8 research outputs found

    The effect of various operative techniques during the myocardial surgical revascularisation to an oxidative stress and antioxidative protection

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    Cilj. Osnovni cilj studije je utvrditi razlike izmeĊu vrednosti pokazatelja oksidativno-stresnog statusa kod bolesnika kojima hirurška revaskularizacija miokarda uraĊena na kucajućem srcu (Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass-OPCAB grupa) i bolesnika kojima je revaskularizacija miokarda uraĊena uz pomoć pumpe za vantelesnu cirkulaciju (Cardio-Pulmonary Bypass pump-CPB grupa). Da bi se ostvario osnovni cilj, bilo je potrebno odrediti koncentracije markera oksidativnog stresa-prooksidanasa ili produkata njihovog delovanja na biomolekule, kao i koncentracije ĉinilaca antioksidativne zaštite kod dve grupe bolesnika. TakoĊe, jedan od bitnih ciljeva studije je bio ispitati da li postoji korelacija izmeĊu vremena provedenog na respiratoru, broja dana provedenih na odeljenju intezivne nege, broja dana provedenih u bolnici nakon operacije, broja jedinica primenjene transfuzije krvi, smanjenja telesne teţine nakon operacije (kg), broja bolniĉkih infekcija, kao i brzine i kvaliteta oporavka u obe grupe bolesnika. Jedna od glavnih ideja studije je bila sagledavanje biohemijskih pokazatelja oksidativnog stresa u svetlu kliniĉkih parametara kod OPCAB hirurgije, kao i primena rezultata ove studije u svakodnevnoj kliniĉkoj praksi. Sa tim u vezi, osnovna ideja i koncept studije su bili vezani za reevaluaciju indikacija kod hirurške revaskularizacije miokarda u smislu svakodnevne rutinske primene OPCAB procedura, kao metode izbora. Materijal i metode. Istraţivanje je sprovedeno u vidu kohortne studije, koja je obuhvatila 107 bolesnika podvrgnutih hirurškoj revaskularizaciji miokarda. Bolesnici su bili podeljeni u dve grupe (CPB i OPCAB grupa). U prvoj grupi bolesnika, kojima je revaskularizacija miokarda uraĊena uz pomoć pumpe za vantelesnu cirkulaciju (CPB grupa), je bilo 60 bolesnika. U drugoj grupi bolesnika, kojima je revaskularizacija miokarda uraĊena na kucajućem srcu, je bilo 47 bolesnika...Objective. The main objective of the study is to determine the difference between the value of the oxidative stress status indicators in patients whom surgical revascularization was performed on the beating heart (Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass-OPCAB group) and patients who underwent revascularization with the help of pumps for artificial circulation (Cardio-Pulmonary Bypass pump-CPB group). In order to achieve the main objective, it was necessary to determine the concentrations of markers of oxidative stress-prooxidants or products of their action on biomolecules, as well as the concentration of antioxidant protection factors in two groups of patients. Also, one of the essential objectives of the study was to examine whether there is a correlation between the time spent on a ventilator, the number of days spent on the intensive care unit, the number of days spent in the hospital after the surgery, the number of units applied blood transfusion, weight loss after surgery (kg ), the number of hospital infections, as well as the speed and quality of recovery in both groups of patients. One of the main ideas of the study was assessment of biochemical indicators of oxidative stress in the terms of clinical parameters in OPCAB surgery, as well as the application of the results of this study in everyday clinical practice. In this regard, the basic idea and the concept of the study were related to the re-evaluation of indications in coronary artery bypass surgery in terms of the everyday routine application of OPCAB procedures, as a method of choice. Materials and Methods. The study was carry out in the form of cohort study, which included 107 patients undergoing surgical myocardial revascularization..

