7 research outputs found


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    The aim of this study was to show how climatic conditions could affect the yield and profitability of quince brandy production. The study was conducted using various methods such as content analysis, analytical methods, interview and direct observation. In addition, hypothetical-deductive method, statistical methods and descriptive methods were also used. Data were obtained from different sources i.e. the internal documentation of agricultural holding where the quince, as a raw material for production of brandy was produced, the internal documentation of distillery, as well as professional literature and the internet. The analysis was done for the period 2013 - 2016. The study showed that climatic conditions can affect the yield and profitability of quince brandy production, and the production of quince brandy in analyzed years was profitable

    Kvalitet i mogućnost korišćenja silaže čičoke u ishrani goveda

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    Ensiling of Helianthus tuberosus L. was carried out in three terms/trials (15.8.2013 , 17.9.2013 and 7.10.2013). In the first trial Helianthus tuberosus L was ensiled in horizontal concrete silo trench, and in the second and third trial in a polyethylene foil. In the first and second trial dry matter content in Helianthus tuberosus L silage was 26.93:33.68%. Evaluated by DLG method silage trials had 41 and 44 points, and classified as class I or II, respectively. Silage pH values were 4.06:4.20. Content of lactic acid was 51.07:57.01%, total acetic acid 42.99:48.93%, withaut the presence of butyric acid. Consumption of silage in categories of heifers, beef cattle and dried milking cows was cca 3 kg. Better silage consumption was found in cattle categories fed a limited quantity of meals (heifers and dried milkingcows).Siliranje čičoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.) je obavljeno u tri roka (15.8.2013, 17.9.2013 i 7.10. 2013. U prvom roku čičoka je silirana je u horizontalnom betonskom silosu a u drugom i trećem u polietilenskoj foliji u obliku creva. U prvom i drugom roku siliranja suva materija silaže čičoke iznosila je 26,93 : 33,68%. Ocenom po DLG metodu silaže su imale 41 odnosno 44 poena i svrstane u I odnosno II klasu. Vrednost pH silaža iznosio je 4,06 : 4,20. Sadržaj mlečne kiseline iznosio je 51,07 : 57,01%, ukupne sirćetne kiseline 42,99 : 48,93 % dok prisustvo buterne kiseline nije utvrđeno. Konzumiranje silaže čičoke kod priplodnog podlatka goveda, junadi u tovu i zasušenih krava iznosilo je oko 3 kg u obrocima na bazi silaže biljke kukuruza, sena lucerke i koncentrata. Bolje konzumiranje silaže čičoke utvrđeno je kod goveda hranjenih ograničenim količinama obroka (podmladak i zasušene krave)

    Clarification of red raspberry juice using microfiltration with gas backwashing: A viable strategy to maximize permeate flux and minimize a loss of anthocyanins

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    Red raspberry (Rubus idaeus) juice was produced by maceration of raspberry pulp at 50 degrees C for 2 h using 400 mg kg(-1) Klerzyme (R) 150 enzymatic pectolitic preparation followed by raw juice clarification with gelatin and bentonite or cross-flow membrane filtration. A minimal loss of anthocyanins from 630 to 540 mg l(-1) was obtained when the juice was clarified using a ceramic multichannel microfilter (MF) with a pore size of 0.2 mu m. A light transmission at 625 nm in MF permeate was above 85% and the residual pectin (900 mg l(-1)) was completely removed. During ultrafiltration through ceramic or polysulfone membranes with a molecular weight cut-off of 30-300 kDa, the content of anthocyanins was reduced to 220-370 mg l(-1), but a light transmission at 625 nm was as high as 96%. The permeate flux in MF was maintained at high values above 170 l m(-2) h(-1) at 3 bar for more than 2 h by backwashing the membrane with a compressed air every 6 min for 1 mm. The cake compression at high pressures was avoided by short filtration times between backwashing. (C) 2013 The Institution of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved


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    Freeze drying is relatively new process for drying fruit from frozen state. In distinction from classical drying, freeze drying make product with very little content of water, against maximal preservation of all nutritive matter in the product. These process is especially good for sensitive fruits at whom shall almost save typical flavor, color and vitamins. In this paper oversight of new raspberry products that can bee obtained by freeze drying process is given. Analysis of technological procedures for obtaining of whole freeze dried raspberry and freeze dried raspberry juice in powdered form is given. These technologies are relatively new in the world and with us still are not apply in industrial dimensions

    Influence of the storage on bioactive compounds and sensory attributes of herbal liqueur

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    Stability of bioactive compounds present in a herbal liqueur, as well as its sensory attributes were surveyed during a year - long storage under various conditions. The antioxidant activity, the total content of phenolic and flavonoid compounds, their antioxidant effectiveness, as well as antibacterial and antifungal activity, were found dependent on storage conditions and duration. The storage in the opaque green and transparent white bottles caused statistically significant changes upon 60 and 15 days, respectively. Both decrease of antioxidant activity (approximate to 30 %) and total content of phenolic compounds (approximate to 7 %) upon one year storage in the original opaque bottles placed in cardboard box was 18 % lower than upon the storage in the white bottles exposed to daylight, while decrease of total flavonoid compounds (approximate to 16 %) was 26 % lower. The most prominent changes were observed within the first six month of the storage. During the remaining storage time monitored parameters were found almost constant. Sensory analysis confirmed dynamics of changes that herbal liqueur experienced during the storage

    Influence of the storage on bioactive compounds and sensory attributes of herbal liqueur

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    Stability of bioactive compounds present in a herbal liqueur, as well as its sensory attributes were surveyed during a year - long storage under various conditions. The antioxidant activity, the total content of phenolic and flavonoid compounds, their antioxidant effectiveness, as well as antibacterial and antifungal activity, were found dependent on storage conditions and duration. The storage in the opaque green and transparent white bottles caused statistically significant changes upon 60 and 15 days, respectively. Both decrease of antioxidant activity (approximate to 30 %) and total content of phenolic compounds (approximate to 7 %) upon one year storage in the original opaque bottles placed in cardboard box was 18 % lower than upon the storage in the white bottles exposed to daylight, while decrease of total flavonoid compounds (approximate to 16 %) was 26 % lower. The most prominent changes were observed within the first six month of the storage. During the remaining storage time monitored parameters were found almost constant. Sensory analysis confirmed dynamics of changes that herbal liqueur experienced during the storage