35 research outputs found

    Aivovammojen ali- ja ylidiagnostiikka

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    ‱Jokainen pÀÀn vamman saanut potilas ansaitsee asianmukaisen ja yhtenĂ€isen diagnostiikan oikean hoidon ja kuntoutuksen saamiseksi. ‱Akuuttivaiheessa aivovammojen alidiagnostiikan riski on suurentunut erityisesti suurienergiaisissa ­tapaturmissa, joissa potilaan muut vakavat vammat vievĂ€t terveydenhuollon toimijoiden huomion. ‱Ylidiagnostiikkaa nĂ€hdÀÀn aivovammojen jĂ€lkitilojen arvioinnissa, kun potilaan oirekuvaa pidetÀÀn merkittĂ€vĂ€n aivovamman aiheuttamana riippumatta akuuttivaiheen tapahtumatiedoista ja muista selittĂ€vistĂ€ tekijöistĂ€. ‱Kun diagnoosi on tehty alkuvaiheessa oikein, lievĂ€n aivovamman saaneista valtaosa toipuu ennalleen ja palaa töihin. Keskivaikea aivovamma voi aiheuttaa pitkittyneitĂ€ tai pysyviĂ€kin toimintakykyĂ€ rajoittavia oireita, ja potilaat tarvitsevat kuntoutusta. SitĂ€ vaikeamman aivovamman saaneet eivĂ€t yleensĂ€ kykene palaamaan työelĂ€mÀÀn.Peer reviewe

    Identifying drivers and hindrances of social user experience in web services

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    ABSTRACT Social activity is becoming a central contributor to user experience (UX) in many modern Web services. The motivations, norms and rules of online communities have been widely researched, however, social activity and its UX in modern Web services is a less studied area. We conducted a four-week-long field study with three Web services -Facebook, Nokia Sports Tracker and Dopplrwhich all support social activity. The aim of this study was to identify the central drivers and hindrances of social UX, user experience of online social activity. Our results show that the main drivers of social UX include self-expression, reciprocity, learning and curiosity, whereas unsuitability of content and functionality, incompleteness of user networks and lack of trust and privacy are often experienced as hindrances for social UX. Our findings also reveal the pragmatic and hedonic nature of the drivers and hindrances. The results can be used to inform design and evaluation of social UX in Web services

    Psychometric properties of the finnish version of the resilience scale and its short version

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    Aim: To investigate the psychometric properties of the Finnish version of the Resilience Scale (RS) and its short version (RS-14), as well as the relationship of resilience with demographic variables and self-perceived health. Method: A standard procedure was used for translation of the scale, and 243 participants (75% women, mean age = 41.0; SD = 17.8) were evaluated with the RS, the RS-14, and the EuroQol 5D. Results: The mean level of resilience was found to be moderate. Both the RS and the RS-14 showed good internal consistency reliability, .90 and .87, respectively. No clear factor structure was found. Both assessments correlated with age but there was no statistically significant association with education or gender. However, a relatively weak but statistically significant correlation between the RS and the RS-14 with self-reported health was found in women. Conclusion: The Finnish versions of the RS and RS-14 can be recommended to be used in clinical and scientific settings. Gender is suggested to be taken into account in further research of resilience

    Outcome from Complicated versus Uncomplicated Mild Traumatic Brain Injury

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    Objective. To compare acute outcome following complicated versus uncomplicated mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI) using neurocognitive and self-report measures. Method. Participants were 47 patients who presented to the emergency department of Tampere University Hospital, Finland. All completed MRI scanning, self-report measures, and neurocognitive testing at 3-4 weeks after injury. Participants were classified into the complicated MTBI or uncomplicated MTBI group based on the presence/absence of intracranial abnormality on day-of-injury CT scan or 3-4 week MRI scan. Results. There was a large statistically significant difference in time to return to work between groups. The patients with uncomplicated MTBIs had a median of 6.0 days (IQR = 0.75–14.75, range = 0–77) off work compared to a median of 36 days (IQR = 13.5–53, range = 3–315) for the complicated group. There were no significant differences between groups for any of the neurocognitive or self-report measures. There were no differences in the proportion of patients who (a) met criteria for ICD-10 postconcussional disorder or (b) had multiple low scores on the neurocognitive measures. Conclusion. Patients with complicated MTBIs took considerably longer to return to work. They did not perform more poorly on neurocognitive measures or report more symptoms, at 3-4 weeks after injury compared to patients with uncomplicated MTBIs.Hindaw

