696 research outputs found

    Continuous Time Monte Carlo for Lattice QCD in the Strong Coupling Limit

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    We present results for lattice QCD in the limit of infinite gauge coupling, obtained from a worm-type Monte Carlo algorithm on a discrete spatial lattice but with continuous Euclidean time. This is obtained by sending both the anisotropy parameter gamma^2 \sim a/a_t and the number of time-slices N_\tau to infinity, keeping the ratio \gamma^2/N_\tau \sim aT fixed. The obvious gain is that no continuum extrapolation N_\tau -> \infty has to be carried out. Moreover, the algorithm is faster and the sign problem disappears. We compare our computations with those on discrete lattices. We determine the phase diagram as a function of temperature and baryon chemical potential.Comment: 4 pages, Proceedings for Quark Matter 2011 Conference, May 23-28, 2011, Annecy, Franc

    Low temperature properties of the infinite-dimensional attractive Hubbard model

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    We investigate the attractive Hubbard model in infinite spatial dimensions by combining dynamical mean-field theory with a strong-coupling continuous-time quantum Monte Carlo method. By calculating the superfluid order parameter and the density of states, we discuss the stability of the superfluid state. In the intermediate coupling region above the critical temperature, the density of states exhibits a heavy fermion behavior with a quasi-particle peak in the dense system, while a dip structure appears in the dilute system. The formation of the superfluid gap is also addressed.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure

    Numerically Exact Long Time Behavior of Nonequilibrium Quantum Impurity Models

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    A Monte Carlo sampling of diagrammatic corrections to the non-crossing approximation is shown to provide numerically exact estimates of the long-time dynamics and steady state properties of nonequilibrium quantum impurity models. This `bold' expansion converges uniformly in time and significantly ameliorates the sign problem that has heretofore limited the power of real-time Monte Carlo approaches to strongly interacting real-time quantum problems. The new approach enables the study of previously intractable problems ranging from generic long time nonequilibrium transport characteristics in systems with large onsite repulsion to the direct description of spectral functions on the real frequency axis in Dynamical Mean Field Theory

    Decoherence of spin echoes

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    We define a quantity, the so-called purity fidelity, which measures the rate of dynamical irreversibility due to decoherence, observed e.g in echo experiments, in the presence of an arbitrary small perturbation of the total (system + environment) Hamiltonian. We derive a linear response formula for the purity fidelity in terms of integrated time correlation functions of the perturbation. Our relation predicts, similarly to the case of fidelity decay, faster decay of purity fidelity the slower decay of time correlations is. In particular, we find exponential decay in quantum mixing regime and faster, initially quadratic and later typically gaussian decay in the regime of non-ergodic, e.g. integrable quantum dynamics. We illustrate our approach by an analytical calculation and numerical experiments in the Ising spin 1/2 chain kicked with tilted homogeneous magnetic field where part of the chain is interpreted as a system under observation and part as an environment.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figure

    Heat-shock mediated overexpression of HNF1β mutations has differential effects on gene expression in the Xenopus pronephric kidney.

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    The transcription factor HNF1B, encoded by the TCF2 gene, plays an important role in the organogenesis of vertebrates. In humans, heterozygous mutations of HNF1B are associated with several diseases, such as pancreatic β-cell dysfunction leading to maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY5), defective kidney development, disturbed liver function, pancreas atrophy, and malformations of the genital tract. The African claw frog Xenopus laevis is an excellent model to study the processes involved in embryogenesis and organogenesis, as it can be manipulated easily with a series of methods. In the present study, we overexpressed HNF1β mutants in the developing Xenopus embryo to assess their roles during organogenesis, particularly in the developing pronephric kidney. Towards this goal, we developed a heat-shock inducible binary Cre/loxP system with activator and effector strains. Heat-shock activation of the mutant HNF1B variants P328L329del and A263insGG resulted in malformations of various organs and the affected larvae developed large edemas. Defects in the pronephros were primarily confined to malformed proximal tubules. Furthermore, the expression of the proximal tubule marker genes tmem27 and slc3a1, both involved in amino acid transport, was affected. Both P328L329del and A263insGG downregulated expression of slc3a1. In addition, P328L329del reduced tmem27 expression while A263insGG overexpression decreased expression of the chloride channel clcnk and the transcription factor pax2. Overexpression of two mutant HNF1B derivatives resulted in distinct phenotypes reflected by either a reduction or an enlargement of pronephros size. The expression of selected pronephric marker genes was differentially affected upon overexpression of HNF1B mutations. Based on our findings, we postulate that HNF1B mutations influence gene regulation upon overexpression in specific and distinct manners. Furthermore, our study demonstrates that the newly established Cre/loxP system for Xenopus embryos is an attractive alternative to examine the gene regulatory potential of transcription factors in developing pronephric kidney as exemplified here for HNF1B

