70 research outputs found

    Beet root pomace : a good source of antioxidant phytochemicals

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    The present study describes the in vitro antioxidant activity of ethanol extracts of beet root pomace Total content of phenolics, flavonoids and betalains were determinated after solid-phase extraction. Evaluation of antioxidative activity of beet root pomace extract against stable l.l-diphenyl-2- picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radicals was determined spectofotometrically and against reactive hydroxil radicals by electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy. Also, antioxidant activity on hydroxyl radicals after in vitro incubation in stimulated stomach model system was observed

    Functional and antioxidant characteristics of beetroot pomace (Beta vulgaris)

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    Etanolni ekstrakti tropa odabranih sorti cvekle (Detroit, Cardeal-F1, Egipatska, Bikor i Kestrel) prečišćeni su primenom ekstrakcije na čvrstoj fazi (SPE). Sadržaj ukupnih fenolnih jedinjenja, flavonoida i betalaina u prečišćenim ekstraktima određeni su spektrofotometrijskim metodama. HPLC analizom utvrđen je kvalitativni i kvantitativni sastav fenolnih jedinjenja i betalaina ekstrakata tropa odabranih sorti cvekle. ESR spektroskopijom ispitana je antiradikalska aktivnost ekstrakata topa cvekle na stabilne DPPH i reaktivne superoksid anjon i hidroksil radikale. Spektrofotometrijski je određena antioksidativna aktivnost na DPPH radikale i redukciona sposobnost po Oyaizu u ekstraktima odabranih sorti cvekle. Ispitana je in vitro antiproliferativna aktivnost frakcija ekstrakata, njihovim delovanjem na rast tri histološki različite humane ćelijske linije: MCF-7 (adenokarcinom dojke), HeLa (epitelni karcinom cerviksa)i MRC-5 (fetalni fibroblastni karcinom pluća). U završnoj fazi rada određena je antimikrobna aktivnost ekstrakata tropa odabranih sorti cvekle.Beetroot (Detroit, Cardeal-F1, Egipatska, Bikor i Kestrel) pomace ethanol extracts were purified using solid phase extraction (SPE). Contents of total phenols, flavonoids and betalains in purified extracts were determined by spectrophotometric methods. HPLC analysis were used for quantitative and qualitative characterization of phenolic compounds and betalains in investigated extracts. ESR spectroscopy was used for investigation of antiradical activity of beetroot pomace extracts on stable DPPH and reactive superoxide anion and hydroxyl radicals. Antioxidant activity was determined spectrophotometrically on DPPH radicals and reducing power according to Oyaizu in the beetroot pomace extracts. Antiproliferative activity of investigated extracts was determined in vitro, testing their influence on the growth of three histologically different human cell lines: MCF-7 (breast adenocarcinoma), HeLa (cervix epithelioid carcinoma) and MRC-5 (fetal lung). Also, antimicrobial activity of beetroot pomace extracts was determined

    Functional and antioxidant characteristics of beetroot pomace (Beta vulgaris)

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    Etanolni ekstrakti tropa odabranih sorti cvekle (Detroit, Cardeal-F1, Egipatska, Bikor i Kestrel) prečišćeni su primenom ekstrakcije na čvrstoj fazi (SPE). Sadržaj ukupnih fenolnih jedinjenja, flavonoida i betalaina u prečišćenim ekstraktima određeni su spektrofotometrijskim metodama. HPLC analizom utvrđen je kvalitativni i kvantitativni sastav fenolnih jedinjenja i betalaina ekstrakata tropa odabranih sorti cvekle. ESR spektroskopijom ispitana je antiradikalska aktivnost ekstrakata topa cvekle na stabilne DPPH i reaktivne superoksid anjon i hidroksil radikale. Spektrofotometrijski je određena antioksidativna aktivnost na DPPH radikale i redukciona sposobnost po Oyaizu u ekstraktima odabranih sorti cvekle. Ispitana je in vitro antiproliferativna aktivnost frakcija ekstrakata, njihovim delovanjem na rast tri histološki različite humane ćelijske linije: MCF-7 (adenokarcinom dojke), HeLa (epitelni karcinom cerviksa)i MRC-5 (fetalni fibroblastni karcinom pluća). U završnoj fazi rada određena je antimikrobna aktivnost ekstrakata tropa odabranih sorti cvekle.Beetroot (Detroit, Cardeal-F1, Egipatska, Bikor i Kestrel) pomace ethanol extracts were purified using solid phase extraction (SPE). Contents of total phenols, flavonoids and betalains in purified extracts were determined by spectrophotometric methods. HPLC analysis were used for quantitative and qualitative characterization of phenolic compounds and betalains in investigated extracts. ESR spectroscopy was used for investigation of antiradical activity of beetroot pomace extracts on stable DPPH and reactive superoxide anion and hydroxyl radicals. Antioxidant activity was determined spectrophotometrically on DPPH radicals and reducing power according to Oyaizu in the beetroot pomace extracts. Antiproliferative activity of investigated extracts was determined in vitro, testing their influence on the growth of three histologically different human cell lines: MCF-7 (breast adenocarcinoma), HeLa (cervix epithelioid carcinoma) and MRC-5 (fetal lung). Also, antimicrobial activity of beetroot pomace extracts was determined