    Texture analysis of MR images of patients with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Our objective was to study the effect of trauma on texture features in cerebral tissue in mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI). Our hypothesis was that a mild trauma may cause microstructural changes, which are not necessarily perceptible by visual inspection but could be detected with texture analysis (TA).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We imaged 42 MTBI patients by using 1.5 T MRI within three weeks of onset of trauma. TA was performed on the area of mesencephalon, cerebral white matter at the levels of mesencephalon, corona radiata and centrum semiovale and in different segments of corpus callosum (CC) which have been found to be sensitive to damage. The same procedure was carried out on a control group of ten healthy volunteers. Patients' TA data was compared with the TA results of the control group comparing the amount of statistically significantly differing TA parameters between the left and right sides of the cerebral tissue and comparing the most discriminative parameters.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There were statistically significant differences especially in several co-occurrence and run-length matrix based parameters between left and right side in the area of mesencephalon, in cerebral white matter at the level of corona radiata and in the segments of CC in patients. Considerably less difference was observed in the healthy controls.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>TA revealed significant changes in texture parameters of cerebral tissue between hemispheres and CC segments in TBI patients. TA may serve as a novel additional tool for detecting the conventionally invisible changes in cerebral tissue in MTBI and help the clinicians to make an early diagnosis.</p

    Biopsykososiaaliset muutokset lievÀn aivovamman jÀlkeen

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    Biopsykososiaaliset muutokset lievÀn aivovamman jÀlkeen LievÀ traumaattinen aivovamma on monimutkainen patofysiologinen prosessi, joka vaikuttaa aivoihin. KyseessÀ on laajakirjoinen vamma, jonka seuraukset voivat vaihdella lievÀstÀ aivojen aineenvaihdunnan muutoksesta pysyviin rakenteellisiin aivovaurioihin. Kokonaistilanteen arviointia vaikeuttaa se, ettÀ potilaiden kokemilla oireilla sekÀ neuropsykologisilla tutkimuslöydöksillÀ on heikko korrelaatio perinteisten kuvantamislöydösten (magneettikuvaus, MRI; tietokonekerroskuvaus, CT) kanssa. Monet lievÀn aivovamman saaneet potilaat kokevat oireita vaikka aivokuvantamisen perusteella ei voida todeta poikkeavuuksia aivoissa. Laajasta tutkimustyöstÀ huolimatta pitkÀkestoista oireilua lievÀn aivovamman jÀlkeen ei vielÀ ymmÀrretÀ hyvin. On edelleen kiistanalaista miksi joillekin potilaille kehittyy hankala oirekirjo lievÀnÀkin pidetyn aivovamman jÀlkeen. VÀitöskirjan tavoitteena oli arvioida lievÀn aivovamman jÀlkeiseen oirekuvaan liittyviÀ biopsykososiaalisia tekijöitÀ. Potilaan kokeman oireiston ja aivojen rakenteellisten vaurioiden vÀlistÀ yhteyttÀ tutkittiin kÀyttÀmÀllÀ diffuusiotensorikuvausta. Diffuusiotensorikuvaus on magneettikuvauksen uudehko sovellus jolla voidaan tutkia hermorataverkon sisÀistÀ rakennetta ja eheyttÀ. Toipumista mitattiin lisÀksi tarkalla neuropsykologisella tutkimuksella, potilaan kokemilla oireilla ja työhön paluun nopeudella. Tutkimuksen perusteella suurin osa lievÀn aivovamman saaneista potilaista toipui tÀysin. Valtaosa potilaista palasi töihin kahden kuukauden kuluessa vammasta. Klassiset vammamuuttujat (tajuttomuuden kesto, Glascow Coma Scale pistemÀÀrÀ sekÀ posttraumaattisen muistiaukon pituus) eivÀt ennustaneet sairasloman pituutta. Sen sijaan sairasloman pituutta ennustivat voimakkaasti ikÀ, liitÀnnÀisvammat, kallonsisÀinen poikkeavuus CT kuvauksessa ja subjektiivinen vÀsyvyyden