33 research outputs found

    It’s Sounding Light and Yugoslav: Contributions by Recording Researchers to the Understanding of Genesis of Zabavna Music

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    In this paper we focus on the 1950s popular music in Yugoslavia, which was, same as the country and its cultural politics at the time, finding its own ground. On the one hand, we hear a significant presence of the orchestral dance music (whether instrumental or with lead vocals), such as tango, foxtrot, rumba, waltz etc., similar to the interwar period. On the other hand, we hear the emergence of authors and stylistic preferences typical for zabavna muzika, Yugoslav popular music style whose formation has been dated to the late 1950s and early 1960s in the contemporary literature. Focusing our attention on the only two existing record companies at the time, Jugoton from Zagreb and Jugodisk from Belgrade, we analyse the music’s transitional character. Our main argument is that the insight into the record production of the 1950s is crucial for exploration of key ingredients and context for the formation of domestic Yugoslav popular music. The remaining recordings are witnesses of repertoire, but also performers, arrangement and performance styles. Furthermore, we argue that the exploration of this segment of Yugoslav popular music is almost impossible without taking into account discographic production coming from both Croatia and Serbia. We also recognize potential for the developement of regional popular music studies in complementary approaches to the topic from the two former Yugoslav republics. This research was in one part supported by the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia, Grant. nr. 7750287 Applied Musicology and Ethnomusicology in Serbia: Making a Difference in Contemporary Society – APPMES (Institute of Musicology SASA, Belgrade) and in part by the Croatian Science Foundation through the project The Recording Industry in Croatia between 1927 and the end of the 1950s (Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research, Zagreb)


