161 research outputs found

    Projet de veille pour la Bibliothèque Braille Romande et livre parlé (BBR): analyse des besoins et proposition d’un dispositif adapté

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    Ce Travail de Bachelor est réalisé pour la Bibliothèque Braille Romande et livre parlé (BBR) à Genève, un service de l’Association pour le Bien des Aveugles et malvoyants (ABA). La BBR a identifié un besoin au niveau de la surveillance des nouvelles technologies. Actuellement, aucun système de veille n’est mis en place à la bibliothèque. Pour y remédier, le mandat a été confié à une étudiante de la Haute école de gestion. L’objectif est de proposer une solution adaptée aux attentes des collaborateurs en matière d’information. Pour réaliser ce mandat, il a fallu passer par plusieurs étapes. Tout d’abord, établir un état de l’art sur les pratiques de la veille. Deuxièmement, comprendre le contexte de l’institution qui est très riche. Ensuite, analyser les attentes de celle-ci face à l’information. Ensuite, tester des outils de surveillance avec l’aide d’une collaboratrice aveugle. Et pour terminer, établir des recommandations adaptées aux attentes du mandant. L’analyse des besoins passe par des interviews des collaborateurs, mais aussi par l’envoi d’un questionnaire à ces mêmes personnes. Une fois les données collectées, les attentes de tous les répondants seront prises en compte pour l’établissement d’une série de recommandations. La phase de test est la plus importante dans ce travail. Son importance est liée au fait que l’accessibilité ne peut être vérifiée par l’auteure de ces lignes. En effet, étant une personne voyante, il est difficile d’évaluer les outils sans l’aide d’une personne empêchée de lire. La personne chargée de cette évaluation est une collaboratrice aveugle de l’organisation mandataire. Tout l’enjeu de ce travail est de trouver une solution qui puisse être utilisée par des collaborateurs aveugles. L’accessibilité est une notion très importante pour l’auteure du présent travail. Ce travail permettra au mandant d’avoir un outil clé en main pour l’aide de la prise de décision et par conséquent le guider dans les choix adaptés au contexte spécifique d’une telle institution

    Use of the sulfide minerals pyrite and chalcopyrite as electrochemical sensors in non-aqueous solutions. The potentiometric titration of weak acids in alcohols

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    Natural monocrystalline pyrite and chalcopyrite were examined as new indicator electrodes for the potentiometric titration of weak acids in tert-butanol and iso-propanol. The electrodes investigated demonstrated a linear dynamic response for p-toluenesulfonic acid concentrations in the range from 0.1 to 0.001 M, with a Nernstian slope of 48 mV per decade for pyrite in tert-butanol. Sodium methylate, potassium hydroxide and tetrabutylammonium hydroxide (TBAH) proved to be suitable titrating agents. The response time was less than 12 s and the lifetime of the electrodes was higher than 1 year. The advantages of the electrodes are long-term stability, rapid response, reproducibility, easy preparation and low cost

    Rhabdomyolysis after laparoscopic radical nephrectomy -A case report-

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    Rhabdomyolysis is a rare but potentially lethal clinical syndrome that results from acute muscle fiber necrosis with leakage of muscle constituents into blood. This devastating disease could be due to muscle compression caused by urologic positioning for a lengthy nephrectomy. In this regard, laparoscopic renal surgery may be a risk for the development of rhabdomyolysis. This phenomenon of massive muscle necrosis can produce secondary acute renal failure. The risk factors have to be managed carefully during anesthetic management. Here, we report a case of a patient with rhabdomyolysis that developed in the flexed lateral decubitus position during laparoscopic nephrectomy

    Wild Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L., Ericaceae) from Montenegro as a Source of Antioxidants for Use in the Production of Nutraceuticals

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    The aim of this study was to establish correlation of chemical composition and antioxidant activity of bilberry plants from Montenegro. Total phenolic, tannin, flavonoid, procyanidin and anthocyanin contents were determined in fruits and leaves extracts using spectrophotometric methods, while the measurements of metal content was carried out in an Inductively Coupled Atomic Emission Spectrometer. Qualitative and quantitative analyses of major phenolics were achieved by HPLC. In the investigated extracts, the most abundant phenolic was chlorogenic acid, followed by protocatechuic acid, while resveratrol, isoquercetin, quecetin and hyperoside were also present in significant quantities. Antioxidant potential was evaluated using two in vitro assays-FRAP and DPPH-being in the accordance with the cyclic voltammetry tests, performed as well. The results revealed that all the investigated extracts were rich in phenolic and essential mineral constituents, with significant antioxidant activity, depending on the polyphenolic and mineral contents, which was confirmed by principal component analysis.Supplementary material: [http://cherry.chem.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3314

    Intelligent Identification of Childhood Musical Murmurs

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    Heart murmurs are often the first signs of heart valvular disorders. However, most heart murmurs detected in children are innocent musical murmurs (also called Still's murmurs), which should be distinguished from other murmur types that are mostly pathological, such as regurgitant, obstructive, and flow murmurs. In order to reduce both unnecessary healthcare expenditures and parental anxiety, this study aims to develop algorithms for intelligently identifying musical murmurs in children. Discrete wavelet transform was applied to phonocardiographic signals to extract features. Singular value decomposition was applied on the matrix derived from continuous wavelet transform to extract extra features. The sequential forward feature selection algorithm was then utilized to select significant features. Musical murmurs were subsequently differentiated via a classification procedure consisting of three classification techniques: discriminant analysis, support vector machine, and artificial neural network. The results of 89.02% sensitivity, 84.76% specificity and 87.36% classification accuracy were achieved

    The effect of linomide on the migration and the proliferation of capillary endothelial cells elicited by vascular endothelial growth factor.

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    In order to assess the mechanism of action of the quinoline-3-carboxyamide linomide as an antiangiogenic drug, the effect of linomide was studied in vitro on postcapillary endothelial cells exposed to vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). Linomide did not block the spontaneous replication of endothelial cells, but significantly suppressed endothelial cell growth and migration elicited by VEGF. It is concluded that linomide appears to be an effective tool to inhibit VEGF-dependent angiogenesis
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