arvio. LievÀn aivovamman saaneet potilaat raportoivat enemmÀn aivovamman jÀlkeisiÀ oireita kuin terveet verrokit, mutta eivÀt kuitenkaan suoriutuneet verrokkeja heikommin kognitiivisissa testeissÀ. Tulosten mukaan psykologiset tekijÀt ovat keskeisiÀ lievÀn aivovamman jÀlkeisessÀ oireilussa. Vammaa edeltÀvat psyykkiset ongelmat sekÀ vamman jÀlkeinen depressio olivat vahvasti yhteydessÀ itsekoettuihin oireisiin. Psyykkisten tekijöiden huomioon ottaminen ja arviointi olisi suositeltava sisÀllyttÀÀ jo vamman akuuttivaiheen arviointiin, jotta hoito voidaan kohdistaa ja toteuttaa oikein. Diffuusiotensorikuvauksella todettiin lievÀn aivovamman saaneilla potilailla merkitsevÀsti enemmÀn laaja-alaisia muutoksia valkeassa aivoaineessa kontrolliryhmÀÀn verrattuna. Muutokset valkeassa aivoaineessa eivÀt kuitenkaan olleet yhteydessÀ toimintakykyyn: potilailla, joilla todettiin laaja-alaisia valkean aivoaineen muutoksia lievÀn aivovamman seurauksena, ei todettu enemmÀn oireita, kognitiivisia hÀiriöitÀ tai työhönpaluun hidastumista terveisiin kontrollihenkilöihin verrattuna. VÀitöskirjan tulokset eivÀt tue oletusta, jonka mukaan vaikeampi rakenteellinen vaurio lievissÀ aivovammoissa aiheuttaisi vaikeammat oireet kuin lievempi vaurio.Mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI) is caused by either direct or indirect biomechanical force to the head. In most cases, the disturbance of brain function from MTBI appears to be related to dysfunction of brain metabolism rather than to structural damage. Yet, MTBI falls on a broad spectrum, from very mild neurometabolic changes in the brain with rapid recovery to permanent structural brain damage. Many patients with MTBI experience subjective deficits in cognitive functioning despite the lack of macroscopic abnormalities on conventional neuroimaging (magnetic resonance imaging, MRI; computed tomography, CT). Despite extensive research, it is still unclear why some individuals recover faster than others after this injury. Poor long-term outcome from MTBI is not well understood and remains controversial. The aim of this thesis was to examine biopsychosocial outcome from adult MTBI. Participants were 129 MTBI patients consecutively admitted to the Emergency Department of Tampere University Hospital, Finland. At three weeks post injury, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) including diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) of the whole brain was undertaken. An extensive neuropsychological examination was conducted for each patient one month and one year following MTBI. Two separate healthy control groups were also recruited from the community for the study: (a) a neuroimaging control group (n = 30), and (b) a neuropsychological control group (n = 36). In sum, this study showed that most patients with MTBI recover fully. The vast majority of this cohort returned to work within two months (91.7%). Four weeks following injury, patients with MTBI reported more post-concussion symptoms than healthy controls but did not perform more poorly than healthy controls on cognitive testing. Return to work during the first four weeks following MTBI was strongly predicted by a combination of age, multiple bodily injuries, intracranial abnormality on day-of-injury CT, and fatigue ratings. Classic injury severity variables (i.e., duration of unconsciousness, Glascow Coma Scale scores, and duration of post traumatic amnesia) were not associated with length of time to return to work. Patients with MTBI were significantly more likely to show multifocal areas of diminished white matter on DTI compared to control subjects. However, white matter changes were not associated with functional outcome. MTBI patients with multifocal white matter changes did not show evidence of worse symptoms, cognitive impairment, or slower return to work compared to MTBI patients with broadly normal white matter

