247 research outputs found

    Gender role socialization, religiosity, and self-efficacy in career choice: Does religion encourage a gender-based career choice?

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    Despite the fact that females are obtaining advanced degrees at higher rates than previous generations (National Center for Education Statistics, 2002), males and females are still being socialized to view certain academic areas and occupations as male or female domains (Coltrane & Adams, 1997; Keller, 2001; She, 1998). Regardless of school performance, male and females often veer into gender-appropriate fields, leading them to choose gender-appropriate occupations (Frome & Eccles, 1998; Farenga & Joyce, 1999; Kenkel & Gage, 1983). There are consequences of this phenomenon for both the individuals making the choices and society at large. Several studies have looked at how gender role socialization influences self-efficacy in academic and career choices (e.g., Hackett, 1985); however, few studies have examined religiosity as a possible factor in the designation of sex roles. This current study examines the relationships among gender role socialization, religiosity, and self-efficacy in terms of the career choice of males and females. Using an undergraduate sample, this study addresses the question of whether religiosity predicts career self-efficacy over and above gender role socialization.Dept. of Psychology. Paper copy at Leddy Library: Theses & Major Papers - Basement, West Bldg. / Call Number: Thesis2005 .V96. Source: Masters Abstracts International, Volume: 44-03, page: 1539. Thesis (M.A.)--University of Windsor (Canada), 2005

    Teaching Languages Online, 2nd Edition

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    Analisis permintaan listrik rumah tangga perkotaan dan pedesaan di Provinsi Jambi (studi komparatif dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya)

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    This study aims to determine and analyze the electricity demand of urban and rural households in Jambi Province (Comparative Study and Factors Affecting It). The dependent variable is household electricit demand, the independent variable includes: intensity of electricity use, income, number of electronic devices, house building area and number of family members. The research method is descriptive quantitative and comparative. Data were collected using questionnaires and analyzed using multiple linear regression through the SPSS IMB. The results showed from the comparative test that the electricity demand of urban and rural households in Jambi Province had differences. From the results of the t test (partial) it was found that the intensity of electricity use, income, the number of electronic devices and the area of the house building had a positive and significant effect on household electricity demand. Meanwhile, the number of family members has no positive and significant effect on household electricity demand. The results of the F test (simultaneously) show that the intensity of electricity use, income, number of electronic devices, building area of the house and number of family members affect household electricity demand. &nbsp

    Determinan permintaan deposito berjangka di Indonesia

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    This study aims to determine the proportion of time deposits to third party funds and what are the factors that influence the demand for time deposits in Indonesia in 1995-2021. The data used in this study is secondary data sourced from Bank Indonesia and the Indonesian Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS). The variables used in this research are time deposits, deposit rates, and inflation in Indonesia. To answer these objectives, this study uses a quantitative descriptive research type with the Vector Error Correction Model (VECM). The research results show that (1) the proportion of time deposits to third party funds in Indonesia in 1995-2021 was 24.33 percent; and (2) Granger causality test results, there is a causal relationship per capita income to 1-month time deposits in Indonesia. The per capita income instrument based on long-term VECM estimation analysis has a significant negative effect with a high coefficient on 1-month time deposits in Indonesia. Meanwhile, short-term research shows that the 1-month time deposit variable has a significant negative effect on the 1-month time deposit variable itself. Based on the results of the Forecast Error Decomposition (FEVD) regression analysis, time deposits have the most significant contribution to time deposits themselves, followed by per capita income, 1-month time deposit interest rates, and inflation.Abstrack This study aims to determine the proportion of time deposits to third party funds and what are the factors that influence the demand for time deposits in Indonesia in 1995-2021. The data used in this study is secondary data sourced from Bank Indonesia and the Indonesian Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS). The variables used in this research are time deposits, deposit rates, and inflation in Indonesia. To answer these objectives, this study uses a quantitative descriptive research type with the Vector Error Correction Model (VECM). The research results show that (1) the proportion of time deposits to third party funds in Indonesia in 1995-2021 was 24.33 percent; and (2) Granger causality test results, there is a causal relationship per capita income to 1-month time deposits in Indonesia. The per capita income instrument based on long-term VECM estimation analysis has a significant negative effect with a high coefficient on 1-month time deposits in Indonesia. Meanwhile, short-term research shows that the 1-month time deposit variable has a significant negative effect on the 1-month time deposit variable itself. Based on the results of the Forecast Error Decomposition (FEVD) regression analysis, time deposits have the most significant contribution to time deposits themselves, followed by per capita income, 1-month time deposit interest rates, and inflation. Keywords: Time Deposits, Per Capita Income, Deposit Interest Rates, Inflation, VECM. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui prosporsi deposito berjangka terhadap dana pihak ketiga dan apa  faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi permintaan deposito berjangka di Indonesia pada tahun 1995-2021. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder bersumber dari Bank Indonesia dan Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) Indonesia. Variabel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deposito berjangka, suku bunga deposito, dan inflasi di Indonesia. Untuk menjawab tujuan tersebut maka penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dengan model Vector Error Correction Model (VECM). Adapun hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) Proporsi deposito berjangka terhadap dana pihak ketiga di Indonesia tahun 1995-2021 sebesar 24,33 persen; dan (2) Hasil uji kausalitas Granger, terdapat hubungan kausalitas pendapatan perkapita terhadap deposito berjangka 1 bulan di Indonesia. Instrument pendapatan perkapita berdasarkan analisis estimasi VECM jangka panjang mempunyai pengaruh negatif signifikan dengan koefisien yang tinggi terhadap deposito berjangka 1 bulan di Indonesia. Sedangkan dalam penelitian jangka pendek menunjukkan bahwa variabel deposito berjangka 1 bulan berpengaruh negatif signifikan terhadap variabel deposito berjangka 1 bulan itu sendiri. Berdasarkan hasil regresi analisis Forecast Error Decomposition (FEVD) menunjukkan bahwa deposito berjangka memiliki kontribusi paling signifikan terhadap deposito berjangka itu sendiri, diikuti oleh pendapatan perkapita, suku bunga deposito berjangka 1 bulan, dan inflasi. Kata Kunci : Deposito Berjangka, Pendapata Perkapita, Suku Bunga Deposito, Inflasi, VECM. &nbsp

