the presence of background clutter by utilizing small passive transponders. A first continuous electromagnetic wave signal S sub 1 at a first frequency f sub 1 is transmitted from a first location. A transponder carried by a target object positioned at a second (remote) location receives the transmitted signal, phase-coherently divides the f sub 1 frequency and its phase, and re-transmits the transmitted signal as a second continuous electromagnetic wave signal S sub 2 at a lower frequency f sub 2 which is a subharmonic of f sub 1. The re-transmitted signal is received at the first location where a measurement of the phase difference is made between the signals S sub 1 and S sub 2, such measuremnt being indicative of the distance between the first and second locations

    Unitarization of monodromy representations and constant mean curvature trinoids in 3-dimensional space forms

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    We present a theorem on the unitarizability of loop group valued monodromy representations and apply this to show the existence of new families of constant mean curvature surfaces homeomorphic to a thrice-punctured sphere in the simply-connected 3-dimensional space forms R3\R^3, \bbS^3 and \bbH^3. Additionally, we compute the extended frame for any associated family of Delaunay surfaces.Comment: 18 pages, revised versio