1,445 research outputs found

    The Nose-hoover thermostated Lorentz gas

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    We apply the Nose-Hoover thermostat and three variations of it, which control different combinations of velocity moments, to the periodic Lorentz gas. Switching on an external electric field leads to nonequilibrium steady states for the four models with a constant average kinetic energy of the moving particle. We study the probability density, the conductivity and the attractor in nonequilibrium and compare the results to the Gaussian thermostated Lorentz gas and to the Lorentz gas as thermostated by deterministic scattering.Comment: 7 pages (revtex) with 10 figures (postscript), most of the figures are bitmapped with low-resolution. The originals are many MB, they can be obtained upon reques

    Logarithmic oscillators: ideal Hamiltonian thermostats

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    A logarithmic oscillator (in short, log-oscillator) behaves like an ideal thermostat because of its infinite heat capacity: when it weakly couples to another system, time averages of the system observables agree with ensemble averages from a Gibbs distribution with a temperature T that is given by the strength of the logarithmic potential. The resulting equations of motion are Hamiltonian and may be implemented not only in a computer but also with real-world experiments, e.g., with cold atoms.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. v4: version accepted in Phys. Rev. Let

    Separation of trajectories and its Relation to Entropy for Intermittent Systems with a Zero Lyapunov exponent

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    One dimensional intermittent maps with stretched exponential separation of nearby trajectories are considered. When time goes infinity the standard Lyapunov exponent is zero. We investigate the distribution of λα=i=0t1lnM(xi)/tα\lambda_{\alpha}= \sum_{i=0}^{t-1} \ln \left| M'(x_i) \right|/t^{\alpha}, where α\alpha is determined by the nonlinearity of the map in the vicinity of marginally unstable fixed points. The mean of λα\lambda_{\alpha} is determined by the infinite invariant density. Using semi analytical arguments we calculate the infinite invariant density for the Pomeau-Manneville map, and with it obtain excellent agreement between numerical simulation and theory. We show that \alpha \left is equal to Krengel's entropy and to the complexity calculated by the Lempel-Ziv compression algorithm. This generalized Pesin's identity shows that \left and Krengel's entropy are the natural generalizations of usual Lyapunov exponent and entropy for these systems.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    Anomalous diffusion in viscosity landscapes

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    Anomalous diffusion is predicted for Brownian particles in inhomogeneous viscosity landscapes by means of scaling arguments, which are substantiated through numerical simulations. Analytical solutions of the related Fokker-Planck equation in limiting cases confirm our results. For an ensemble of particles starting at a spatial minimum (maximum) of the viscous damping we find subdiffusive (superdiffusive) motion. Superdiffusion occurs also for a monotonically varying viscosity profile. We suggest different substances for related experimental investigations.Comment: 15 page

    Neutron-induced background in the CONUS experiment

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    CONUS is a novel experiment aiming at detecting elastic neutrino nucleus scattering in the fully coherent regime using high-purity Germanium (Ge) detectors and a reactor as antineutrino (νˉ\bar\nu) source. The detector setup is installed at the commercial nuclear power plant in Brokdorf, Germany, at a very small distance to the reactor core in order to guarantee a high flux of more than 1013νˉ^{13}\bar\nu/(s\cdotcm2^2). For the experiment, a good understanding of neutron-induced background events is required, as the neutron recoil signals can mimic the predicted neutrino interactions. Especially neutron-induced events correlated with the thermal power generation are troublesome for CONUS. On-site measurements revealed the presence of a thermal power correlated, highly thermalized neutron field with a fluence rate of (745±\pm30)cm2^{-2}d1^{-1}. These neutrons that are produced by nuclear fission inside the reactor core, are reduced by a factor of \sim1020^{20} on their way to the CONUS shield. With a high-purity Ge detector without shield the γ\gamma-ray background was examined including highly thermal power correlated 16^{16}N decay products as well as γ\gamma-lines from neutron capture. Using the measured neutron spectrum as input, it was shown, with the help of Monte Carlo simulations, that the thermal power correlated field is successfully mitigated by the installed CONUS shield. The reactor-induced background contribution in the region of interest is exceeded by the expected signal by at least one order of magnitude assuming a realistic ionization quenching factor of 0.2.Comment: 28 pages, 28 figure

