9 research outputs found

    Dataset on the energy performance of atrium type hotel buildings

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    The data presented in this article are related to the research article entitled "The Influence of Atrium on Energy Performance of Hotel Building" (Vujosevic and Krstic-Furundzic, 2017) [1], which describes the annual energy performance of atrium type hotel building in Belgrade climate conditions, with the objective to present the impact of the atrium on the hotel building's energy demands for space heating and cooling. This dataset is made publicly available to show energy performance of selected hotel design alternatives, in order to enable extended analyzes of these data for other researchers

    Models of energy efficient city hotels in Belgrade climate conditions

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    Овај рад испитује енергетска својства хотелских објеката атријумског типа у климатским условима Београда.Annual energy performances of atrium typr hotel buildings in Belgrade climate conditions are analysed in this paper

    Integralni pristup u suzbijanju najvažnijih prouzrokovača bolesti cveća u zaštićenom prostoru

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    Disease causal agents are serious treat for the production of ornamentals under both open fi led and protected cultivation. Success in the disease prevention depends mainly on the level of knowledge on the specific requirements of the host plants, biology of the pathogen, disease epidemiology and the relationship between the parasite and the host plant. The selection of effective control measures is based on the comprehensive knowledge on all the factors contributing directly or indirectly to the disease development. The most important disease causal agents of ornamental plants under protected cultivation, required environmental conditions for disease development and cost-effective and environmentally safe control measures are discussed in this paper.Prouzrokovači bolesti predstavljaju veliki problem u proizvodnji cveća, kako na otvorenom polju, tako i u zaštićenom prostoru. Uspeh u sprečavanju pojave i razvoja oboljenja u velikoj meri zavisi od stepena poznavanja specifi čnih zahteva biljke domaćina, biologije patogena, epidemiologije bolesti i odnosa parazit i biljka- domaćin. Samo na osnovu dobrog poznavanja svih činilaca koji direktno ili indirektno utiču na razvoj oboljenja moguće je primeniti kompleks mera kojima se sprečavaju štete. U radu je dat pregled najvažnijih prouzrokovača bolesti cveća u zaštićenom prostoru, uslovi u kojima nanose štete, mera koje je neophodno primeniti sa ciljem njihovog efikasnog, ekološki i ekonomski prihvatljivog suzbijanja, kao i mera koje umanjuju rizik razvoja rezistentnosti na fungicide


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    Due to their fast growth, young seedlings have high nutrient requirements. Modern seedling production systems, particularly those with the protected root system, recommend the increased frequency of nutrient application during the process. The optimal continuous nutrient availability is primarily provided by irrigating young plants using the appropriate nutrient solution concentration. The research conducted at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade included cucumber seedlings, while its aims were to underline the impact of seedling fertilisation on the seedling quality and to find the optimal nutrient solution concentration for irrigating seedlings. The cucumber seedlings (Darina F1) were grown in grow chambers at day/night intervals of 14/10h and air temperature of 25/18oC. The seedlings were grown in 9-cm diameter pots (Teku), filled with the substrate TKS 1 (Floragard). After sprouting, the seedlings were irrigated using different nutrient solution concentrations of Fitofert Humistart fertiliser: 0.1%, 0.3%, 0.6% and 1%. The control variant was irrigated using pure water. The seedling period lasted for 22 days (after sprouting), after which the seedling quality was determined by measuring the plant height and stem height, stem diameter, leaf number, leaf surface per plant, as well as plant fresh weight. The cucumber seedlings grown in the control variant had a statistically significantly smaller plant height, stem height and stem diameter, a smaller leaf number and lower plant fresh weight. The seedling variants which were continuously irrigated using only the nutrient solution had the measured quality parameters which did not show statistically significant differences between the variants. On the basis of this research, it can be concluded that the seedling irrigation by means of nutrient solution had a positive effect on the seedling quality. Including the economic point of view, the recommended concentration of nutrient solution is 0.1%

