973 research outputs found

    Eksistensi Pendidikan Islam Nahdlatul Ulama

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    Pendidikan NU merupakan sejarah panjang yang mengikuti perjalanan bangsa Indonesia. Dalam konteks pendidikan keberadaan NU hingga saat ini selalu ditopang oleh pesantren. Oleh karena itu, Pesantren adalah basis kekuatan NU yang melahirkan para ulama dan kiai, kemudian membentuk jamâiyah NU dan berjuang di dalamnya. Pada zaman penjajah, pesantren bersikap non kooperatif bahkan mengadakan konfrontasi terhadap penjajah. Akibat dari sikap tersebut, maka pemerintah kolonial ketika itu mengadakan kontrol dan pengawasan yang ketat terhadap pesantren. Setelah Indonesia merdeka, pesantren tumbuh dan berkembang dengan pesat, hal itu dikarenakan eksistensi  pendidikan NU memiliki dua ciri keunggulan;  (1) Aliyâh itimad alannafsi (berdikari), (2) Fil Ijtimaiyah (memasyarakat) yang berarti dari masyarakat dan untuk masyarakat

    Orientasi Politik Pemilih Memilih Nomor Urut 1 pada Pemilihan Umum Anggota Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (Dprd) Provinsi Riau Tahun 2014 (Studi Kasus Daerah Pemilihan Riau II)

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    Particulary in the list of elected candidates for the Regional Representatives Council (DPRD) of Riau Province in the general election in 2014 of people the winner of member Regional Representatives Council (DPRD) in numeric 1 is 39 people or 60%.. How Political Orientation Voters Choose Number 1 in the General Election of the Regional Representatives Council (DPRD) of Riau Province Year 2014 (Case Study of Electoral District of Riau II) ?. Purposes to know Political Orientation Voters Choose Number 1 in the General Election of the Regional Representatives Council (DPRD) of Riau Province Year 2014 (Case Study of Electoral District of Riau II). Research methods quantitative menthods. The research location in Kampar regency. Sampling probality sampling methods. Sources of primary data in the form of questionnaires and secondary data sources. Conclusion voter serial number 1 in the general election members of the Regional Representatives Council (DPRD) of Riau Province in 2014 are likely to see figures/candidate than the serial number of the figure/candidates. It can be seen from the results of the questionnaire as many as 50 respondents or 48,08% who agreed and 33 respondents or 31,73% that states could not agree in selecting candidates see figure/candidate, elector number 1 in the general election members of the Regional Representatives Council (DPRD) of Riau Province in 2014 either choose based on serial numbers and look at the figures /candidates have a tendency to political orientation positively are : based on common religion professed by candidates with voters (political orientation affective), based once candidates meeting/face to face with voters (political orientation affective), based on the program. Offered by candidatates during the campaign either a change in the social field as well as changes in the economic (political orientation evaluative)

    Faktor Penyebab Rendahnya Partisipasi Pemilih dalam Pemilihan Bupati dan Wakil Bupati Pelalawan di Kecamatan Pangkalan Kerinci Tahun 2015

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    The regency is a division Kampar, which was established by Act No. 53 of 1999. Initially composed of four sub-district. Subdistrict Pangkalan Kerinci is the capital of Pelalawan. Basically the success of an election is determined by several things these include the voter, which is one characteristic of a democratic government that is a government based on community participation.The concept of the theory that researchers use is participation. said participation comes from the word to Participate, which can be interpreted to participate. According Tosun participation can create community, the various activities, both local and national scale. Participation means participation of a person or group of people in the development process in the form of a statement.This study uses qualitative research methods with an assessment of descriptive data. In collecting the data, researchers use interviewing techniques, observation and studikepustakaan. By using key informants and informant as a supplementary source of information.The results of this study indicate that factors affecting the low turnout in the election of the Regent and Vice Regent in the District of Pangkalan Kerinci Pelalawan are technical factors, employment, socialization, administrative factors and political factors

