10 research outputs found

    Nezavisne novinske agencije

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    Independence is frequently considered to be a prerequisite and guarantor of reliable, balanced and credible reporting, as basis of “truthful unbiased news”. The “Group 39” agencies, the association of state-independent news agencies in Europe, point out the close connection between freedom of the press and independence of news agencies in their mission statement, as stated above. In the long run news agencies which are or want to be fully independent of the state or of the government can meet their public service function only through private-ownership and profitable business models. In addition to the ownership structure the economic situation is considered decisive for the degree of a news agency’s independence. A profitable news agency is not susceptible to possible influences by financial backers. It seems significant, that all privately owned news agencies which are members of the EANA generate profits (all figures from 2001) whereas almost all publicly owned European news agencies report losses. The big differences in terms of profitability of their activities are best shown in the per capita turnover figures: The average per capita turnover of privately owned news agencies is € 112,000 and almost four times the average per capita turnover of € 31,000 of publicly owned agencies. The covetousness of politics and politicians towards news agencies is to be explained by the key role news agencies play in the media system. Usually an average of at least 50% of all articles published in daily newspapers is directly based on news agency content. The same applies even to a higher degree to news on the radio and on television. Moreover, news agencies decisively determine the global image of a country due to the existing global network between the agencies, in spite of the Internet. Unfortunately, it must be observed that many political institutions all over the world show strong ambitions to control news agencies and use them as an instrument to influence the media.Neovisnost se često spominje kao jamstvo za zdano, izbalansirano i vjerodostojno izvještavanje. “Grupa 39” – agencije, udruženje neovisnih novinskih agencija iz Europe, ističu blisku vezu između slobodnog novinarstva i neovisnosti novinskih agencija. Dugoročno gledano, novinske agencije koje žele biti potpuno neovisne o državi ili Vladi, mogu ispuniti svoju funkciju javnog servisa samo kroz privatno vlasništvo i profitabilne poslovne modele. Osim vlasničke, ekonomska situacija smatra se odlučujućom za stupanj neovisnosti novinske agencije. Profitabilna novinska agencija nije podložna mogućim financijskim utjecajima. Čini se važnim i to što sve privatne novinske agencije kao članice EANA-e ostvaruju dobit, dok gotovo sve javne europske novinske agencije posluju s gubitcima. Velike razlike u profitabilnosti najbolje pokazuju brojke: prosječna zarada privatnih agencija je 112.000 eura, dok je u javnim agencijama taj protok kapitala per capita četiri puta manji i iznosi 31.000 eura. Gramzivost politike i političara kad je riječ o novinskim agencijama može se objasniti ključnom ulogom koju one imaju u medijskom sustavu. Obično je i do 50 posto članaka objavljenih u dnevnim novinama zasnovano na sadržajima preuzetima od novinskih agencija. To vrijedi još više za radio i televiziju. Novinske agencije determiniraju globalnu sliku zemlje prema postojećoj globalnoj mreži agencija, unatoč internetu. Nažalost, mora se uočiti i to da mnoge političke institucije diljem svijeta pokazuju velike ambicije da nadziru novinske agencije i koriste se njima kako bi utjecali na medije

    The future of national news agencies in Europe - case study 1: the impact of globally changing media systems on the business and innovation policy of the European international news agencies AFP, dpa and EFE

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    The purpose of this paper is to delineate the influences of globally changing media systems on the business and innovation policy of European international news agencies, as exemplified by the three agencies AFP, dpa and EFE, and paying special attention to their future. The methodology has been that of a case-study approach including in-depth interviews with news agency representatives from AFP, dpa and EFE who are experts in the field of study. This case study provides useful insights for news agency professionals as well as for researchers investigating the current and future situation both of news agencies and of global media systems. It further presents a valuable opportunity for professionals to deduce practical implications for the future development of their agencie

    Étude comparative orthodontique et anthropométrique de crânes humains de cent ans et de soldats de l'Armée fédérale autrichienne

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    On observe dans les pays industrialisés une augmentation significative des malocclusions dans les plus jeunes générations. Les résultats de cette étude comparant les squelettes des soldats de l'Armée royale austro-hongroise, morts depuis un siècle, avec les squelettes des soldats de l'Armée fédérale autrichienne, nés dans les années 1972 et 1973, montrent une augmentation de la largeur des dents, du nombre des malocclusions de Classe II et des encombrements dentaires, de la longueur du corpus mandibulaire, de l'angle ANB et des supraclusions, mais une diminution de la largeur intercanine, de la largeur de l'arcade, et du “sum angles” de BJØRK. D'ailleurs, dans les pays développés, les individus contemporains sont environ 10 cm plus grands et les maladies typiques de la civilisation sont en augmentation notable. L'opinion actuelle, dans sa majorité, pense que ces augmentations sont dues aux facteurs environnementaux. A cet égard, il est clair que les facteurs acquis dominent les facteurs génétiques. Les populations qui maintiennent un style de vie traditionnel très rigoureux ne présentent que peu ou pas du tout ces développements

    Evolution of the incisal relationship in a Central European population (1870-1970)

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    Recent studies have supported the hypothesis that there is a tendency to evolution in the occlusal relationships of urban populations. Due to its role in the stomatognathic system and the hypothesis of the role of deep overbite in the appearance and development of TMD, particular interest is given to the incisal relationship and its evolution in urban populations. Incisal situation and relationship can be studied with anthropometric and cephalomatric determinants. This study compares the incisal relationship of two groups of young Caucasian adults born in 1870 and 1970, respectively. Twenty-four anthropometric and cephalometric points were analyzed for 30 subjects from each group. A statistically significant difference between the 1870/1970 samples was found for the following criteria (p < 0.001): overbite: 1.17/ 3.81, position of the free edge of the mandibular incisor, sagittal values (orthodontic norm PAO) 78.75 mm/82.88mm, position of the free edge of the mandibular incisor, vertical values 54.74 mm/58.87 mm, FMIA angle: 65.97 /58.4 and Angle classes: difference in distribution of the skeletal classes (Classes I, II and III) between the two populations (increase in Class II, 1970). Within the limits of this study results show a remarkable increase in overbite, a tendency towards a reduced prevalence of class III malocclusions and an increased prevalence of Class II malocclusions with vestibular position of the mandibular incisors