120 research outputs found

    Faktori koji utiču na pozitivan ishod avulzija zuba kod dece

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    Introduction/Aim. Avulsions are severe dental injuries with high impact on patients' quality of life due to prolonged treatment and possible severe complications. The aim of the study was to analyze the epidemiological factors related to the occurrence, treatment and outcome of avulsions in Serbian children. Methods. This research included 2,194 patients aged 1-18 years with traumatic dental injuries. The history, demographic, clinical and radiographic data of the patients were observed from dental medical records. Results. A total of 266 avulsions were observed in 207 patients. The frequency of avulsions was 12% in primary dentition and 5% in permanent dentition. A statistically significant relationship between place, cause of avulsion and outcome was observed. Replantation of permanent teeth was performed in 46.7% with a mean time 6.9 h. Almost a half of permanently avulsed teeth (48.7%) were not retrieved from the accident site and 11.3% of replanted teeth were transported in adequate media. The observed incidence of complications was 31.9%. Conclusions. Re- plantation was not performed in more than a half of all eligible teeth due to either loss or inadequate/delayed transport, which emphasizes the need for preventive strategies and health education in population.Uvod/Cilj. Avulzije spadaju među najteže povrede zuba kod dece i utiču na njihov psihosocijalni razvoj zbog dugotrajne terapije i mogućih teÅ”kih komplikacija. Cilj istraživanja bio je analiza epidemioloÅ”kih faktora povezanih sa nastankom, terapijom i ishodom avulzija kod dece u Srbiji. Metode. Ovo istraživanje obuhvatilo je 2 194 ispitanika uzrasta 1-18 godina sa povredama zuba. Podaci su dobijeni iz kartona povreda i stomatoloÅ”kih kartona, a obuhvatali su: anamnestičke podatke, demografske podatke, podatke iz kliničkog i radioloÅ”kog pregleda. Rezultati. Zabeleženo je ukupno 266 avulzija kod 207 ispitanika. Učestalost avulzija u mlečnoj denticiji iznosila je 12%, a u stalnoj 5%. Uočena je statistički značajna povezanost između mesta, uzroka povrede i ishoda avulzije. Replantacija stalnih zuba je izvrÅ”ena kod 46,7% ispitanika sa prosečnim vremenom 6,9 h. Skoro polovina svih avulziranih stalnih zuba (48,7%) nije doneÅ”ena sa mesta povrede, dok je svega 11,3% replantiranih zuba doneÅ”eno u adekvatnom medijumu. Učestalost komplikacija iznosila je 31,9%. Zaključak. Replantacija nije vrÅ”ena kod viÅ”e od polovine raspoloživih avulziranih zuba zbog neadekvatnog transporta ili zakasnelog dolaska kod stomatologa, Å”to ukazuje na hitnu potrebu za izradom preventivnih strategija i zdravstveno-vaspitnim radom unutar populacije

    History of dentistry in central Serbia

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    History of dentistry in the Central Serbian District of Jagodina has been influenced by traditional medicine for centuries. Development of dentistry in the region of Jagodina was slow, the level of oral and general hygiene was low and the sanitary prevention was absent. Trained physicians started to practice medicine and dentistry in the first half of the nineteenth century and they were educated in abroad universities. However, common people used to address to these physicians only when the traditional medicine were unable to help. Until the end of the World War II, common, mostly rural people, with the urgent dental treatment need were usually referred to the barbers, healers or empirics in the nearby villages rather than the dentists. Medications used for the urgent dental treatment were balsams and solutions made of herbs. After the World War II, the dental technicians who finished special courses started to practice dentistry. In 1947 the Regional Dental Office in Jagodina was opened and in 1955 the first Doctor of Dental Medicine who graduated from the School of Dental Medicine of University of Belgrade was employed. Nowadays, the Department of Dentistry represents is an important and independent part of the Health Care Centre in Jagodina


