2,102 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Intervensi Musik Gamelan Terhadap Depresi Pada Lansia Di Panti Wreda Harapan Ibu, Semarang

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    Angka kejadian depresi pada lansia selalu mengalami peningkatan setiap tahunnya. Penderita depresi yang telah terdata di Panti wreda Harapan Ibu, Semarang sebagian besar adalah lansia dengan usia ≥ 60 tahun. Pengendalian dan penatalaksanaan depresi khususnya pada lansia memerlukan perawatan secara terus-menerus dan berkelanjutan agar tidak terjadi bunuh diri karena perasaan bersalah, gagal dan kecewa yang dialami sebagai dampak depresi. Intervensi musik gamelan adalah salah satu alternatif terapi pada lansia dengan depresi yang sangat mudah untuk dilakukan dan tanpa efek samping apapun.Penelitian ini bertujuan umum untuk mengetahui pengaruh Intervensi Musik Gamelan terhadap depresi pada Lansia di Panti Wreda Harapan Ibu Semarang.Tujuan khusus dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat depresi sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan intervensi Musik Gamelan terhadap tingkat depresi pada Lansia di Panti Wreda Harapan Ibu Semarang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan quasi experiment design dengan rancangan pretest-posttest one group design .Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa ada pengaruh intervensi musik gamelan terhadapdepresi pada Lansia di Panti Wreda Harapan Ibu Semarang dengan nilai p value 0.001. Intervensi musik gamelan dapat menjadi salah satu alternatif intervensi keperawatan yang dapat dilakukan oleh parapengasuh di panti wreda untuk dapat diimplementasikan kepada lansia dengan masalah depresi

    The Rockefeller Foundation's International Program on Rice Biotechnology

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    Presents the product of a two-year intensive survey and analysis of the genetic prospects for the world's major food crops conducted in the early 1980s

    Hubungan Mobilitas Dengan Kualitas Hidup Domain Fisik Pada Lansia

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    Quality of life is a broad concept of scope is complex, influenced by a person\u27s physical health, psychological, social, ability to function and economic factors. Reduced physical health can affect the level of ability of the mobility of the elderly in the fulfillment of their needs so that quality of life can\u27t be achieved with either. This research aimed to determine the relationship between level of mobility with domain of physical quality of life of elderly. This study used a non-experimental quantitative research design with descriptive-correlation type. The research used total sampling with 60 respondents. The data was collected by questioners Elderly Mobility Scale (EMS) and WHOQOL-BREF 26 item. The results of this research Showed that there is a relationship between levels of mobility capabilities with the domain of physical quality of life of elderly with Pearson correlation 0.416 and p value of 0.001 (p <0.05). The better the level of the ability of mobility and the domain of physical good quality of life as well. Nurses can be called on elderly for perform ROM in maintaining mobility and quality of life physical domain

    Analisis Peran Kebun Kelapa Sawit terhadap Kemampuan Penyerapan Karbon di Kabupaten Rokan Hilir

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    Order to determine the development of oil palm expansion in Rokan Hilir and to determine the influence of the expansion of oil palm plantations on the ability of carbon sequestration in Rokan Hilir. The method of analysis used in this study is descriptive qualitative method using the geometric mean. From the results of research on secondary data obtained, indicating the growth of oil palm land area affect forest area, based on the results of the calculation, oil palm plantations grew by 7.17%. Where in 2008 the garden area of 205,537 acres of oil palm, and then increased in 2013 to 271,169.02 acres, while the forest area shrank by 17.6%, whereas in the year 2009 forest area amounted to 683.070 acres, then in 2013 only amounted to 314,229 acres. It also effects the ability of carbon sequestration in forest areas, the ability of forest to absorb carbon decreases as the extent of diminishing returns and has been replaced by oil palm plantations, while the absorption ability of oil palm plantations are not forests ability to absorb carbon. The ability of forests to absorb carbon in the year 2008 amounted to 52,185,760.42 mg / acres, while in 2013 only amounted to 24,006,733.29 mg / acres, so that carbon stocks were lost due to the development of oil palm expansion of 25744582.5 mg / acres.Keywords: forestry, oil palm plantation, carbon sequestratio

