9 research outputs found

    Analysis of the strategic groups maps of the higher schools sector in Poland

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    This paper presents the theoretical assumptions of the method of strategic groups maps and an analysis of the higher schools sector in Poland. Moreover, it presented as a proposal for a simplified version of the method of strategic groups maps. It has used data on the ranking of the universities sector in Poland, which was conducted in 2011 by Perspektywy, thanks to which universities were classified into different strategic groups. It should be also noted that for the purposes of this study the top 50 universities in Poland (higher schools which gained relatively high places in this ranking), were taken into account. Which means that the studies are not fully representative, and therefore are rather pilot researchesW niniejszym opracowaniu zaprezentowano teoretyczne założenia metody analizy map grup strategicznych sektora szkół wyższych w Polsce. Ponadto zaproponowano uproszczą wersję metody map grup strategicznych. W opracowaniu podstawę stanowiły informacje zawarte w rankingu szkół wyższych w Polsce, przeprowadzonego w 2011 roku przez "Perspektywy", dzięki któremu szkoły wyższe zostały sklasyfikowane w równe grupy strategiczne. Należy również wspomnieć, iż dla celów niniejszego opracowania pod uwagę wzięto 50 najlepszych polskich uczelni (szkół wyższych, które zdobyły najwyższe miejsca w tym rankingu). Oznacza to, iż przeprowadzone badania nie są w pełni reprezentatywne, i mają charakter badań pilotażowyc

    Research Methodology of Entrepreneurship and Innovativeness of Higher Education Institutions

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    The article presents the issues of entrepreneurship and innovativeness of universities in the context of the analysis of the European Union guidelines and determining the competitive position of the university with the use of the strategic group maps. The aim of the article is to present different variants of strategic group maps, called by the authors 1D, 2D and 3D maps, which enable the identification of the competitive situation in the sector of higher education in Poland. The study focused on two sets of criteria of differentiation of the universities’ strategies, which are entrepreneurship and innovativeness. The research problem was formulated in the form of the following questions: whether the described methods of 1D, 2D and 3D maps may be applied to the analysis of competition in the sector of higher education institutions in Poland, in relation to entrepreneurship and innovativeness

    Klaster edukacyjny w Siedlcach

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    In this study it was made the attempt to familiarize the subject of clusters (grapes), as the form of cooperation of various organizations that pursuing common goals can simultaneously achieve the objectives of the unit. Clusters, which are a combination of cooperation and competition, give the participating organizations many advantages, among which the most important may be: improving the competitive position of each organization, easier access to key resources (including human resources), all participants of the cluster, or more easily perceiving market opportunities. Main objective of the study is to outline the proposal of the creation of the education cluster in SiedlceW niniejszym opracowaniu podjęto próbę przybliżenia zagadnienia klastrów (gron), jako formy współpracy różnego rodzaju organizacji, które realizując cele wspólne mogą jednocześnie realizować cele jednostkowe. Klastry, stanowiące kombinację współpracy i rywalizacji, dają uczestniczącym w nich organizacjom wiele korzyści, spośród których za najważniejsze można uznać: polepszenie pozycji konkurencyjnej poszczególnych organizacji, łatwiejszy dostęp do kluczowych zasobów (w tym zasobów ludzkich) wszystkim uczestnikom klastra, czy łatwiejsze dostrzeganie okazji rynkowych. Celem głównym opracowania jest zarysowanie propozycji utworzenia klastra edukacyjnego w Siedlcac

    Seminarium naukowe „Innowacyjne zarządzanie szkołami wyższymi”

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    Life cycle assessment of metallised textiles. The case study of MATUROLIFE project

