8 research outputs found

    Tricolored Vinča vessels from the site of Pavlovac–Čukar: technology of manufacture and function

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    Тробојне посуде (black-topped) познате су са низа рановинчанских локалитета, али и из других области југоисточне Европе. На локалитету Павловац–Чукар пронађено је неколико оваквих посуда, којe представљају добар пример за преиспитивање начина њихове израде и значаја у неолитском друштву. У раду су размотрене њихове технолошке карактеристике, односно технике израде, пре свега начин печења. С друге стране, трагови поправки и преправки указују на могућност да се ради о престижним предметима, који су, могуће је, осим утилитарне функције имали и посебан симболички значај.Tricolored Vinča vessels mostly pedestal goblets are well-known since the earliest excavations at Vinča. However, the black-topped technique of pottery decoration is not associated exclusively to the Late Neolithic pottery in the Central Balkans but it is rather cross-cultural phenomenon spreading from the pre-dynastic Egypt to as far as prehistoric India. In this paper eight fragments of tricolored vessels discovered in the course of rescue archaeological excavations conducted in the process of motorway E-75 (Corridor 10) construction at the site Pavlovac near Vranje in 2011 are examined. Traces of use were not encountered on the tricolored vessels but various deliberately made interventions were noticed. They could be divided in two groups: remodeling and repairs. Alterations were noticed on two specimens where base of the vessel, i.e., pedestal of the goblet was flattened probably using some abrasive stone tool. Repairs are represented by perforations on two fragments of vessel feet in order to join two broken fragments by pulling through some thread or the like. One fragment of the goblet foot stands out among other specimens. It could be identified as technological hybrid joining two Neolithic traditions – Starčevo and Vinča traits. Additional intervention by piercing the hole in the vessel base was probably an attempt to change the purpose of the vessel. In an attempt to explain the reasons why Vinča tricolored vessels had been remodeled and repaired it is necessary to examine the concept of ‘value’ of the material culture in the past. The firing procedure of pottery with polychrome surface is very complex. Bearing in mind that completely reduced vessels were widely produced and available, the firing sequence of intentional blackening of the vessels fired in oxidizing atmosphere or combined firing of pottery in order to reduce only the interiors of the pots was completely unnecessary, so functional or utilitarian value of black-topped pots should be rejected. Tricolored vessels were discovered in very small quantities at the Vinča sites and also at Čukar, and that additionally suggests not only their limited production but also the possibility that they had been produced only in special circumstances and by skillful and experienced potters. Their small number also indicates the possibility that they were not available to all members of the community, that is, to every household. Therefore, it should be assumed that they were the special purpose vessels manufactured in small quantity and not widely available, but it is still unclear whether they were prestigious or status objects or objects related to some ritual practices

    One unknown wartime document of the year 1915: the first diggings at the Banjska monastery

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    У раду се први пут објављује документ из архива Министарства просвете и црквених послова из августа 1915. године, у којем се налази предмет о аматерским ископавањима у Манастиру Бањској током којих је нађен и златни прстен приписан краљици Теодори. Овај документ је значајан утолико пре што је писан руком једног од директних учесника ових „откопавања”, и то непосредно по њиховом завршетку, што га чини знатно поузданијим од до сада углавном цитираног извештаја насталог осам година касније и из друге руке. Други, такође интересантан део овог предмета, представља стручно мишљење Милоја М. Васића о неопходности санкционисања и сузбијања нестручног истраживања „старина”, али и категоричном одбијању предлога налазача да се прстен из Бањске поклони престолонаследнику Александру Карађорђевићу.A document related to the amateur excavations in the medieval monastery of Banjska during 1915, found in the Archives of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs is published in this paper for the first time. During these diggings a golden ring, later attributed to Queen Teodora was found. This document is of great importance, since it was written by one of the participants in the excavations, immediately after their completion. This makes it more reliable than the other, indirect report, usually cited in the literature, written eight years later. Equally significant part of this case is expert opinion of Miloje M. Vasić, where he expressed the need for sanctioning improper excavations, and categorically refused finder’s proposal that the ring should be given to the Crown Prince Aleksandar Karađorđević

    Rеcycling of ceramic objects – Neolithic figurines as tools, evidence from the sitte of Pavlovac-Čukar

