43 research outputs found

    Evolution of long-lived globular cluster stars I. Grid of stellar models with helium enhancement at [Fe/H] =-1.75

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    Context. Our understanding of the formation and early evolution of globular clusters (GCs) has been totally overthrown with the discovery of the peculiar chemical properties of their long-lived host stars. Aims. As a consequence, the interpretation of the observed color-magnitude diagrams and of the properties of the GC stellar populations requires the use of stellar models computed with relevant chemical compositions. Methods. We present a grid of 224 stellar evolution models for low-mass stars with initial masses between 0.3 and 1.0 M⊙ and initial helium mass fraction between 0.248 and 0.8 computed for [Fe/H] = –1.75 with the stellar evolution code STAREVOL. This grid is made available to the community. Results. We explore the implications of the assumed initial chemical distribution for the main properties of the stellar models: evolution paths in the Hertzsprung-Russel diagram (HRD), duration and characteristics of the main evolutionary phases, and the chemical nature of the white dwarf remnants. We also provide the ranges in initial stellar mass and helium content of the stars that populate the different regions of the HRD at the ages of 10 and 13.4 Gyr, which are typical for Galactic GCs

    Multiple populations within globular clusters in Early-type galaxies Exploring their effect on stellar initial mass function estimates

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    It is now well-established that most (if not all) ancient globular clusters host multiple popula- tions, that are characterised by distinct chemical features such as helium abundance variations along with N-C and Na-O anti-correlations, at fixed [Fe/H]. These very distinct chemical fea- tures are similar to what is found in the centres of the massive early-type galaxies and may influence measurements of the global properties of the galaxies. Additionally, recent results have suggested that M/L variations found in the centres of massive early-type galaxies might be due to a bottom-heavy stellar initial mass function. We present an analysis of the effects of globular cluster-like multiple populations on the integrated properties of early-type galaxies. In particular, we focus on spectral features in the integrated optical spectrum and the global mass-to-light ratio that have been used to infer variations in the stellar initial mass function. To achieve this we develop appropriate stellar population synthesis models and take into account, for the first time, an initial-final mass relation which takes into consideration a varying He abundance. We conclude that while the multiple populations may be present in massive early-type galaxies, they are likely not responsible for the observed variations in the mass- to-light ratio and IMF sensitive line strengths. Finally, we estimate the fraction of stars with multiple populations chemistry that come from disrupted globular clusters within massive ellipticals and find that they may explain some of the observed chemical patterns in the centres of these galaxies

    Evolution of long-lived globular cluster stars III. Effect of the initial helium spread on the position of stars in a synthetic Hertzsprung-Russell diagram

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    Context. Globular clusters host multiple populations of long-lived low-mass stars whose origin remains an open question. Several scenarios have been proposed to explain the associated photometric and spectroscopic peculiarities. They differ, for instance, in the maximum helium enrichment they predict for stars of the second population, which these stars can inherit at birth as the result of the internal pollution of the cluster by different types of stars of the first population. Aims. We present the distribution of helium-rich stars in present-day globular clusters as it is expected in the original framework of the fast-rotating massive stars scenario (FRMS) as first-population polluters. We focus on NGC 6752. Methods. We completed a grid of 330 stellar evolution models for globular cluster low-mass stars computed with different initial chemical compositions corresponding to the predictions of the original FRMS scenario for [Fe/H] = −1.75. Starting from the initial helium-sodium relation that allows reproducing the currently observed distribution of sodium in NGC 6752, we deduce the helium distribution expected in that cluster at ages equal to 9 and 13 Gyr. We distinguish the stars that are moderately enriched in helium from those that are very helium-rich (initial helium mass fraction below and above 0.4, respectively), and compare the predictions of the FRMS framework with other scenarios for globular cluster enrichment. Results. The effect of helium enrichment on the stellar lifetime and evolution reduces the total number of very helium-rich stars that remain in the cluster at 9 and 13 Gyr to only 12% and 10%, respectively, from an initial fraction of 21%. Within this age range, most of the stars still burn their hydrogen in their core, which widens the MS band significantly in effective temperature. The fraction of very helium-rich stars drops in the more advanced evolution phases, where the associated spread in effective temperature strongly decreases. These stars even disappear from the horizontal branch and the asymptotic giant branch at 13 Gyr. Conclusions. The helium constraint is no suitable criterion for clearly distinguishing between the scenarios for GC self-enrichment because only few very helium-rich stars are predicted in the investigated framework and because it is difficult to derive the helium content of GC stars observationally. However, the helium constraint indicates some difficulties of the original FRMS scenario that require the exploration of alternatives

    Helium enrichment in intermediate-age Magellanic Clouds clusters: towards an ubiquity of multiple stellar populations?