    Oxidative Stress in Patients before and after On-Pump and Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting: Relationship with Syntax Score

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    Objective. Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) represents the significant source of increased oxidative stress (OS). We aimed to follow the OS status parameters (i.e., ischemia-modified albumin (IMA), malondialdehyde (MDA), superoxide anion, prooxidantantioxidant balance (PAB), total oxidant status (TOS), total antioxidant status (TAS), and superoxide-dismutase (SOD)) change through the predefined study times in two different surgical procedures, i.e., cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) and off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting (OPCAB). Additionally, we aimed to investigate those OS status parameters in specific study times according to SYNTAX score (SS), an established angiographic score for evaluating the extensity and severity of coronary artery disease. Patients and Methods. A total of 107 patients that were planned to undergo CABG were included (i.e., 47 patients in OPCAB and 60 patients in CPB group). Blood samples were taken at 6 time intervals: before surgery (t1), immediately after intervention (t2), 6 h (t3), 24 h (t4), 48 h (t5), and 96 h after termination of the operation (t6). Results. IMA levels were higher in CPB than that in OPCAB baseline and rose in CPB group in t2 point. TOS decreased in both study groups, compared to baseline values, but without statistical significance. Superoxide anion and PAB significantly increased in t3-t6 study times, in both groups. MDA significantly increased only in CPB group in t5 and t6 interval. MDA was significantly higher in CPB group compared to OPCAB in t6 study point. CPB patients had significantly lower TAS compared to OPCAB patients at the beginning and in t2 and t3 study points. They also had significantly lower SOD activities compared to OPCAB, baseline, and in several study points. Moreover, TAS, SOD, and TAS/TOS ratio were significantly lower, whereas PAB and TOS/TAS were significantly higher in patients with high SS compared to corresponding groups. SOD activity, IMA, and TAS level were the best predictors of high SS. Conclusion. CPB patients were in more severe ischemia baseline than OPCAB group and IMA rose in CPB patients immediately after the surgery end, but not later. Also, the antioxidant status was significantly lower, whereas the prooxidant status was significantly higher in patients with high SS compared to corresponding groups. SOD activity, IMA, and TAS level were the best predictors of CAD (as determined with SS), showing that SOD and IMA had very good discriminatory capability towards higher SS status

    Paraoxonase 1 low activity and SYNTAX score may predict postoperative complications after coronary artery surgery

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    OBJECTIVE: Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) seems to present a powerful trigger of oxidative stress (OS) and acute inflammatory response. This study aimed to estimate the effects of off-pump coronary artery bypass (OPCAB) grafting on the OS that is commonly observed in patients undergoing operation under cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). Additionally, we aimed to examine the relationship between and paraoxonase 1 (PON1) activity and the degree of stenosis, severity and complexity of the atherosclerotic lesions, estimated by SYNTAX score (SS). PATIENTS AND METHODS: Study group of 107 patients scheduled for CABG were divided into CPB and OPCAB group. Blood samples for OS markers measurement were collected at six-time intervals: before skin incision (t1), immediately after surgery (t2), 6h (t3), 24h (t4), 48h (t5) and 96h after cessation of the operation and surgical trauma (t6). SS was calculated. RESULTS: A significant decrease in lipid hydroperoxides (LOOH) and advanced oxidation protein products (AOPP) levels after both types of surgeries were observed, whereas PON1 reduction was observed higher in the CPB than in the OPCAB group. A significant inverse correlation between SS values and PON1 activity, preoperatively and during the early postoperative hours after surgery [in t2, t3 time intervals (p<0.05 for all)] was found. ROC analysis showed that for CPB patients, Model with all OS parameters showed excellent accuracy (AUC=0.957, p<0.001) for prediction postoperative complications. CONCLUSIONS: Decrease in PON1 activity during the early post-operative phases was related to higher SS. This relationship was more convincing in CPB, compared with OPCAB patients. Moreover, integrated models of OS status parameters have the capability to predict the development of postoperative complications

    Антикорозиона активност деривата шифових база 2-тиохидантоина за меки челик у 0,5 m hcl

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    Several 2-thiohydаntоin–Shiff base derivatives were prepared as ecofriendly corrosion inhibitors for mild steel in acid environment. Their anticorrosion properties were studied on mild steel in 0.5 M HCl solution as corrosion electrolyte by using usuаl grаvimеtriс and different elесtrосhemicаl techniques (wеight lоss mеаsurеmеnt, pоtеntiоdynаmiс pоlаrizаtiоn and pоtеntiоstаtiс еlесtrосhеmicаl impеdаnсе sресtrоscору). Mild steel surface was characterized using two analytical techniques, scanning electron microscopy for surface morphology and elemental composition and atomic force microscopy. The study has shown that the inhibiting action of these environmentally benign inhibitors synthesized from inexpensive commercially available starting materials could be attributed to adsorption on the metal surface.Неколико деривата Шифових база 2-тиохидантоина су направљени као еколошки прихватљиви инхибитори корозије меког челика у киселој средини. Њихова антикорозиона својства су испитана на меком челику у 0,5 M раствору HCl као корозионом електролиту, користећи уобичајене гравиметријске и различите електрохемијске технике (мерење губитка масе, потенциодинамичка поларизација, потенциостатска спектроскопија електрохемијске импеданције). Површина меког челика је окарактерисана двема аналитичким техникама, скенирајућом електронском микроскопијом за морфологију површине и елементарни састав и микроскопијом атомске силе. Студија је показала да се инхибиторно деловање ових еколошки бенигних инхибитора, синтетисаних из јефтиних комерцијално доступних полазних материјала, може приписати адсорпцији инхибитора на површини меког челика

