12 research outputs found

    Natural ventilation and energy consumption of dwellings

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    Within the framework of energy conservation for private dwellings, the European Economic Community and the Dutch Ministry for Housing and Public Works have financed an investigation concerning ventilation and energy conservation in dwellings. The object of investigation is: 1. The acquisition of information-: 2. making predictions based on this information-: 3. publication of measures, concerning ventilation and energy conservation in dwellings.

    Ventilatieberekeningen aan flat- en eensgezinswoningen

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    Dit onderzoek werd uitgevoerd ten behoeve van een door de afdeling Stromingstechniek MT-TNO in opdracht van de Stichting Projectbeheerbureau Energie Onderzoek(PEO). Met het oog op het beperken van het energieverbruik is door de afdeling Binnenmilieu van MT-TNO een modelonderzoek uitgevoerd naar de mogelijkheden omwind te weren. Met het MT-TNO ventilatierekenmodel is een rekenstudie gedaan aan de ventilatie en het daarbij behorende energieverbruik van flat- en eengezinswoningen. Er is gerekend aan woningen met drie verschillende typen ventilatievoorzieningen: natuurlijke ventilatie (systeem A), mechanische afvoer (systeem C) en gebalanceerde ventilatie (systeem D) volgens NEN 1087 1 .

    Herziening NEN 5128. Formules voor berekening warmteverlies door ventilatie en infiltratie

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    Simulation of Ventilation Rates and Heat Losses during Airing in Large Single Zone Buildings in Cold Climates

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    Airing can be a solution to introduce extra ventilation in large single zone buildings, especially where there are large aggregations of people such as churches or atriums. In naturally ventilated domestic and ancient buildings, opening of a window or door can introduce extra fresh air and remove particles and other contaminants emitted from people and other sources such as lit candles in churches. However, the energy use might be an issue in cold climates, where airing might lead to waste of heated air, at the same time as indoor air temperatures can be uncomfortably low. In the present study, the energy loss and ventilation rate due to airing in a large single zone (church) building is investigated via IDA-ICE simulation on annual basis in cold weather conditions. The results can be used in order to prepare airing guidelines for large single zone buildings such as atriums, churches, industry halls and large sport halls. According to the results, one-hour of airing in the studied church building resulted in 40-50 % of exchanged room air and, if practiced once a week, an increase of around 1 % in heating energy.Forthcomming March 2019</p