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    Evaluation of manures, composts and growing media quality should include enough properties to enable an optimal use from productivity and environmental points of view. The aim of this paper is to describe basic structure of organic fertilizer (and growing media) evaluation model to present the model example by comparison of different manures as well as example of using plant growth experiment for calculating impact of pH and EC of growing media on lettuce plant growth. The basic structure of the model includes selection of quality indicators, interpretations of indicators value, and integration of interpreted values into new indexes. The first step includes data input and selection of available data as a basic or additional indicators depending on possible use as fertilizer or growing media. The second part of the model uses inputs for calculation of derived quality indicators. The third step integrates values into three new indexes: fertilizer, growing media, and environmental index. All three indexes are calculated on the basis of three different groups of indicators: basic value indicators, additional value indicators and limiting factors. The possible range of indexes values is 0-10, where range 0-3 means low, 3-7 medium and 7-10 high quality. Comparing fresh and composted manures, higher fertilizer and environmental indexes were determined for composted manures, and the highest fertilizer index was determined for composted pig manure (9.6) whereas the lowest for fresh cattle manure (3.2). Composted manures had high environmental index (6.0-10) for conventional agriculture, but some had no value (environmental index = 0) for organic agriculture because of too high zinc, copper or cadmium concentrations. Growing media indexes were determined according to their impact on lettuce growth. Growing media with different pH and EC resulted in very significant impacts on height, dry matter mass and leaf area of lettuce seedlings. The highest lettuce seedlings with highest mass and leaf area are produced using growing media with pH close to 6 and with EC lower than 2 dSm-1. It could be concluded that conductivity approx. 3 dSm-1 has inhibitory effect on lettuce if pH is about 7 or higher. The computer model shows that raising pH and EC resulted in decreasing growth which could be expressed as increasing stress index. The lettuce height as a function of pH and EC is incorporated into the model as stress function showing increase of lettuce height by lowering EC from 4 to 1 dSm-1or pH from 7.4 to 6. The highest growing media index (8.1) was determined for mixture of composted pig manure and peat (1:1), and lowest (2.3) for composted horse manure and peat (1:2.)Ocjena kvalitete organskih gnojiva (stajska gnojiva, komposti) i supstrata treba sadržavati dovoljno informacija da omogući izbor optimalne upotrebe s proizvodnog i ekološkog aspekta. Cilj je ovoga rada prikaz osnovne strukture modela za determinaciju indeksa ocjenjivanja kvalitete organskih gnojiva i supstrata. Osnovna struktura modela sadrži izbor i interpretaciju vrijednosti indikatora kvalitete te integraciju interpretiranih vrijednosti u nove indekse. Prvi korak uključuje unos podataka i izbor raspoloživih podataka za izračun osnovnih ili dopunskih indikatora, ovisno o indeksima i mogućim uporabama kao gnojivo ili supstrat. U drugom koraku raspoloživi podaci koriste se za izračun izvedenih indikatora kvalitete, a treći korak je integracija interpretiranih vrijednosti u tri nova indeksa: fertilizacijski indeks, indeks supstrata i ekološki indeks. Vrijednosti sva tri indeksa računaju se na temelju tri grupe indikatora: indikatori osnovne vrijednosti, indikatori dopunskih vrijednosti i limitirajući faktori. Raspon vrijednosti sva tri indeksa kreće se od 0-10, pri čemu raspon 0-3 znači nisku, 3-7 srednju, a 7-10 visoku kvalitetu. Usporedbom svježih i kompostiranih stajskih gnojiva, viši fertilizacijski i ekološki indeksi utvrđeni su za kompostirana gnojiva, najviši fertilizacijski indeks utvrđen je za kompostirani separat svinjske gnojovke (9,6), a najniži za svježi goveđi stajski gnoj (3,2). Kompostirana stajska gnojiva imaju visoki ekološki indeks (6,0-10) za konvencionalnu poljoprivredu, ali pojedini nemaju ekološku vrijednost (ekološki indeks = 0) za ekološku poljoprivredu zbog visoke koncentracije cinka, bakra ili kadmija. Indeksi supstrata utvrđeni su prema utjecaju supstrata na rast salate. Supstrati s različitim pHH2O i EC vrijednostima rezultirali su vrlo značajnim utjecajem na visinu presadnica salate, produkciju suhe tvari i površinu lista. Najveće presadnice s najvećom masom i lisnom površinom proizvedene su uporabom supstrata s pHH2O vrijednošću oko 6 i EC vrijednošću ispod 2 dSm-1. Može se zaključiti da konduktivitet oko 3 dSm-1 ima inhibitorni učinak na salatu ukoliko je pH supstrata oko 7 ili viši. Kompjutorski je model pokazao da povećanje pHH2O i EC rezultira smanjenim rastom salate, što se može izraziti kao porast stres indeksa. Visina salate kao funkcija pHH2O i EC ugrađena je u model kao stres funkcija koja pokazuje povećanje salate smanjenjem EC vrijednosti od 4 do 1 dSm-1 ili pHH2O vrijednosti od 7,4 do 6. Najveći indeks supstrata (8,1) utvrđen je za smjesu (1:1) kompostiranog separata svinjske gnojovke i treseta, a najniži (2,3) za smjesu (1:2) kompostiranog konjskog stajskog gnojiva i treseta


