285 research outputs found


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    The article investigates the opportunity of the development of a new transnational transport corridor on the base of the NSR, which is much shorter and faster than the usual one. The basis of this project is Sabetta seaport, which is considered as a potential transnational transport hub. The authors investigated the opportunities for the development of intermodal terminals and new services/goods for the East-West and North-South international transport corridors. They design this idea on the base of multi-modal transportation approach for the development of a global innovation project of NSR Transnational Transport Corridor. Using classical methods of analysis, they conclude that the port of Sabetta, as well as other ports in the Yamal Peninsula currently does not have direct rail access to the Central Russia regions and it can be good potential for regional development in Ural and Siberia. The research was limited by the official statistics about NSR dynamic of cargo volume. The results of research can provide the development of new multimodal transnational transport corridor and can be the basis of regional development in northern Russian regions. The implementation of the idea can provide a significant amount of new jobs and an enormous amount of international investments. Mainly in international scientific literacy authors examine the question of North Transport corridor by logistic and geographical aspects. The article investigates this question in more complex aspect by a multimodal approach with involvement in the NSR another means of communication like a river, railway and motorway transportation

    Chronopotentiometric Studies of a Preceding chemical Reaction of Second Order: Ti(IV) in SCN- Solution

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    The case of a preceding chemical reaction in a chronopotentiometric experimentunder second order conditions was studied by digital simulation and experimental verification. Chronopotentiometry is sensitive enough to distinguish second from pseudo-first order preceding chemical reaction, only when the ligand ion concentration . is less than five times higher than the electroactive metal ion concentration. These findings are based on experiments of reduction of Ti(IV) in thiocyanate solutions

    Voting after war: Legacy of conflict and the economy as determinants of electoral support in Croatia

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Elsevier via http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.electstud.2016.02.012In spite of a rapidly expanding literature on democratization, elections, and conflict, we lack systematic understanding of what determines electoral results in post-conflict societies. This article offers a novel initiative in revealing electoral patterns in states recuperating from painful experiences of war by analyzing data from more than 500 Croatian municipalities during five post-war electoral cycles. While the findings suggest voters do respond to parties' economic policies, the underlying pattern of electoral support demonstrates that competition is heavily constrained by the legacy of conflict, with the communities more exposed to the violence being more likely to vote for the principal party of the center-right which led the country into independence and throughout the war. This tendency exhibits a remarkable level of stability over time, which suggests conflict dynamics can become firmly embedded in post-conflict democratic electoral competition – even in societies that are not ethnically diverse.The authors express their gratitude to Irena Kravos of the Croatian Electoral Commission, Ivanka Purić of the Croatian Bureau of Statistics, Mirna Valinger of the Croatian Tax Administration, and in particular to Maruška Vizek of the Institute of Economics, Zagreb for invaluable help with data collection. The article has also benefited from comments and suggestions by Marin Božić, Monika Maminskaite, Kathleen Montgomery, Petra Posedel, Branko Salaj, Pieter van Houten, Maruška Vizek, as well as participants of the Research Colloquium at the Department of Politics and International Studies, University of Cambridge. Damir Galić provided useful research assistance, and Tomislav Kaniški of The Miroslav Krleža Institute of Lexicography created the maps. Josip Glaurdić is also grateful to the Leverhulme Trust and the Isaac Newton Trust (ECF-2012-399∖7) which supported his work on this study

    The principles of the green economy in the context of agglomeration: Evidence from Big Ekaterinburg

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    The authors consider an urban agglomeration as a more integral informal economic subject uniting economic interests of its municipalities and expressing interests of the territory which can become a driver of the "green economy" strategy. High level of social and economic development of an agglomeration kernel, and high capabilities related to minimization of environmental risks and multiplying natural capital of the small cities allows synchronization of economic growth, optimal use of natural resources and decreasing decoupling effect. Using Big Ekaterinburg as an example of urban agglomerations the authors have shown that strategic planning documents on the municipal level require cardinal revision in the context of complex development of the territory, "green" economy principles implementation and harmonization of relations among the economy, society, and environment. © 2018 Institute of Physics Publishing. All rights reserved.The authors would like to express their deepest gratitude to the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) for the support of the research within the project No. 17-22-07001 "The complex algorithm of culture-based regeneration of minor industrial cities in the context of agglomeration processes in Russia and Europe"

    The principles of the green economy in the context of agglomeration: Evidence from Big Ekaterinburg

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    The authors consider an urban agglomeration as a more integral informal economic subject uniting economic interests of its municipalities and expressing interests of the territory which can become a driver of the "green economy" strategy. High level of social and economic development of an agglomeration kernel, and high capabilities related to minimization of environmental risks and multiplying natural capital of the small cities allows synchronization of economic growth, optimal use of natural resources and decreasing decoupling effect. Using Big Ekaterinburg as an example of urban agglomerations the authors have shown that strategic planning documents on the municipal level require cardinal revision in the context of complex development of the territory, "green" economy principles implementation and harmonization of relations among the economy, society, and environment. © 2018 Institute of Physics Publishing. All rights reserved.The authors would like to express their deepest gratitude to the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) for the support of the research within the project No. 17-22-07001 "The complex algorithm of culture-based regeneration of minor industrial cities in the context of agglomeration processes in Russia and Europe"