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    Праксе промењене употребе и рециклирања познате су у археолошкој литератури, а када су у питању предмети од керамике, у том контексту разматране су искључиво керамичке посуде или њихови фрагменти. С локалитета Павловац–Чукар, међутим, потиче неколико фрагмената винчанских антропоморфних фигурина, који су, на основу интензивних трагова употребе – механичких оштећења (абразије) и деформације првобитног облика, интерпретирани као алатке. Таква употреба делова фигурина засад није идентификована на другим неолитским локалитетима, па примерци с Павловца отварају низ нових питања, пре свега намене фигурина и њиховог значења у неолитском друштву.Secondary use and recycling are well-known in archaeology, but in the case of ceramic objects, only vessels have been analyzed. Several figurines excavated at the site of Pavlovac-Čukar, however, exhibit traces of use – damage in the form of different kinds of abrasion. The traces on the leg of a realistically modeled figurine (fig. 1) are present in the form of deep grooves of a triangular cross-section. The sides of the grooves are smooth and flattened. According to the barely visible channels parallel to the vertical axis of the tool, the movement in which the tool was used was in the up-down direction. Also, on the left lateral side, the original surface is worn out and removed. Such damage does not exist on the right side, suggesting that the tool was held slightly obliquely, so that the pressure of the abrasive movement was higher on the left side of the tool. Another figurine leg (fig. 2) exhibits similar grooves on its back side. The traces on both tools suggest that they were used in the process of smoothing, finishing, and/or sharpening of wooden/bone tools, possibly awls. Small grooves and channels (with pedestalled temper) on the upper part of a columnar figurine (fig. 3) are harder to interpret. Fragment of a figurine representing a female with incised clothes/ornaments (fig. 4) exhibits an abraded patch on its belly: at the beginning of the damaged zone, the traces are especially intensive and are manifested by parallel deep diagonal notches. The figurine tool could have been used in the processes such as scraping or flattening some hard material. Finally, the small figurine shown in fig. 5 exhibits abraded base and head, with flattened sand temper, indicating use over some hard material. Five figurines from Pavlovac with traces of use open new questions related to the meaning and function of the figurines during the Late Neolithic. They were recycled after the breaking and were probably used in everyday activities. This further leads to the conclusion that the primary function of the figurines (symbolic or ritual) was not long-lasting. This further underlines the possibility that they were the objects with a single-use, or disposable after they fulfilled their designated role. The considerations about the traces of use on the figurines are still lacking, so the specimens from Čukar reveal an urgent need for further research in this field

    Solution properties of hyperbranched polymers

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    Cilj ovog rada je proučavanje interakcija hiperrazgranatih polimera sa rastvaračem i ispitivana su njihova svojstva u rastvoru

    The behavior of polyester-based hyperbranched polymers in dilute solution

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    Due to its molecular structure and large number of end groups, hyperbranched polymers and dendrimers have numerous specific properties that differ significantly to those of linear polymers of similar chemical composition. Consequently, in the past ten years, there has been an increasing number of publications in the literature devoted to the study of the influence of the molecular structure of these polymers on their properties in both the solid state and in solution [1,2,3]. The influence of the molar mass, i.e. the generation of hyperbranched polymers, HBP, of the polyester type on the values of the limiting viscosity number, cm3/g, and hydrodynamic radius, Rh, nm, of these macromolecules in various solvents at 25ºC, was studied. The obtained values of the limiting viscosity number, LVN, in various solvents were used to determine the solubility parameter of the investigated hyperbranched polymers, (J/m3)0.5

    Antimutagenic effect of essential oil of sage (Salvia officinalis L.) and its fractions against UV-induced mutations in bacterial and yeast cells

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    The inhibition of spontaneous and UV-induced mutations by essential oil (EO) of sage (Salvia officinalis L.) and its fractions F1-F5 containing different proportions of mono- and sesquiterpenes was studied with the Salmonella/microsome, E. coli K12, and S. cerevisiae D7 reversion assays. The EO, F1, and F2 exhibited antimutagenic potential against UV-induced mutations in all tests. Fractions F3 and F4 produced a toxic, mutagenic, or antimutagenic response, depend­ing on the test organism used. Reduction of spontaneous and UV-induced mutations by F5 was detected only in permeable strains of E. coli. The obtained results demonstrate antimutagenic activity of volatile sage terpenes and recommend them for further antimutagenesis and anticarcinogenesis studies

    Novel magnetic polymer/bentonite composite

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    A novel magnetic polymer/bentonite composite was prepared by suspension copolymerization of glycidyl methacrylate and ethylene glycol dimethacrylate in the presence of magnetic bentonite (MB-PGME) and functionalized with ethylene diamine and hexamethylene diamine (MB-PGME-ED and MB-PGME-HD). The obtained samples were characterized in terms of structure as well as thermal, magnetic and morphological properties. The sorption of rhenium (Re) and tungsten (W) from aqueous solution onto MBPGME-ED and MB-PGME-HD was investigated considering their contact time and different initial ion concentration, giving possibility for usage of these composites as commercial sorbents. The sorption system follows the pseudo-second order and intraparticle diffusion kinetic models. The results indicated a better fit with the Freundlich isotherm model

    Novel Magnetic Polymer/bentonite Composite: Characterization and Application for Re(VII) and W(VI) Adsorption

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    A novel magnetic polymer/bentonite composite was prepared by suspension copolymerization of glycidyl methacrylate and ethylene glycol dimethacrylate in the presence of magnetic bentonite (MB-PGME) and functionalized with ethylene diamine and hexamethylene diamine (MB-PGME-ED and MB-PGME-HD). The obtained samples were characterized in terms of structure as well as thermal, magnetic and morphological properties. The sorption of rhenium (Re) and tungsten (W) from aqueous solution onto MB-PGME-ED and MB-PGME-HD was investigated considering their contact time and different initial ion concentration, giving possibility for usage of these composites as commercial sorbents. The sorption system follows the pseudo-second order and intraparticle diffusion kinetic models. The results indicated a better fit with the Freundlich isotherm model