    The challenge of non-Markovian energy balance models in climate

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    We first review the way in which Hasselmann’s paradigm, introduced in 1976 and recently honored with the Nobel Prize, can, like many key innovations in complexity science, be understood on several different levels. It can be seen as a way to add variability into the pioneering energy balance models (EBMs) of Budyko and Sellers. On a more abstract level, however, it used the original stochastic mathematical model of Brownian motion to provide a conceptual superstructure to link slow climate variability to fast weather fluctuations, in a context broader than EBMs, and led Hasselmann to posit a need for negative feedback in climate modeling. Hasselmann’s paradigm has still much to offer us, but naturally, since the 1970s, a number of newer developments have built on his pioneering ideas. One important one has been the development of a rigorous mathematical hierarchy that embeds Hasselmann-type models in the more comprehensive Mori-Zwanzig generalized Langevin equation (GLE) framework. Another has been the interest in stochastic EBMs with a memory that has slower decay and, thus, longer range than the exponential form seen in his EBMs. In this paper, we argue that the Mori-Kubo overdamped GLE, as widely used in statistical mechanics, suggests the form of a relatively simple stochastic EBM with memory for the global temperature anomaly. We also explore how this EBM relates to Lovejoy et al.’s fractional energy balance equation

    Stationary states for underdamped anharmonic oscillators driven by Cauchy noise

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    Using methods of stochastic dynamics, we have studied stationary states in the underdamped anharmonic stochastic oscillators driven by Cauchy noise. Shape of stationary states depend both on the potential type and the damping. If the damping is strong enough, for potential wells which in the overdamped regime produce multimodal stationary states, stationary states in the underdamped regime can be multimodal with the same number of modes like in the overdamped regime. For the parabolic potential, the stationary density is always unimodal and it is given by the two dimensional α\alpha-stable density. For the mixture of quartic and parabolic single-well potentials the stationary density can be bimodal. Nevertheless, the parabolic addition, which is strong enough, can destroy bimodlity of the stationary state.Comment: 9 page

    Lyapunov instability for a periodic Lorentz gas thermostated by deterministic scattering

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    In recent work a deterministic and time-reversible boundary thermostat called thermostating by deterministic scattering has been introduced for the periodic Lorentz gas [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 84}, 4268 (2000)]. Here we assess the nonlinear properties of this new dynamical system by numerically calculating its Lyapunov exponents. Based on a revised method for computing Lyapunov exponents, which employs periodic orthonormalization with a constraint, we present results for the Lyapunov exponents and related quantities in equilibrium and nonequilibrium. Finally, we check whether we obtain the same relations between quantities characterizing the microscopic chaotic dynamics and quantities characterizing macroscopic transport as obtained for conventional deterministic and time-reversible bulk thermostats.Comment: 18 pages (revtex), 7 figures (postscript

    Asymptotic solutions of decoupled continuous-time random walks with superheavy-tailed waiting time and heavy-tailed jump length distributions

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    We study the long-time behavior of decoupled continuous-time random walks characterized by superheavy-tailed distributions of waiting times and symmetric heavy-tailed distributions of jump lengths. Our main quantity of interest is the limiting probability density of the position of the walker multiplied by a scaling function of time. We show that the probability density of the scaled walker position converges in the long-time limit to a non-degenerate one only if the scaling function behaves in a certain way. This function as well as the limiting probability density are determined in explicit form. Also, we express the limiting probability density which has heavy tails in terms of the Fox HH-function and find its behavior for small and large distances.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figur