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    Zbog sve većeg zanimanja za zaštitu okoliša, povećanje plodnosti tla, ali i zbog mogućnosti dodatnog zapošljavanja stanovništva ruralnih područja, na pokušalištu Visokog gospodarskog učilišta u Križevcima, provedeno je istraživanje o mogućnostima proizvodnje stočne hrane na principima ekološke poljoprivrede. Pokus je postavljen po slučajnom bloknom rasporedu u četiri ponavljanja. Veličina parcele svakoga gojidbenog tretmana iznosila je 70 m2, a tretmani su bili: I - kontrola (bez gnojidbe); II - mineralna gnojidba (200 kg ha-1 N, 150 kg ha-1 P2O5 i 300 kg ha-1 K2O); III - 10 t ha-1 komposta od goveđeg gnoja; IV - 10 t ha-1 komposta od konjskog gnoja; V - 10 t ha-1 komposta od separata svinjske gnojovke; VI - 6 t ha-1 komposta od pilećeg gnoja. Istraživanje je provedeno tijekom 2008. s hibridom kukuruza Pioneer PR38A24 FAO skupine 380. Najveći ostvareni prinos (14,95 t ha-1) i najveći sadržaj sirovih proteina (98,28 g kg-1) utvrđeni su kod tretmana II (mineralna gnojidba), dok su prinosi gojidbenih tretmana III – VI, kod kojih su primjenjivana organska gnojiva, manji za 23 – 32%, a sadržaj sirovih proteina za 13 – 36%. Nasuprot tome sadržaj sirovih masti, ME i NEL-a po kg suhe tvari najmanji su kod tretmana II (mineralna gnojidba), a značajno veći kod tretmana gdje su korištena organska gnojiva različitog podrijetla. Analizom varijance utvrđeno je da između svih prosječnih analitičkih parametara postoje statistički značajne razlike na 5%-tnoj razini (P<0,05), dok su razlike na 1%-tnoj razini (P<0,01) utvrđene kod ostvarenoga prinosa i sadržaja sirovoga proteina te NEL-a. Za zaključiti je da se u ekološkoj proizvodnji i gnojidbom samo organskim gnojivima, neovisno o njihovom podrijetlu, postižu nešto niži prinosi po jedinici površine, međutim zbog pozitivnog učinka organske tvari u tlu, koristi će biti puno veće.Following the increased interest in environment protection and increase in the soil fertility, as well as the possibility for additional employment of the inhabitants in the rural area, a research into the possibilities to produce animal feedstuffs was conducted on the experimental field of the College of Agriculture at Križevci. The experiment was set in a randomized block scheme with four repetitions. The size of the plot for each fertilization treatment was 70 sq m. The treatments were the following: I-control (no fertilization), II- mineral fertilizers (200 kg ha-1 N, 150 kg ha-1 P2O5 and 300 kg ha-1 K2O), III – 10 t ha-1 cow manure compost, VI - 10 t ha-1 horse manure compost; V - 10 t ha-1 composted pig slurry, VI – 6 t ha-1 composted poultry manure. The experiment was conducted in 2008 using the maize hybrid Pioneer PR38A24 FAO group 380. The highest yield (14.95 t ha-1) and the highest raw protein content (98.28 g kg-1) were determined for treatment II (mineral fertilizers), while the yield with treatments III-VI, in which organic fertilizers were used, was 23 to 32% lower, and the protein content was 13-36% lower. Contrary to that, the crude fats, ME and NEL content per kg of the dry matter was lowest for treatment II (mineral fertilization) and significantly higher in treatments where variations of organic fertilizers were used. The analysis of variance showed statistically significant differences between all average analytical parameters at the level of 5 per cent (P<0.05), while the differences at the level of 1 percent (P<0.01) were determined for the yield, crude protein content and NEL. It can be concluded that the ecological production and fertilization with only organic fertilizers, regardless of their origin, produce lower yield per surface area. However, due to the positive effect of the organic matter in the soil, the benefits are much higher

    Cultivation of black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) as a medicinal and ornamental species

