92 research outputs found

    Avalike e-teenuste regulatsioon Eesti õiguses

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    The changes in the symptoms of eating disorders: a longitudinal study among 15-18-year-old girls

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    Käesoleva uurimustöö eesmärgiks oli uurida söömishäirete muutumist ning impulsiivsuse rolli muutuste tekkes. Valimi moodustasid 235 - Tartu maakonna 25-st erinevast koolist pärit tüdrukut. Hindamine viidi läbi kolme aastase vahega, 15- ja 18-aastaselt. Impulsiivsuse hindamiseks kasutati Barrati Impulsiivsuse Skaalat ning söömishäirete sümptomite hindamiseks Eating Disorder Inventory-2 kolme alaskaalat. Mann-Whitney test näitas, et EDI-2 skoorid on kolme aasta jooksul tunduvalt suurenenud, kuid regressioonanalüüs ei näidanud söömishäirete muutustesse usaldusväärset impulsiivuse panust

    Antibacterial properties of imipenem with special reference to the activity against methicillin-resistant staphylococci, cefotaxime-resistant Enterobacteriaceae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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    Imipenem was examined with standardized agar dilution procedures against a wide range of bacteria. Geometric mean MICs against the genera Escherichia, Klebsiella, Enterobacter, Citrobacter and Serratia were 0·1-0·4 mg/1, and Proteus and Providencia spp. were inhibited by 0·25-4 mg/1. Acinetobacter calcoaceticus var. anitratum strains were inhibited by concentrations ranging from 0·12-0·5 mg/1. Methicillin-susceptible staphylococci were highly susceptible to the drug (MICs: ⩾0·03 mg/1) and enterococci were inhibited by 0·25-16 mg/1. Most of the multi-resistant JK corynebacteria were resistant to imipenem. Imipenem was more active than any other ß-lactam against methicillin-resistant staphylococci; this was also demonstrated in a population analysis. Imipenem-resistant minorities in populations, however, were also observed. Cefotaxime-resistant and -intermediate Enterobacter and Citrobacter strains were inhibited by concentrations of 0·5 mg/1 or less. No third-generation cephalosporin nor any other ß-lactam showed similarly high activity against these groups of organisms. Among 20 ceftazidime-resistant and 20 ceftazidime-susceptible isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, no strain was resistant and only five ceftazidime-resistant strains were intermediately susceptible (MIC, 8 mg/1) to imipene