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    W artykule przedstawiona została metoda Oceny Cyklu Życia (LCA), która wspiera potrzeby producentów w zakresie pozyskiwania informacji o środowisku poprzez ocenę aspektów środowiskowych i potencjalnych wpływów w całym okresie życia wyrobu. Zaprezentowano rezultaty badań w ramach pierwszej fazy oceny cyklu życia metalizowanych tkanin, nazywanych także inteligentnymi tkaninami. Kontekst dla analizy stanowi nowy projekt pt.: „Metalizacja tekstyliów w celu uczynienia życia miejskiego osób starszych bardziej niezależnym i stylowym – MATUROLIFE”, realizowany w ramach programu HORYZONT 2020: „Zaawansowane materiały i innowacyjne projektowanie dla poprawy funkcjonalności i estetyki dóbr konsumpcyjnych o wysokiej wartości dodanej". W artykule przedstawiono najważniejsze założenia do oceny skutków środowiskowych związanych z metalizacją różnorodnych tekstyliów, w tym przede wszystkim bezprądowego powlekania miedzią, poprzez obliczenie zapotrzebowania na materiały i energię, oraz z uwzględnieniem emisji do powietrza, wody i gleby oraz poprzez ocenę ich wpływu na środowisko. Przeanalizowano zastosowanie LCA jako narzędzia zarządzania o ogromnym potencjale do podejmowania decyzji w ramach strategicznego planowania biznesowegoThis article provides an overview of the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) method which supports manufacturers’ environmental information needs by evaluation of the environmental aspects and potential influences throughout the lifetime of the product. In the article results are presented of the first phase of the life cycle assessment of metallised textiles and the context for the analysis is a new project: „Metallisation of Textiles to make Urban living for Older people more Independent & Fashionable – MATUROLIFE”, implemented under the HORIZON 2020 Programme – “Advanced materials & innovative design for improved functionality & aesthetics in high added value consumer goods”.The article presents the most important assumptions for assessing the environmental effects associated with the metallization of various textiles, including primarily electroless copper coating, by calculating the demand for materials and energy, and taking into account emissions to air, water and soil, and by assessing their impact on the environment. The use of LCA as a management tool with great potential for making decisions within strategic business planning was analyze

    Classic Strategic Groups Maps (2D) as the Basis for Assessing the Competitive Situation in the Sector of Public Universities in Poland in the Area of Innovativeness and Entrepreneurship

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    According to assumptions of the Strategy Europe 2020, innovativeness and entrepreneurship are considered to be key reas of socio-economic development of the European Union. Therefore, conducting strategic analysis in the field of en repreneurship and innovativeness acquires special significance, among others in relation to higher education institutions HEIs) in Poland. For this reason the aim of this article has become a partial assessment of the competitive situation in the sector of ublic higher education institutions in Poland, which is the basis for testing the concept of strategic group maps 1D and D (which are the components of the concept of a comprehensive approach to the assessment of the competitive situation ithin the sector). The analysis with usage of the classic strategic group maps (2D) method was carried out based on the selected factors assessed in the Ranking of Higher Education Institutions of „Perspektywy”) in the area of innovativeness and entrepreneurship f public universities in Poland. The research problem was formulated in the form of the following question: what was the ompetitive situation in the Polish Public Higher Education Institutions in the field of innovativeness and entrepreneurship n the academic year 2015/2016. Thanks to the usage of systematic random sampling technique, the 14 academic public niversities were selected as a basis for further analysis. The conclusions of the studies conducted with the use of classic maps 2D) allowed for a partial assessment of the competitive situation in the sector of Public Higher Education Institutions in oland, in which there were found 2 to 3 strategic groups. It is also intended to test the usefulness of two other variants of strategic group maps (1D and 2D) in further research on nnovativeness and entrepreneurship in the sector of public universities in Poland

    Application of Performance and Efficiency Indicators in Measuring the Level of Success of Public Universities in Poland

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    Success can be interpreted and assessed in various ways. This article proposes evaluating university success through performance and efficiency indicators, inspired by the Positioning School of Strategy and New Public Management. This approach faces challenges, such as limited economic data for Polish public universities. The article aimed to identify factors and success levels for public universities in the higher education sector. The research question, “What are the measures and levels of success of public universities?”, was divided into three specific inquiries: key success factors, performance and efficiency indicators, and success levels for selected Polish public universities. The study involved analysing international and Polish university rankings, interviewing 53 public university experts in Poland, and examining efficiency indicators for 10 selected public universities. Critical success factors (research excellence, education excellence, international cooperation) and critical performance indicators were identified. Efficiency indicators demonstrated the good financial condition of selected institutions. Critical success factors and critical performance indicators were defined, and performance and efficiency measures were used to assess the success of Polish public higher education institutions. The authors acknowledge the need for parametric and non-parametric methods to fully evaluate success. The proposed performance-oriented measurement tool can assist public university leaders in making strategic decisions