    Electrochemical investigation of 2-thiohydantoin derivatives as corrosion inhibitors for mild steel in acidic medium

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    Four 2-thiohydantoin derivatives were synthesized and their corrosion inhibition properties on mild steel (MS) in 0.5M HCl solution was evaluated using usual gravimetric and electrochemical methods (weight loss, potentiodynamic polarization, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). Morphology of the metal surface was characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). The study has shown that these compounds provide good protection for mild steel against corrosion in the acidic medium

    The effect of various operative techniques during the myocardial surgical revascularisation to an oxidative stress and antioxidative protection

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    Cilj. Osnovni cilj studije je utvrditi razlike izmeĊu vrednosti pokazatelja oksidativno-stresnog statusa kod bolesnika kojima hirurška revaskularizacija miokarda uraĊena na kucajućem srcu (Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass-OPCAB grupa) i bolesnika kojima je revaskularizacija miokarda uraĊena uz pomoć pumpe za vantelesnu cirkulaciju (Cardio-Pulmonary Bypass pump-CPB grupa). Da bi se ostvario osnovni cilj, bilo je potrebno odrediti koncentracije markera oksidativnog stresa-prooksidanasa ili produkata njihovog delovanja na biomolekule, kao i koncentracije ĉinilaca antioksidativne zaštite kod dve grupe bolesnika. TakoĊe, jedan od bitnih ciljeva studije je bio ispitati da li postoji korelacija izmeĊu vremena provedenog na respiratoru, broja dana provedenih na odeljenju intezivne nege, broja dana provedenih u bolnici nakon operacije, broja jedinica primenjene transfuzije krvi, smanjenja telesne teţine nakon operacije (kg), broja bolniĉkih infekcija, kao i brzine i kvaliteta oporavka u obe grupe bolesnika. Jedna od glavnih ideja studije je bila sagledavanje biohemijskih pokazatelja oksidativnog stresa u svetlu kliniĉkih parametara kod OPCAB hirurgije, kao i primena rezultata ove studije u svakodnevnoj kliniĉkoj praksi. Sa tim u vezi, osnovna ideja i koncept studije su bili vezani za reevaluaciju indikacija kod hirurške revaskularizacije miokarda u smislu svakodnevne rutinske primene OPCAB procedura, kao metode izbora. Materijal i metode. Istraţivanje je sprovedeno u vidu kohortne studije, koja je obuhvatila 107 bolesnika podvrgnutih hirurškoj revaskularizaciji miokarda. Bolesnici su bili podeljeni u dve grupe (CPB i OPCAB grupa). U prvoj grupi bolesnika, kojima je revaskularizacija miokarda uraĊena uz pomoć pumpe za vantelesnu cirkulaciju (CPB grupa), je bilo 60 bolesnika. U drugoj grupi bolesnika, kojima je revaskularizacija miokarda uraĊena na kucajućem srcu, je bilo 47 bolesnika...Objective. The main objective of the study is to determine the difference between the value of the oxidative stress status indicators in patients whom surgical revascularization was performed on the beating heart (Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass-OPCAB group) and patients who underwent revascularization with the help of pumps for artificial circulation (Cardio-Pulmonary Bypass pump-CPB group). In order to achieve the main objective, it was necessary to determine the concentrations of markers of oxidative stress-prooxidants or products of their action on biomolecules, as well as the concentration of antioxidant protection factors in two groups of patients. Also, one of the essential objectives of the study was to examine whether there is a correlation between the time spent on a ventilator, the number of days spent on the intensive care unit, the number of days spent in the hospital after the surgery, the number of units applied blood transfusion, weight loss after surgery (kg ), the number of hospital infections, as well as the speed and quality of recovery in both groups of patients. One of the main ideas of the study was assessment of biochemical indicators of oxidative stress in the terms of clinical parameters in OPCAB surgery, as well as the application of the results of this study in everyday clinical practice. In this regard, the basic idea and the concept of the study were related to the re-evaluation of indications in coronary artery bypass surgery in terms of the everyday routine application of OPCAB procedures, as a method of choice. Materials and Methods. The study was carry out in the form of cohort study, which included 107 patients undergoing surgical myocardial revascularization..