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    Crni kim (Nigella sativa L.) posljednjih godina privlači sve veću pažnju znanstvenika zbog ljekovitih i aromatskih svojstva, te ukrasne vrijednosti. Skromni agrotehnički zahtjevi, otpornost na bolesti i štetnike te višestruka namjena čini ovu vrstu potencijalno isplativom za uvođenje u poljoprivrednu proizvodnju. Cilj ovog istraživanja je prikazati taksonomsku pripadnost, morfološka svojstva, upotrebnu vrijednost i tehnologiju uzgoja crnog kima. Rod Nigella je mali rod unutar porodice žabnjaka (Ranunculaceae Juss.), a predstavnici roda su jednogodišnje vrste kratke vegetacije rasprostranjene na području Euroazije, Sjeverne Afrike, istočnog Sredozemlja i Bliskog Istoka. Najpoznatiji predstavnik roda je crni kim (Nigella sativa L.) koji se zbog ljekovitih svojstava komercijalno uzgaja u Turskoj, Indiji, Pakistanu i Jordanu. U Europi sve više raste upotreba sjemena i ulja, ali nema komercijalne proizvodnje zbog nedovoljno istraženih uvjeta uzgoja. U klimatskim uvjetima sjeverozapadne Hrvatske sjetvom u proljetnom roku i gnojidbom dušikom i fosforom postignuti su zadovoljavajući prinosi sjemena čime se otvara put uzgoju ove vrste u komercijalne svrhe, ali potrebno je provesti dodatna istraživanja da bi se točno definirala tehnologija uzgoja na našim prostorima.In recent years black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) has been attracting increasing attention of scientists due to its medicinal and aromatic properties, as well as its decorative value. Modest agrotechnical requirements, resistance to diseases and pests and multiple uses make this species potentially profitable for introduction into agricultural production. The aim of this research is to present the taxonomic affiliation, morphological properties, use value and technology of black cumin cultivation. The genus Nigella is a small genus within the buttercup family (Ranunculaceae Juss.), whereas representatives of the genus are annual species of short vegetation distributed in Eurasia, North Africa, the eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East. The most famous representative of the genus is black cumin (Nigella sativa L.), which is commercially grown in Turkey, India, Pakistan and Jordan due to its medicinal properties. The use of seeds and oil is growing in Europe, but there is no commercial production due to insufficiently researched growing conditions. In the climatic conditions of northwestern Croatia, satisfactory seed yields were achieved by spring sowing and nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization, which opens the possibility for commercial cultivation of this species, but additional research is needed in order to accurately define cultivation technology in our area

    EFFECT OF POWDERY MILDEW (Erysiphe graminis D.C. f.sp. tritici Marchal) ATTACK ON YIELD AND PHISICAL PARAMETERS OF WHEAT (Triticum aestivum ssp. vulgare) GRAIN QUALITY

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    U Križevcima (46001\u27 N – 16032\u27 E), tijekom tri godine (1999-2001.), na 25 divergentnih genotipova pšenice izvršena su ispitivanja rodnosti i pokazatelja fizikalne kakvoće zrna netretiranih (T0) i fungicidom (Duett) tretiranih (T1) varijanata.Ovisno o intenzitetu napada bolesti, prosječni urod zrna za sve tri godine ispitivanja i 25 genotipova u netretranih varijanata bio je manji za 8,1%, prosječna hektolitarska masa za 1,2%, a prosječna masa 1000 zrna za 5,1%. Prosječno umanjenje vrijednosti za 3 godine kod najosjetljivije sorte Marija iznosilo je: 20,8% za urod, 2,6% za hektolitarsku masu i 13,1% za masu 1000 zrna. U godinama jakog napada pepelnice, to umanjenje kod osjetljive sorte Marije iznosilo je: 36,4% za urod (1999.), 3,8% za hektolitarsku masu (2001.) i 20,2% za masu 1000 zrna (2001.). Kod na pepelnicu otpornog genotipa KS92WGRC21 prosječne razlike za ispitana svojstva nisu bile statistički značajne (0,7%, 0,5% i 0,2%).Evaluation of yield and phisical grain quality parameters of fungicidaly (Duett) treated and nontreated variants were taken in Krizevci during the three years (1999-2001) on 25 divergent wheat genotypes. Depending on the intensity of attack, the average grain yield in the three year testing period and 25 genotypes of nontreted variants decreased by 8.1%, the average hectolitre weight decreased by 1.2% and the average TKW by 5.1%. The average decrease of the most sensitive cultivar (Marija) was 20.8% for yield, 2.6% for hectolitre weight and 13.1% for TKW. During a strong attack of powdery mildew this decrease for the most sensitive cultivar was 36.4% for yield in 1999, 3.8% for hectoliter weight in 2001, and 20.2% for TKW in 2001. Average differences were nonsignificant for the tested properties in the completely resistant genotype KS92WGRC21 (0.7%, 0.5 and 0.2% respectively)