    Pengaruh inflasi dan jumlah uang beredar terhadap nilai tukar rupiah dengan pendekatan model struktural VAR

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    The purpose of this study are, firstly to analyze exchange rate trends of rupiah, centtral bank policy rates, inflation and money supply in Indonesia from January 2019 to December 2019. Secondly, to analyzes the  effect of central bank policy rate, inflation and the money supply to the rupiah exchange rate in January 2013 – Desember 2018. The method used in this research are descriptive and quantitative analysis with trend analysis tools and multiple linier regression VAR models with the Ordinary Least Square (OLS). The  results of the study found that, the first trend data from the rupiah exchange rate variable of January 2019 period – December 2019 of IDR 15.145 US$, the central bank’s policy interest rate was 4.5 percent, inflation was 2.15 percent and the money supply was an average of Rp.5.966.9112,17 billion. Secondly, from the processed data it was found that central bank policy rates and the money supply has a positive effect on the rupiah exchange rate of January 2013 period – December 2018. While the inflation variable has a negative impact on the rupiah exchange rate of January 2013 period – December 2018. Keywords : Rupiah exchange rate, Central bank policy interest rate, Money suppl

    Analisis perbedaan pengaruh kebijakan suku bunga bank sentral terhadap inflasi di Indonesia

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    The purposes of this study are (1) to analyze the effect of the BI rate on inflation (2) to analyze the effect of the BI 7 day reverse repo rate on inflation (3) to analyze the different effects of the BI rate and the BI 7 day reverse repo rate on inflation. The method used in this study uses secondary data sourced from Bank Indonesia and the Central Bureau of Statistics of the Indonesian financial economy. The analysis of this study with vector autoregressive (VAR) using the Eviews 10 software program, results of the study analyzed that the difference in the influence of the central bank's interest rate policy on inflation in Indonesia, that the BI rate of interest on inflation had a positive and significant effect with a benchmark of 5% or 0.005%, the analysis on the BI 7 day reverse repo rate is not significant at the benchmark of 5% or 0.005% but has a positive effect in reducing inflation in Indonesia which reflects price stability as the final target of monetary policy. Keywords: BI rate, BI 7 day reverse repo rate, Inflation, Vector autoregressive (VAR

    Valuasi ekonomi wisata alam Taman Nasional Kerinci Seblat (TNKS) di Kabupaten Kerinci, Provinsi Jambi : menggunakan Contingent Valuation Method

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    This research was conducted on the attraction of Kerinci Seblat National Park located in Pelompek Village, Kerinci Regency, Jambi Province. This study aims to find out how visitors assess the Kerinci Seblat National Park and where visitors come. This study also aims to determine the economic value of the Kerinci Seblat National Park using the Contingent Valuation method in Kerinci Regency, Jambi Province. The total population used as a sample in this study was  99 people. The method used in this research is accidental sampling method. The analytical method used in this study is a descriptive method using the Contingency Valuation Method. From the results of this study was concluded that visitors to the general assessment of the Kerinci Seblat National Park, Kerinci Regency, Jambi Province were quite good. It can be seen from the highest visitor response of 62.92%. Originally tourists come from within the country and from abroad. The economic value of the Kerinci Seblat National Park using the Contingency Valuation Method approach in the Kerinci Regency, based on an analysis of tourist responses to the existence of natural tourism in the Kerinci Seblat National Park. The WTP willingness value is IDR 50.306

    Analisis belanja daerah pada Kabupaten Induk dalam Provinsi Jambi

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    This study aims to determine whether economic growth, population, and local original income affect regional spending in the Main District in Jambi Province. The data used in this study are secondary data for 5 years, namely from 2012 to 2016. The variables used are regional expenditure, economic growth, population, and locally-generated revenue(PAD) in Parent Regencies in Jambi Province. The analytical tool used in this study is a simple linear regression and multiple linear regression using panel data. The results of data processing obtained the following results. First, economic growth does not significantly influence regional spending. Second, the population has a significant influence on regional spending. Third, the PAD has a significant effect on regional expenditure. Fourth, when viewed together it can be concluded that only PAD has a positive and significant effect, while economic growth and population do not affect regional spending in Parent Regencies in Jambi Province. Keywords: Regional expenditure, Economic growth, Total population, locally-generated revenue (PAD

    Determinan kemandirian keuangan daerah Kabupaten/ Kota di Provinsi Jambi

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    Regional financial independence is a condition where the process of financing the implementation of a regional government is carried out independently using original regional income. This research aims to see and analyze the influence of capital expenditure, general allocation funds and special allocation funds on regional financial independence in Jambi Province in 2010-2021. The data used is secondary data with time series during the period 2010-2021. And the analysis method used is the Panel Data Regression Method. The research results show that at the f test (simultaneous), we can conclude that simultaneously the variables Capital Expenditure, General Allocation Funds and Special Allocation Funds have an effect on regional financial independence in Jambi Province. Viewed using the t test (partial), we can conclude that the capital expenditure variable has a negative and significant effect on regional financial independence and the general allocation fund has a positive and insignificant effect on regional financial independence, while the special allocation fund variable has a positive and significant effect on regional financial independence
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