2,228 research outputs found

    COLD-SAT: A technology satellite for cryogenic experimentation

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    NASA-Lewis (LeRC) is involved in the development and validation of analytical models which describe the fluid dynamic and thermodynamic processes associated with the storage, acquisition and transfer of subcritical cryogenic fluids in low gravity. Four concurrent studies, including one in-house at LeRC, are underway to determine the feasibility of performing model validation experiments aboard a free-flying spacecraft (S/C) called Cryogenic On-Orbit Liquid Depot-Storage, Acquisition and Transfer (COLD-SAT), using liquid hydrogen as the cryogen. The technology requirements for the experiments are described along with the initial LeRC concepts for the S/C and an experiment subsystem comprising of cryogenic tankage (a supply dewar and three receiver tanks), gas pressurization bottles (both helium and autogenous hydrogen), their associated plumbing, and instrumentation for data collection. Experiments were categorized into enabling/high priority Class 1 technologies and component/system Class 2 demonstrations. As initially envisioned by LeRC, COLD-SAT would have had a 1997 launch aboard a Delta-2 for a 6 month active lifetime in a 925 km orbit with a pseudo-inertial attitude

    Perubahan Entitas Palestina oleh Pbb dan Eksistensinya sebagai Negara Pemantau Non Anggota

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    THE CHAGE OF PALESTINE'S ENTITY BY UNITED NATION AND ITS EXISTENCE AS A NON MEMBER OBSERVER STATE Israel - Palestinian conflict began when the issuance of UN resolution dividing Palestine into two parts. Israel getting more land while the Palestinians got smaller parts. The conflict culminated when Israel established the State of Israel in 1948 in Palestine by the resolution. Ongoing conflict, not a civil society of both Palestinian and Israeli victims. Palestine is a country that was fighting for its independence. In goal it formed the Palestinian Liberation Movement ( PLO ) which is the official representative of the Palestinians in the International world. Monitors the status of Palestine as a non-member entity makes not having a strong juridical status in the eyes of International law when it attacked by other countries. Palestinians do not have the right to vote to apply protection to the United Nations Security Council ( UNSC abbreviated hereafter ) or prosecution by the International Criminal Court, unless the Palestinian states are willing to accept the obligations arising as a result of a peaceful settlement as stated in Article 35 of the UN Charter. Issues raised in this paper is how the basic law or the requirements for recognition of a state by the UN, how to change the status of Palestinian statehood from observer entity to non- member observer state, and how the existence of Palestine as a non-member observer state. The research method used in this thesis tends normative legal research includes a study of the principles of law, the synchronization level of the law, legal history, and comparative law. The research method used in this paper is normative legal research includes a study of the principles of law, the law of synchronization standards, legal history, and comparative law. The method used is normative research using normative juridical approach. The results of this study indicate a change in the entity State of Palestine by the UN Monitoring Non Member is a big step for the Palestinians to get justice in the International Court of Justice. And also its presence in the International community have been recognized by other countries

    Investigation Into Laser Shock Processing

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    Laser shock processing is a good candidate for surface industry due to its rapid processing, localized ablation, and precision of operation. In the current study, laser shock processing of steel was considered. The numerical solutions for temperature rise and recoil pressure development across the interface of the ablating front and solid are presented. The propagation of elastic-plastic waves in the solid due to recoil pressure loading at the surface is analyzed and numerical solution for the wave propagation was obtained. An experiment was conducted to ablate the steel surfaces for shock processing. Scanning electron microscopy was carried out to examine the ablated surfaces shock processing while transmission electron microscopy was conducted to obtain dislocation densities after the shock processing. It was found that surface hardness of the workpiece increased in the order of 1.8 times of the base material hardness, and the dislocation was the main source of the shock hardening in the region affected by laser shock processing

    Analisis Statistik Log Jaringan untuk Deteksi Serangan Ddos Berbasis Neural Network

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    Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) merupakan jenis serangan dengan volume, intensitas, dan biaya mitigasi yang terus meningkat seiring berkembangnya skala organisasi. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengembangkan sebuah pendekatan baru untuk mendeteksi serangan DDoS, berdasarkan log jaringan yang dianalisis secara statistik dengan fungsi neural network sebagai metode deteksi. Data pelatihan dan pengujian diambil dari CAIDA DDoS Attack 2007 dan simulasi mandiri. Pengujian terhadap metode analisis statistik terhadap log jaringan dengan fungsi neural network sebagai metode deteksi menghasilkan prosentase rata-rata pengenalan terhadap tiga kondisi jaringan (normal, slow DDoS, dan DDoS) sebesar 90,52%. Adanya pendekatan baru dalam mendeteksi serangan DDoS, diharapkan bisa menjadi sebuah komplemen terhadap sistem Intrusion Detection System (IDS) dalam meramalkan terjadinya serangan DDo

