4 research outputs found

    Dimensioning a energy system for the new school in Jumkil : implementing geothermal heat pump, photovoltaic system and battery storage

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    The purpose of this study is to develop a modern and energy efficient system solution for a school in Jumkil, combining solar power, battery storage and geothermal heat pump system. By using models, simulations and available literature the study examines the dimensions of the included components for optimal coverage of the schools energy demand. The type of solar cells used is monochrystalline silicon solar cells and from an economical point of view, the installed effect should be 55 kWp. For such a solution the optimal battery capacity is 60 kWh and the battery technique used is vanadium redox flow battery. The vanadium redox flow battery technique is safe, have a long lifetime as well as a high depth of discharge. Implementing a smaller photovoltaic plant of 22 kWp reduces the need of battery capacity to 20 kWh. The battery is used for several applications, for example storage of the excess solar production and reducing the power peaks to eliminate expensive charge. An inverter heat pump of 79 kW is installed to cover the heat demand. The study also shows that a geothermal automatically controlled heat pump combined with floor heating is the best combination to reduce electricity costs annually. In interaction with the self-produced power and the vanadium redox flow battery the system allows the school to reduce their electricity consumption and thus the need of buying power from the grid decreases.Syftet med studien Ă€r att designa en modern och energieffektiv systemlösning för en skola i Jumkil dĂ€r systemlösningen bestĂ„r av en solcellsanlĂ€ggning, ett batterilager och en varvtalsstyrd vĂ€rmepump. Genom att anvĂ€nda modeller, simuleringar och tillgĂ€nglig litteratur undersöker studien vilka dimensioner de olika komponenterna bör ha för att tĂ€cka skolans vĂ€rme- och elbehov. Solcellerna som implementeras Ă€r av typen monokristallina kiselsolceller och frĂ„n ett ekonomiskt perspektiv bör den installerade effekten vara 55 kWp. För en sĂ„dan lösning Ă€r den optimala batterikapaciteten 60 kWh och Ă€r av typen flödesbatteri. Fördelarna med flödesbatterier Ă€r att de Ă€r sĂ€kra, har lĂ„ng livslĂ€ngd och stort urladdningsdjup. Om en mindre solcellsanlĂ€ggning med en installerad effekt pĂ„ 22 kWp installeras kan batterikapaciteten reduceras till 20 kWh. Batteriet anvĂ€nds bland annat för att lagra överskottet av producerad solel och för att kapa effekttoppar vilket minskar kostnaderna för inköpt el. Även en bergvĂ€rmepump med en effekt pĂ„ 79 kW installeras för att tĂ€cka vĂ€rmebehovet. Studien visar att kombinationen av bergvĂ€rmepumpen och golvvĂ€rme Ă€r det bĂ€sta sĂ€ttet att minska Ă„rliga elkostnader. Tillsammans med den egenproducerade elen och flödesbatteriet kan skolan minska sin elförbrukning och pĂ„ sĂ„ sĂ€tt minska behovet av att köpa el frĂ„n nĂ€tet

    Grid connection of a future electric road

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    The transport sector accounts for a third of Sweden’s total greenhouse gas emissions where cars and heavy trucks dominate the use of fossil fuels. The Swedish government is now intensifying the work for an electrified transport sector where electric roads could be an important part. Electric roads enable heavy vehicles to charge their batteries while driving, which is expected to contribute to environmentally friendly and time-efficient freight transports. To implement electric roads, availability of electric power along the electric roads will be required. This study presents a plan for connecting an electric road to the electricity grid in the electricity network area of Vattenfall Eldistribution. From the results, the idea was to present general conclusions from the experiences of the study, that could contribute in further implementation of electric roads. The road that has been selected for the study was the E4 between Gävle and Stockholm. A model for calculating the power demand along the electric road has been modeled and connection possibilities to transformer stations has been investigated. The analysis was based on three scenarios where different degrees of strengthening of the existing electricity network were assumed. In addition, a forecast for 2030 and a cost estimation for each scenario has been carried out. The result of the study indicates that for road sections close to larger cities, there are a larger number of connection options in comparison to rural areas. Furthermore, the designed solution in the study required strengthening of the electricity grid and the investment cost was 362 million Swedish crowns

    Grid connection of a future electric road

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    The transport sector accounts for a third of Sweden’s total greenhouse gas emissions where cars and heavy trucks dominate the use of fossil fuels. The Swedish government is now intensifying the work for an electrified transport sector where electric roads could be an important part. Electric roads enable heavy vehicles to charge their batteries while driving, which is expected to contribute to environmentally friendly and time-efficient freight transports. To implement electric roads, availability of electric power along the electric roads will be required. This study presents a plan for connecting an electric road to the electricity grid in the electricity network area of Vattenfall Eldistribution. From the results, the idea was to present general conclusions from the experiences of the study, that could contribute in further implementation of electric roads.  The road that has been selected for the study was the E4 between Gävle and Stockholm. A model for calculating the power demand along the electric road has been modeled and connection possibilities to transformer stations has been investigated. The analysis was based on three scenarios where different degrees of strengthening of the existing electricity network were assumed. In addition, a forecast for 2030 and a cost estimation for each scenario has been carried out. The result of the study indicates that for road sections close to larger cities, there are a larger number of connection options in comparison to rural areas. Furthermore, the designed solution in the study required strengthening of the electricity grid and the investment cost was 362 million Swedish crowns.

    Grid connection of a future electric road

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    The transport sector accounts for a third of Sweden’s total greenhouse gas emissions where cars and heavy trucks dominate the use of fossil fuels. The Swedish government is now intensifying the work for an electrified transport sector where electric roads could be an important part. Electric roads enable heavy vehicles to charge their batteries while driving, which is expected to contribute to environmentally friendly and time-efficient freight transports. To implement electric roads, availability of electric power along the electric roads will be required. This study presents a plan for connecting an electric road to the electricity grid in the electricity network area of Vattenfall Eldistribution. From the results, the idea was to present general conclusions from the experiences of the study, that could contribute in further implementation of electric roads.  The road that has been selected for the study was the E4 between Gävle and Stockholm. A model for calculating the power demand along the electric road has been modeled and connection possibilities to transformer stations has been investigated. The analysis was based on three scenarios where different degrees of strengthening of the existing electricity network were assumed. In addition, a forecast for 2030 and a cost estimation for each scenario has been carried out. The result of the study indicates that for road sections close to larger cities, there are a larger number of connection options in comparison to rural areas. Furthermore, the designed solution in the study required strengthening of the electricity grid and the investment cost was 362 million Swedish crowns.