8 research outputs found

    Teorijski model izračunavanja koncentracije amonijaka i kiseonika u vodi ribnjaka

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    Od kvaliteta vode u velikoj meri zavisi uspeh u proizvodnji riba. U gajenju pastrmki to znači da normalan rast, prirast, konverzija hrane, zdravstveni i reproduktivni status zavise osim od genetskih osobina i tehnologije proizvodnje i od ambijetalnih faktora, koji mogu direktno uticati na postizanje boljih ili slabijih rezultata u akvakulturnoj proizvodnji. U ovom radu su sa aspekta utvrđivanja koncentracija kiseonika i amonijaka u vodi istraživani teorijski modeli izračunavanja produkcije amonijaka i potrošnje kiseonika, kao jednih od najvažnijih parametara vode. Utvrđeno je da potrošnja kiseonika i ekskrecija amonijaka neposredno zavise od mase riba, temperature i protoka vode, vrednosti pH, količine hrane i sadržaja proteina u njoj. Prosečna razlika između teorijski očekivane i utvrđene koncentracije kiseonika iznosila je 5,72%. Teorijski dobivene prosečne vrednosti produkcije amonijaka, razlikovale su se od laboratorijski utvrđenih za 7,66% (metod Piper-a i sar.), odnosno za 11,16% (metod Colt-a)

    Uticaj dodavanja zeolita na kvalitet mesa pastrmke

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    U radu je ispitivan uticaj zeolita tipa "Minazel" kao aditiva hrane za pastrmke primenjenog u koncentraciji od 1% i 2% na sledeće proizvodne parametre: osnovni hemijski sastav mesa, mikotoksikološku ispravnost, senzorne osobine, randman i koncentraciju pojedinih makro i mikroelemenata. Primenjene koncentracije zeolita, kao aditiva hrane nisu uticale na hemijski sastav pastrmskog mesa, koncentraciju minerala (Ca, Cu, Zn, Pb i Mn) i njegove senzorne osobine. Izvesni stepen pozitivnog uticaja ispoljen je u pogledu randmana mesa i prosečne telesne mase pastrmki posle ezenteracije


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    Controlling as one of the means of quality management is a recent trend. Thus, we dealt with key elements and terms related to controlling in this paper. We also discussed the reasons for implementation of this management quality technique, the present state and development in the future


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    The introduction and application of the revised 9001:2008 standard resulted in the discussion among quality managers about the need to perform risk assessment and the volume of the performance. This led to conflicting opinions as few people focused on interpretation and intentions of the standard regardless of where it was applied- in production organizations or in those that sell services. This paper points out not only the importance of risk assessment but risk management too as a precondition for safer business operations of the Specialized Veterinary Institute ‘Kraljevo” (VSI) from Kraljevo in its environment


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    Competition in the world food market is constantly increasing during this century. It is present in all the fields and primarily in the field of innovations in food supply, shorter periods of development and creation of new values, shorter product life cycles, aggressive competition on price, quality and production differentiation. One thing competitors particularly insist on is finding new and better ways to respond to higher and higher demands of consumers of agricultural products and foodstuffs. Thus, initiative and quick response to the changes of performances of the world market are of key importance for development of domestic agroindustrial sector. Food safety is becoming a strategic aim of the countries all over the world. This is why the production of safe food has become one of the developing priorities in many countries. There are numerous factors that imperil food safety and production. Increase in international food trade contributes to satisfaction of various economic and social needs. On the other hand, it can cause rapid spread of infections and diseases all over the world, which is why everyone, including food producers, growers, processors, distributors and consumers are bound to reach standards of food quality and safety. The priority in this process is defining a strategy when it comes to food, determining priorities in meeting quality, safety and sufficiency demands, and an opportunity to find these foodstuffs in the world market


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    Background: The purpose of this study was to examine functional capacity of cardio-respiratory system in patients with schizophrenia, and to evaluate the effects of 12 weeks prescribed physical activity on aerobic capacity and symptoms of schizophrenia. Subjects and methods: Study involved 80 hospitalized patients with any of the subtypes of schizophrenia (42 men, 38 women). They were divided into two groups: exercise and control group, both with 40 patients. Maximal aerobic capacity (VO2 max) as an indicator of cardiovascular fitness has been obtained by cardiopulmonary stress test on a treadmill. Twelve weeks program of prescribed physical activity (45 minutes, four times per week) was made for every patient individually. Patients in exercise group practiced in training zone between 65 and 75% of their maximum heart rate (HR). Target HR was controlled by Polar F4 monitors. Symptoms of schizophrenia were measured by using Positive and Negative Symptoms Scale (PANSS). Results: Before the exercise program was introduced, measured VO2 max was significantly lower in patients with schizophrenia, than the expected average value in matched healthy subjects (p<0.001). After twelve weeks, patients in exercise group showed a significant increase of VO2max (p=0.002), and significantly higher level of VO2max compared to the control group (p=0.000). Significant differences were also observed on PANSS general psychopathology subscale (p=0.007) and on PANSS total score (p=0.001). The pharmacotherapy and exercise had influence on PANSS general psychopathology (p=0.002) and PANSS total score (p=0.001). Conclusions: Individuals with schizophrenia have lower levels of aerobic capacity compared to general population. Prescribed physical activity significantly improves aerobic capacity in people with schizophrenia and it is effective in amelioration of some psychiatric symptoms. Prescribed physical activity could be an effective adjunctive treatment for patients with schizophrenia, not only for prevention and treatment of comorbidities, but also having an impact on symptoms of schizophrenia

    Plasmodesmata mediate cell-to-cell transport of brassinosteroid hormones

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    Brassinosteroids (BRs) are steroidal phytohormones that are essential for plant growth, development and adaptation to environmental stresses. BRs act in a dose-dependent manner and do not travel over long distances; hence, BR homeostasis maintenance is critical for their function. Biosynthesis of bioactive BRs relies on the cell-to-cell movement of hormone precursors. However, the mechanism of the short-distance BR transport is unknown, and its contribution to the control of endogenous BR levels remains unexplored. Here we demonstrate that plasmodesmata (PD) mediate the passage of BRs between neighboring cells. Intracellular BR content, in turn, is capable of modulating PD permeability to optimize its own mobility, thereby manipulating BR biosynthesis and signaling. Our work uncovers a thus far unknown mode of steroid transport in eukaryotes and exposes an additional layer of BR homeostasis regulation in plants

    “Stent-within-a-Stent” technique for the endovascular treatment of giant aneurysm of basilar artery bifurcation: A case report

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    Stents have become very important devices in the treatment of intracranial aneurysms. Flow diverters as high metal coverage stents are developed for hemodynamic treatment of challenging intracranial aneurysms. High level of metal coverage can also be achieved by implementing regular stents telescopically one in another. We present the case of a patient successfully treated for giant aneurysm of basilar artery bifurcation by a “Stent-within-a-Stent” technique. After stent implantation, coil embolization was performed using multiple-sized platinum helical coils. Control angiography performed at the end of the procedure revealed aneurysm occlusion. After 3 years, the patient is fully neurologically recovered, without pyramidal deficit, independently active and able to work