    Quality of Fermented, Semi-dry and Pasteurised Sausages on Croatian Market

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    U ovom radu prikazani su rezultati ispitivanja kemijskog sastava trajnih, polutrajnih i obarenih kobasica proizvedenih tijekom 2009. godine od strane više mesnih industrija. U cilju ispitivanja kakvoće, u uzorcima kobasica određena je količina bjelančevina mesa, sirovih masti, vode te aditiva natrijevog nitrita i polifosfata, uz uporabu standardnih analitičkih metoda. Usporedbom rezultata analiza trajnih kobasica s minimalnim uvjetima, koje za navedenu kategoriju proizvoda definiraju pravilnici, utvrđeno je da svi ispitani proizvodi u pogledu kemijskog sastava udovoljavaju propisanim uvjetima. U tri uzorka polutrajnih kobasica (šunkarica) utvrđen je manji udjel bjelančevina mesa u odnosu na propisano, u trinaest uzoraka polutrajnih kobasica određen je sadržaj polifosfata iznad najveće dopuštene količine te je u jednom uzorku određena povišena razina natrijevog nitrita (tirolska kobasica). Svi uzorci obarenih kobasica udovoljavali su zahtjevima pravilnika, a u pogledu razine aditiva prosječno su sadržavali veću količinu u odnosu na trajne kobasice, osobito u pogledu razine natrijevog nitrita. Rezultati ovog ispitivanja govore i da su trajne kobasice, s obzirom na utvrđene vrijednosti parametara kakvoće, najkvalitetniji kobasičarski proizvod na našem tržištu.This paper presents results of chemical composition testing of fermented, semi-dry and pasteurised sausages produced during 2009 by several meat industries. Quality control testing, in sausage samples, included determination of meat protein, crude fat, moisture, sodium nitrate and polyphosphates content, by mean of standard analytical methods. In comparison of fermented sausages analyses results, with minimum requirements that are set forth in regulations for that product category it was affirmed that all analyzed samples meet a requirements. In three semi-dry sausage samples, lower meat protein content was determined, in thirteen semi-dry sausage samples, higher content of polyphosphates was determined and in one sample a higher content of sodium nitrite was determined. All pasteurised sausage samples met the requirements, and towards additives content they had a higher values than fermented sausages. Results of this investigation have shown that fermented sausages are, according to quality control parameters, most quality sausage product on our market

    Polifenolni sastav, antioksidacijska i antiproliferativna aktivnost jestivih i nejestivih dijelova pitomog i divljeg nara (Punica granatum L.)

