428 research outputs found

    Smartness, culture and local authority ICT awareness: an empirical enquiry for a province in Poland

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    The paper reports on a sequence of analyses of the local self-governmental authority website-related features in conjunction with the socio-economic characteristics of the respective administrative units (counties and municipalities). These analyses had two objectives: (a) assessment of the local authority websites, their content and functionality, also in a dynamic perspective, and (b) inquiry into the potential interrelations between the specific features of the websites and the nature of the local unit, with special emphasis on the local development in the rural areas and its forward path. The study has been carried out for the capital province of Mazowsze in Poland, but some hints as to a quasi-comparative international study are also provided. First of all, substantial progress between 2003 and 2008 in the quality of the local authority websites is shown. Further, the conclusions from the study imply a rather loose connection between the characteristics of these websites and the socio-economic profile of the unit, including the characterisation along the urban-rural dimension. At the same time, though, an important role becomes apparent, played by the broadly conceived local culture, including the ‘smartness’ aspect, as perceived by the present authors. This role of culture and ‘smartness’ is visible in the very clear divergences from the general regularities observed, and is partly also associated with the socio-economic function of the respective local unit, as distinguished from the, say, income and education level characteristics of the local population

    Chandra Discovery of a 300 kpc X-ray Jet in the GPS Quasar PKS1127-145

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    We have discovered an X-ray jet with Chandra imaging of the z=1.187 radio-loud quasar PKS1127-145. In this paper we present the Chandra X-ray data, follow-up VLA observations, and optical imaging using the HST WFPC2. The X-ray jet contains 273+/-5 net counts in 27ksec and extends ~30 arcsec, from the quasar core, corresponding to a minimum projected linear size of ~330/h_50 kpc. The evaluation of the X-ray emission processes is complicated by the observed offsets between X-ray and radio brightness peaks. We discuss the problems posed by these observations to jet models. In addition, PKS1127-145 is a Giga-Hertz Peaked Spectrum radio source, a member of the class of radio sources suspected to be young or ``frustrated'' versions of FRI radio galaxies. However the discovery of an X-ray and radio jet extending well outside the host galaxy of PKS1127-145 suggests that activity in this and other GPS sources may be long-lived and complex.Comment: 22 pages, 11 ps figures, 1 figure in a JPG file, 3 tables. AASTEX. Accepted by The Astrophysical Journa

    Evolution of the X-ray Emission of Radio-Quiet Quasars

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    We report new Chandra observations of seven optically faint, z \sim 4 radio-quiet quasars. We have combined these new observations with previous Chandra observations of radio-quiet quasars to create a sample of 174 sources. These sources have 0.1 < z < 4.7, and 10^{44} ergs s^{-1} < nu L_{nu} (2500 \AA) < 10^{48} ergs s^{-1}. The X-ray detection fraction is 90%. We find that the X-ray loudness of radio-quiet quasars decreases with UV luminosity and increases with redshift. The model that is best supported by the data has a linear dependence of optical-to-X-ray ratio, alpha_{ox}, on cosmic time, and a quadratic dependence of alpha_{ox} on log L_{UV}, where alpha_{ox} becomes X-ray quiet more rapidly at higher log L_{UV}. We find no significant evidence for a relationship between the X-ray photon index, Gamma_X, and the UV luminosity, and we find marginally significant evidence that the X-ray continuum flattens with increasing z (2 sigma). The Gamma_X-z anti-correlation may be the result of X-ray spectral curvature, redshifting of a Compton reflection component into the observed Chandra band, and/or redshifting of a soft excess out of the observed Chandra band. Using the results for Gamma_X, we show that the alpha_{ox}-z relationship is unlikely to be a spurious result caused by redshifting of the observable X-ray spectral region. A correlation between alpha_{ox} and z implies evolution of the accretion process. We present a qualitative comparison of these new results with models for accretion disk emission.Comment: Accepted by ApJ, 48 pages, 10 figures, 5 table

    Observational Constraints on the Dependence of Radio-Quiet Quasar X-ray Emission on Black Hole Mass and Accretion Rate