    The effect of various operative techniques during the myocardial surgical revascularisation to an oxidative stress and antioxidative protection

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    Cilj. Osnovni cilj studije je utvrditi razlike izmeĊu vrednosti pokazatelja oksidativno-stresnog statusa kod bolesnika kojima hirurška revaskularizacija miokarda uraĊena na kucajućem srcu (Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass-OPCAB grupa) i bolesnika kojima je revaskularizacija miokarda uraĊena uz pomoć pumpe za vantelesnu cirkulaciju (Cardio-Pulmonary Bypass pump-CPB grupa). Da bi se ostvario osnovni cilj, bilo je potrebno odrediti koncentracije markera oksidativnog stresa-prooksidanasa ili produkata njihovog delovanja na biomolekule, kao i koncentracije ĉinilaca antioksidativne zaštite kod dve grupe bolesnika. TakoĊe, jedan od bitnih ciljeva studije je bio ispitati da li postoji korelacija izmeĊu vremena provedenog na respiratoru, broja dana provedenih na odeljenju intezivne nege, broja dana provedenih u bolnici nakon operacije, broja jedinica primenjene transfuzije krvi, smanjenja telesne teţine nakon operacije (kg), broja bolniĉkih infekcija, kao i brzine i kvaliteta oporavka u obe grupe bolesnika. Jedna od glavnih ideja studije je bila sagledavanje biohemijskih pokazatelja oksidativnog stresa u svetlu kliniĉkih parametara kod OPCAB hirurgije, kao i primena rezultata ove studije u svakodnevnoj kliniĉkoj praksi. Sa tim u vezi, osnovna ideja i koncept studije su bili vezani za reevaluaciju indikacija kod hirurške revaskularizacije miokarda u smislu svakodnevne rutinske primene OPCAB procedura, kao metode izbora. Materijal i metode. Istraţivanje je sprovedeno u vidu kohortne studije, koja je obuhvatila 107 bolesnika podvrgnutih hirurškoj revaskularizaciji miokarda. Bolesnici su bili podeljeni u dve grupe (CPB i OPCAB grupa). U prvoj grupi bolesnika, kojima je revaskularizacija miokarda uraĊena uz pomoć pumpe za vantelesnu cirkulaciju (CPB grupa), je bilo 60 bolesnika. U drugoj grupi bolesnika, kojima je revaskularizacija miokarda uraĊena na kucajućem srcu, je bilo 47 bolesnika...Objective. The main objective of the study is to determine the difference between the value of the oxidative stress status indicators in patients whom surgical revascularization was performed on the beating heart (Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass-OPCAB group) and patients who underwent revascularization with the help of pumps for artificial circulation (Cardio-Pulmonary Bypass pump-CPB group). In order to achieve the main objective, it was necessary to determine the concentrations of markers of oxidative stress-prooxidants or products of their action on biomolecules, as well as the concentration of antioxidant protection factors in two groups of patients. Also, one of the essential objectives of the study was to examine whether there is a correlation between the time spent on a ventilator, the number of days spent on the intensive care unit, the number of days spent in the hospital after the surgery, the number of units applied blood transfusion, weight loss after surgery (kg ), the number of hospital infections, as well as the speed and quality of recovery in both groups of patients. One of the main ideas of the study was assessment of biochemical indicators of oxidative stress in the terms of clinical parameters in OPCAB surgery, as well as the application of the results of this study in everyday clinical practice. In this regard, the basic idea and the concept of the study were related to the re-evaluation of indications in coronary artery bypass surgery in terms of the everyday routine application of OPCAB procedures, as a method of choice. Materials and Methods. The study was carry out in the form of cohort study, which included 107 patients undergoing surgical myocardial revascularization..