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    Public Relations (PR), a significant component of the media industry, also represents a management function that helps establish and maintain beneficial connections between the organization and various stakeholders. The evolution of the public relations profession is commonly perceived as a qualitative shift from the unethical practices that dominated several decades since the 1920s to strategically and ethically conducted campaigns in contemporary business. However, when considering the practice of PR in the first decades of the 21st century, numerous concerns arise regarding ethical dilemmas, conflicts, and, consequently, the ethical decisionmaking process. The main objective of this paper is to offer an overview of ethics and its development in PR. The application of ethical principles based on utilitarian, deontological, situational and virtue approaches is discussed. This study also analyzes the most frequently encountered ethical problems in contemporary PR practice. Finally, the paper delves into some models of the ethical decision-making process and discusses the legal consequences of PR

    Dojenje iz ugla dečjeg stomatologa

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    Current recommendations by the European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry, American Academy of Paediatric Dentistry, and International Association of Paediatric Dentistry advocate weaning from breast milk and avoiding unrestricted breastfeeding after the eruption of primary teeth in order to lower the risk of early childhood caries (ECC). However, World Health Organization, American Academy of Paediatrics and nutritional recommendations support exclusive breastfeeding up to six months of age, following continued breastfeeding along with appropriate complementary foods, favouring unrestricted and prolonged breastfeeding even beyond the age of two. The purpose of this review is to discuss current data in the literature regarding the association between breastfeeding and ECC in order to address this problem and to provide consistent recommendations. PubMed search revealed possible link between breastfeeding and ECC, however without evidence strong enough to establish the appropriate oral health preventive recommendation. Having in mind known benefits of breastfeeding, it is advisable to adhere to current paediatric guidelines which promote unrestricted breastfeeding as long as it is mutually desired by mother and child. This recommendation doesn't exclude but complements the prevention and timely treatment of ECC. Furthermore, there is a need to highlight the importance of education of parents and health care providers about the ECC risk factors, identification of initial lesions and consequences. Further research regarding this issue is needed.Savremene preporuke Evropske i Američke akademije dečjih stomatologa i Međunarodnog udruženja dečjih stomatologa savetuju postepeni prekid dojenja nakon nicanja mlečnih zuba kako bi se smanjio rizik od nastanka karijesa ranog detinjstva (KRD). Sa druge strane, preporuke Svetske zdravstvene organizacije, preporuke Američke akademije pedijatara i stručnjaka iz oblasti ishrane prepoznaju brojne kratkoročne i dugoročne pozitivne efekte dojenja i podržavaju isključivo dojenje do uzrasta od Å”est meseci, a zatim postepeno uvođenje čvrste hrane sa nastavkom dojenja uz neograničeno i dojenje na zahtev do druge godine deteta i duže. Cilj ovog preglednog rada je bio da se analiziraju savremeni podaci u literaturi o uticaju dojenja na nastanak KRD, kako bi se doprinelo formiranju jedinstvenog stava i pružila jasna informacija majkama kako prevenirati KRD. Na osnovu pretraživanja Pub Med baze podataka, uočava se da postoji povezanost između dojenja i KRD, ali nije dovoljno argumentovano koje su najbolje mere u prevenciji karijesa. Imajući u vidu poznate pozitivne efekte dojenja, smatra se da je preporučljivo pratiti savremene pedijatrijske preporuke koje savetuju neograničeno dojenje koliko God to uzajamno prija majci i detetu. Ipak, potrebno je imati u vidu neophodnost ranih preventivnih poseta dečjem stomatologu i edukacije zdravstvenih radnika radi adekvatnih i blagovremenih saveta o higijeni usne u duplje i ishrani kako bi se izbegao nastanak karijesa ranog detinjstva i omogućilo blagovremeno dijagnostikovnje inicijalnih lezija. Neophodna su dalja istraživanja u ovoj oblasti

    Region as a Basic Territorial Unit of Regional Development (Concepts and Types)

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    The authors analyze and summarize the history of the development of the region,meaning of the term region and types. The paper analyzes the regions as basic territorial units which are important for regional development, the area in which establishes and implements regional development policy. The concept of the region is seen dynamically, in a historical context. The subject of the work is focused on the study of the phenomenon of the region as a territorial unit for the preparation and implementation of regional development policy for the purpose of equitable development. The authors analyzed different concepts and underlined the most important characteristics of the idea region and its types. Based on the analysis, definitively that the region is starting and basic territorial unit for planning and implementation of sustainable policies for regional development


