249 research outputs found

    Adsorption of Ammonia on Regenerable Carbon Sorbents

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    Results are presented on the development of reversible sorbents for the combined carbon dioxide, moisture, and trace-contaminant (TC) removal for use in Extravehicular Activities (EVAs), and more specifically in the Primary Life Support System (PLSS). The currently available life support systems use separate units for carbon dioxide, trace contaminants, and moisture control, and the long-term objective is to replace the above three modules with a single one. Data on sorption and desorption of ammonia, which is a major TC of concern, are presented in this paper. The current TC-control technology involves the use of a packed bed of acid-impregnated granular charcoal, which is non-regenerable, and the carbon-based sorbent under development in this project can be regenerated by exposure to vacuum at room temperature. In this study, several carbon sorbents were fabricated and tested for ammonia sorption. Ammonia-sorption capacity was related to carbon pore structure characteristics, and the temperature of oxidative carbon-surface treatment was optimized for enhanced ammonia-sorption performance

    Host response to fungal infections - how immunology and host genetics could help to identify and treat patients at risk.

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    In spite of the ever-increasing incidence and poor outcome of invasive fungal infections in immune compromised patients, there is currently no reliable method to accurately predict the risk, to monitor the outcome and to treat these infections. Protective immunity against Candida and Aspergillus depends on a highly coordinated interaction between the innate and adaptive immune systems. Genetic and immunological defects in components of these networks result in increased risk of invasive fungal infections among patients undergoing chemotherapy or transplant recipients. We review the most important genetic and immunological factors that influence human susceptibility to Candida and Aspergillus infections and discuss the potential role of basic research to promote precision medicine for infectious diseases. We discuss how immunogenetic studies can help to provide tools for improved identification of high-risk patients and the development of tailored antifungal therapies

    The activity and immunoexpression of cathepsin D in rat male reproductive organs

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    Cathepsin D is a cysteine endopeptidase that belongs to the lysosomal enzyme family. The aim of the study was to evaluate the enzyme immunoexpression and activity in selected male genital organs in mature Wistar rats. The activity of cathepsin D was measured spectrophotometrically in homogenates of the testis, epididymis, seminal vesicle and prostate. Immunohistochemical staining was also performed in the ductus deferens. Enzyme activity was found in the following sequence: testis>epididymis>dorsal prostatic lobe>seminal vesicle>lateral prostatic lobe>ventral prostatic lobe. Although there were differences in enzyme activity between various organs of the male reproductive system, cathepsin D immunoreactivity was seen exclusively in the Sertoli and Leydig cells in the testis

    The crucial involvement of retinoid X receptors in DDE neurotoxicity

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    Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE) is a primary environmental and metabolic degradation product of the pesticide dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT). It is one of the most toxic compounds belonging to organochlorines. DDE has never been commercially produced; however, the parent pesticide DDT is still used in some developing countries for disease-vector control of malaria. DDT and DDE remain in the environment because these chemicals are resistant to degradation and bioaccumulate in the food chain. Little is known, however, about DDE toxicity during the early stages of neural development. The results of the present study demonstrate that DDE induced a caspase-3-dependent apoptosis and caused the global DNA hypomethylation in mouse embryonic neuronal cells. This study also provided evidence for DDE-isomer-non-specific alterations of retinoid X receptor α (RXRα)- and retinoid X receptor β (RXRβ)-mediated intracellular signaling, including changes in the levels of the receptor mRNAs and changes in the protein levels of the receptors. DDE-induced stimulation of RXRα and RXRβ was verified using selective antagonist and specific siRNAs. Co-localization of RXRα and RXRβ was demonstrated using confocal microscopy. The apoptotic action of DDE was supported at the cellular level through Hoechst 33342 and calcein AM staining experiments. In conclusion, the results of the present study demonstrated that the stimulation of RXRα- and RXRβ-mediated intracellular signaling plays an important role in the propagation of DDE-induced apoptosis during early stages of neural development

    The influence of water and glycerol addition on thermal processing, rheology and microstructure changes of potato starch

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    In the present paper the influence of glycerol and water addition to potato starch during thermo-mechanical treatment was observed. The shearing-heating treatment was realised on the new designed equipment ¿ Shear Cell ¿ based on the cone and plate rheometer device. The measurement of rheological changes during processing showed that water and glycerol addition lowered the shear stress and the shear rate values. Also the influence on intrinsic viscosity was observed: higher level of water and glycerol added, the lower values of intrinsic viscosity was observed. Microstructure changes during processing confirming these result

