290 research outputs found

    Concentration fluctuations of large Stokes number particles in a one-dimensional random velocity field

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    We analyze the behavior of an ensemble of inertial particles in a one-dimensional smooth Gaussian velocity field, in the limit of large inertia, but considering a finite correlation time for the random field. We derive in this limit a perturbative scheme for the calculation of the concentration correlation and of the particle relative velocity distribution, providing analytical expressions for the concentration fluctuation amplitude, its correlation length, and the modification in the particle pair relative velocity variance. The amplitude of the concentration fluctuations is characterized by slow decay at large inertia and a much larger correlation length than that of the random field. The fluctuation structure in velocity space is very different from predictions from short-time correlated random velocity fields, with only few particle pairs crossing at sufficiently small relative velocity to produce correlations. Concentration fluctuations are associated with depletion of the relative velocity variance of colliding particles.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, revtex

    The programs of cash transfers conditioned in Latin America and the prospects of basic income or income citizen : un analysis on the basis of programans «Bag of Family» of Brazil and «Universal Allocation by Son» of Argentina

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    En América Latina se han diseminado numerosos programas de «Transferencias Monetarias Condicionadas» [Conditional Cash Transfer Programs] dirigidos a las personas económicamente dependientes (niñas, niños y adolescentes, como también personas en edad laboralmente pasiva). Para algunos, estas transferencias representan un primer paso en dirección a la renta básica. Sin embargo, hay muchos elementos para poner en duda esta expectativa. Por ejemplo: ¿se puede llegar a políticas universales e incondicionales a partir de programas focalizados y condicionados?; Aquí se discute estos y otros interrogantes a la luz de la experiencia del Programa Bolsa Família de Brasil y el beneficio de Asignación Universal por Hijo de Argentina.Numerous Conditional Cash Transfer Programs for economically dependent people (children and elderly) are been disseminated In Latin America. For some scholars, these programs should be considered as a first step towards basic income. However, many elements raise doubts about this trend and expectations. For instance, could be reached a universal and unconditional policy coming from conditional targeted programs? Here he Latin American road to BI is here discussed considering mainly two programs: the Brazilian Bolsa Família and the Asignación Universal por Hijo recently approved in Argentina

    Los programas de transferencias monetarias condicionadas en América Latina y las perspectivas de la renta básica o ingreso ciudadano: un análisis en base a los programas "Bolsa família" de Brasil y "Asignación universal por hijo para protección social"

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    Numerous Conditional Cash Transfer Programs for economically dependent people (children and elderly) are been disseminated In Latin America. For some scholars, these programs should be considered as a first step towards basic income. However, many elements raise doubts about this trend and expectations. For instance, could be reached a universal and unconditional policy coming from conditional targeted programs? Here he Latin American road to BI is here discussed considering mainly two programs: the Brazilian Bolsa Família and the Asignación Universal por Hijo recently approved in Argentina.En América Latina se han diseminado numerosos programas de «Transferencias Monetarias Condicionadas» [Conditional Cash Transfer Programs] dirigidos a las personas económicamente dependientes (niñas, niños y adolescentes, como también personas en edad laboralmente pasiva). Para algunos, estas transferencias representan un primer paso en dirección a la renta básica. Sin embargo, hay muchos elementos para poner en duda esta expectativa. Por ejemplo: ¿se puede llegar a políticas universales e incondicionales a partir de programas focalizados y condicionados?; Aquí se discute estos y otros interrogantes a la luz de la experiencia del Programa Bolsa Família de Brasil y el beneficio de Asignación Universal por Hijo de Argentina

    The programs of cash transfers conditioned in Latin American and the prospects of basic income or income citizen: an analysis on the basis of programs "Bag of family" of Brazil and "Universal allocation by son" of Argentina

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    URL del artículo en la web de la Revista: https://www.upo.es/revistas/index.php/ripp/article/view/1869En América Latina se han diseminado numerosos programas de "Transferencias Monetarias Condicionadas" [Conditional Cash Transfer Programs] dirigidos a las personas económicamente dependientes (niñas, niños y adolescentes, como también personas en edad laboralmente pasiva). Para algunos, estas transferencias representan un primer paso en dirección a la renta básica. Sin embargo, hay muchos elementos para poner en duda esta expectativa. Por ejemplo: ¿se puede llegar a políticas universales e incondicionales a partir de programas focalizados y condicionados?; Aquí se discute estos y otros interrogantes a la luz de la experiencia del Programa Bolsa Família de Brasil y el beneficio de Asignación Universal por Hijo de ArgentinaNumerous Conditional Cash Transfer Programs for economically dependent people (children and elderly) are been disseminated In Latin America. For some scholars, these programs should be considered as a first step towards basic income. However, many elements raise doubts about this trend and expectations. For instance, could be reached a universal and unconditional policy coming from conditional targeted programs? Here he Latin American road to BIis here discussed considering mainly two programs: the Brazilian Bolsa Família and the Asignación Universal por Hijo recently approved in Argentina.Universidad Pablo de Olavid

    Basic income opportunities in latin america in the face of the covid-19 pandemic: Social vulnerability and structural blocks

