48 research outputs found

    Probing quantum phases of ultracold atoms in optical lattices by transmission spectra in cavity QED

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    Studies of ultracold atoms in optical lattices link various disciplines, providing a playground where fundamental quantum many-body concepts, formulated in condensed-matter physics, can be tested in much better controllable atomic systems, e.g., strongly correlated phases, quantum information processing. Standard methods to measure quantum properties of Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) are based on matter-wave interference between atoms released from traps which destroys the system. Here we propose a nondestructive method based on optical measurements, and prove that atomic statistics can be mapped on transmission spectra of a high-Q cavity. This can be extremely useful for studying phase transitions between Mott insulator and superfluid states, since various phases show qualitatively distinct light scattering. Joining the paradigms of cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED) and ultracold gases will enable conceptually new investigations of both light and matter at ultimate quantum levels, which only recently became experimentally possible. Here we predict effects accessible in such novel setups.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Orbital superfluidity in the PP-band of a bipartite optical square lattice

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    The successful emulation of the Hubbard model in optical lattices has stimulated world wide efforts to extend their scope to also capture more complex, incompletely understood scenarios of many-body physics. Unfortunately, for bosons, Feynmans fundamental "no-node" theorem under very general circumstances predicts a positive definite ground state wave function with limited relevance for many-body systems of interest. A promising way around Feynmans statement is to consider higher bands in optical lattices with more than one dimension, where the orbital degree of freedom with its intrinsic anisotropy due to multiple orbital orientations gives rise to a structural diversity, highly relevant, for example, in the area of strongly correlated electronic matter. In homogeneous two-dimensional optical lattices, lifetimes of excited bands on the order of a hundred milliseconds are possible but the tunneling dynamics appears not to support cross-dimensional coherence. Here we report the first observation of a superfluid in the PP-band of a bipartite optical square lattice with SS-orbits and PP-orbits arranged in a chequerboard pattern. This permits us to establish full cross-dimensional coherence with a life-time of several ten milliseconds. Depending on a small adjustable anisotropy of the lattice, we can realize real-valued striped superfluid order parameters with different orientations Px±PyP_x \pm P_y or a complex-valued Px±iPyP_x \pm i P_y order parameter, which breaks time reversal symmetry and resembles the π\pi-flux model proposed in the context of high temperature superconductors. Our experiment opens up the realms of orbital superfluids to investigations with optical lattice models.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    U.S. Army Small Space Update

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    In December 2010, the U.S. Army flew its first satellite in 50 years, the SMDC-ONE CubeSat. Placed in a very low orbit, the first SMDC-ONE mission lasted only 35 days but enjoyed great success in demonstrating the viability of CubeSats to perform exfiltration of unattended ground sensors data and serve as a communications relay between ground stations over 1000 land miles apart. The success of SMDC-ONE helped shape the U.S. Army’s Space and Missile Defense Command’s (SMDC) programmatic goals for finding new and innovative ways to implement space applications and technologies that aid the warfighter. Since 2010, SMDC has flown ten additional CubeSats including the three SMDC Nanosatellite Program-3 (SNaP) CubeSats currently on orbit (launched October 2015). This paper addresses several SMDC satellite-related development efforts including SNaP, Army Resilient Global On-the-move SATCOM (ARGOS) Ka-band communications microsatellites, Kestrel Eye (an imaging microsatellite), Kestrel Eye Ground Station (KEGS), Common Ground Station (CGS) for all future Army small satellites, supporting technologies including Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) efforts, the Concepts Analysis Laboratory, SMDC Space Laboratory, the ACES RED effort and earlier responsive launch vehicle activities. Several of the lessons learned from previous as well as ongoing satellite activities are also covered

    Ethanol production from xylose by pichia stipitis NRRL Y-7124 in a stirred tank bioreactor