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    Intermediate-age star clusters in the Magellanic Clouds harbour signatures of the multiple stellar populations long thought to be restricted to old globular clusters. We compare synthetic horizontal branch models with Hubble Space Telescope photometry of clusters in the Magellanic Clouds, with age between ~2 and ~10 Gyr, namely NGC 121, Lindsay 1, NGC 339, NGC 416, Lindsay 38, Lindsay 113, Hodge 6 and NGC 1978. We find a clear signature of initial helium abundance spreads (delta(Y)) in four out of these eight clusters (NGC 121, Lindsay 1, NGC 339, NGC 416) and we quantify the value of delta(Y). For two clusters (Lindsay 38, Lindsay 113) we can only determine an upper limit for delta(Y), whilst for the two youngest clusters in our sample (Hodge 6 and NGC 1978) no conclusion about the existence of an initial He spread can be reached. Our delta(Y) estimates are consistent with the correlation between maximum He abundance spread and mass of the host cluster found in Galactic globular clusters. This result strengthens the emerging view that the formation of multiple stellar populations is a standard process in massive star clusters, not limited to a high redshift environment

    Impact of a companion and of chromospheric emission on the shape of chromosome maps for globular clusters

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    We investigate the role of binaries and chromospheric emission on HST photometry of globular clusters' stars. We quantify their respective effects on the position of stars in the chromosome map, especially among the first population. We computed atmosphere models and synthetic spectra for stars of different chemical compositions, based on isochrones produced by stellar evolution calculations with abundance variations representative of first and second populations in GCs. From this we built synthetic chromosome maps for a mixture of stars of different chemical compositions. We subsequently replaced a fraction of stars with binaries, or stars with chromospheric emission, using synthetic spectroscopy. We studied how the position of stars is affected in the chromosome map. Binaries can, in principle, explain the extension of the first population in the chromosome map. However, we find that given the binary fraction reported for GCs, the density of stars in the extended part is too small. Another difficulty of the binary explanation is that the shape of the distribution of the first population in the chromosome map is different in clusters with similar binary fractions. Additionally, we find that the contribution of chromospheric emission lines to the HST photometry is too small to have an observable impact on the shape of the chromosome map. Continuum chromospheric emission has an effect qualitatively similar to binaries. We conclude that binaries do have an impact on the morphology of the chromosome map of GCs, but they are unlikely to explain entirely the shape of the extended distribution of the first population stars. Uncertainties in the properties of continuum chromospheric emission of stars in GCs prevent any quantitative conclusion. Therefore, the origin of the extended first population remains unexplained

    Massive star archeology in globular clusters

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    Globular clusters are among the oldest structures in the Universe and they host today low-mass stars and no gas. However, there has been a time when they formed as gaseous objects hosting a large number of short-lived, massive stars. Many details on this early epoch have been depicted recently through unprecedented dissection of low-mass globular cluster stars via spectroscopy and photometry. In particular, multiple populations have been identified, which bear the nucleosynthetic fingerprints of the massive hot stars long disappeared. Here we discuss how massive star archeology can been done through the lens of these multiple populations