    Dynamical mean field solution of the Bose-Hubbard model

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    We present the effective action and self-consistency equations for the bosonic dynamical mean field (B-DMFT) approximation to the bosonic Hubbard model and show that it provides remarkably accurate phase diagrams and correlation functions. To solve the bosonic dynamical mean field equations we use a continuous-time Monte Carlo method for bosonic impurity models based on a diagrammatic expansion in the hybridization and condensate coupling. This method is readily generalized to bosonic mixtures, spinful bosons, and Bose-Fermi mixtures.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures. includes supplementary materia

    Diagrammatic Monte Carlo for Correlated Fermions

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    We show that Monte Carlo sampling of the Feynman diagrammatic series (DiagMC) can be used for tackling hard fermionic quantum many-body problems in the thermodynamic limit by presenting accurate results for the repulsive Hubbard model in the correlated Fermi liquid regime. Sampling Feynman's diagrammatic series for the single-particle self-energy we can study moderate values of the on-site repulsion (U/t4U/t \sim 4) and temperatures down to T/t=1/40T/t=1/40. We compare our results with high temperature series expansion and with single-site and cluster dynamical mean-field theory.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, stylistic change

    Superficial Palmar Arch Aneurysm after Carpal Tunnel Decompression, a Rare Complication: A Case Report

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    False aneurysms of the palmar arteries are rare. They are usually associated with traumatic injuries to the hand vasculature. We present a case of superficial palmar arch aneurysm (SPAA), complicating carpal tunnel decompression which presented as a pulsatile mass at the site of previous surgery. Initial diagnosis was made on clinical examination and confirmed on doppler ultrasound (US) and computed tomographic angiography (CTA). The feeding vessel of the aneurysm was subsequently occluded using coil embolization

    The discovery of optical emission from the SNR G 126.2 + 1.6

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    Interference filter photographs were used to identify an arc of nebulosity that is coincident with the radio contours of the galactic supernova remnant G 126.2 + 1.6. Spectrophotometry of the filament shows that the emission line spectrum matches the spectra of other galactic supernova remnants. In particular, the arc shows the usual strong SII, and NII emission lines seen in other remnants and unusually strong OII emission as seen in a few remnants. The spectrum can be adequately matched by a shock of velocity near 100 km/s in an interstellar cloud of density 3. If the SNR is at a distance of 4.5 kpc as indicated by the radio signal-D relation, then the observed pressure in the filament requires an initial energy near 4 x 10 to the 51st power (d/4.5 kpc) to the 3rd power ergs

    Thermal X-ray emission from shocked ejecta in Type Ia Supernova Remnants. Prospects for explosion mechanism identification

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    The explosion mechanism behind Type Ia supernovae is a matter of continuing debate. The diverse attempts to identify or at least constrain the physical processes involved in the explosion have been only partially successful so far. In this paper we propose to use the thermal X-ray emission from young supernova remnants originated in Type Ia events to extract relevant information concerning the explosions themselves. We have produced a grid of thermonuclear supernova models representative of the paradigms currently under debate: pure deflagrations, delayed detonations, pulsating delayed detonations and sub-Chandrasekhar explosions, using their density and chemical composition profiles to simulate the interaction with the surrounding ambient medium and the ensuing plasma heating, non-equilibrium ionization and thermal X-ray emission of the ejecta. Key observational parameters such as electron temperatures, emission measures and ionization time scales are presented and discussed. We find that not only is it possible to identify the explosion mechanism from the spectra of young Type Ia Supernova Remnants, it is in fact necessary to take the detailed ejecta structure into account if such spectra are to be modeled in a self-consistent way. Neither element line flux ratios nor element emission measures are good estimates of the true ratios of ejected masses, with differences of as much as two or three orders of magnitude for a given model. Comparison with observations of the Tycho SNR suggests a delayed detonation as the most probable explosion mechanism. Line strengths, line ratios, and the centroid of the Fe Kalpha line are reasonably well reproduced by a model of this kind.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures (5 of them color), accepted for publication by the Ap