835 research outputs found

    Fermentation Ability of Lactobacillus Plantarum on the Infertile Egg at Different Incubation TIME

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    The use of infertile egg can be offset by increasing the quality of product by fermentation to be a highly competitive commodity. Fermented yield can be used as functional food ingredients which are good for health, for facilitating absorption, and for extending the shelf life of the product. The purpose of this research was to determine the fermentation ability of Lactobacillus plantarum on the infertile egg at different incubation time. Infertile egg was broken and sterilized for 15 minutes and then fermented for 0, 2, and 4 days. Parameters measured in this research were the total count of L. plantarum, pH value, lactic acid content, and moisture content. Experimental data were analyzed using analysis of variance of completely randomized design. The results showed that total L. plantarum (Log10 CFU/ml) increased in line with the incubation time, i.e. 8.3, 9.31, 9.73, respectively for day 0, 2, and 4 of the incubation time. The pH decreased as incubation time increased, namely 7.05, 5.67, 5.36, respectively for day 0, 2, and 4. The value of lactic acid content for day 0, 2, and 4 of incubation period was 0.62%, 1.28%, 2.15%, respectively while the water content was 71.3%, 73.21%, and 74.94%, respectively. In conclusion, this research proved the existence of the fermentation ability of L. plantarumtowards the infertile egg which were indicated by the increase of the total count of L. plantarum, lactid acid content and moisture content, even though pH value decreased as the incubation period increased. The optimum time of the incubation period was 4 days

    Kontribusi Gawai Dayak dalam Menumbuhkan Nilai-nilai Solidaritas Generasi Muda Desa Sekendal

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    This research goals to Gawai Dayak contribution in arising the solidarity values in Sekendal village Air Besar Municipal Landak Regency. The problems are how was the process to hold Gawai Dayak in Sekendal village, how was the contribution of Gawai Dayak in arising the moral feeling value, and the trust of togetherness on the youth generation in Sekendal village. The method is qualitative-descriptive. The data collecting techniques are observation, interview, and documentation study. As for, the data collecting instruments are observation guideline, interview guideline, and documentation. The result shows that Gawai Dayak in Sekendal village is still maintained well with Gawai Dayak is held routinely every year. It gives the contribution in arising the moral feeling values to youth generation in Sekendal village. It also gives the contribution in arising the trust of togetherness to youth generation in Sekendal village

    Karakteristik Daging Dengan Penambahan NaCl Pada Berbagai Waktu Aging Post Mortem

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    It is important to maintain meat characteristics after slaughtering because its relationship with preferences and economics values of meat and meat product. Salt addition is an alternative. The aim of this research was to observe influence of salt addition on meat characteristics during the first 7 day of post mortem aging. Meat sample was divided into three groups of salt added treatments : 1) without salt addition, 2) salt added at one day prior to aging, and 3) salt added every day along aging period. The results showed that salt added at the zero day was to increase pH, solubility of salt-soluble protein, and water holding capasity (WHC) to a higher level compared to the other two treatments. Although salt addition may increased the meat characteristics, decreasing these characteristics could not be avoided when the meat stored for 7 day post mortem aging

    Jet quenching in shock waves

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    We study the propagation of an ultrarelativistic light quark jet inside a shock wave using the holographic principle. The maximum stopping distance and its dependency on the energy of the jet is obtained

    Survey on Characteristics of Processing and Quality of Dangke Milk Cows in Enrekang District, South Sulawesi

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    The development of the processing industry of dangke milk cows in Enrekang district had an important role in support of the improvement of national milk consumption and absorption of milk cows of local farmers. The purpose of research is to describe of the characteristics of the processing of dangke milk cows consisting of methods of manufacture and storage, as well as the quality of dangke in Enrekang district. This research is a descriptive survey. The respondents are 60 people manufacturers dangke milk cows which selected by simple random sampling. Data on the characteristics of dangke processing collected through observation and interviews with open-ended questionnaire, whereas quality of dangke (moisture, fat, protein, ash, and pH) were measured by AOAC method (1995). Data were analyzed with descriptive statistics. Conclusion of this study is that the method of manufacture of dangke milk cows includes heating of the milk, the addition of papaya latex solution, filtering and printing of the curd, and packaging products are varied quantitatively cause the quality of dangke is diverse. Dangke storage method allows a reduction of the quality of the physical and microbiological dangke milk cows