    Breeding wheat for special purpose

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    Potaknuti potrebom konditorske industrije izvršili smo dodatne analize odbačenih genotipova iz programa oplemenjivanja na visoku pekarsku kakvoću. Između četiri odbačene F10 linije visoke rodnosti jedna (Kž 809-1) je imala zadovoljavajuće parametre za industriju keksa. Ovime smo htjeli pokazati da se u pojedinim oplemenjivačkim programima, možda bez opravdanja, odbacuju vrijedni genotipovi pšenice za neku drugu specijalnu namjenu. Drugi primjer je sorta heksaploidne pšenice vrhunske pekarske kakvoće, koja je po karakteristikama glutena jednaka durum pšenicama, te zadovoljava tehnološke karakteristike namjenske pšenice za proizvodnju tjestenine.Induced by confectionary industry’s need we have made additional analysis of some rejected genotypes from the plant-breeding program for high bread making quality. Between four rejected F10 high-yielding lines, one line had satisfactory parametres for cake industry. By this example we would like to point attention on perhaps unjustified rejected breeding materials during process of selection. Often in a particular plantbreeding programme some valuable crop genotypes, that could be used for some other special purposes, are being thrown away. The second example is hexaploid wheat cultivar of top bread making quality. Quality of its qluten is equal or even better than that in durum wheat, and in this characteristic satisfyes technological requirements for pasta production

    EFFECT OF POWDERY MILDEW (Erysiphe graminis D.C. f.sp. tritici Marchal) ATTACK ON YIELD AND PHISICAL PARAMETERS OF WHEAT (Triticum aestivum ssp. vulgare) GRAIN QUALITY

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    U Križevcima (46001\u27 N – 16032\u27 E), tijekom tri godine (1999-2001.), na 25 divergentnih genotipova pšenice izvršena su ispitivanja rodnosti i pokazatelja fizikalne kakvoće zrna netretiranih (T0) i fungicidom (Duett) tretiranih (T1) varijanata.Ovisno o intenzitetu napada bolesti, prosječni urod zrna za sve tri godine ispitivanja i 25 genotipova u netretranih varijanata bio je manji za 8,1%, prosječna hektolitarska masa za 1,2%, a prosječna masa 1000 zrna za 5,1%. Prosječno umanjenje vrijednosti za 3 godine kod najosjetljivije sorte Marija iznosilo je: 20,8% za urod, 2,6% za hektolitarsku masu i 13,1% za masu 1000 zrna. U godinama jakog napada pepelnice, to umanjenje kod osjetljive sorte Marije iznosilo je: 36,4% za urod (1999.), 3,8% za hektolitarsku masu (2001.) i 20,2% za masu 1000 zrna (2001.). Kod na pepelnicu otpornog genotipa KS92WGRC21 prosječne razlike za ispitana svojstva nisu bile statistički značajne (0,7%, 0,5% i 0,2%).Evaluation of yield and phisical grain quality parameters of fungicidaly (Duett) treated and nontreated variants were taken in Krizevci during the three years (1999-2001) on 25 divergent wheat genotypes. Depending on the intensity of attack, the average grain yield in the three year testing period and 25 genotypes of nontreted variants decreased by 8.1%, the average hectolitre weight decreased by 1.2% and the average TKW by 5.1%. The average decrease of the most sensitive cultivar (Marija) was 20.8% for yield, 2.6% for hectolitre weight and 13.1% for TKW. During a strong attack of powdery mildew this decrease for the most sensitive cultivar was 36.4% for yield in 1999, 3.8% for hectoliter weight in 2001, and 20.2% for TKW in 2001. Average differences were nonsignificant for the tested properties in the completely resistant genotype KS92WGRC21 (0.7%, 0.5 and 0.2% respectively)

