104 research outputs found

    Current-carrying capacity of single layer cable using superconducting Bi-2223 tapes in a parallel magnetic field

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    It was theoretically shown by the authors that the current-carrying capacity of superconducting dc power cable can be enhanced by choosing a force-free configuration under a parallel magnetic field produced by the current flowing back in the outer shielding conductor. This was experimentally checked for a single layer cable using Bi-2223 tapes in an applied parallel magnetic field. It was found that the current-carrying capacity took on a peak value under the force-free condition for the total magnetic field, including the self-field. This shows that the proposed structure is suitable for practical dc power transmission. The possibility of the innovative dc superconducting power cable with multi-layers with higher current-carrying capacity is discussed

    Modeling of ammonia oxidation on a platinoid catalyst, taking into account the N₂O formation

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    A mathematical model of ammonia oxidation on a platinoid catalyst, taking into account the N₂O formation, was developed. The possibilities of lowering the amount of N₂O, which is formed as by-product in high-temperature oxidation of ammonia in nitric acid production, are examined. The developed model allows calculation of the reactor for ammonia oxidation using platinoid catalysts of different geometric profiles

    Current-carrying capacity of single layer cable using superconducting Bi-2223 tapes in a parallel magnetic field

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    It was theoretically shown by the authors that the current-carrying capacity of superconducting dc power cable can be enhanced by choosing a force-free configuration under a parallel magnetic field produced by the current flowing back in the outer shielding conductor. This was experimentally checked for a single layer cable using Bi-2223 tapes in an applied parallel magnetic field. It was found that the current-carrying capacity took on a peak value under the force-free condition for the total magnetic field, including the self-field. This shows that the proposed structure is suitable for practical dc power transmission. The possibility of the innovative dc superconducting power cable with multi-layers with higher current-carrying capacity is discussed

    Shadows generation using geometry shaders

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    Algorithms for simulating shadows are considered. A shadow volume method using geometry shaders is proposed

    The search for microRNAs potentially involved in the selfrenewal maintaining of laboratory rat pluripotent stem cells

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    Self-renewal of cultured pluripotent stem cells is a complex process, which includes multiple functional and regulatory levels. Transcription factors, their target genes, chromatin modifiers, signaling pathways, and regulatory noncoding RNAs are involved in the maintaining of self-renewal. Studies of molecular and genetic bases of maintaining self-renewal and pluripotency in cultured mammalian cells are important to understand processes in preimplantation embryogenesis and to develop efficient techniques to obtain pluripotent stem cell lines for experimental biology and medicine. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) play an important role in pluripotency maintaining and reprogramming. However, involvement of this class of noncoding RNAs and functions of individual molecules are poorly studied. The goal of this study was the search for the miRNAs potentially involved in the pluripotency maintaining and reprogramming of Rattus norvegicus cells. We analyzed the expression of miRNAs in rat embryonic stem cells, induced pluripotent stem cells and embryonic fibroblasts using bioinformatic methods and data obtained with next generation sequencing. The analysis of differential expression between groups of rat pluripotent cells and fibroblasts, and the analysis of experimentally confirmed target genes of differentially expressed known rat miRNAs revealed novel potential players of pluripotency maintaining and reprogramming processes. In addition, novel members of these processes were revealed among novel rat miRNAs. The use of bioinformatic and systems biology approaches is the first step, which is necessary for choosing candidates for the subsequent experimental studies. The results obtained substantially improve our understanding of the self-renewal regulation system of the laboratory rat, a popular biomedical object, and our knowledge about the system in mammals

    Класифікація методів антиаліайзингу

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    У роботі проведено аналіз існуючих методів антиаліайзингу зображень і запрпопоновано їх класифікаціюThe purpose of this paper is to analyze the existing methods Anti-Aliasing and try the most common classification methods, including methods of Super-Sampling, Multy-Sempling and post-processing methods, which also relate to methods Anti-Aliasing. The basic principle of Anti-Aliasing - a " make low-contrast " sharp boundaries between colors in order to achieve the visual effect of a smooth transition between tones. Different requirements for tools Anti-Aliasing based on tasks performed by computer systems encourage manufacturers to develop graphical tools with different specifications and characteristics for maximum satisfaction of needs subject area. This creates a need to develop classification methods Anti-Aliasing to determine the optimal method and its adaptation to the tasks used

