591 research outputs found

    A Holistic Approximation to Management of Tuberculosis Cases Relapse in the Second Month of Treatment an Intensive Phase From Patient Widower Geriatric Without a Job

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    Background: Tuberculosis (TB) is a disease that has long been known and to date is still the leading cause of death in the world. The prevalence of TB in Indonesia and other developing countries is quite high. In 2006, new cases in Indonesia totaled & gt; 600,000 and mostly suffered by people who are in the productive age (15–55 years old). Case: Mr. TGN, males 69 years, came with his son to seek medical from Puskesmas Karang Anyar with complaints the second month treatment controls, because experiencing cough berdahak since 3 months ago and it is sometimes accompanied by shortness of breath. The patient also complains of frequent sweating especially at night. In addition, patients also complain of weight due to the appetite. Another complaint that the patient felt dizzy at the moment is spinning accompanied by nausea and itching after taking medication that package. Conclusion: treatment of patients has been conducted with the principles of family physician services and holistic plenary, based from evidence based medicine. Clinical improvement is yet to be seen at the end of their intervention, because it takes a long time according to the pathophysiology of diseases and cooperation between patients, families and healthcare providers

    Languages Attitudes Towards Written Alay Variety in Facebook Interaction

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    This research paper entitled Language Attitudes towards Written ‘Alay' Variety in Facebook Interaction aims to reveal the use of the alay variety in Facebook media and the attitudes developed by users and ex-users of the variety. The study employs a descriptive method to describe and interpret the data. The study reveals that the realization of written alay variety in Facebook covers two broad categories, namely spelling and writing that involves a mix of capitals and punctuations. The spelling modifications in written alay variety were found to be in four different cases, spelling shift, spelling addition, spelling deletion, contraction, and irregular spelling modification. Related to language attitudes toward the written alay variety, users and ex-users develop different attitudes towards the use of alay variety. Users tend to have more neutral attitudes with the use of alay variety, they develop more positive attitudes towards the variety. In contrast, most ex-users react negatively towards the use of alay variety as they consider the variety to have a low prestige or status and is not a proper variety to use

    Analisis String Matching pada Judul Skripsi dengan Algoritma Knuth-morris Pratt (Kmp)

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    Skripsi adalah suatu karya ilmiah mahasiswa yang disusun dalam rangka memenuhi sebagian syarat penyelesaian studi pada program strata satu (S-1) di setiap Perguruan Tinggi Negeri maupun Swasta yang ada di Indonesia. Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan dalam menentukan kesamaan judul skripsi ialah dengan melakukan pencocokan string (string matching atau pattern matching) dalam teks yang terdapat pada judul skripsi yang diusulkan. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan Algoritma Knuth-Morris-Pratt (KMP) untuk menganalisis bagaimana proses pencocokan string yang dihasilkan dan membandingkan sejauh mana nilai kemiripan dari beberapa judul yang sama dan serupa sehingga dapat memberikan suatu informasi yang efektif bagi mahasiswa