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    The ethanol production by Pichia stipitis was evaluated in a stirred tank bioreactor using semidefined medium containing xylose (90.0 g/l) as the main carbon source. Experimental assays were performed according to a 22 full factorial design to evaluate the influence of aeration (0.25 to 0.75 vvm) and agitation (150 to 250 rpm) conditions on ethanol production. In the studied range of values, the agitation increase and aeration decrease favored ethanol production, which was maximum (26.7 g/l) using 250 rpm and 0.25 vvm, conditions that gave a volumetric oxygen transfer coefficient (kLa value) of 4.9 h-1. Under these conditions, the ethanol yield factor, ethanol productivity, and the process efficiency were 0.32 g/g, 0.32 g/l.h, and 63%, respectively. These results are promising and contribute to the development of a suitable process for ethanol production from xylose by Pichia stipitis.The authors gratefully acknowledge Santander, Fapesp, Capes, and CNPq (Brazil)

    Quantum entanglement and disentanglement of multi-atom systems

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    We present a review of recent research on quantum entanglement, with special emphasis on entanglement between single atoms, processing of an encoded entanglement and its temporary evolution. Analysis based on the density matrix formalism are described. We give a simple description of the entangling procedure and explore the role of the environment in creation of entanglement and in disentanglement of atomic systems. A particular process we will focus on is spontaneous emission, usually recognized as an irreversible loss of information and entanglement encoded in the internal states of the system. We illustrate some certain circumstances where this irreversible process can in fact induce entanglement between separated systems. We also show how spontaneous emission reveals a competition between the Bell states of a two qubit system that leads to the recently discovered "sudden" features in the temporal evolution of entanglement. An another problem illustrated in details is a deterministic preparation of atoms and atomic ensembles in long-lived stationary squeezed states and entangled cluster states. We then determine how to trigger the evolution of the stable entanglement and also address the issue of a steered evolution of entanglement between desired pairs of qubits that can be achieved simply by varying the parameters of a given system.Comment: Review articl

    Biological Earth observation with animal sensors.

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    Space-based tracking technology using low-cost miniature tags is now delivering data on fine-scale animal movement at near-global scale. Linked with remotely sensed environmental data, this offers a biological lens on habitat integrity and connectivity for conservation and human health; a global network of animal sentinels of environmen-tal change

    Effect of cell immobilization and pH on Scheffersomyces stipitis growth and fermentation capacity in rich and inhibitory media

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    Background A wide range of value-added products can potentially be produced by bioprocessing hardwood spent sulfite liquors (HSSLs) that are by-products of pulp and paper industry with a high pentose sugar content. However, besides sugars, HSSLs contain considerable amounts of sulfonated lignin derivatives and acetic acid that inhibit the metabolic activity of most microorganisms. Scheffersomyces stipitis is a yeast with high capacity to ferment the pentose sugar xylose under appropriate microaerophilic conditions but it has limited tolerance to HSSL inhibitors. In the present study, cultivations of suspended and immobilized S. stipitis were compared in terms of growth capacity and by-product formation using rich medium and HSSL to investigate whether the immobilization of cells in calcium alginate beads could be a protection against inhibitors while favoring the presence of microaerophilic conditions. Results Whereas cell immobilization clearly favored the fermentative metabolism in rich medium, pH control was found to play a more important role than cell immobilization on the ethanol production efficiency from bio-detoxified HSSL (bdHSSL), leading to an improvement of 1.3-fold on the maximum ethanol productivity than using suspended cells. When immobilization and pH control were applied simultaneously, the ethanol yield improved by 1.3-fold with unchanged productivity, reaching 0.26 g ethanol.(g glucose\ +\ xylose)\−1. Analysis of the immobilized beads inside revealed that the cells had grown in the opposite direction of the cortex. Conclusions Immobilization and pH control at 5.5, when applied simultaneously, have a positive impact on the fermentative metabolism of S. stipitis, improving the ethanol production efficiency. For the first time light microscopic analysis of the beads suggested that the nutrient and mass transfer limitations played a more important role in the fermentation than a possible protective role against inhibitors. Keywords Scheffersomyces stipitis Hardwood spent sulfite liquor Cell immobilization Light microscopy Ca alginate beads Xylose fermentation Stress toleranc


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