407 research outputs found

    Two freedoms. (Poetic) fragments of Michel Houellebecq

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    This article discusses the poetry of Michel Houellebecq. Its reading as a world-view statement is defined by its key notion of freedom. The thus specified reading enables one to identify various meanings of the notion included in the poems of the French writer: the philosophical and the social meanings

    Floristic richness of the "Ratośniówki" forest in the Strzyżowskie Foothills

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    W tekście omówiono bogactwo florystyczne kompleksu leśnego „Ratośniówki” położonego w obrębie miasta Strzyżów (Pogórze Strzyżowskie). Badania florystyczne prowadzono na jego obszarze w latach 2008–2010 zbierając dane na temat występujących tu gatunków roślin naczyniowych oraz siedlisk, w których rosły. Prowadzono również obserwacje dotyczące wpływu człowieka na szatę roślinną tego obiektu. Rezultatem badań jest lista 209 gatunków roślin naczyniowych wraz z analizą ich geograficzno-historycznego pochodzenia. Artykuł przedstawia również zmiany w szacie roślinnej wywołane silną antropopresją. Ponadto zaproponowano przebieg ścieżki dydaktycznej, która obejmowałaby najcenniejsze i najciekawsze miejsca w badanym kompleksie leśnym.The study area is the forest “Ratośniówki”, which is located in the town of Strzyżów in the Strzyżowskie Foothills (30 km in SW of Rzeszów, 49°52 ́N, 21°47 ́E, ATPOL grid square FF8310). The floristic investigations carried out in 2008–2010 resulted in the list of vascular plant species and the assessment of human impact exerted on vegetation. Among 209 species found in the area 17 mountain species have been recorded: Abies alba, Aposeris foetida, Dentaria glandulosa, Lysimachia nemorum, Petasites albus, Polistichum aculeatum, Salvia glutinosa, Sambucus racemosa,Senecio nemorensis, Senecio ovatus, Stachys alpina, Symphytum cordatum, Veronica montana, Dryopteris dilatata,Scilla bifolia, Scilla kladnii, Equisteum telmateia, 17 protected species (11 fully protected, 6 partially protected): Centaurium erythraea, Cephalanthera damasonium, Cephalanthera longifolia, Daphne mezereum, Galanthus nivalis, Neottia nidus-avis, Platanthera bifolia, Polypodium vulgare, Polystichum aculeatum, Scilla bifolia, Staphyllea pinnata, Asarum europaeum, Frangula alnus, Galium odoratum, Hedera helix, Primula elatior, Viburnum opulusand 3 species listed in the “Red List of Poland” (Zarzycki, Szelag 2006): Cephalanthera damasonium, Cephalanthera longifolia, Polystichum aculeatum. The investigated forest area represents the association of Tilio-Carpinetum. The forest stands are characterised by a high degree of naturalness as indicated by a large proportion of old-growth forests’ species (61 species, accounting for 30% of the flora) and examples of trees as natural monuments. The forest “Ratośniówki” is the most valuable in the whole area of Strzyżów and needs to be protected due to natural, cultural and landscape values

    Meadow communities with Cirsium canum (L.) All. in the Wielopolka River valley in the Strzyżow Foothills (Western Carpathians)

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    The research was conducted in meadow communities with Cirsium canum in the Wielopolka River valley in the Strzyżów Foothills in 2012–2013. The common phytosociological Braun-Blanquet method was applied and 20 phytosociological relevés were taken in each of the managed and abandoned patches. The aim of the study was to investigate the distribution of the species and identify the floristic composition and habitat conditions in the phytocoenoses, as well as to compare mown and unmown patches in which the species occurs. It was observed that the management factor exerted a significant effect on the floristic composition of the communities with Cirsium canum. The managed patches exhibited a large proportion of species from fresh and wet meadows (Molinio-Arrhenatheretea class), whereas the abandoned patches were clearly dominated by species from wet meadows from the Calthion alliance and Molinietalia order

    Occurrence of the globeflower Trollius europaeus L. in “Łąki w Komborni” Natura 2000 site (Podkarpackie Province, SE Poland)

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    The paper presents characteristics of a meadow community with Trollius europaeus, threats posed to the community, and proposals for active protection thereof. The study was carried out in the “Łąki w Komborni” Natura 2000 site (PLH 180042) in the Podkarpacie Province (SE Poland). In 2015, 20 relevés were taken with the Braun-Blanquet method and they are presented in a synthetic table. Additionally, the number of clumps, the number of flowering shoots per clump, and the height of flowering shoots were determined. The community with Trollius europaeus was classified into the alliance Molinion caeruleae with Selinum carvifolia, Galium boreale, Succisa pratensis, Betonica officinalis, Gladiolus imbricatus, and Carex tomentosa as characteristic species. Scrub species, in particular Filipendula ulmaria, had a substantial share, which indicated long-term abandonment of land use. The community also comprised rush species (Carex gracilis, Phragmites australis) and a numerous group of species from the order Arrhenatheretalia (e.g. Geranium pratense, Alchemilla monticola, Galium mollugo, Arrhenatherum elatius) and the class Molinio-Arrhenatheretea (e.g. Lathyrus pratensis, Alopecurus pratensis, Ranunculus acris, Poa pratensis). Abandonment of extensive land use leading to progressive secondary succession is the major threat to phytocoenoses with Trollius europaeus. To preserve meadows with Trollius europaeus, active protection involving mowing and removal of biomass is recommended.

