9 research outputs found

    High-spin structure of ^{95}Pd

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    The level scheme of the neutron-deficient nucleus 95Pd has been studied with the 58Ni\u2009+\u200940Ca fusion-evaporation reaction at 135 MeV with the GASP \u3b3-ray array, the ISIS silicon ball, and the N-ring neutron detector. Excited levels with spins at least up to 45/2\u210f are reported for both parities. The observed experimental data are compared to large-scale shell-model calculations

    A study of \u3b3 decays and octupole bands in 21Ne and 21Na

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    The reactions 16O(7Li, 2n) and 16O(7Li, np) populating 21Na and 21Ne have been studied at E L=27 MeV using the GASP \u3b3-detector array. The level schemes for 21Na and 21Ne have been extended to higher spin. The population of the bands with K=3/2 and 1/2, forming parity doublets, are compared. Preferential E1 decay between bands of opposite parity is observed in agreement with the octupole scenario. The structure of these bands can be interpreted as consisting of an instrinsic asymmetric (4He + 16O) structure with octupole deformation

    Evidence for wobbling excitation in 161Lu

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    High-spin states in 161Lu were investigated using the EUROBALL spectrometer. A previously known triaxial superdeformed band has been extended to higher spins and a new band with similar characteristics has been discovered. Comparison to systematically occurring wobbling bands in Lu isotopes strongly suggests that these two bands represent the nw = 0 and 1 wobbling excitations in 161Lu

    Isospin mixing in the N = Z nucleus Ge-64

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    The N=Z nucleus 64Ge has been investigated in two experiments using the EUROBALL III and EUROBALL IV spectrometers coupled to ancillary devices. Multipole mixing ratios, linear polarization and picosecond lifetimes for various transitions have been measured. The linear polarization results determine unambiguously the multipole character of the 5--->4+ 1665 keV transition, allowing to extract the electric dipole strength and to investigate for the first time the amount of isospin mixing implied by the presence of a forbidden E1 transition

    Transfer Reactions on Neutron-rich Nuclei at REX-ISOLDE

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    We report on one- and two-neutron transfer reactions to study the single-particle properties of nuclei at the border of the "island of inversion". The (d,p)- and (t,p)-reactions in inverse kinematics on the neutron-rich isotope Mg-30, delivered as radioactive beam by the REX-ISOLDE facility, have been investigated. The outgoing protons have been detected and identified by a newly built array of Si detectors. The gamma-decay of excited states has been detected in coincidence by the MINIBALL array. First results for Mg-31 and from the search for the second, spherical, 0(+) state in Mg-32 are presented

    Experimental study of neutron-rich nuclei near the N = 82 closed shell using the 96Zr+124Sn reaction with GASP and PRISMA-CLARA arrays

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    In this contribution an experimental study of the deep-inelastic reaction Zr-96(40) + Sn-124(50) at 530 MeV, using the GASP and PRISMA-CLARA arrays, is presented. The experiments populate a wealth of projectile-like and target-like binary fragments, in a large neutron-rich region around N >= 50 and Z approximate to 40. Preliminary results on the study of the yrast and near-yrast states for Nb-95 will be shown, along with a comparison of the experimental yields obtained in the experiments

    CALIFA, a Dedicated Calorimeter for the R3B/FAIR

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    The R3B experiment (Reactions with Relativistic Radioactive Beams) at FAIR (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research) is a versatile setup dedicated to the study of reactions induced by high-energy radioactive beams. It will provide kinematically complete measurements with high efficiency, acceptance and resolution, making possible a broad physics program with rare-isotopes. CALIFA (CALorimeter for In-Flight detection of gamma-rays and high energy charged pArticles), is a complex detector based on scintillation crystals, that will surround the target of the R3B experiment. CALIFA will act as a total absorption gamma-calorimeter and spectrometer, as well as identifier of charged particles from target residues. This versatility is its most challenging requirement, demanding a huge dynamic range, to cover from low energy gamma-rays up to 300 MeV protons. This fact, along with the high-energy of the beams determine the conceptual design of the detector, presented in this paper, together with the technical solutions proposed for its construction