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    In this work we use a sample of 318 radio-quiet quasars (RQQ) to investigate the dependence of the ratio of optical/UV flux to X-ray flux, alpha_ox, and the X-ray photon index, Gamma_X, on black hole mass, UV luminosity relative to Eddington, and X-ray luminosity relative to Eddington. Our sample is drawn from the SDSS, with X-ray data from ROSAT and Chandra, and optical data mostly from the SDSS; 153 of these sources have estimates of Gamma_X from Chandra. We estimate M_BH using standard estimates derived from the Hbeta, Mg II, and C IV broad emission lines. Our sample spans a broad range in black hole mass (10^6 < M_BH / M_Sun < 10^10) and redshift (z < 4.8). We find that alpha_ox increases with increasing M_BH and L_UV / L_Edd, and decreases with increasing L_X / L_Edd. In addition, we confirm the correlation seen in previous studies between Gamma_X and M_BH and both L_UV / L_Edd and L_X / L_Edd; however, we also find evidence that the dependence of Gamma_X of these quantities is not monotonic, changing sign at M_BH ~ 3 x 10^8 M_Sun. We argue that the alpha_ox correlations imply that the fraction of bolometric luminosity emitted by the accretion disk, as compared to the corona, increases with increasing accretion rate relative to Eddington. In addition, we argue that the Gamma_X trends are caused by a dependence of X-ray spectral index on accretion rate. We discuss our results within the context of accretion models with comptonizing corona, and discuss the implications of the alpha_ox correlations for quasar feedback. To date, this is the largest study of the dependence of RQQ X-ray parameters on black hole mass and related quantities, and the first to attempt to correct for the large statistical uncertainty in the broad line mass estimates.Comment: Accepted by ApJ, 23 pages, 15 figures, emulateapj styl

    Bilingual episodic memory: an introduction

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    Our current models of bilingual memory are essentially accounts of semantic memory whose goal is to explain bilingual lexical access to underlying imagistic and conceptual referents. While this research has included episodic memory, it has focused largely on recall for words, phrases, and sentences in the service of understanding the structure of semantic memory. Building on the four papers in this special issue, this article focuses on larger units of episodic memory(from quotidian events with simple narrative form to complex autobiographical memories) in service of developing a model of bilingual episodic memory. This requires integrating theory and research on how culture-specific narrative traditions inform encoding and retrieval with theory and research on the relation between(monolingual) semantic and episodic memory(Schank, 1982; Schank & Abelson, 1995; Tulving, 2002). Then, taking a cue from memory-based text processing studies in psycholinguistics(McKoon & Ratcliff, 1998), we suggest that as language forms surface in the progressive retrieval of features of an event, they trigger further forms within the same language serving to guide a within-language/ within-culture retrieval

    Influence of the Modifier Type and its Concentration on Electroosmotic Flow of the Mobile Phase in Pressurized Planar Electrochromatography

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    The aim of this work was to find a relationship between electroosmotic flow (EOF) velocity of the mobile phase in pressurized planar electrochromatography (PPEC) and physicochemical properties like zeta potential, dielectric constant, and viscosity of the mobile phase as well as its composition. The study included different types of organic modifiers (acetonitrile, methanol, ethanol, acetone, formamide, N-methylformamide and N,N-dimethylformamide) in the full concentration range. In all experiments, chromatographic glass plates HPTLC RP-18 W from Merck (Darmstadt) were used as a stationary phase. During the study we found that there is no linear correlation between EOF velocity of the mobile phase and single variables such as zeta potential or dielectric constant or viscosity. However, there is quite strong linear correlation between EOF velocity of the mobile phase and variable obtained by multiplying zeta potential of the stationary phase–mobile phase interface, by dielectric constant of the mobile phase solution and dividing by viscosity of the mobile phase. Therefore, it could be concluded that the PPEC system fulfilled the Helmholtz–Smoluchowski equation

    Accretion and nuclear activity of quiescent supermassive black holes. II: optical study and interpretation

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    Our X-ray study of the nuclear activity in a new sample of six quiescent early-type galaxies, and in a larger sample from the literature, confirmed (Soria et al., Paper I) that the Bondi accretion rate of diffuse hot gas is not a good indicator of the supermassive black hole (SMBH) X-ray luminosity. Here we suggest that a more reliable estimate of the accretion rate must include the gas released by the stellar population inside the sphere of influence of the SMBH, in addition to the Bondi inflow of hot gas across that surface. We use optical surface-brightness profiles to estimate the mass-loss rate from stars in the nuclear region: we show that for our sample of galaxies it is an order of magnitude higher (~ 10^{-4} - 10^{-3} M_sun/yr) than the Bondi inflow rate of hot gas, as estimated from Chandra (Paper I). Only by taking into account both sources of fuel can we constrain the true accretion rate, the accretion efficiency, and the power budget. Radiatively efficient accretion is ruled out, for quiescent SMBHs. For typical radiatively inefficient flows, the observed X-ray luminosities of the SMBHs imply accretion fractions ~ 1 - 10% (ie, ~ 90 - 99% of the available gas does not reach the SMBH) for at least five of our six target galaxies, and most of the other galaxies with known SMBH masses. We discuss the conditions for mass conservation inside the sphere of influence, so that the total gas injection is balanced by accretion plus outflows. We show that a fraction of the total accretion power (mechanical plus radiative) would be sufficient to sustain a self-regulating, slow outflow which removes from the nuclear region all the gas that does not sink into the BH (``BH feedback''). The rest of the accretion power may be carried out in a jet, or advected. We also discuss scenarios that would lead to an intermittent nuclear activity.Comment: 15 pages, accepted by ApJ. See also our Paper I, astro-ph/051129