    Tinjauan Hukum Kontrak Baku Jual-beli Perumahan Yang Memuat Klausula Eksonerasi

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    Pengembang wajib melaksanakan pendirian bangunan sesuai waktu yang telah diperjanjikan menurut gambar arsitektur, denah, dan spesifikasi teknik bangunan yang menjadi bagian tak terpisahkan dalam perjanjian pengikatan jual-beli rumah tersebut. Penelitian yang penulis gunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian yuridis normatif. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui adanya persyaratan-persyaratan yang terdapat dalam perjanjian standar jual beli rumah dibuat oleh pebisnis real estate sah ataukah tidak sah ditinjau dari hukum perjanjian. Mengetahui bahwa klausula eksonerasi yang tercantum dalam perjanjian standar melanggar ataukah tidak ketentuan-ketentuan yang terdapat dalam Undang-undang Perlindungan Konsumen. Data sekunder yang diperoleh melalui studi kepustakaan didukung data primer dari lapangan selanjutnya dianalisis secara kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa klausula eksonerasi yang terdapat dalam perjanjian jual beli Perumahan dalam perspektif kebebasan membuat perjanjian (freedom of contract) tidak memenuhi syarat subyektif dan syarat obyektif sebagaimana ditentukan dalam Pasal 1320 KUHPerdata. Dengan demikian secara yuridis materiil perjanjian baku tersebut tidak mempunyai kekuatan mengikat. Klausula eksonerasi yang dicantumkan oleh pengembang dalam perjanjian jual beli rumah yang berisi ketentuan pengalihan tanggung jawab, tindakan berupa pembatalan sepihak dan pengembang tidak mengembalikan uang yang dibayarkan oleh pembeli adalah melanggar Pasal 18 ayat (1) huruf, a, c dan d Undang-undang Perlindungan Konsumen. Pelaku USAha wajib menyesuaikan klausula baku yang bertentangan dengan Undang-undang ini. Terhadap pengetahuan konsumen tentang Undang-undang perlindungan konsumen yang melindungi hak-hak mereka

    Another player in citation database: Are we subscribing?

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    Digital Science’s Dimensions has been officially launched in January 2018. At a first glance, this is an exciting development, bringing new competition to the existing field, which is dominated by Clarivate’s Web of Science and Elsevier’s Scopus. Since Dimensions is a freemium, features such as full text and citation analytics require a subscription. Prior to subscription, library typically conducts trials and thorough evaluation, measuring the value that Dimensions brings to the institution, comparing it to existing products, calculating the cost of switching, examining its features and contents, and even considering the future of the product and the company. This paper, however, suggests that a broader, more holistic approach is needed, beyond the typical database evaluation. It is important to place citation database as one of the components of research workflow infrastructure and measure its implication to the entire workflow. Within the university, all stakeholders of research workflow infrastructure need to communicate and be aware of the various infrastructure that is available. In the end, different institution might have a different technological approach in managing their research infrastructure. An integrated research infrastructure, a modular, an open, or even an outsourced infrastructure; the approach has to suit the need of the institution and provides the best support to the researchers

    Supporting research through information literacy programmes: SMU Libraries\u27 learning journeys

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    Library and Experiential Learning: Taking Collaboration to the Next Level

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    Weather and Violent Crime in Brazil

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    This paper examines the effect of weather shocks on violent crime using disaggregated data from Brazilian municipalities over the period 1991-2015. I document that adverse weather shocks in the form of droughts lead to a significant increase in violent crime, with the effect appearing to persist beyond the growing season and over the medium run. To explain this persistence, I show that weather uctuations are positively associated not only with agriculture yields, but also with the overall economic activity. Moreover, evidence shows the dominance of opportunity cost mechanism reected in the uctuations of the labor income especially for the agriculture and unskilled workers, giving credence that it is indeed the labor income that matters and not the general socio-economic conditions. Other factors such as local government budget capacity, (un)-employment, poverty, inequality, and psychological factors do not seem to explain violent crime rates

    Light Deflection, Lensing, and Time Delays from Gravitational Potentials and Fermat's Principle in the Presence of a Cosmological Constant

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    The contribution of the cosmological constant to the deflection angle and the time delays are derived from the integration of the gravitational potential as well as from Fermat's Principle. The findings are in agreement with recent results using exact solutions to Einstein's equations and reproduce precisely the new Λ\Lambda-term in the bending angle and the lens equation. The consequences on time delay expressions are explored. While it is known that Λ\Lambda contributes to the gravitational time delay, it is shown here that a new Λ\Lambda-term appears in the geometrical time delay as well. Although these newly derived terms are perhaps small for current observations, they do not cancel out as previously claimed. Moreover, as shown before, at galaxy cluster scale, the Λ\Lambda contribution can be larger than the second-order term in the Einstein deflection angle for several cluster lens systems.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, matches version published in PR
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