    Validasi Metode Analisis Dalam Penetapan Kadar Benzo(a)piren Pada Ikan Bakar

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    VALIDASI METODE ANALISIS DALAM PENETAPAN KADAR BENZO(A)PIREN PADA IKAN BAKAR Windi Astuti1), Sri Sudewi1), Henki Rotinsulu1) 1)Program Studi Farmasi FMIPA UNSRAT Manado, 95115 ABSTRACT Benzo (a) pyrene is carcinogenic compounds formed by incomplete combustion of organic compounds during processing. This research was conducted by validating analytical methods used in the determination of the levels of benzo (a) pyrene and determines levels of benzo (a) pyrene in grilled fish. Determination of Benzo (a) was carrid out by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). Optimization of benzo (a) pyrene was carrid out with a combination of mobile phase, acetonitrile : water (90:10) and (85:15) with a flow rate of 1,0 and 1,5 mL/min. Validation of analysis methods was carrid out by the linearity test, accuracy test, precision test and limits of detection test and quantity limit (LOD & LOQ) using a standard solution of benzo (a) pyrene. The results showed that the choosen condition of mobile phase, acetonitrile : water (90:10) and flow rate 1,0 mL/min. The linearity value resulted r2 = 0,9017. Accuracy test gives an average value of 100,00 recovery; 101,73 and 97,67%. an intraday precision test result of 0,01; 0,54 and 0,00% and interday; 0,01; 0,02 and 0,01%. Value of limit of detection and limit of quantity (LOD & LOQ) was 13,53 and 45,11μg/L. The levels of benzo (a) pyrene in grilled fish in restaurant X in Manado City 15,397 µg/L. Validation of analytical methods has already defined in accordance with the terms. The level of benzo (a) pyrene in grilled fish can be determined by using High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). The result level of Benzo (a) pyrene of no-treatment group and treatment group without wrapping with variable time 60 minutes are exceeds 10 µg which is maximum limit set Food and Drug Regulatiory Agency Republic of Indonesia (FDRA RI). Keywords: Validation of analysis methods, grilled fish, benzo (a) pirene, HPLC. ABSTRAK Benzo(a)piren merupakan senyawa karsinogenik yang terbentuk akibat pembakaran tidak sempurna dari senyawa organik selama proses pengolahan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan memvalidasi metode analisis yang digunakan dalam penetapan kadar benzo(a)piren dan mengetahui kadar benzo(a)piren dalam ikan bakar. Metode penentuan Benzo(a)piren dilakukan dengan Kromatografi Cair Kinerja Tinggi (KCKT). Optimasi penetapan benzo(a)piren dilakukan dengan kombinasi Fase gerak Asetonitril : Aquades (90:10) dan (85:15) dengan laju alir 1,0 dan 1,5 mL/menit . Validasi metode analisis dilakukan dengan uji linearitas, uji akurasi, uji presisi dan uji batas deteksi dan batas kuantitas dengan menggunakan larutan standar benzo(a)piren. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kondisi optimum terpilih pada fase gerak Asetonitril : Aquades (90:10) dan laju alir 1,0 mL/menit. Nilai linearitas yang dihasilkan r2 = 0,9017. Uji akurasi memberikan nilai rata-rata perolehan kembali 100,00; 101,73 dan 97,67%. Uji presisi memberikan hasil pada intraday 0,01; 0,54 dan 0,00% dan interday 0,01; 0,02 dan 0,01%. Uji batas deteksi dan batas kuantitas memberikan hasil yaitu 13,53 dan 45,11µg/L. Kadar benzo(a)piren yang dihasilkan pada ikan bakar di rumah makan kota manado yaitu 15,397 µg/L. Validasi metode analisis sesuai dengan syarat yang sudah ditetapkan. Kadar benzo(a)piren pada ikan bakar bisa ditetapkan dengan menggunakan menggunakan Kromatografi Cair Kinerja Tinggi (KCKT). Kadar benzo(a)piren yang dihasilkan oleh rumah makan di kota manado melebihi dari batas maksimum yang ditetapkan Badan Pengawasan Obat dan Makanan Republik Indonesia (BPOM RI) yaitu sebesar 10 µg/L. Kata Kunci : Validasi metode analisis, Benzo(a)piren, ikan bakar, KCK

    Meningkatkan Keefektifan Pemimpin Guna Meningkatkan Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan di Dinas Pendidikan Propinsi Daerah Istimewa YOGYAKARTA

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    This is watchfulness done at province education official, where does population administration, program build area, educational incredible and junior school , intermediate educational, high school, educational informal school, functional group. data collecting technique is done with interview and distribution quesioner.Variable used in watchfulness that is leader effectiveness variable (connection leaderhsip-anggota, position power, task structure) and employee work satisfaction variable.Conclusion in this watchfulness, follow leadership: leader effectiveness at province education official mey good; while follow employee: based on watchfulness result shows that at province education official mey has leader less effective. watchfulness result shows that value mean work satisfaction variable ranges from 2,9655 until 3,8793. value show that in general respondent feels work satisfaction enough, but not yet optimal. score lpc follow employee enough, with value mean 3,1724 until 3,5862
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