49 research outputs found

    Effects of abstinence on brain morphology in alcoholism: A MRI study

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    Chronic alcohol abuse leads to morphological changes of the brain. We investigated if these volumetric changes are reversible after a period of abstinence. For this reason 41 male and 15 female alcohol patients underwent MRI-scanning after in-patient detoxification (baseline) entering alcoholism treatment programs, and between 6 and 9 months later (follow-up), in a phase of convalescence. Additionally, 29 male and 16 female control subjects were examined. The MRI-scans were delineated and the resulting regions of interest, volumes of lateral ventricles and prefrontal lobes were expressed relatively to total brain volume. Compared to control subjects alcohol patients showed bilaterally decreased prefrontal lobes (11% reduction) and increased lateral ventricles (up to 42% enlargement). The extent of the ventricular increase was depending on patient’s additional psychiatric diagnosis, showing smaller lateral ventricles in patients with additional personality disorder. While at follow-up the size of prefrontal lobes remained unchanged, volumes of the lateral ventricles decreased (5–6% reduction) in alcohol patients with abstinence and improved drinking behavior, especially in patients that underwent only one detoxification. The extent of the ventricular enlargement correlated with the elevation of alcohol related laboratory measures (mean corpuscular volume, gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase). In conclusion this study confirms the hypothesis that alcoholism causes brain damages that are partially reversible. It should be analyzed in further studies with larger sample sizes, if complete brain regeneration is possible maintaining abstinence over a longer period

    More anxious than depressed: prevalence and correlates in a 15-nation study of anxiety disorders in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus

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    Background Anxiety disorder, one of the highly disabling, prevalent and common mental disorders, is known to be more prevalent in persons with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) than the general population, and the comorbid presence of anxiety disorders is known to have an impact on the diabetes outcome and the quality of life. However, the information on the type of anxiety disorder and its prevalence in persons with T2DM is limited. Aims To assess the prevalence and correlates of anxiety disorder in people with type 2 diabetes in different countries. Methods People aged 18–65 years with diabetes and treated in outpatient settings were recruited in 15 countries and underwent a psychiatric interview with the Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview. Demographic and medical record data were collected. Results A total of 3170 people with type 2 diabetes (56.2% women; with mean (SD) duration of diabetes 10.01 (7.0) years) participated. The overall prevalence of anxiety disorders in type 2 diabetic persons was 18%; however, 2.8% of the study population had more than one type of anxiety disorder. The most prevalent anxiety disorders were generalised anxiety disorder (8.1%) and panic disorder (5.1%). Female gender, presence of diabetic complications, longer duration of diabetes and poorer glycaemic control (HbA1c levels) were significantly associated with comorbid anxiety disorder. A higher prevalence of anxiety disorders was observed in Ukraine, Saudi Arabia and Argentina with a lower prevalence in Bangladesh and India. Conclusions Our international study shows that people with type 2 diabetes have a high prevalence of anxiety disorders, especially women, those with diabetic complications, those with a longer duration of diabetes and poorer glycaemic control. Early identification and appropriate timely care of psychiatric problems of people with type 2 diabetes is warranted

    Factors associated with the onset of major depressive disorder in adults with type 2 diabetes living in 12 different countries; results from the INTERPRET-DD prospective study

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    Aims To examine the factors that associated with changes in depression in people with type 2 diabetes living in 12 different countries. Methods People with type 2 diabetes treated in out-patient settings aged 18-65 years underwent a psychiatric assessment to diagnose Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) at baseline and follow-up. At both time points participants completed the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9), the WHO 5-item Well-being scale (WHO-5) and the Problem Areas in Diabetes (PAID) scale which measures diabetes-related distress. A composite stress score (CSS) (the occurrence of stressful life events and their reported degree of 'upset') between baseline and follow-up was calculated. Demographic data and medical record information were collected. Separate regression analyses were conducted with MDD and PHQ-9 scores as the dependent variables. Results In total there were 7.4% (120) incident cases of MDD with 81.5% (1317) continuing to remain free of a diagnosis of MDD. Univariate analyses demonstrated that those with MDD were more likely to be female, less likely to be physically active, more likely to have diabetes complications at baseline and have higher CSS. Mean scores for the WHO-5, PAID and PHQ-9 were poorer in those with incident MDD compared with those who had never had a diagnosis of MDD. Regression analyses demonstrated that higher PHQ-9, lower WHO-5 scores and greater CSS were significant predictors of incident MDD. Significant predictors of PHQ-9 were baseline PHQ-9 score, WHO-5, PAID and CSS. Conclusion This study demonstrates the importance of psychosocial factors in addition to physiological variables in the development of depressive symptoms and incident MDD in people with type 2 diabetes. Stressful life events, depressive symptoms and diabetes-related distress all play a significant role which has implications for practice. A more holistic approach to care, which recognises the interplay of these psychosocial factors may help to mitigate their impact on diabetes self-management as well as MDD, thus early screening and treatment for symptoms is recommended