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    Research background. The aim of this study is to determine and compare the antioxidant and antiproliferative activities of juices and extracts of the peel, aril and membrane of the cultivated and wild pomegranate fruits. Experimental approach. The content of total phenols, total flavonoids, total flavonols, total flavan-3-ols and total anthocyanins was determined spectrophotometrically. The individual phenolics were quantified by HPLC. Antioxidant activity was determined by DPPH and ABTS tests and neutralisation of hydroxyl radical, while the antiproliferative activity was measured in vitro by sulforhodamine B (SRB) assay. Results and conclusions. Total phenolics were statistically highest in wild pomegranate peel extract, expressed in gallic acid equivalents, 340.92 mg/g (p<0.05), while total flavonoid content was the highest in cultivated pomegranate peel extract, expressed in quercetin equivalents, 31.84 mg/g (p<0.05). The sample of wild pomegranate peel extract showed the highest antioxidant activity with respect to free DPPH and ABTS radicals. The samples of cultivated pomegranate peel and membrane extracts had almost identical and the strongest effect on the inhibition of hydroxyl radicals (41.24 and 41.23 μg/mL, respectively). The sample of wild pomegranate peel extract showed the strongest effect on the growth inhibition of all tested tumour cell lines. Novelty and scientific contribution. In this study, the bioactivity of different parts of cultivated and wild pomegranates was determined and compared. In the available literature, the individual antioxidant and antiproliferative activity of only some parts of the pomegranate fruit was investigated. All parts of the pomegranate fruit were investigated, including the membrane, which was barely analysed in other works. The wild pomegranate has also been less analysed in previous studies. Future research should focus on in vivo studies of the obtained pomegranate samples.Pozadina istraživanja. Svrha je ovog rada bila utvrditi i usporediti antioksidacijsku i antiproliferativnu aktivnost sokova i ekstrakata kore, ploda i opne pitomog i divljeg ploda nara. Eksperimentalni pristup. Spektrofotometrijski su određeni udjeli ukupnih fenola, flavonoida, flavonola, flavan-3-ola i antocijana. Maseni udjeli pojedinih fenola određeni su pomoću HPLC metode. Antioksidacijska aktivnost je ispitana pomoću DPPH i ABTS metoda te neutralizacijom hidroksilnog radikala, dok je antiproliferativna aktivnost mjerena in vitro testom pomoću sulforodamina B (SRB). Rezultati i zaključci. Ukupni fenoli su bili statistički najzastupljeniji u ekstraktu kore divljeg nara, 340,92 mg/g (p<0,05) izraženo u ekvivalentima galne kiseline, dok je ukupan udjel flavonoida bio najveći u ekstraktu kore pitomog nara, 31,84 mg/g (p<0,05) izraženo u ekvivalentima kvercetina. Najveću antioksidacijsku aktivnost, tj. sposobnost uklanjanja DPPH i ABTS radikala imao je uzorak ekstrakta kore divljeg nara. Skoro jednak i najizraženiji učinak na inhibiciju hidroksilnih radikala imali su uzorci ekstrakta kore i opne pitomog nara (41,24 i 41,23 mg/mL). Uzorak ekstrakta kore divljeg nara imao je najveći utjecaj na inhibiciju rasta svih ispitanih tumorskih staničnih linija. Novina i znanstveni doprinos. U ovom istraživanju je utvrđena i uspoređena bioaktivnost različitih dijelova pitomog i divljeg nara. U dostupnoj literaturi ispitana je antioksidacijska i antiproliferativna aktivnost samo pojedinih dijelova ploda nara. U ovom radu su istraženi svi dijelovi ploda nara, uključujući i opnu, koja u drugim radovima nije analizirana. Divlji nar je također manje ispitan u prethodnim studijama. Buduća istraživanja bi se trebala fokusirati na in vivo studije dobivenih uzoraka nara

    Antibacterial activity of Beta vulgaris L. pomace extract

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    Antibacterial activity of Beta vulgaris L. (beetroot) pomace extract (concentration 100 mg/ml) was tested against five Gram positive and seven Gram negative bacterial strains (reference cultures and natural isolates). Disc diffusion method with 15 µl of extract and agar-well diffusion method with 50 and 100 µl were used. Antibiotic (cefotaxime/clavulanic acid) was used as a control sample. The tested extract showed the highest activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus cereus, where clear zones (without growth) appeared. There was no any activity against other tested Gram-positive bacteria, except for Staphylococcus epidermidis, with a small zone of reduced growth. Growth of all tested Gram-negative bacteria was inhibited usually with 100 µl of extract. The most susceptible were Citrobacter freundii and Salmonella typhymurium. The tested antibiotic gave clear, usually large zones for all tested strains except for Staphylococcus cohni spp. cohni, where only a zone of reduced growth appeared


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    This work is consered with the processing value of Elderberry fruit (berries) from domestic plantation selection (Horgoš region). Chemical analyses of reference parameters confirmed high nutritional and physiological value of samples and full validity of work on this selection and production in plantation conditions

    Antioxidant and Antibacterial Activity of the Beverage Obtained by Fermentation of Sweetened Lemon Balm (Melissa offi cinalis L.) Tea with Symbiotic Consortium of Bacteria and Yeasts