    Alternating Copolymers of beta-Alkoxystyrenes and N-Phenylmaleimide

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    Alternating copolymers of beta-alkoxystyrenes (I) and N phenylmaleimide (NPMI) were prepared by free-radical initiated polymerization in bulk or in toluene as solvent. The equilibrium constants of I (R = Et and sec-Bu) and NPMI were determined by the transformed Benessi-Hildebrand NMR method in CDC13, and it was found that the bulkiness of alkyl group has no significant influence on the equilibrium constants. The rate of copolymerization, howe ver, was largely dependent on the bulkiness of alkyl group, and rate constants decreased by increasing the size of alkyl group. It was further found that the weight loss in the thermo-gravimetric analysis increases by the increase of bulkiness of alkyl group in e1ectron donor monomer. The linear correlation between the logarithm of rate constants of kM, over k:« against Taft-Hancock steric constants and the parallelism between weightlos s values in thermograms and steric factors of respective alkyl groups indicate that the rate of copolymerization and thermal degradation are sterically controlled processes

    Navarivanje vijenaca monoblok točka (MBT) čelika R7T za željeznička vozila

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    The steel R7T monoblock wheel material properties are defined by the International Declaration UIC 812-3. Taking into consideration the resurfacing of the rim, the analyzed conditions for the resurfacing, as well as the analysis of the chemical compounds, mechanical characteristics (material hardness, pulling strength, and tenacity), ultrasound and metallographic testing, which proved that the resurfaced rim area has the required characteristics, according to the Declaration UIC 812-3.Svojstva materijala monobloka točkova čelika R7T su određeni po međunarodnoj objavi UIC 812-3. Na temelju navarivanja vijencaovih točkova, istraživanih uvjeta za navarivanje, te ispitivanjem kemijskog sastava, mehničkih svojstava (tvrdoće, vlačne čvrstoće, žilavosti), ultrazvučnim i metalograpskim ispitivanjima, dokazano je da navareni sloj vijenca ima osobine sukladne traženim po objavi UIC 812-3

    Thermal studies of silverpoly (methylmethacrylate) nanocomposites

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    The novel nanocomposite material based on surface-modified silver nanoparticles (Np) with average diameter of 6 nm and poly(methylmethacrylate) (PMMA) matrix was synthesized. The effect of silver loading on the thermal properties of PMMA was studied. The obtained transparent nanocomposites Ag/PMMA films were characterized by IR spectroscopy and thermal techniques (TGA, DSC). The chemical composition of the PMMA matrix is not changed in the presence of the metal nanoparticles, but the thermal stability of the nanocomposites was found to be better than thermal stability of the pure polymer. Also, Ag nanoparticles have pronounced effect on a glass transition temperature (Tg) of PMMA.Physical chemistry 2008 : 9th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 24-28 September 200

    Patogenost nekih bakterijskih vrsta izolovanih iz digestivnog trakta pčele

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    The aim of this paper was to examine the pathogenicity of most commonly isolated bacteria from the digestive tract of bees. Bees from 150 colonies (n=3000) were examined and 19 bacterial species were isolated, which are either permanent or temporary inhabitants of the digestive tract. Pathogenic activity of the most commonly isolated species (Enterobacter aerogenes, Klebsiella ozaenae, Klebsiella pneumonie, Citrobacter freundii, Enterobacter cloacae and Enterobacter agglomerans) was examined on seven-day-old chicken embryos and tissue of MDBK cells. Bacterial inoculation of the examined bacteria was conducted in the alantoic cavity of chicken embryos in the quantity of 0.5 mL. Control noninoculated and inoculated embryos were incubated at 38oC with about 60% relative humidity. All six bacterial species manifested pathogenic activity on chicken embryos and caused their death within 2-4 days and changes such as lagging in embryo development, bleeding and unpleasant smell. The bacteria examined in MDBK cell lines of bovine kidney tissue did not manifest cytopathogenic effect and the structure of control tissue was normal.Cilj rada je bio da se ispita patogenost najčešće izolovanih bakterija iz digestivnog trakta pčele. Pregledano je 3000 pčela iz 150 pčelinjih zajednica, a izolovano je 19 bakterijskih vrsta, koje su stalni ili povremeni stanovnici digestivnog trakta pčela. Kod najčešće izolovanih vrsta (Enterobacter aerogenes, Klebsiella ozaenae, Klebsiella pneumonie, Citrobacter freundii, Enterobacter cloacae i Enterobacter agglomerans) ispitano je patogeno delovanje na kokošijim embrionima starim sedam dana i na kulturi tkiva MDBK ćelija. Bakterijska inokulacija ispitivanih bakterija izvršena je u alantoisnu šupljinu kokošijih embriona u količini od 0,5 ml. Kontrolni neinokulisani i inokulisani embrioni inkubirani su na 38oC sa oko 60% relativne vlažnosti. Svih šest bakterijskih vrsta ispoljilo je patogeno delovanje na kokošijim embrionima i dovelo do njihovog uginuća u roku od 2-4 dana sa promenama u vidu zaostajanja u razvoju embriona, prisutnim krvavljenjima i neprijatnom mirisu. Kod MDBK linije ćelija goveđeg bubrežnog tkiva ispitivane bakterije nisu ispoljile citopatogeni efekat, a kontrolno tkivo bilo je normalne strukture