    Microsomal triglyceride transfer protein expression in adipocytes: A new component in fat metabolism

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    AbstractMicrosomal triglyceride transfer protein (MTP) is a carrier of triglyceride essential for the assembly of apolipoprotein (apo)B-containing lipoproteins by the liver and the small intestine. Its role in triglyceride transfer in tissues that do not secrete lipoproteins has not been explored. In particular, MTP would seem to be a candidate for a role in triglyceride metabolism within the adipocyte. To test this hypothesis, we probed adipocytes for the presence of MTP. Immunohistochemical and biochemical studies demonstrate MTP in adipocytes from brown and white fat depots of mice and human, as well as in 3T3-L1 cells. Confocal microscopy revealed MTP throughout 3T3 cells; however, MTP fluorescence was prominent in juxtanuclear areas. In differentiated 3T3 cells MTP fluorescence was very striking around lipid droplets. In vitro lipid transfer assays demonstrated the presence of triglyceride transfer activity within microsomal fractions isolated from rat adipose tissue. In addition, quantitative rtPCR studies showed that MTP expression in mouse white fat depots was approximately 1% of MTP expression in mouse liver. MTP mRNA in differentiated 3T3 cells was approximately 13% of liver expression. Our results provide unequivocal evidence for the presence of MTP in adipocytes and present new possibilities for defining the mechanisms by which triglyceride is stored and/or hydrolyzed and mobilized

    Chandra Observations of the QSO Pair Q2345+007: Binary Quasar or Massive Dark Lens?

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    The components of the wide (7.3") separation quasar pair Q2345+007A,B (z=2.15) have the most strikingly similar optical spectra seen to date (Steidel & Sargent 1991) yet no detected lensing mass, making this system the best candidate known for a massive (1e14 Msun) dark matter lens system. Here we present results from a 65ksec Chandra observation designed to investigate whether it is a binary quasar or a gravitational lens. We find no X-ray evidence for a lensing cluster to a (0.5-2keV) flux limit of 2e-15 cgs, which is consistent with lensing only for a reduced baryon fraction. Using the Chandra X-ray observations of the quasars themselves, together with new and published optical measurements, we use the observed emission properties of the quasars for further tests between the lens and binary hypotheses. Assuming similar line-of-sight absorption to the images, we find that their X-ray continuum slopes are inconsistent (Gamma_A=2.30 and Gamma_B=0.83) as are their X-ray to optical flux ratios. The probability that B suffers absorption sufficient to account for these spectral differences is negligible. We present new optical evidence that the flux ratio of the pair is variable, so the time-delay in a lens scenario could cause some of the discrepancies. However, adequately large variations in overall spectral energy distribution are rare in individual QSOs. All new evidence here weighs strongly toward the binary interpretation. Q2345+007 thus may represent the highest redshift example known of interaction-triggered but as-yet unmerged luminous AGN.Comment: 15 pages, Latex, emulateapj style, including 3 tables and 5 figures. Accepted Feb 1, 2002 for publication in ApJ Main Journal. See also http://hea-www.harvard.edu/~pgreen/Papers.htm

    Mycological Analysis of the Oral Cavity of Patients Using Acrylic Removable Dentures

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    Background. The problems of fungal infections in edentulous have been discussed in literature. Findings show that oral mycosis has an influence on the mycosis of oesophageal mucosa. Based on this we started to follow from 2007 in patients who wear dentures mycological examination, to evaluate changes of yeasts numbers, the sensitivity to antibiotics and determine the impact of types of prosthesis, time of using, gender and age of patients. 1230 patients who were wearing dentures participated in the retrospective study. The material for mycological examination was sampled as a smear from the palate. After the mycological identification of Candida species and assessment of growth, the susceptibility testing with Fluconazole and Nystatin was made. The number of 23 Candida species was diagnosed microbiologically in five years. C. albicans and C. glabrata were increasing in number—from 33,7% to 46,9% and 6,7% to 14,0%, respectively. There was a significant statistical difference between yeasts growth and gender (P=0,017<0.05). The conclusion is that a large percentage of persons wearing removable denture has been affected by Candida species and that could lead to the mycosis of farther gastrointestinal tract sections. The mycological examination before treatment, especially in patients using acrylic denture, appears to be necessary