16 research outputs found

    Robustness Analysis of Video-Language Models Against Visual and Language Perturbations

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    Joint visual and language modeling on large-scale datasets has recently shown good progress in multi-modal tasks when compared to single modal learning. However, robustness of these approaches against real-world perturbations has not been studied. In this work, we perform the first extensive robustness study of video-language models against various real-world perturbations. We focus on text-to-video retrieval and propose two large-scale benchmark datasets, MSRVTT-P and YouCook2-P, which utilize 90 different visual and 35 different text perturbations. The study reveals some interesting initial findings from the studied models: 1) models are generally more susceptible when only video is perturbed as opposed to when only text is perturbed, 2) models that are pre-trained are more robust than those trained from scratch, 3) models attend more to scene and objects rather than motion and action. We hope this study will serve as a benchmark and guide future research in robust video-language learning. The benchmark introduced in this study along with the code and datasets is available at https://bit.ly/3CNOly4.Comment: NeurIPS 2022 Datasets and Benchmarks Track. This projects webpage is located at https://bit.ly/3CNOly

    Case series of paediatric adnexal torsion: rare yet urgent entity

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    Ovarian torsion is a true emergency which warrants early diagnosis and timely surgical management to avoid the catastrophic consequences of further adnexal injury. In paediatric population, this is especially dangerous as the condition can go undiagnosed because of its rarity and nonspecific presentation of disease. This leads to delay in surgical exploration and loss of ovarian function. We encountered 6 cases of ovarian torsion in paediatric age group during a period of 2 years, at a tertiary care hospital in Ahmedabad. After enquiry of the symptoms and a series of investigations, a provisional diagnosis of torsion ovary was made and they were taken up for surgery. Intra-operatively all the patients were found to have non-salvageable ovary and fallopian tube on the affected side, and subsequently they underwent salpingo-oophorectomy. Diagnosis of ovarian torsion requires clinician awareness and a high degree of suspicion. Conservative surgery, in the form of ovarian detorsion can be tried in cases of ischemia but if ovarian necrosis has occurred, then salpingo-oophorectomy is performed as the last resort

    Unicornuate uterus and pregnancy outcome: a case report

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    Mullerian duct anomalies (MDAs) are congenital defects of the female genital tract that arise from abnormal embryological development of the Mullerian ducts. Unicornuate uterus with or without rudimentary horn is developmental anomaly which occurs due to abnormal or failed development of one of the paired mullerian duct or fusion of the ducts. Women with unicornuate uterus have increased incidence of obstetric complications like spontaneous abortions, preterm delivery and intrauterine foetal demise and gynaecological complications like infertility, endometriosis and dysmenorrhoea. A 25 years old, primigravida was admitted at 38 weeks 3 days gestational age with complaints of leaking per vaginum. She was induced with PGE2 gel under antibiotic coverage to prevent chorioamnionitis. She underwent emergency caesarean section for failure to progress and intra-operatively she was incidentally found to have unicornuate uterus with contralateral fallopian tube directly getting attached to the ovary. The baby cried immediately after birth, though it was growth retarded (IUGR). If pregnancy with unicornuate uterus is managed well, it can result in favourable obstetric outcome

    Acute kidney injury due to bilateral urolithiasis in pregnancy: a case report

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    Kidney stones are very common and unfortunately do not spare the pregnant population. Anatomical and pathophysiological changes occur in the pregnant females that alter the risk for development of urolithiasis. Acute renal colic during pregnancy is associated with significant potential risks to both mother and fetus. Diagnosis is often challenging because good imaging options without radiation use are limited. Management of diagnosed urolithiasis is unique in the pregnant population and requires multi-disciplinary care. Herein, we report a case of pregnancy which occurred in a state of pre-existing bilateral renal calculi with compromised renal function which subsequently developed into acute kidney injury, and requiring definitive management in the form of PCNL after termination of pregnancy