    Cognitive behavioural therapy versus supportive therapy for persistent positive symptoms in psychotic disorders: The POSITIVE Study, a multicenter, prospective, single-blind, randomised controlled clinical trial

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    Background: It has been demonstrated that cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) has a moderate effect on symptom reduction and on general well being of patients suffering from psychosis. However, questions regarding the specific efficacy of CBT, the treatment safety, the cost-effectiveness, and the moderators and mediators of treatment effects are still a major issue. The major objective of this trial is to investigate whether CBT is specifically efficacious in reducing positive symptoms when compared with non-specific supportive therapy (ST) which does not implement CBT-techniques but provides comparable therapeutic attention. Methods: The POSITIVE study is a multicenter, prospective, single-blind, parallel group, randomised clinical trial, comparing CBT and ST with respect to the efficacy in reducing positive symptoms in psychotic disorders. CBT as well as ST consist of 20 sessions altogether, 165 participants receiving CBT and 165 participants receiving ST. Major methodological aspects of the study are systematic recruitment, explicit inclusion criteria, reliability checks of assessments with control for rater shift, analysis by intention to treat, data management using remote data entry, measures of quality assurance (e.g. on-site monitoring with source data verification, regular query process), advanced statistical analysis, manualized treatment, checks of adherence and competence of therapists. Research relating the psychotherapy process with outcome, neurobiological research addressing basic questions of delusion formation using fMRI and neuropsychological assessment and treatment research investigating adaptations of CBT for adolescents is combined in this network. Problems of transfer into routine clinical care will be identified and addressed by a project focusing on cost efficiency. Discussion: This clinical trial is part of efforts to intensify psychotherapy research in the field of psychosis in Germany, to contribute to the international discussion on psychotherapy in psychotic disorders, and to help implement psychotherapy in routine care. Furthermore, the study will allow drawing conclusions about the mediators of treatment effects of CBT of psychotic disorders. Trial Registration Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN2924287

    Prevalence and correlates of depressive disorders in people with Type 2 diabetes: results from the international prevalence and treatment of diabetes and depression (INTERPRET-DD) study, a collaborative study carried out in 14 countries

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    AIMS: To assess the prevalence and management of depressive disorders in people with Type 2 diabetes in different countries. METHODS: People with diabetes aged 18-65 years and treated in outpatient settings were recruited in 14 countries and underwent a psychiatric interview. Participants completed the Patient Health Questionnaire and the Problem Areas in Diabetes scale. Demographic and medical record data were collected. RESULTS: A total of 2783 people with Type 2 diabetes (45.3% men, mean duration of diabetes 8.8 years) participated. Overall, 10.6% were diagnosed with current major depressive disorder and 17.0% reported moderate to severe levels of depressive symptomatology (Patient Health Questionnaire scores >9). Multivariable analyses showed that, after controlling for country, current major depressive disorder was significantly associated with gender (women) (P<0.0001), a lower level of education (P<0.05), doing less exercise (P<0.01), higher levels of diabetes distress (P<0.0001) and a previous diagnosis of major depressive disorder (P<0.0001). The proportion of those with either current major depressive disorder or moderate to severe levels of depressive symptomatology who had a diagnosis or any treatment for their depression recorded in their medical records was extremely low and non-existent in many countries (0-29.6%). CONCLUSIONS: Our international study, the largest of this type ever undertaken, shows that people with diabetes frequently have depressive disorders and also significant levels of depressive symptoms. Our findings indicate that the identification and appropriate care for psychological and psychiatric problems is not the norm and suggest a lack of the comprehensive approach to diabetes management that is needed to improve clinical outcomes