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    Dana 30. studenoga 2018. u Narodnim novinama br. 106/18. objavljen je Zakon o zakladama. Ovaj Zakon stupa na snagu 1. ožujka 2019. Njime se jasno naglaÅ”ava da je zaklada neprofitna pravna osoba bez članova, da se njena imovina, kao dominantni element supstrata njene pravne osobnosti, ne može dijeliti zakladnicima, članovima tijela zaklade, zaposlenicima ili s njima povezanim osobama. Osnovna imovina zaklade može se uvećavati, kroz negospodarske i gospodarske djelatnosti u cilju ostvarivanja svrhe zaklade. Kada obavlja gospodarsku djelatnost na tržiÅ”tu tada zaklada, kao i druge neprofitne organizacije (npr. udruge, ustanove) djeluje kao poduzetnik poÅ”tivajući stroga pravila Europske unije o tržiÅ”nom natjecanju. Kako do vremena sačinjavanja ovog rada nije postojalo dovoljno praktičnog iskustva da bi se spomenute novine analizirale s kritičkog aspekta, cilj je na temelju de lege lata analize dati prijedloge tumačenja određenih odredbi kako bi iste bile jasne i razumljive.On November 30, 2018, in Official journal no. 106/18, the Law on Foundations was published. This Law will enter into force on March 1, 2019. It clearly emphasizes that the Foundation is a non-profit legal entity without members, that its property, as the dominant element of the substrate of its legal personality, cannot be shared with treasurers, members of the fundā€™s bodies, employees or with them people. The basic property of the foundation can be increased, through non-economic and economic activities in order to achieve the purpose of the foundation. When performing an economic activity on the market then the foundation, as well as other non-profi t organizations (e.g. associations, trusts) acts as an entrepreneur in compliance with the strict rules of the European Union on competition. Since there was not enough practical experience to analyse the subject in hand from a critical point a view, the aim is to make suggestions for the interpretation of certain provisions in order to make them clear and comprehensible on the basis of de lege lata analysis


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    U okviru insolvencijskih postupaka tj. postupaka kada dužnik nije trajnije sposoban na ispunjenje svih svojih dospjelih novčanih obveza, svaka od kategorije vjerovnika (privilegirani ili neprivilegirani), koji se u njemu mogu pojaviti, imaju identičan interes: zaÅ”titu prava na ostvarenje svojih tražbina. Međutim, u okviru tog interesa, svaka od ovih kategorija ima različit zakonom utvrđen način njegovoga ostvarenja te položaj s kojeg djeluje. Cilj je rada analizirati poglavito pravni položaj jamca u već pokrenutom insolvencijskom postupku nad korporacijama (predstečajna nagodba i stečaj). Kompleksnost predmeta istraživanja i postavljeni zadaci uvjetovali su izbor metoda pa je u istraživanju koriÅ”ten metodoloÅ”ki pristup koji obuhvaća proučavanje ne samo doktrinarnih izvora već i analizu odgovarajućih zakonskih propisa. U radu ćemo se ukratko osvrnuti na Uredbu Vijeća (EZ) br.1346/2000., kao i na praksa Europskog suda za ljudska prava (ECHR) u postupcima prema čl. 1. Protokola br. 1 uz Europsku konvenciju za zaÅ”titu ljudskih prava i temeljnih sloboda (tzv. Povreda prava na mirno uživanje imovine) jer polazimo od pretpostavke da saznanja o ovome mogu biti ključna za razumijevanje problematike rada.Within insolvency procedures ie. the procedures when the debtor is not able to fulfi ll all of its fi nancial obligations on long basis, each of the categories of creditors (privileged or unprivileged), that it may appear in procedure, have the same interest: the protection of the right to the realization of their claims. However, in the context of this interest, each of these categories has a diff erent statutory way of his achievements and the position from which it operates. The aim of this paper is to analyze the particular legal position of guarantor in open insolvency proceedings (Pre-Bankruptcy Settlement and Bankruptcy). The complexity of the research topic dictated the choice of method in the study so the authors used approach which encompasses the study of not only doctrinal sources, but also the analysis of the relevant legal provisions. The paper will also address the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in proceedings under Art. 1 of Protocol no. 1 to the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (the so-called - Violation of the right to peaceful enjoyment of possessions) because we assume that the information on this can be useful