    Uji Teknologi Pembuatan Sirup Markisa Skala Rumah Tangga

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    This study aimed at assessing quality of passion fruit juice and profitability level through application ofintroduced processing technology compared to existing farmers' technology. The study was conducted in Cikorovillage, Gowa district, since April to December 2000. There were 24 sample farmers divided into two groups. Thefirst group applied introduced technology, while the other group practiced existing technology. Each group had threereplications of experiments and each group treated 6,000 pieces of passion fruits. Passion fruit juice of each group wasexamined chemically and using organoleptic test. Results comparison of the two groups was carried out using t-test.The results showed that (1) passion fruit juice processed using introduced technology had better quality, namelystronger flavor, higher contents of acid and vitamin C, and no coagulation during one-month storage; (2) applicationof introduced processing technology resulted in higher profit than that of existing technology, namely Rp,464,520(B/C ratio of 1.38 and R/C ratio of 2.38) compared to Rp 1,762,670 (B/C ratio of 1.08 and R/C ratio of 2.08).Key words: juice, Passiflora edulis, household, processing technology Pengkajian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui mutu sari buah dan keuntungan yang diperoleh dengan penerapanteknologi yang diperbaiki dan teknologi petani dalam pembuatan sirup markisa skala rumah tangga. Pengkajiandilaksanakan di Kelurahan Cikoro, Kabupaten Gowa pada bulan April hingga Desember 2000, melibatkan 24 petaniyang dibagi menjadi dua kelompok. Kelompok pertama membuat sari buah markisa melalui penggunaan teknologiintroduksi, sedangkan kelompok lainnya menggunakan teknologi petani. Kegiatan pembuatan sirup markisa darimasing-masing teknologi tersebut diulang tiga kali. Sirup markisa dari kedua kelompok tersebut diuji secara kimiadan organoleptik serta dibandingkan dengan menggunakan uji t. Hasil pengkajian menunjukkan bahwa : (1) mutu saribuah yang dihasilkan dengan teknologi introduksi memiliki beberapa keunggulan, yaitu aroma yang lebih kuat,kandungan asam dan vitamin C lebih tinggi, dan tidak terjadi pengendapan selama sebulan dalam penyimpanan; (2)penggunaan teknologi introduksi memberikan keuntungan yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan teknologi petani,yaitu masing-masing sebanyak Rp. 2.464.520 (B/C ratio 1,38 dan R/C ratio 2,38) dan Rp. 1.762.670,- (B/C ratio 1,08dan R/C ratio 2,08) dari pengolahan 6000 buah markisa

    Survey on the Potency of Cow Milk Dangke as an Alternative to Buffalo Milk Dangke in Enrekang, South Sulawesi

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    The scarcity of buffalo milk caused farmers in Enrekang district switch to use cow's milk as a raw material for the manufacture of dangke. This study aims to explore the potential of dangke milk cows from various aspects in the field. Information on population and daily milk production of dairy cows and buffalo, as well as questionnaire data of dangke consumers of Enrekang were obtained in Enrekang district, while data of dangke consumer of not Enrekang were collected with organoleptic tests and questionnaires. Determination of respondents Enrekang with simple random sampling while respondents are not Enrekang with purposive sampling. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, independent two-sample t test and chi squared test. The potential benefits of cow milk dangke compared to cow buffalo dangke is that with the same quality (moisture, fat, protein, ash, and pH value) cow's milk dangke has higher raw material availability, cheaper price, easier attainability, widely accepted by Enrekang consumer population, preferred by the non-Enrekang consumer population, and also possess colour and flavor that is preferred by consumers

    Fermentation Ability of Lactobacillus plantarum on the Infertile Egg at Different Incubation Time

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    The use of infertile egg can be offset by increasing the quality of product by fermentation to be a highly competitive commodity. Fermented yield can be used as functional food ingredients which are good for health, for facilitating absorption, and for extending the shelf life of the product. The purpose of this research was to determine the fermentation ability of Lactobacillus plantarum on the infertile egg at different incubation time. Infertile egg was broken and sterilized for 15 minutes and then fermented for 0, 2, and 4 days. Parameters measured in this research were the total count of L. plantarum, pH value, lactic acid content, and moisture content. Experimental data were analyzed using analysis of variance of completely randomized design. The results showed that total L. plantarum (Log10 CFU/ml) increased in line with the incubation time, i.e. 8.3, 9.31, 9.73, respectively for day 0, 2, and 4 of the incubation time. The pH decreased as incubation time increased, namely 7.05, 5.67, 5.36, respectively for day 0, 2, and 4. The value of lactic acid content for day 0, 2, and 4 of incubation period was 0.62%, 1.28%, 2.15%, respectively while the water content was 71.3%, 73.21%, and 74.94%, respectively. In conclusion, this research proved the existence of the fermentation ability of L. plantarumtowards the infertile egg which were indicated by the increase of the total count of L. plantarum, lactid acid content and moisture content, even though pH value decreased as the incubation period increased. The optimum time of the incubation period was 4 days
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