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    Frente a la pandemia del COVID19, los gobiernos de América Latina han tomado medidas que tienen y tendrán un profundo impacto económico y social. Si bien muchas de estas medidas mitigan parte del costo inmedia- to de la pandemia y de las estrategias epidemiológicas para su contención, las mismas pueden terminar potenciando las vulnerabilidades de la estructura social y los déficits de los sistemas de protección social. En este escenario se observa el crecimiento del debate de propuestas como el ingreso ciudadano o renta básica. Pese a que sería deseable su implementación, no hay muchas posibilidades en el corto plazo porque la misma depende de cambios en la percepción de las elites, de la inversión para superar los déficits estructurales en la provisión de bienes públicos y de la transformación de las concepciones que sostiene a las actuales políticas de transferencias monetarias focalizadas y condicionadas.Faced with the COVID19 pandemic, the Latin American governments have taken measures that have and will have a profound economic and social impact. While many of this measures might mitigate the socioeconomic impact of the pandemic and of the epidemiological strategies to contain its spread they might end up enhancing the vulnerabilities of the social structure and the deficits of the social protection systems. In this scenario, the debate on proposals such as citizen income or basic income is growing. Although its implementation would be desirable, there are not many possibilities in the short term because it depends on changes in the perception of elites, investment to overcome structural deficits in the provision of public goods and the transformation of conceptions that supports the current policies of targeted and conditional cash transfers.Universidad Pablo de Olavid

    Data Service Platform for Sentinel-2 Surface Reflectance and Value-Added Products: System Use and Examples

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    This technical note presents the first Sentinel-2 data service platform for obtaining atmospherically-corrected images and generating the corresponding value-added products for any land surface on Earth. Using the European Space Agency’s (ESA) Sen2Cor algorithm, the platform processes ESA’s Level-1C top-of-atmosphere reflectance to atmospherically-corrected bottom-of-atmosphere (BoA) reflectance (Level-2A). The processing runs on-demand, with a global coverage, on the Earth Observation Data Centre (EODC), which is a public-private collaborative IT infrastructure in Vienna (Austria) for archiving, processing, and distributing Earth observation (EO) data. Using the data service platform, users can submit processing requests and access the results via a user-friendly web page or using a dedicated application programming interface (API). Building on the processed Level-2A data, the platform also creates value-added products with a particular focus on agricultural vegetation monitoring, such as leaf area index (LAI) and broadband hemispherical-directional reflectance factor (HDRF). An analysis of the performance of the data service platform, along with processing capacity, is presented. Some preliminary consistency checks of the algorithm implementation are included to demonstrate the expected product quality. In particular, Sentinel-2 data were compared to atmospherically-corrected Landsat-8 data for six test sites achieving a R2 = 0.90 and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) = 0.031. LAI was validated for one test site using ground estimations. Results show a very good agreement (R2 = 0.83) and a RMSE of 0.32 m2/m2 (12% of mean value)

    Giant Sigmoid Diverticulum: A Rare Presentation of a Common Pathology

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    Although colonic diverticulum is a common disease, affecting about 35% of patients above the age of 60, giant sigmoid diverticulum is an uncommon variant of which only relatively few cases have been described in the literature. We report on our experience with a patient affected by giant sigmoid diverticulum who was treated with diverticulectomy. Resection of the diverticulum is a safe surgical procedure, provided that the colon section close to the lesion presents no sign of flogosis or diverticula; in addition, recurrences are not reported after 6-year follow-up

    Autoregulation of RCO by Low-Affinity Binding Modulates Cytokinin Action and Shapes Leaf Diversity

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    Mechanisms through which the evolution of gene regulation causes morphological diversity are largely unclear. The tremendous shape variation among plant leaves offers attractive opportunities to address this question. In cruciferous plants, the REDUCED COMPLEXITY (RCO) homeodomain protein evolved via gene duplication and acquired a novel expression domain that contributed to leaf shape diversity. However, the molecular pathways through which RCO regulates leaf growth are unknown. A key question is to identify genome-wide transcriptional targets of RCO and the DNA sequences to which RCO binds. We investigate this question using Cardamine hirsuta, which has complex leaves, and its relative Arabidopsis thaliana, which evolved simple leaves through loss of RCO. We demonstrate that RCO directly regulates genes controlling homeostasis of the hormone cytokinin to repress growth at the leaf base. Elevating cytokinin signaling in the RCO expression domain is sufficient to both transform A. thaliana simple leaves into complex ones and partially bypass the requirement for RCO in C. hirsuta complex leaf development. We also identify RCO as its own target gene. RCO directly represses its own transcription via an array of low-affinity binding sites, which evolved after RCO duplicated from its progenitor sequence. This autorepression is required to limit RCO expression. Thus, evolution of low-affinity binding sites created a negative autoregulatory loop that facilitated leaf shape evolution by defining RCO expression and fine-tuning cytokinin activity. In summary, we identify a transcriptional mechanism through which conflicts between novelty and pleiotropy are resolved during evolution and lead to morphological differences between species. Hajheidari et al. identify target genes for the RCO homeodomain protein that drove leaf shape diversity. They show that RCO regulates growth via orchestrating homeostasis for the hormone cytokinin and that it also represses its own transcription via low-affinity binding sites. This autorepression helps delimit RCO expression and shape leaf form