    Abundance and conservation status of Rosa gallica in Strzyżów Foothills (SE Poland)

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    Rosa gallica is a rare, threatened, and legally protected species; hence, research on this species is important for identification of threats and development of protection strategies. The aim of the study was to characterise plant communities with Rosa gallica and to determine the habitat conditions, abundance, and diversity of selected population traits. The study was conducted in 2016-2020 in two localities (Bukowa, Kołaczyce) in Strzyżów Foothills. Twenty phytosociological relevés were made using the Braun-Blanquet method. The habitat conditions were assessed using Ellenberg indicator values. The following parameters were used to evaluate the diversity and quantitative relationships between the species in the analysed communities: Shannon-Wiener diversity (H՛), Evenness (J՛), and Simpson dominance (SIMP) indices. The size of the analysed populations was estimated based on the number of vegetative and generative shoots. Height was measured in 100 randomly selected shoots, and the number of flowers per generative shoot was additionally determined. Rosa gallica was part of the community with Brachypodium pinnatum in the Bukowa locality and occurred in the association Arrhenatheretum elatioris in Kołaczyce. The diversity indices had higher values ​​in Kołaczyce. The population in Bukowa covered an area of 500 m2 and comprised 911 (578 generative and 333 vegetative) shoots. From 1 to 10 flowers per shoot were noted. The population from Kołaczyce occupied a twofold smaller area and was less numerous, i.e. 465 (168 generative and 297 vegetative) shoots were recorded. It was also characterised by less abundant flowering (1-5 flowers per shoot). There were differences in the height of the generative and vegetative shoots. The parameter exhibited higher values in Bukowa ​​(55.17 and 36.95 cm, respectively) than in Kołaczyce (33.79 and 26.79 cm, respectively). All the habitat indices (except for K and R) and the biodiversity indices had higher values in Kołaczyce. The present results show that Rosa gallica occurs in a wide range of habitats varying in light, moisture, and fertility requirements. It grows in different-sized clusters or sometimes produces single shoots. Advanced succession has a negative impact on the conservation status of the population, which is particularly evident in the Kołaczyce locality. Therefore, the conservation of this species will depend on active protection measures

    New locality of Botrychium matricariifolium in south-eastern Poland – characteristics of the habitat and some plant traits

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    Botrychium matricariifolium is a critically endangered species in Poland. In 2020, a new locality of this rare fern was found in the Góra Chełm forest reserve (Strzyżowskie Foothills). The population comprised 58 individuals. The fern was found in the Carpathian beech fertile complex Dentario glandulosae-Fagetum at a forest margin located near an unused quarry. The community comprised 29 vascular plant species. The dense layer of trees (90%) was composed of Acer pseudoplatanus, Abies alba, and Fagus sylvatica. The greatest coverage in the undergrowth was achieved by Dentaria glandulosa, Dentaria bulbifera, Galeobdolon luteum, and Mercurialis perennis. The mean height of the ferns was 14.9 cm. The trophophores had 3 branches each and were 1.1-3.4 cm long (mean: 2.1 cm). They had 5 to 9 pinnae. The length of the sporophore ranged from 2.3 to 8.3 cm (mean: 5.1 cm). It had from 12 to 183 sporangia (mean: 62). In 2021, the locality was re-verified, and 30 sporulating individuals were recorded. No factors threatening the species were noted. The population is in good condition and does not require any special active protection measures

    Some remarks on the history of the tradition of Corpus Cristi decorations in the parish of Spycimierz

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    The aim of this article is to discuss three issues connected with the tradition of decorating the route of the Corpus Christi procession in the parish of Spycimierz. It first presents an outline of the history of the parish and the villages that it comprises today. Next, it highlights the origins of this tradition and reconstructs the six routes that the Corpus Christi procession followed over the past 50 years. It also explains the rules used by the local community in choosing the route.Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie trzech zagadnień związanych z dziejami tradycji ubierania (zdobienia) trasy procesji Bożego Ciała w parafii Spycimierz. Tekst otwiera zarys dziejów parafii oraz miejscowości współcześnie ją tworzących. Autor analizuje kwestię genezy i okresu narodzin zwyczaju oraz rekonstruuje sześć tras, po których wędrowała procesja Bożego Ciała w parafii Spycimierz podczas ostatniego półwiecza. Wskazuje także reguły, którymi miejscowa społeczność kierowała się, ustalając przebieg trasy