    Tinjauan Hukum Internasional Terhadap Reklamasi Pulau-pulau Yang Dipersengketakan Di Laut China Selatan Oleh Republik Rakyat Tiongkok

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    Agung Wahyudi Pamungkas* Suhaidi** Arif*** South China Sea if viewed of its geographic location is an area that has economic value, both political and strategic for countries bordering the South China Sea or not.South China Sea has a very important role as a trade and distribution of oil.In addition, the South China Sea also known as the vital shipping lanes and is one of the busiest International shipping lanes in the world.Based on geographical location can also be seen that the South China Sea is an semi enclosed sea because it is surrounded by some countries.Such conditions are frequent causes of disputes or conflicts in the South China Sea.One of the disputes and conflicts are disputes or conflicts related to reclamation actions undertaken by the People's Republic of China on the disputed islands in the South China Sea region. As for the issue is how the status and position of the South China Sea in accordance with International maritime law, how the act of reclaiming the islands disputed South China Sea by the People's Republic of China in accordance with International maritime law, and how efforts to resolve disputes that can be done related to reclamation of disputed islands in the South China Sea by the People's Republic of China. Status of the South China Sea as the sea is bordered by many costal states.While the position of the South China Sea is a semi-enclosed sea. That Status and position of the South China Sea often lead to disputes or conflicts in the South China Sea region.One of the disputes or conflicts in the South China Sea is a dispute or conflicts related to reclamation actions undertaken by the People's Republic of China.Reclamation that undertaken by the People's Republic of China on the disputed islands in the South China Sea region is actually contrary to International maritime law, especially UNCLOS 1982 and DOC 2002. Efforts to do in resolving disputes in the South China Sea, particularly disputes incurred due to actions undertaken by PRC reclamation should be done in ways that are justified by the 1982 UNCLOS and the DOC in 2002, which means peaceful resolution of disputes.And the suggestions in this paper is that in order to prevent disputes or conflicts in the South China Sea need to be done in cooperation between the countries around the South China Sea region and the need to set up a code of conduct in the South China Sea behave more binding.And that efforts for settling disputes or conflicts in the South China Sea is done by peaceful means. Keywords: Sea, China, South China, Reclamation * Mahasiswa Departemen Hukum Internasional FH USU **Dosen Pembimbing I, Departemen Hukum Internasional FH USU ***Dosen Pembimbing II, Departemen Hukum Internasional FH USU *Students of the Department of International Law FH USU **Supervisor I, Department of International Law FH USU ***Supervisor II, Department of International Law FH US

    Memikirkan Kembali Pemilihan Kepala Daerah DKI Jakarta Tahun 2022: Antara Gubernur dan Pejabat Pelaksana

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    Sejak 2015, pemilihan kepala daerah serentak dilakukan untuk memilih gubernur dan walikota/ bupati yang akan mengakhiri pekerjaannya. DKI Jakarta sebagai salah satu pemerintah daerah pada tahun 2017 juga melakukan pilkada serentak dan berakhir pada tahun 2022. Permasalahan yang muncul ketika kewajiban regulasi tentang pilkada, presiden dan wakil presiden dilakukan serentak pada tahun 2024. Antara tahun 2022 sampai dengan Tahun 2024, berdasarkan peraturan tersebut, Gubernur DKI Jakarta akan diisi oleh gubernur sementara yang diangkat oleh pemerintah pusat. Keterbatasan kewenangan yang dimiliki oleh gubernur sementara untuk mengurus Provinsi DKI Jakarta tentunya akan menimbulkan persoalan yang kompleks. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan alasan, dampak dan akibat jika Gubernur DKI Jakarta diisi oleh gubernur sementara dan berusaha memberikan solusi dan alternatif dari permasalahan tersebut. Paradigma pragmatis dengan desain penelitian kualitatif yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa Pilkada di DKI sebaiknya dilakukan pada tahun 2022 untuk menghindari waktu kepemimpinan pejabat pelaksana gubernur yang panjang
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