    Rewarding Chatbots for Real-World Engagement with Millions of Users

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    The emergence of pretrained large language models has led to the deployment of a range of social chatbots for chitchat. Although these chatbots demonstrate language ability and fluency, they are not guaranteed to be engaging and can struggle to retain users. This work investigates the development of social chatbots that prioritize user engagement to enhance retention, specifically examining the use of human feedback to efficiently develop highly engaging chatbots. The proposed approach uses automatic pseudo-labels collected from user interactions to train a reward model that can be used to reject low-scoring sample responses generated by the chatbot model at inference time. Intuitive evaluation metrics, such as mean conversation length (MCL), are introduced as proxies to measure the level of engagement of deployed chatbots. A/B testing on groups of 10,000 new daily chatbot users on the Chai Research platform shows that this approach increases the MCL by up to 70%, which translates to a more than 30% increase in user retention for a GPT-J 6B model. Future work aims to use the reward model to realise a data fly-wheel, where the latest user conversations can be used to alternately fine-tune the language model and the reward model

    Raw data describing upregulation of testosterone synthesis in male rats infected with Toxoplasma gondii

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    First worksheet of this file ("DeltaCt") contains results obtained form a quantitative PCR to estimate mRNA abundance of testes enzymes involved in steroidogeneis. Delta Ct values between target gen and reference (GAPDH) are given. The second and third worksheets ("T Testes" and "T serum", respectively) depicts amount of testosterone measured by EIA in testes and serum of control and infected animals. Finally, the fourth worksheet lists level of aversion of cat odor in control and infected animals, with or without castration. It depicts % occupancy in cat arm of the arena, relative to sum to cat and rabbit arms

    Data from: Toxoplasma gondii infection enhances testicular steriodogeneis in rat

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    The protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii enhances the sexual attractiveness of infected male rats and attenuates the innate fear of cat odor in infected individuals. These behavioral changes plausibly lead to greater transmission of parasites through sexual and trophic routes, respectively. Testosterone, a testicular steroid, is known to reduce fear and enhance sexual attractiveness in males. Here, we show that Toxoplasma gondii infection enhances expression of genes involved in facilitating synthesis of testosterone, resulting in greater testicular testosterone production in male rats. In several species, testosterone mediates trade-offs between sexually selected traits and life-history decisions. Augmentation of testosterone synthesis by Toxoplasma gondii suggests that parasites may manipulate these trade-offs in rats

    Unicornuate uterus and pregnancy outcome: a case report

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    Mullerian duct anomalies (MDAs) are congenital defects of the female genital tract that arise from abnormal embryological development of the Mullerian ducts. Unicornuate uterus with or without rudimentary horn is developmental anomaly which occurs due to abnormal or failed development of one of the paired mullerian duct or fusion of the ducts. Women with unicornuate uterus have increased incidence of obstetric complications like spontaneous abortions, preterm delivery and intrauterine foetal demise and gynaecological complications like infertility, endometriosis and dysmenorrhoea. A 25 years old, primigravida was admitted at 38 weeks 3 days gestational age with complaints of leaking per vaginum. She was induced with PGE2 gel under antibiotic coverage to prevent chorioamnionitis. She underwent emergency caesarean section for failure to progress and intra-operatively she was incidentally found to have unicornuate uterus with contralateral fallopian tube directly getting attached to the ovary. The baby cried immediately after birth, though it was growth retarded (IUGR). If pregnancy with unicornuate uterus is managed well, it can result in favourable obstetric outcome

    Case series of paediatric adnexal torsion: rare yet urgent entity

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    Ovarian torsion is a true emergency which warrants early diagnosis and timely surgical management to avoid the catastrophic consequences of further adnexal injury. In paediatric population, this is especially dangerous as the condition can go undiagnosed because of its rarity and nonspecific presentation of disease. This leads to delay in surgical exploration and loss of ovarian function. We encountered 6 cases of ovarian torsion in paediatric age group during a period of 2 years, at a tertiary care hospital in Ahmedabad. After enquiry of the symptoms and a series of investigations, a provisional diagnosis of torsion ovary was made and they were taken up for surgery. Intra-operatively all the patients were found to have non-salvageable ovary and fallopian tube on the affected side, and subsequently they underwent salpingo-oophorectomy. Diagnosis of ovarian torsion requires clinician awareness and a high degree of suspicion. Conservative surgery, in the form of ovarian detorsion can be tried in cases of ischemia but if ovarian necrosis has occurred, then salpingo-oophorectomy is performed as the last resort