    Models of energy efficient city hotels in Belgrade climate conditions

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    Овај рад испитује енергетска својства хотелских објеката атријумског типа у климатским условима Београда.Annual energy performances of atrium typr hotel buildings in Belgrade climate conditions are analysed in this paper

    Models of energy efficient city hotels in Belgrade climate conditions

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    Овај рад испитује енергетска својства хотелских објеката атријумског типа у климатским условима Београда.Annual energy performances of atrium typr hotel buildings in Belgrade climate conditions are analysed in this paper

    The influence of atrium on energy performance of hotel building

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    This paper analyses annual energy performance of atrium type hotel building in Belgrade. The objective is to examine the impact of the atrium on the hotel building's energy demands for space heating and cooling. Integrated approach through numerical simulations that include Belgrade climate data and thermal comfort parameters, indicates an optimal model of hotel building with atrium for this area. Building energy simulation is carried out using EnergyPlus simulation engine, as a basic tool in the process of building energy optimization. The methodological approach includes the creation of a hypothetical model of an atrium type hotel building, numerical simulation of energy performances of several design alternatives of the hotel building with atrium, and comparative analysis of the obtained results. The main task of analysis is to change certain parameters in the particular model (for example, building structure, orientation, etc.) and to observe how the changes influence energy performance of the building. The goal of this research is to show that the atrium contributes to the heating and cooling energy savings in the rest of the building, but also that the atrium itself demands a lot of energy for its air-conditioning. The most sustainable solution should be to cover energy demands for atrium by using the renewable energy sources. In this case, the atrium can contribute to the energy efficiency of the hotel building in Belgrade climatic conditions, thus reducing its negative impact on the environment

    Energy and environmental performance of the office building facade scenarios

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    Energy efficiency is one of the main requirements that buildings must satisfy nowadays, both when designing new buildings or when major renovation takes place. The main issues that need to be considered in designing energy efficient buildings are: reduction of energy consumption generated from fossil fuels and reduction of environment pollution. Building envelope is the most responsible architectural element of the building that impacts thermal comfort and energy balance. Besides thermal properties of the envelope, equipment for heating, cooling and lighting influence largely on energy consumption in buildings. From the design point of view, the analysis of various facade scenarios, in terms of their contribution to reducing energy consumption, is crucial and necessary for each specific case and climate. This paper presents the estimation of energy performances of different scenarios of the hypothetical models of façade design, in case of an office building in Belgrade climate conditions. For the analysis, the model of the typical office was created and three various facade concepts were applied. Methodological approach entails three steps: design of different facade concepts - models, numerical energy simulations of the models and comparison of the results. For each of the three shading concepts, the following scenarios have been created: the basic scenario without shadings, and three scenarios of different facade design solutions related to types of shading devices. Assessment of the scenarios includes consideration of energy demands for heating and cooling, reduction of energy consumption for cooling by implementation of different shading devices and comparison of the results. The results of the simulations show how much the various alternatives of shadings contribute to the reduction of total energy demands, and how much the application of shadings affects the reduction of environmental pollution. The design method, as well as the results, can generally be applicable for the design of new and renovation of existing office buildings, both in Belgrade and in places with similar climatic conditions

    Brucellosis - diagnostic dilemma: Case report

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    The authors present a case of a 20-year old student from Belgrade, who was admitted to the Institute of Infectious Diseases with fever, muscle and spine pains, strong headacke and malice. During the clinical examination bilateral sacroileitis was found. Serological analyses confirmed brucellosis. Epidemiological data showed that she lived in Kosovo and Metohia in 1997, where she consumed diary products from domestic animals this might be the reason of the acquired infection. With appropriate antibiotic therapy (aminoglycoside, doxicyclin, rifampicin), symptomatic therapy and rehabilitation the disease had favorable outcome; there was no recidive. The authors point out the importance of specific microbiological examinations of patients with fever of unknown origin, especially if the patient has the symptoms that are compatible with brucellosis. In our case it was sacroileitis, as a characteristic complication. As brucellosis is endemic in some parts of our country, there is always a possibility of brucellosis in general medical practice