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    Fond ograničene odgovornosti brodara je pravni institut namijenjen prvenstveno osiguranju potraživanja oÅ”tećenih osoba u slučaju Å”tete koju je skrivio brodar (brodovlasnik). Konvencija o ograničenju odgovornosti za pomorske tražbine (London, 1976.) ostavlja svakoj državi ugovarateljici samostalno pravo odlučivanja o tomu, hoće li osnivanje fonda biti preduvjet za ograničenje odgovornosti. U Pomorskom zakoniku (NN, br. 181/04., 76/07., 146/08. i 61/11.) Republika Hrvatska je osnivanje fonda odredila kao obvezno (čl. 395., st. 1.). Cilj ovoga članka je istražiti opravdanost takve odredbe. Na početku rada označit će se glavna obilježja instituta i njegov povijesni razvoj. U srediÅ”njem dijelu analizirat će se postojeće stanje u međunarodnom i pozitivnom pomorskom pravu s naglaskom na pravne posljedice osnivanja fonda te odnos posebnog i općeg ograničenja odgovornosti (nova Rotterdamska pravila i Londonska konvencija iz 1976.). ZavrÅ”ni dio odnosi se na pravni položaj fonda u stečajnom postupku te na odnos fonda i pomorskog osiguranja odgovornosti. Zaključno se ukazuje na probleme u provedbi te razloge o (ne)opravdanosti postojanja obveze osnivanja fonda.ā€œLimitation fundā€ is a legal concept primarily intended for securing the claims of injured persons in the event of a loss caused by the shipowner. The Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims (London, 1976) leaves it to every State Party to decide whether the constitution of such a fund will be a prerequisite for the limitation of liability. The Croatian Maritime Code (Official Gazette, No. 181/04, 76/07, 146/08 and 61/11) provides that the constitution of a limitation fund is mandatory (article 395, paragraph). The aim of this article is to explore the validity of such a provision. At the beginning of the paper, the main characteristics of the concept are identified and its historical development explained. The main part of the paper consists of an analysis of the current situation in both the international and the domestic maritime law, with special emphasis on the legal effects of the fund and the relationship between the specific and general limitation of liability (new Rotterdam Rules and the London Conventions of 1976). The final part deals first with the legal status of the fund in bankruptcy proceedings, then with the relationship between the fund and the marine liability insurance. Finally, the authors emphasize the problems of implementation and state the reasons for the absence of any further obligation to constitute the fund

    (Another) Bankruptcy Legislation reform - functionalization of bankruptcy legal protection or placebo effect?