    Biopsykososiaaliset muutokset lievÀn aivovamman jÀlkeen

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    Biopsykososiaaliset muutokset lievÀn aivovamman jÀlkeen LievÀ traumaattinen aivovamma on monimutkainen patofysiologinen prosessi, joka vaikuttaa aivoihin. KyseessÀ on laajakirjoinen vamma, jonka seuraukset voivat vaihdella lievÀstÀ aivojen aineenvaihdunnan muutoksesta pysyviin rakenteellisiin aivovaurioihin. Kokonaistilanteen arviointia vaikeuttaa se, ettÀ potilaiden kokemilla oireilla sekÀ neuropsykologisilla tutkimuslöydöksillÀ on heikko korrelaatio perinteisten kuvantamislöydösten (magneettikuvaus, MRI; tietokonekerroskuvaus, CT) kanssa. Monet lievÀn aivovamman saaneet potilaat kokevat oireita vaikka aivokuvantamisen perusteella ei voida todeta poikkeavuuksia aivoissa. Laajasta tutkimustyöstÀ huolimatta pitkÀkestoista oireilua lievÀn aivovamman jÀlkeen ei vielÀ ymmÀrretÀ hyvin. On edelleen kiistanalaista miksi joillekin potilaille kehittyy hankala oirekirjo lievÀnÀkin pidetyn aivovamman jÀlkeen. VÀitöskirjan tavoitteena oli arvioida lievÀn aivovamman jÀlkeiseen oirekuvaan liittyviÀ biopsykososiaalisia tekijöitÀ. Potilaan kokeman oireiston ja aivojen rakenteellisten vaurioiden vÀlistÀ yhteyttÀ tutkittiin kÀyttÀmÀllÀ diffuusiotensorikuvausta. Diffuusiotensorikuvaus on magneettikuvauksen uudehko sovellus jolla voidaan tutkia hermorataverkon sisÀistÀ rakennetta ja eheyttÀ. Toipumista mitattiin lisÀksi tarkalla neuropsykologisella tutkimuksella, potilaan kokemilla oireilla ja työhön paluun nopeudella. Tutkimuksen perusteella suurin osa lievÀn aivovamman saaneista potilaista toipui tÀysin. Valtaosa potilaista palasi töihin kahden kuukauden kuluessa vammasta. Klassiset vammamuuttujat (tajuttomuuden kesto, Glascow Coma Scale pistemÀÀrÀ sekÀ posttraumaattisen muistiaukon pituus) eivÀt ennustaneet sairasloman pituutta. Sen sijaan sairasloman pituutta ennustivat voimakkaasti ikÀ, liitÀnnÀisvammat, kallonsisÀinen poikkeavuus CT kuvauksessa ja subjektiivinen vÀsyvyyden arvio. LievÀn aivovamman saaneet potilaat raportoivat enemmÀn aivovamman jÀlkeisiÀ oireita kuin terveet verrokit, mutta eivÀt kuitenkaan suoriutuneet verrokkeja heikommin kognitiivisissa testeissÀ. Tulosten mukaan psykologiset tekijÀt ovat keskeisiÀ lievÀn aivovamman jÀlkeisessÀ oireilussa. Vammaa edeltÀvat psyykkiset ongelmat sekÀ vamman jÀlkeinen depressio olivat vahvasti yhteydessÀ itsekoettuihin oireisiin. Psyykkisten tekijöiden huomioon ottaminen ja arviointi olisi suositeltava sisÀllyttÀÀ jo vamman akuuttivaiheen arviointiin, jotta hoito voidaan kohdistaa ja toteuttaa oikein. Diffuusiotensorikuvauksella todettiin lievÀn aivovamman saaneilla potilailla merkitsevÀsti enemmÀn laaja-alaisia muutoksia valkeassa aivoaineessa kontrolliryhmÀÀn verrattuna. Muutokset valkeassa aivoaineessa eivÀt kuitenkaan olleet yhteydessÀ toimintakykyyn: potilailla, joilla todettiin laaja-alaisia valkean aivoaineen muutoksia lievÀn aivovamman seurauksena, ei todettu enemmÀn oireita, kognitiivisia hÀiriöitÀ tai työhönpaluun hidastumista terveisiin kontrollihenkilöihin verrattuna. VÀitöskirjan tulokset eivÀt tue oletusta, jonka mukaan vaikeampi rakenteellinen vaurio lievissÀ aivovammoissa aiheuttaisi vaikeammat oireet kuin lievempi vaurio.Mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI) is caused by either direct or indirect biomechanical force to the head. In most cases, the disturbance of brain function from MTBI appears to be related to dysfunction of brain metabolism rather than to structural damage. Yet, MTBI falls on a broad spectrum, from very mild neurometabolic changes in the brain with rapid recovery to permanent structural brain damage. Many patients with MTBI experience subjective deficits in cognitive functioning despite the lack of macroscopic abnormalities on conventional neuroimaging (magnetic resonance imaging, MRI; computed tomography, CT). Despite extensive research, it is still unclear why some individuals recover faster than others after this injury. Poor long-term outcome from MTBI is not well understood and remains controversial. The aim of this thesis was to examine biopsychosocial outcome from adult MTBI. Participants were 129 MTBI patients consecutively admitted to the Emergency Department of Tampere University Hospital, Finland. At three weeks post injury, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) including diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) of the whole brain was undertaken. An extensive neuropsychological examination was conducted for each patient one month and one year following MTBI. Two separate healthy control groups were also recruited from the community for the study: (a) a neuroimaging control group (n = 30), and (b) a neuropsychological control group (n = 36). In sum, this study showed that most patients with MTBI recover fully. The vast majority of this cohort returned to work within two months (91.7%). Four weeks following injury, patients with MTBI reported more post-concussion symptoms than healthy controls but did not perform more poorly than healthy controls on cognitive testing. Return to work during the first four weeks following MTBI was strongly predicted by a combination of age, multiple bodily injuries, intracranial abnormality on day-of-injury CT, and fatigue ratings. Classic injury severity variables (i.e., duration of unconsciousness, Glascow Coma Scale scores, and duration of post traumatic amnesia) were not associated with length of time to return to work. Patients with MTBI were significantly more likely to show multifocal areas of diminished white matter on DTI compared to control subjects. However, white matter changes were not associated with functional outcome. MTBI patients with multifocal white matter changes did not show evidence of worse symptoms, cognitive impairment, or slower return to work compared to MTBI patients with broadly normal white matter