    Breeding wheat for special purpose

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    Potaknuti potrebom konditorske industrije izvršili smo dodatne analize odbačenih genotipova iz programa oplemenjivanja na visoku pekarsku kakvoću. Između četiri odbačene F10 linije visoke rodnosti jedna (Kž 809-1) je imala zadovoljavajuće parametre za industriju keksa. Ovime smo htjeli pokazati da se u pojedinim oplemenjivačkim programima, možda bez opravdanja, odbacuju vrijedni genotipovi pšenice za neku drugu specijalnu namjenu. Drugi primjer je sorta heksaploidne pšenice vrhunske pekarske kakvoće, koja je po karakteristikama glutena jednaka durum pšenicama, te zadovoljava tehnološke karakteristike namjenske pšenice za proizvodnju tjestenine.Induced by confectionary industry’s need we have made additional analysis of some rejected genotypes from the plant-breeding program for high bread making quality. Between four rejected F10 high-yielding lines, one line had satisfactory parametres for cake industry. By this example we would like to point attention on perhaps unjustified rejected breeding materials during process of selection. Often in a particular plantbreeding programme some valuable crop genotypes, that could be used for some other special purposes, are being thrown away. The second example is hexaploid wheat cultivar of top bread making quality. Quality of its qluten is equal or even better than that in durum wheat, and in this characteristic satisfyes technological requirements for pasta production


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    Radi utvrđivanja optimalne gnojidbe i njezinog utjecaja na kemijski sastav i hranidbenu vrijednost klipa i zrna kukuruza (OSSK 444), vršena su ispitivanja tijekom tri godine (2004.-2006.) na površinama ekonomije Visokog gospodarskog učilišta u Križevcima. Pokus je postavljen po slučajnom blok rasporedu u četiri ponavljanja. Veličina parcele svakoga tretmana je bila 70 m2 (7x10 m), a tretmani su bili: 1 - bez gnojidbe; 2 - N80P100K0; 3 - N80P0K100; 4 - N0P100K100; 5 - N80P100K100; 6 -N120P100K100; 7 - N120P200K200; 8 - N160P200K200; 9 - N200P200K200; 10 -N240P200K200. Analizom tla utvrđena je blago kisela reakcija (pHKCl = 5,93), nizak sadržaj humusa (1,99%), te osrednja opskrbljenost fosforom i kalijem (135,00 i 157,00 mg/kg). Analiza klipa i zrna kukuruza obavljena je metodom po Weendeu, a na osnovi utvrđenih sirovih organskih hranjivih tvari i pepela u suhoj tvari, izračunata je metabolička energija (ME) i neto energija za laktaciju (NEL). Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da postoji značajan utjecaj gnojidbe na sadržaj sirovoga proteina u klipu (91,99 - 108,35 g/kg) i zrnu (109,48 - 128,72 g/kg), dok je utjecaj gnojidbe na sadržaj sirove vlaknine utvrđen samo u klipu kod pojedinih gnojidbenih tretmana (P0,05).In order to establish the most appropriate treatment, an analysis of the influence of various fertilization treatments on chemical compound of maize cob and grain (OSSK 444) was made on the college farm in Križevci in a three-year period (2004-2006). The experimental trial was organized in four repetitions and in a randomized block scheme. The size of the plot for each treatment was 70 square meters (7x10 m), and the treatments were as follows: 1 – no fertilization; 2 - N80P100K0; 3 - N80P0K100; 4 - N0P100K100; 5 - N80P100K100; 6 -N120P100K100; 7 - N120P200K200; 8 - N160P200K200; 9 - N200P200K200; 10 -N240P200K200. The soil analysis established a mild acid reaction (pH in KCL = 5.93), low humus content (1.99%) and medium supply level of phosphorus and potassium (135 and 157 mg/kg). The analyses of the maize grain and cob were made according to Weende. The metabolic energy (ME) and net energy for lactation (NEL) were calculated on the basis of the determined crude organic nutrients and crude ash in maize grain and cob dry matter. The results of this research lead to the conclusion that the fertilization influences the crude protein content in maize cob (91.99 – 108.35 g/kg) and grain (109.48 and 128.72 g/kg), while only certain fertilization treatments influence the crude fibre content in maize cob (P<0,05). However, fertilization does not significantly influence the average crude oil content, crude NET and the nutritive value of maize cob and grain (ME and NEL)