    Tropik Level Pada Daerah Penangkapan Ikan Yang Menggunakan Light Fishing Di Perairan Sulawesi Tenggara (Trophic Level in Fishing Ground by Using Light Fishing in Southeast Sulawesi)

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    The Interaction biology of species in the fishing ground caused by displacement energy from one species to another species and create the structure of patterns trophic level. The objectives of this studi are to determine structure of trophic level and composition of dominant spesies in fishing ground by light fishing in waters of the east Southeast Sulawesi. The research method is survey method. Primary data are using simple random sampling of the fish entrails composition of the purse seine and “bagan apung” unit. Analysis of data using analysis trophic level to determine the patterns of trophic level in the fishing ground by using light fishing and descriptive analysis to determine the composition of species based on trophic level. The result showed: (i) The patterns of trophic level in waters of the east Southeast Sulawesi are (I) phytoplankton; (II) zooplankton; (III) shrimp and squid in TL 3,2; (IV) small pelagic fish in TL 3,7; predatory fish in TL 4.2 up; (ii) Composition of dominant spesies in the purse seine is 60% to consumer groups 5 inTL 4,2 up and bagan apung is 66% consumer groups 4 in TL 3,7

    Dissipation and spontaneous symmetry breaking in brain dynamics

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    We compare the predictions of the dissipative quantum model of brain with neurophysiological data collected from electroencephalograms resulting from high-density arrays fixed on the surfaces of primary sensory and limbic areas of trained rabbits and cats. Functional brain imaging in relation to behavior reveals the formation of coherent domains of synchronized neuronal oscillatory activity and phase transitions predicted by the dissipative model.Comment: Restyled, slight changes in title and abstract, updated bibliography, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. Vol. 41 (2008) in prin

    Optics-less smart sensors and a possible mechanism of cutaneous vision in nature

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    Optics-less cutaneous (skin) vision is not rare among living organisms, though its mechanisms and capabilities have not been thoroughly investigated. This paper demonstrates, using methods from statistical parameter estimation theory and numerical simulations, that an array of bare sensors with a natural cosine-law angular sensitivity arranged on a flat or curved surface has the ability to perform imaging tasks without any optics at all. The working principle of this type of optics-less sensor and the model developed here for determining sensor performance may be used to shed light upon possible mechanisms and capabilities of cutaneous vision in nature

    Characterization of the Microbiome at the World’s Largest Potable Water Reuse Facility

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    Conventional water resources are not sufficient in many regions to meet the needs of growing populations. Due to cyclical weather cycles, drought, and climate change, water stress has increased worldwide including in Southern California, which serves as a model for regions that integrate reuse of wastewater for both potable and non-potable use. The Orange County Water District (OCWD) Advanced Water Purification Facility (AWPF) is a highly engineered system designed to treat and produce up to 100 million gallons per day (MGD) of purified water from a municipal wastewater source for potable reuse. Routine facility microbial water quality analysis is limited to standard indicators at this and similar facilities. Given recent advances in high throughput DNA sequencing techniques, complete microbial profiling of communities in water samples is now possible. By using 16S/18S rRNA gene sequencing, metagenomic and metatranscriptomic sequencing coupled to a highly accurate identification method along with 16S rRNA gene qPCR, we describe a detailed view of the total microbial community throughout the facility. The total bacterial load of the water at stages of the treatment train ranged from 3.02 Ă— 106 copies in source, unchlorinated wastewater feed to 5.49 Ă— 101 copies of 16S rRNA gene/mL after treatment (consisting of microfiltration, reverse osmosis, and ultraviolet/advanced oxidation). Microbial diversity and load decreased by several orders of magnitude after microfiltration and reverse osmosis treatment, falling to almost non-detectable levels that more closely resembled controls of molecular grade laboratory water than the biomass detected in the source water. The presence of antibiotic resistance genes and viruses was also greatly reduced. Overall, system design performance was achieved, and comprehensive microbial community analysis was found to enable a more complete characterization of the water/wastewater microbial signature
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