587 research outputs found

    High-Speed 2D-Digital Image Correlation to Quantify Energy Mitigation Behaviors of Engineered Elastomeric Materials Subjected to Shock

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    Engineered, elastomeric material damping systems have revealed striking ability to attenuate shock loads at the macroscopic level. Reports suggest that this capability is associated with the reversible elastic buckling of internal beam constituents observed in quasistatic characterizations. Yet, the presence of buckling members induces non-affine response at the microscale, so that clear understanding of the exact energy dissipation mechanisms remains clouded. In this report, we examine a mechanical metamaterial that exhibits both microand macroscopic responses under impact loads and devise an experimental method to visualize the resulting energy dissipation mechanisms using 2D Digital Image Correlation (DIC). Without existing standards for applying 2D-DIC for studying high strain rates of absorbent, viscoelastic material structures, a novel approach for executing 2D-DIC visualization was implemented using charcoal powder. Simultaneously collected force transmission data and DIC analysis associated with the deformation of test specimens under impact loading reveal a bridge for studying the microscale interactions that culminate in macroscale deformation. To illustrate the potential of this application, this experiment was carried out on specimens with varying, but known, quasistatic loading behaviors to verify and validate discrepancies between quasi-static and dynamic loading. This process illuminates the influence of dynamic strain distribution throughout the material’s in-plane cross-section on its overall tendency to buckle uni- or bimodally, thus dissipating injected force with varying degrees of force transmission and pulse duration. With this understanding, we uncover a strategy for geometrically programming the macroscopic deformation to enhance impact mitigation properties.Haythornthwaite FoundationOwens Corning Science and TechnologyNo embargoAcademic Major: Mechanical Engineerin

    The political impact of the novel

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    This essay approaches the topic of the political impact of the novel from an unconventional angle. It argues that this impact, recently discussed by philosophers like Richard Rorty and Martha Nussbaum, should be considered the result of a special feature of this genre, namely that the novel is read solitarily and in silence. Reading a novel unplugs the reader from ordinary life and transports him to a world of the self, an individual world. From this position, which will be compared with the position of the subject in transcendental philosophy, the reader is able to see the world around him in a new, individualist and subjective perspective. This perspective may be regarded as at least one of the conditions of modern democratic citizenship

    Urban Partnerships to Address Health Literacy in High Need Populations

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    Low health literacy disproportionately affects racial and ethnic minority communities and lower-income socioeconomic groups. To address this critical determinant of health inequity, two nonprofit organizations, Repairers of the Breach, a day shelter for individuals experiencing homelessness, and Bread of Healing a neighborhood-based clinic serving individuals with low incomes, partnered with researchers at Marquette University to implement and evaluate an evidence-supported health literacy program. The partnership delivered the curriculum in seven one-hour sessions over seven weeks. The program attendees were predominantly African American men and women from 19–73 years old. Most participants had formal education ranging from elementary school to some college. Forty individuals attended at least one class and 14 attendees completed 4 or more classes. Program completers demonstrated gains in confidence and topic knowledge. Most interviewees reported a personal/family need for the program, acceptability of the group format, and the ability to learn the skills they needed for self-care. The project used a successful collaboration between community-based organizations serving vulnerable populations and an urban academic institution to demonstrate the necessity, feasibility, acceptability, and effectiveness of formal health literacy education in adults with low incomes or who are experiencing homelessness. Urban and metropolitan serving institutions can work in partnership with community to address low health literacy in high need populations

    Algunas preguntas y respuestas sobre la teorí­a del apego de Bowlby

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    Los principales beneficiarios de la cesión de energía paraguaya de Itaipú: análisis de actores e intereses de caras al 2023

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    El presente trabajo es parte de una investigación más amplia que analiza los intereses en disputa en torno a la revisión del Anexo C del Tratado de Itaipú en el año 2023, presentando en este artículo los actores que se benefician de la actual situación de producción y cesión de energía paraguaya al Brasil: los monopolios brasileños y extranjeros asentados en el ABC paulista, principalmente aquellos vinculados al sector siderúrgico, minero y petroquímico, principales apropiadores de la energía. Suman asimismo a este grupo las empresas subsidiarias y concesionarias vinculadas a la distribución y comercialización de energía en Brasil quienes, junto con Electrobras como comercializadora, reciben cuotas-parte de la energía de Itaipú, siendo ésta una de las energías más baratas y seguras del mercado brasileño

    Openness to Experience Rather than Overexcitabilities

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    In the theory of positive disintegration (TPD), Dabrowski (1967) describes manifestations of inner energy that serve a developmental purpose and might be more frequently found in gifted individuals, called overexcitabilities (OEs). Most studies present OEs outside of the context of the original theory (Mendaglio, 2012). Atheoretically conceptualized, OEs seem to define the personality trait of openness to experience as each OE can be matched with a specific facet of openness. Descriptions of each facet of openness and its matching OE are very alike. In this paper I argue that they are conceptually equivalent and that current research on openness and OE supports this. The study examined the similarity of OEs to corresponding openness to experience facets via competing models in multigroup confirmatory factor analysis, given their conceptual similarity. O2: Aesthetics and sensual OE, and O5: Ideas and intellectual OE were represented by a single underlying latent construct. High correlations emerged among O1: Fantasy and imaginational OE, O2: Aesthetics and sensual OE, O3: Feelings and emotional OE, and O5: Ideas and intellectual OE; O4: Actions and psychomotor OE had a small positive correlation; and O6: Values had a small negative correlation to emotional OE. Openness to experience seems to encompass OEs; thus, giftedness researchers and practitioners should align with well-researched psychological theories such as the five-factor model of personality (Costa & McCrae, 1992; Goldberg. 1999) and begin to talk about openness rather than OEs

    Desarrollar proyectos de investigación aplicada similares al Programa GuíaMe-AC-UMA, adaptados al contexto nacional, de modo a potenciar la línea de investigación sobre altas capacidades en el Paraguay

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    La estancia permitió adquirir competencias para diseñar programas similares adaptados al contexto nacional, de modo a fomentar el trabajo de jóvenes paraguayos en actividades científicas y potenciar la línea de investigación sobre altas capacidades en el Paraguay. Contar con intervenciones específicas para individuos con altas capacidades ayudará a aglutinar a los mismos, de manera a contar con fácil acceso a la población de altas capacidades además de brindar la posibilidad de investigar intervenciones que sean de éxito a futuro.CONACYT – Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y TecnologíaPROCIENCI