    Fast and noninvasive hair test for preliminary diagnosis of mood disorders

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    The main objective of this study was to develop a test for the fast and noninvasive prediagnosis of mood disorders based on the noninvasive analysis of hair samples. The database included 75 control subjects (who were not diagnosed with depression) and 40 patients diagnosed with mood disorders such as depression or bipolar disorder. Both women and men, aged 18–65 years, participated in the research. After taking the hair samples, they were washed (methanol–water–methanol by shaking in a centrifuge for two min) and air-dried in a fume hood. Each hair collection was analyzed using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy attenuated total reflection (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy. Subsequently, the results obtained were analyzed based on chemometric methods: hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) and principal component analysis (PCA). As a results of the research conducted, potential differences were noticed. There was a visible change in the spectra intensity at around 2800–3100 cm(−1) and smaller differences around 1460 cm(−1); the bands can be assigned to protein vibrations. However, these are preliminary studies that provide a good basis for the development of a test for the initial diagnosis of mood disorders

    Modeling the combined polymerization and drying of polyacrylamide prepolymer

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    In the paper, the mathematical model of combined polymerisation and drying of polyacrylamide prepolymer is presented. It allows to predict the change of monomer conversion degree, polymer moisture content, the temperatures of gas and polymer in the dryer as well as dryer sizes. Using a developed model, values of technological parameters were established, providing faster polymerisation than in the case of drying

    What do clinicians think of the anatomical knowledge of medical students? Results of a survey

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    Human anatomy is one of basic courses in medical education. It usually takes place during the first year of the medical school syllabus. However, the results of the course, if defined as profound anatomical knowledge, are not applied by the students until several years after the final anatomy examination. The aim of the study was to evaluate the anatomical knowledge of senior medical students. For this reason a survey was distributed among teachers responsible for clinical rotas. The results of the study were intended to give the answer to the question, "What do students remember several years after the anatomy examination?" as expressed by their clinical teachers. The questionnaire included four closed questions and one open question. The closed questions concerned general anatomical knowledge, whether the anatomy course should be extended and whether additional courses should be introduced and included a question about student knowledge of particular systems. The open question concerned ways of improving anatomical education. As a result of the survey it was observed that surgical specialists had a significantly lower opinion of the medical knowledge of their students than had medical specialists. Most of the suggestions for improving anatomical education were related to introducing clinical applications of anatomical knowledge

    Torrefaction Processing for Human Solid Waste Management

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    This study involved a torrefaction (mild pyrolysis) processing approach that could be used to sterilize feces and produce a stable, odor-free solid product that can be stored or recycled, and also to simultaneously recover moisture. It was demonstrated that mild heating (200-250 C) in nitrogen or air was adequate for torrefaction of a fecal simulant and an analog of human solid waste (canine feces). The net result was a nearly undetectable odor (for the canine feces), complete recovery of moisture, some additional water production, a modest reduction of the dry solid mass, and the production of small amounts of gas and liquid. The liquid product is mainly water, with a small Total Organic Carbon content. The amount of solid vs gas plus liquid products can be controlled by adjusting the torrefaction conditions (final temperature, holding time), and the current work has shown that the benefits of torrefaction could be achieved in a low temperature range (< 250 C). These temperatures are compatible with the PTFE bag materials historically used by NASA for fecal waste containment and will reduce the energy consumption of the process. The solid product was a dry material that did not support bacterial growth and was hydrophobic relative to the starting material. In the case of canine feces, the solid product was a mechanically friable material that could be easily compacted to a significantly smaller volume (approx. 50%). The proposed Torrefaction Processing Unit (TPU) would be designed to be compatible with the Universal Waste Management System (UWMS), now under development by NASA. A stand-alone TPU could be used to treat the canister from the UWMS, along with other types of wet solid wastes, with either conventional or microwave heating. Over time, a more complete integration of the TPU and the UWMS could be achieved, but will require design changes in both units

    Morphological studies in modern teratological investigations

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    Despite the variety of modern molecular techniques available, examination of foetal anatomy is still a fundamental part of teratological studies in evaluating the developmental toxicity of xenobiotics or other non-chemical factors. The article presents contemporary methods of embryotoxicity and foetotoxicity assessment. A single alizarin red S and double alcian blue followed by alizarin red S staining, as well as various methods of soft tissue examination are discussed