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    Rad obrađuje trenutno najaktualniju temu iz područja građanskopravne kolektivne zaÅ”tite. Naime, reformama Stečajnog zakona (njih sedam) kao i implementacijom Zakona o financijskom poslovanju i predstečajnoj nagodbi (s tri izmjene), čija je primjena počela tijekom 2012., hrvatsko insolvencijsko zakonodavstvo značajno je izmijenjeno. Ipak, indikativna metoda utvrđivanja činjenica pokazuje kako su stečajni i predstečajni postupci u odnosu na druge države u okruženju neÅ”to kraći, ali su skuplji i s nižim stupanjem namirenja vjerovnika. Naravno, u odnosu na zemlje s razvijenim stečajnim sustavom, ovi pokazatelji su relativno loÅ”iji. Uzimajući u obzir da na takve podatke pored samih zakonskih rjeÅ”enja utječu i brojni izvansudski (institucionalni) čimbenici (nepovoljan druÅ”tveni kontekst, problemi u platnom prometu, nezavidno stanje u domenu evidencije nekretnina i pokretnina, nedovoljan broj sudaca kojima je bilo povjereno vođenje stečajnog postupka, slaba obučenost stečajnih upravitelja, neadekvatni način njihovog financiranja i posljedično slaba motiviranost za rad), zakonodavac planira napraviti joÅ” jednu funkcionalizaciju Stečajnog zakona preuzimajući, nakon dvogodiÅ”njeg eksperimentiranja iz Zakona o financijskom poslovanju i predstečajnoj nagodbi, odredbe o predstečajnoj nagodbi te vraćajući mnoge opcije u izradi stečajnog plana. Svakako smatramo bitnim istaknuti kako prostor koji ovdje imamo, ne dopuÅ”ta detaljnu raŔčlambu ove problematike, pa smo prinuđeni ograničiti se isključivo, po miÅ”ljenju autora, na neke aspekte nove stečajne regulative. Ovaj rad je nastao u potporu Hrvatske zaklade za znanost u okviru projekta 6558 "Business and Personal Insolvency - the Ways to Overcome Excessive Indebtedness"The paper deals with the most current topic in the field of collective civil law protection. The reforms of the Bankruptcy Act (seven of them) as well as implementation of the Financial Operations and Pre-Bankruptcy Settlements Act (three amendments), which were implemented in 2012, have significantly altered Croatian insolvency legislation. Nevertheless, the indicative methods of determining the facts show that the bankruptcy and preliminary bankruptcy procedures, in relation to other countries in the region, are consuming less time. They are more expensive and have lower satisfaction from creditors. In comparison to countries with developed bankruptcy systems, Croatian regulations still need improvement. One has to take into consideration a substantial impact of multiple external, institutional factors on legislative solutions (unfavourable social context, problems in the payment system, the precarious recordings of immovable and movable property, an insufficient number of judges who were entrusted with the liquidation proceedings, weak training of bankruptcy administrators, inadequate methods of financing, and consequently weak motivation to work). The legislators are planning to make another functionalization of the Bankruptcy Act. His intention is, after two years of experimentation in the Financial Operations and Pre-Bankruptcy Settlements Act, to accept provisions on pre-bankruptcy settlements and reinstate many pre-existing options in the preparation of the reorganization plan. Since the existing framework is not allowing for a detailed analysis of the aforementioned subjects, one must emphasize that the space here does not permit a detailed analysis of these issues. Therefore, authors of this article will deal with subjects they see as relevant and essential for understanding key issues within the domain of the Bankruptcy Act. This work has been supported by the Croatian science foundation under the project number 6558 "Business and Personal Insolvency - the Ways to Overcome Excessive Indebtedness