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    Maslačak (Taraxacum officinale L.) je livadna biljka koja raste i cvate od ranog proljeća do kasne jeseni. Cijela biljka je jestiva i ljekovita (bogata vitaminom C i mineralima: kalijem, željezom, natrijem i fosforom, kao i eteričnim uljima i masnim kiselinama) pa se zbog toga često sakuplja s prirodnih staništa. Mladi listovi se beru prije nego maslačak počne cvjetati, a koriste se za pripremu salate. Cvjetovi se koriste za pripremu meda ili slatkog, dok se korijenje vadi u jesen, a koristi se, zbog visokog sadržaja inulina, kao zamjena za kavu, a dobro djeluje i na peristaltiku crijeva. Kako nutritivna vrijednost biljke ovisi o agroklimatskim uvjetima u kojima raste, ali i o količini pristupačnih hraniva u tlu, željeli smo utvrditi hoće li ovi čimbenici utjecati i na kemijski sastav lista samoniklog maslačka. U tu svrhu uzeti su uzorci na četiri križevačke i dvije riječke lokacije i utvrđena agrokemijska svojstva tla i koncentracije hraniva u biljkama. Na temelju deskriptivnih statističkih pokazatelja vidljivo je da su kemijska svojstva tla vrlo varijabilna. Pri tome je najvarija-bilnije svojstvo fiziološki pristupačan fosfor (CV=159,92 %), a najmanje reakcija tla (CV=5,91 %). Koncentracije osnovnih biogenih elemenata (N, P i K) u listu, kao i vitamina C, imaju nizak koeficijent varijabilnosti. Korelacije između ispitivanih kemijskih svojstava maslačka i svojstava tla pokazuju da je koncentracija dušika i fosfora u značajnoj negativnoj korelacijskoj vezi s dušikom u tlu, a u pozitivnoj s fosforom, dok je koncentracija vitamina C u značajnoj negativnoj korelacijskoj vezi s koncentracijom fosfora.Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale L.) is a meadow plant that grows and blooms from early spring to late autumn. The whole plant is edible and medicinal (rich in vitamin C and minerals such as potassium, iron, sodium and phosphorus, as well as essential oils and fatty acids), and therefore it is often collected from natural habitats. Young leaves are picked before the dandelion begins to flourish, and are used to prepare salads. The flowers are used for honey production, while the roots are removed in the autumn, and due to a high inulin content they are used as a substitute for coffee, and have a good effect on intestinal peristalsis. Since nutritional value of plants depends on agroclimatic conditions in which they grow and on the amount of available nutrients in the soil, we wanted to determine whether these factors affect the chemical composition of dandelion leaves. Samples of dandelion were taken at four Križevci locations and at two locations in Rijeka, and agrochemical soil properties and concentrations of nutrients in plants were established. The descriptive statistical parameters show that the chemical properties of soil are variable. The most variable feature is physiologically available phosphorus (CV = 159.92%), while the least variable is soil reaction (CV = 5.91%). Concentrations of biogenic elements (N, P and K) in the leaves, as well as vitamin C have a low coefficient of variability. Correlations between tested chemical properties of dandelion and soil properties show that the nitrogen and phosphorus concentration is in a significantly strong (P<0.05) negative correlation with nitrogen in the soil, and positive with phosphorus. Vitamin C concentration indicates negative correlation with phosphorus concentration