    The loss of the intracluster medium in globular clusters

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    Stars in globular clusters (GCs) lose a non negligible amount of mass during their post-main sequence evolution. This material is then expected to build up a substantial intra-cluster medium (ICM) within the GC. However, the observed gas content in GCs is a couple of orders of magnitude below these expectations. Here we follow the evolution of this stellar wind material through hydrodynamical simulations to attempt to reconcile theoretical predictions with observations. We test different mechanisms proposed in the literature to clear out the gas such as ram-pressure stripping by the motion of the GC in the Galactic halo medium and ionisation by UV sources. We use the code ramses to run 3D hydrodynamical simulations to study for the first time the ICM evolution within discretised multi-mass GC models including stellar winds and full radiative transfer. We find that the inclusion of both ram-pressure and ionisation is mandatory to explain why only a very low amount of ionised gas is observed in the core of GCs. The same mechanisms operating in ancient GCs that clear the gas could also be efficient at younger ages, meaning that young GCs would not be able to retain gas and form multiple generations of stars as assumed in many models to explain "multiple populations". However, this rapid clearing of gas is consistent with observations of young massive clusters

    Massive star archeology in globular clusters

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    Globular clusters are among the oldest structures in the Universe and they host today low-mass stars and no gas. However, there has been a time when they formed as gaseous objects hosting a large number of short-lived, massive stars. Many details on this early epoch have been depicted recently through unprecedented dissection of low-mass globular cluster stars via spectroscopy and photometry. In particular, multiple populations have been identified, which bear the nucleosynthetic fingerprints of the massive hot stars disappeared a long time ago. Here we discuss how massive star archeology can be done through the lense of these multiple population

    Sodium abundances of AGB and RGB stars in Galactic globular clusters II. Analysis and results of NGC 104, NGC 6121, and NGC 6809

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    Aims. We investigate the Na abundance distribution of asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars in Galactic globular clusters (GCs) and its possible dependence on GC global properties, especially age and metallicity. Methods. We analyze high-resolution spectra of a large sample of AGB and red giant branch (RGB) stars in the Galactic GCs NGC 104, NGC 6121, and NGC 6809 obtained with FLAMES/GIRAFFE at ESO/VLT, and determine their Na abundances. This is the first time that the AGB stars in NGC 6809 are targeted. Moreover, to investigate the dependence of AGB Na abundance dispersion on GC parameters, we compare the AGB [Na/H] distributions of a total of nine GCs, with five determined by ourselves with homogeneous method and four from literature, covering a wide range of GC parameters. Results. NGC 104 and NGC 6809 have comparable AGB and RGB Na abundance distributions revealed by the K−S test, while NGC 6121 shows a lack of very Na-rich AGB stars. By analyzing all nine GCs, we find that the Na abundances and multiple populations of AGB stars form complex picture. In some GCs, AGB stars have similar Na abundances and/or second-population fractions as their RGB counterparts, while some GCs do not have Na-rich second-population AGB stars, and various cases exist between the two extremes. In addition, the fitted relations between fractions of the AGB second population and GC global parameters show that the AGB second-population fraction slightly anticorrelates with GC central concentration, while no robust dependency can be confirmed with other GC parameters. Conclusions. Current data roughly support the prediction of the fast-rotating massive star (FRMS) scenario. However, considering the weak observational and theoretical trends where scatter and exceptions exist, the fraction of second-population AGB stars can be affected by more than one or two factors, and may even be a result of stochasticity

    Searching for Multiple Populations in the Integrated Light of the Young and Extremely Massive Clusters in the Merger Remnant NGC~7252

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    Recent work has shown that the properties of multiple populations within massive stellar clusters (i.e., in the extent of their abundance variations as well as the fraction of stars that show the anomalous chemistry) depend on the mass as well as the age of the host cluster. Such correlations are largely unexpected in current models for the formation of multiple populations and hence provide essential insight into their origin. Here we extend or previous study into the presence or absence of multiple populations using integrated light spectroscopy of the ∼600\sim600~Myr, massive (∼107−108\sim10^7 - 10^8~\msun) clusters, W3 and W30, in the galactic merger remnant, NGC 7252. Due to the extreme mass of both clusters, the expectation is that they should host rather extreme abundance spreads, manifested through, e.g., high mean [Na/Fe] abundances. However, we do not find evidence for a strong [Na/Fe] enhancement, with the observations being consistent with the solar value. This suggests that age is playing a key role, or alternatively that multiple populations only manifest below a certain stellar mass, as the integrated light at all ages above ∼100\sim100~Myr is dominated by stars near or above the main sequence turn-off