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    U radu se pokuÅ”ava odgovoriti na pitanje koliko su Sjedinjene Američke Države, kroz stoljetnu povijest međunarodnih konvencija iz transportnog prava (počevÅ”i od Konvencije o međunarodnom prijevozu robe željeznicom, Bern, 1890. ā€“ CIM) zaista doprinosile unifikaciji međunarodnog prijevoznog prava. Prvi međunarodni ugovor globalnog značenja koji je SAD ratificirao bila je Međunarodna konvencija za izjednačavanje nekih pravila o teretnici, 1924. (HaaÅ”ka pravila, 1924.) o prijevozu tereta morem ā€“ stupila na snagu 2. lipnja 1931., dok je posljednja konvencija koju je potvrdio bila Konvencija o ujednačavanju određenih pravila za međunarodni zračni prijevoz iz Montreala, 1999. (Montrealska konvencija, 1999.) ā€“ stupila na snagu 4. studenoga 2003. Dodatna specifičnost ove zračne Konvencije, zapravo zamjene za dugovječnu VarÅ”avsku konvenciju iz 1929. je u tomu Å”to ona jedina u jednom ugovoru uređuje prijevoz putnika i njihove prtljage kao i tereta, a Å”to konvencije iz drugih grana prijevoza ne čine, nego imaju poseban ugovor za prijevoz putnika i njihove prtljage, a poseban za prijevoz tereta. U razdoblju između HaaÅ”kih pravila, 1924. te Montrealske konvencije, 1999. (75 godina), niti prije, a niti nakon toga, Sjedinjene Američke Države nisu pokazivale pretjeran interes za unifikaciju međunarodnog transportnog prava cestom, željeznicom i unutarnjim vodama (jezera, rijeke, kanali). Jedan od glavnih razloga vidimo i u tome Å”to kopnene konvencije imaju prije svega regionalno, a manje univerzalno značenje pa stoga nisu posebno zanimljive SAD-u. Na temelju provedenog istraživanja zaključuje se da nema pravila u ponaÅ”anju SAD-a u donoÅ”enju pojedinih konvencija (međunarodnih ugovora) iz područja međunarodnog prijevoza putnika i njihove prtljage te stvari. Dodatnu potvrdu ove teze pronalazimo u doprinosu SAD-a u odnosu na Rotterdamska pravila, 2009. iz pomorskog transporta tereta koja unatoč velikim očekivanjima joÅ” uvijek nisu stupila na snagu, jer najviÅ”e nedostaje ratifikacija globalno najjače gospodarske i brodarske sile svijeta (bila je među potpisnicima 23. rujna 2009. u Rotterdamu pod okriljem Ujedinjenih naroda). Treba li razlog nepredvidljivosti tražiti i u vrlo složenom postupku ratifikacije međunarodnih ugovora u SAD-u koji, ako su ratificirani, postaju federalni izvor prava (engl. federal law) s viÅ”om pravnom snagom od propisa pojedine savezne države (engl. state law)? Može se stoga govoriti o tomu da zakonodavstvo Sjedinjenih Američkih Država prihvaća samo najbolje od ostatka svijeta. Jednako tako, u ponaÅ”anju SAD-a pronalazimo i nacionalni ponos jer čvrsto drži do pravila koja su samostalno stvarana kroz stoljeća i u koja duboko vjeruje.This paper attempts to answer the question of how the United States, through the centuries-old history of international conventions on the transport law (starting with the Convention on the International Transport of Goods by Rail, Bern, 1890 - CIM) actually contributed to the unification of the international transport law. The first international treaty of global importance that was ratified by the United States is the International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Lading, 1924 (The Hague Rules, 1924), for the transport of cargo by sea, that came into force on 2ndJuly 1931, while the last convention confirmed was the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules for the International Carriage by Air, Montreal, 1999 (Montreal Convention, 1999), that entered into force on 4th November 2003. Additional specifics of this Convention, actually the replacement for the long-term Warsaw Convention, 1929, was the fact that it is the only one governing the carriage of passengers and their baggage as well as cargo, while conventions referring to other means of transport do not regulate this part in the same, but have a separate contract for the carriage of passengers and their luggage and a special one for freight. In the period between the Hague Rules, 1924, and the Montreal Convention, 1999, (75 years), and even before and after that, the United States showed neither an excessive nor an expected interest in the unification of the international road, rail and inland waterways (lakes, rivers, canals) transport law. One of the main reasons is that the land conventions have primarily a regional rather than a universal character and therefore are not particularly interesting to the U.S.A. On the basis of this study, it can be concluded that there are no rules in the behaviour of the U.S. in the adoption of certain conventions (treaties) in the field of international transport of passengers and their luggage and belongings. A further confirmation of this thesis can be found in the contribution of the United States in relation to the Rotterdam Rules, 2009, in the field of the transport of cargo by sea, because, despite the high expectations, it has not yet entered into force, since it lacks the ratification of the strongest global economic powers of the world in shipping (it was among the signatories in 2009 in Rotterdam under the auspices of the United Nations). On of the reasons for this unpredictability might be perhaps a very complex procedure for the ratification of international treaties in the U.S.A. which, if ratified, become a source of the federal law with a higher legal force than the state law regulations of a particular state. One can therefore speak of the fact that the legislation of the United States accepts only the best from the rest of the world. Likewise, in the behaviour of the United States, we can identify their national pride because they firmly held to the rules that have been self-created through centuries and in which they deeply believe
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