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    Kombucha je napitak koji se tradicionalno dobiva fermentacijom zaslađenog crnog ili zelenog čaja (Camellia sinensis L.) s pomoću simbiotičke kulture bakterija i kvasaca (engl. SCOBY). U ovom je radu za pripremu napitka kombucha kao izvor dušika pri fermentaciji upotrijebljena melisa (Melissa officinalis L.). Tijekom sedmodnevne fermentacije mjereni su sljedeći parametri: pH-vrijednost, titracijska kiselost, udjeli ukupnih fenola i fenolnih spojeva, te sposobnost uklanjanja hidroksilnog (˙OH) i 1,1-difenil-2-pikrilhidrazilnog (DPPH) radikala da bi se utvrdila povezanost trajanja fermentacije s antioksidativnom i antibakterijskom aktivnošću fermentiranog napitka od melise. Određena je optimalna titracijska kiselost od 4 do 4,5 g/L, koju su potvrdili dugogodišnji konzumenti tog napitka. Ispitan je antibakterijski učinak napitaka povećane kiselosti od 8,12 g/L na jedanaest divljih bakterijskih sojeva. Rezultati pokazuju da se u proizvodnji fermentiranog napitka kombucha čaj (C. sinensis) može uspješno zamijeniti melisom. Udjel ukupnih fenola i sposobnost uklanjanja DPPH radikala bili su veći u podlozi s melisom nego u tradicionalnom napitku kombucha. Za biološku je aktivnost napitka kombucha s melisom najvjerojatnije zaslužna ružmarinska kiselina, glavni fenolni spoj u napitku. Vrijednosti EC50 pokazuju da napitak kombucha ima veću antioksidativnu vrijednost od čajnih infuzija C. sinensis L. i M. officinalis L., čemu vjerojatno pridonose metaboliti simbiotičke kulture bakterija i kvasaca. Kombucha s melisom optimalne i povećane titracijske kiselosti imala je izraženi antibakterijski učinak, ponajprije zbog prisustva octene kiseline, ali i zbog drugih sastojaka čaja te prisustva metabolita simbiotičke kulture.Kombucha is a fermented tea beverage which is traditionally prepared by fermenting sweetened black or green tea (Camellia sinensis L.) with symbiotic consortium of bacteria and yeasts (SCOBY). In this study, lemon balm (Melissa offi cinalis L.) was used as the only nitrogen source for kombucha fermentation. During the seven-day fermentation process, pH value, titratable acidity (TA), total phenolic content, phenolic compounds, and antioxidant activity against hydroxyl (˙OH) and 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazil (DPPH) radicals were measured to detect the connection between the fermentation time and antioxidant and antibacterial activities of lemon balm kombucha. Antibacterial activity of fi nished beverages with optimum acidity (TA=4–4.5 g/L), the value which is confi rmed by long-time kombucha consumers, and enhanced acidity (TA=8.12 g/L) was tested against eleven wild bacterial strains. The results showed that lemon balm could be successfully used as an alternative to C. sinensis L. for kombucha fermentation. Total phenolic content and antioxidant activity against DPPH radicals of lemon balm fermentation broth were higher than those of traditional kombucha. Rosmarinic acid is the main phenolic compound of the lemon balm-based kombucha that probably provides biological activity of the beverage. Judging from the EC50 values, kombucha beverages exhibited higher antioxidant activities compared with C. sinensis L. and M. offi cinalis L. infusions, which can probably be ascribed to SCOBY metabolites. Lemon balm kombucha with both optimum and enhanced acidity showed antibacterial activity, which can be primarily ascribed to acetic acid, but also to some other tea components and SCOBY metabolites

    Bioavailability and Bioactivity of Encapsulated Phenolics and Carotenoids Isolated from Red Pepper Waste

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    In order to deactivate the health properties of bioactive compounds, they need to withstand the effects of food processing, their potential release from the food matrix, and remain bio-accessible in the gastrointestinal tract. Bio-actives from different plants are prone to oxidative degradation, and encapsulation is an effective method in improving their stability. In the present study, red pepper waste (RPW), a by-product of vegetable processing industry, was encapsulated in whey protein using spray and freeze-drying techniques. The aim was to evaluate the effects of in vitro gastrointestinal digestion on the release and bioactivity of encapsulated bio-actives, after each digestion step. The results showed that the release of phenolics and carotenoids, as well as antioxidants, anti-hyperglycemic, and anti-inflammatory activities are influenced by pH and intestinal fluid, with pH 7.5 exhibited at higher levels. There was a rapid initial release of carotenoids from whey protein matrices, while a more gradual increase of phenolics was observed, reaching around 50% for both encapsulates first at 6 h and 37 degrees C, and small intestine conditions. The encapsulation of RPW demonstrated a protective effect against pH changes and enzymatic activities along digestion, and contributed to the increase in bio-accessibility in the gut. Also, the results suggest that encapsulation is an efficient method for valorization of bio-actives from RPW, with improvements in nutrition, color, and bioactive properties