    Cell type-specific transcriptomics of esophageal adenocarcinoma as a scalable alternative for single cell transcriptomics

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    Single-cell transcriptomics have revolutionized our understanding of the cell composition of tumors and allowed us to identify new subtypes of cells. Despite rapid technological advancements, single-cell analysis remains resource-intense hampering the scalability that is required to profile a sufficient number of samples for clinical associations. Therefore, more scalable approaches are needed to understand the contribution of individual cell types to the development and treatment response of solid tumors such as esophageal adenocarcinoma where comprehensive genomic studies have only led to a small number of targeted therapies. Due to the limited treatment options and late diagnosis, esophageal adenocarcinoma has a poor prognosis. Understanding the interaction between and dysfunction of individual cell populations provides an opportunity for the development of new interventions. In an attempt to address the technological and clinical needs, we developed a protocol for the separation of esophageal carcinoma tissue into leukocytes (CD45+), epithelial cells (EpCAM+), and fibroblasts (two out of PDGFRα, CD90, anti-fibroblast) by fluorescence-activated cell sorting and subsequent RNA sequencing. We confirm successful separation of the three cell populations by mapping their transcriptomic profiles to reference cell lineage expression data. Gene-level analysis further supports the isolation of individual cell populations with high expression of CD3, CD4, CD8, CD19, and CD20 for leukocytes, CDH1 and MUC1 for epithelial cells, and FAP, SMA, COL1A1, and COL3A1 for fibroblasts. As a proof of concept, we profiled tumor samples of nine patients and explored expression differences in the three cell populations between tumor and normal tissue. Interestingly, we found that angiogenesis-related genes were upregulated in fibroblasts isolated from tumors compared with normal tissue. Overall, we suggest our protocol as a complementary and more scalable approach compared with single-cell RNA sequencing to investigate associations between clinical parameters and transcriptomic alterations of specific cell populations in esophageal adenocarcinoma

    Longitudinal Data Analysis of Symptom Score Trajectories Using Linear Mixed Models in a Clinical Trial

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    In clinical trials, longitudinal data are often analyzed using T-tests, anovas or ancovas instead of the more powerful linear mixed models. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how the more sophisticated linear mixed models according to the approach of Singer and Willett, which allows special insight into the behaviour of the data, can be used in clinical trials. Individual trajectories of PANNS-MNS Scores from a controlled clinical trial were used to demonstrate all the steps needed for an analysis of longitudinal data. The model is built step by step, model assumptions are checked, time-variant and time-invariant factors are included and the results are interpreted. The unique needs of a clinical trial, such as the calculation of effect sizes or of an appropriate sample size, are taken into account. Finally, a flow chart is presented that would serve as an instruction tool for the analysis of longitudinal data in clinical trials

    Carabiques nouveaux (6e note) [Col. Caraboidea]

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    Jeanne Claude. Carabiques nouveaux (6e note) [Col. Caraboidea]. In: Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France, volume 81 (1-2), Janvier-février 1976. pp. 28-40

    Concept and results of the German Research Network on Schizophrenia

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    The German Research Network on Schizophrenia (GRNS) was funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) from 1999 to 2011. The aim was to obtain a better horizontal and vertical networking of German research and care facilities on schizophrenia, in order to investigate open research questions, to transfer the results into clinical practice and improve care and quality of life in patients with schizophrenia. This paper describes the concept and operations of the GRNS as well as its results on the basis of selected research projects. The GRNS comprised about 25 clinical trials of high practical relevance, which were closely interrelated regarding content, methodology and organization. The trials primarily served the development and evaluation of new and established diagnostic and therapeutic approaches, the assessment of the status quo of clinical care, as well as its improvements, together with the investigation of basic scientific questions. Many substantial results to highly relevant issues were obtained, which led or will lead to an improvement in mental health care. Quantitative and qualitative evaluation parameters, such as scientific publications and obtaining additional grants, as well as promotion of young scientists, public relations activities, congress activities and the foundation of a European Schizophrenia Association, document the successful work of the network. Successful funding requests will allow us to continue cooperative schizophrenia research in Germany as initiated by the GRNS, without necessarily always binding these activities formally to the GRNS