    Methodological Approaches to Assessing the Economic Damage Associated with the Incidence of Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome in the Russian Federation

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    The aim of the study was to develop methodological approaches to assessing the economic damage associated with the incidence of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) and to calculate the economic damage by the example of an outbreak of HFRS in the Saratov region in 2019. Materials and methods. The paper analyzes the economic indicators of the Federal State Statistics Service; data on the incidence of HFRS in the Russian Federation for the period of 2019–2022. To calculate the cost of outpatient and inpatient medical care, as well as the costs associated with the medical follow-up of convalescents, the indicators of the Program of state guarantees of free provision of medical care to citizens for 2022 and for the scheduled period of 2023 and 2024 were used. The calculation of economic losses associated with the payment of temporary disability benefits was carried out according to the equation provided in the Federal Law No. 255-FZ dated December 29, 2006 (as amended on October 07, 2022). Economic losses associated with premature death at an economically active age were calculated based on the value of unproduced GDP due to lost years of life in the corresponding age group. Results and discussion. The costs of treatment, rehabilitation and payment of temporary disability benefits for 1 case of HFRS at the age of 0 to 56.5 years for the female population and from 0 to 61.5 years for the male population amount to 140 495 rubles; over the age of 56.5 years for the female population and 61.5 years for the male population – 95 412 rubles, respectively. Each fatal case of HFRS aged 0 to 16 years among the male population costs the state 38 976 231 rubles; among the female population – 34 708 331 rubles; in active working age – the value of economic damage varies depending on the age of the person who died of HFRS. The economic damage of the outbreak of HFRS in the Saratov Region (2019), taking into account the direct expenditures of the healthcare system and indirect losses of the country’s economy amounted to 441 453 432 rubles. It is of note that the structure of the main damage is dominated by indirect losses in the economy caused by the premature death of people in economically active age


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    Aim of the study. Aim of the study was to estimate the occurrence of pathogenic mutations in the BRCA1 gene in Russian breast cancer patients.Material and methods. Complete coding sequence of the BRCA1 gene of 445 early onset  breast cancer patients (under 40 years) from Novosibirsk region (Russia) were analyzed by  targeted Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) using Ion Torrent platform. Results. Forty (9%) carriers of various pathogenic mutations were revealed. Thirty five (7,9%) patients  carried 5382insC mutation, described earlier as a founder mutation for Slavic population.  Five (1.1%) patients carried various pathogenic mutations, namely C61G, 462delCC, E143X,  4153delA, and IVS18+1G>T. Besides, 29 genetic variants with no clinical significance or with  unknown clinical significance were detected in BRCA1 gene among 445 early onset breast  cancer patients. Conclusions. Data on the frequency of genetic variations in the BRCA1 gene among early onset breast cancer patients in the Novosibirsk Region (Russia) were  obtained. Proportion of the 5382insC mutation is 87.5% of all pathogenic mutations in the BRCA1 gene found in patients.Цель исследования – оценить частоту встречаемости патогенных мутаций в BRCA1 гене у женщин с раком молочной железы, проживающих в России.Материал и методы. Проведён анализ полной кодирующей части гена BRCA1 у 445 больных раком молочной  железы на ранней стадии (возраст больных до 40 лет), проживающих в Новосибирской области (Россия), с  помощью метода таргетного секвенирования на платформе Ion Torrent. Результаты. Выявлено 40 (9 %)  носительниц различных патогенных мутаций. У 35 (7,9 %) пациенток обнаружена мутация 5382insC, описанная  ранее как «мутация-основателя» в славянской популяции. У 5 (1,1 %) пациенток были выявлены  другие различные патогенные мутации, а именно C61G, 462delCC, E143X, 4153delA и IVS18 + 1G> T. Кроме  того, 29 генетических вариантов с отсутствующей или неясной клинической значимостью были обнаружены в  гене BRCA1 у 445 больных раком молочной железы на ранней стадии. Выводы. Получены данные о частоте  генетических вариаций гена BRCA1 у больных раком молочной железы на ранней стадии, проживающих в  Новосибирской области (Россия). Доля мутации 5382insC составляет 87,5 % от всех патогенных мутаций в гене BRCA1, обнаруженных у пациенток