17 research outputs found

    The effects of different karate disciplines on physiological, motoric and мorphological characteristics of elite athletes

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se utvrde efekti različitih disciplina u karateu (sportske borbe - kumite i forme - kata) na morfo-funkcionalne karakteristike karatista seniora. Pored ovoga su utvrĎivane i razlike u odnosu na dužinu trenažnog staža, kao i akutni fiziološki odgovor na specifično fizičko opterećenje tokom simulacije takmičenja. Uzorak je obuhvatio 72 ispitanika koji su prvenstveno bili podeljeni na kata (n = 33) i kumite (n = 39) grupu, a potom i u odnosu na trenažni staž u tri grupe (starija n = 23, srednja n = 24 i mlaĎa n = 25). Svi ispitanici su testirani kroz bateriju od 36 testova za procenu morfo-funkcionalnog statusa. Rezultati su pokazali razlike u pojedinim morfo - funkcionalnim karakteristikama ispitanika u odnosu na takmičarsku disciplinu. Kumite borci su imali izraženiju longitudinalnost (p < 0,01), dok su kata takmičari imali izraženije potkožno masno tkivo praćeno većom koštanom masom (p < 0,05). TakoĎe su ispitanici kata grupe pokazali superiorniju fleksibilnost donjih ekstremiteta (p < 0,05), dok su kumite ispitanici bili bolji u pokazateljima apsolutne snage skokova kao i aerobnih sposobnosti (p < 0,01). U odnosu na trenažni staž javile su se razlike u svim varijablama za procenu vertikalne skočnosti (visini skoka i maksimalnoj snazi), funkcionalnim pokazateljima kao i varijablama za procenu mišićne snage u korist najstarije grupe (p < 0,05). Razlike dobijene u fiziološkim odgovorima na akutno opterećenje kroz specifičnu takmičarsku disciplinu, kao i razlike u praćenoj temperaturi jezgra tela nisu bile značajne. Rezultati ovog istraživanja ukazuju da treniranjem različitih karate disciplina dolazi do odreĎenih specifičnih morfo-funkcionalnih promena u organizmu. Na ove promene bitno utiče i trenažni staž, odnosno vreme provedeno u specifičnom treningu.The aim of this study was to determine the effects of different competitive disciplines in karate (sports fight - kumite and forms - kata) on morpho-functional characteristics in senior karate athletes. In addition, differences in relation to training experience, as well as the acute physiological response to a specific physical exertion during the simulated competition were determined. The sample included 72 athletes primarily divided into kata (n = 33) and kumite (n = 39) group, and to training experience into three groups (oldest: n = 23, medium: n = 24, and youngest: n = 25). All subjects were evaluated through a battery of 36 morpho-functional tests. Differences were found between two competitive disciplines. Kumite athletes had significantly longer dimensions (p < 0.01), whereas kata competitors had more pronounced subcutaneous adipose tissue accompanied by higher bone mass and superior flexibility (p < 0.05). Furthermore, kumite athletes had better indicators of absolute power in jumping performance and aerobic capacity (p < 0.01). Differences also occurred in all variables of vertical jumping assessment (jump height and maximum power), functional indicators (p < 0.05) and muscle strength evaluation (p < 0.01) in relation to training experience. All differences found were in favor of the oldest group. No differences were found in physiological responses to acute load of the specific competitive discipline, or in body core temperature measured. The results of this research indicate that training for different karate disciplines had led to certain specific morpho-functional changes in the body. These changes were partially affected by specific training regimes and training experience


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    The purpose of the present study was to indicate the biomechanical parameters of the delivery phase associated with performance in young javelin throwers. Seven right-handed young Serbian club level javelin throwers (19.0±1.0 yrs; 1.84±0.08 m; 81.0±5.2 kg) were recorded at 100 fps sampling frequency during competition. Spatial parameters (delivery stride length, distance to foul line, javelin grip height) and body configuration (joint angles, inclination of body segments) were extracted with a 2D-DLT kinematical analysis method. Model Technique Analysis Charts were used for the qualitative assessment of the throwing technique of the examined athletes. The relationship between the extracted biomechanical parameters and the official throwing distance was examined with a correlation analysis. The results revealed that the official throwing distance (46.43 ± 4.89 m) significantly (p.78) with release velocity (16.0±1.4 m/s), release angle (36.4±1.4 deg), javelin grip height (1.21±0.07 m) and the braking leg knee angle at its final touchdown (153.0±11.4 deg). The most common technique errors observed during the delivery phase were the flexed elbow of the throwing arm, the large knee flexion of the braking leg and the lack of the braking leg’s knee extension at the instant of release. The quantitative assessment revealed less favorable values in key biomechanical parameters compared to the results of other studies investigating elite young athletes. It is suggested that young javelin throwers’ training should focus on performing the release of the javelin with a proximal to distal joint sequencing that optimizes the transfer of the kinetic energy along the body

    Differences in Motor and Cognitive Abilities of Children Depending on Their Body Mass Index and Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue

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    The aim of the present study was to analyze differences in motor and cognitive abilities of children depending on their value in quantitative indicators of Body Mass Index (BMI) and subcutaneous fatty tissue. The study sample consisted of overall 910 boys and girls, aged 11 to 14, all from elementary schools in Vojvodina (Serbia). Six anthropometric, eight motor and one cognitive variable were analyzed to identify quantitative and qualitative differences in motor and cognitive functioning of children. Children were divided into three groups within gender based on their body mass index calculated and subcutaneous fatty tissue measured. The results obtained from the study indicate the existence of differences in motor and only partly in intellectual abilities between groups of subjects. The greatest differences between the clusters were found in the level of coordination of the entire body, and the static strength of arms and shoulders

    Relationship between BMI and Skinfold Thicknesses to Risk Factors in Premenopausal and Postmenopausal Women

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    Studies conducted on children and adults have pointed to the correlation of BMI (kg/m2) with risk factors for certain diseases. Other studies have stressed a more intense correlation between the risk factors and indicators of subcutaneous fat obtained in other ways. The aim of the study was to compare the intensity of correlation between the risk factors and triceps and subscapular skinfold thickness in relation to BMI. The study included 53 postmenopausal and 107 premenopausal women, the risk factors were assessed upon systolic and diastolic blood pressure, glucose concentration, triglyceride and cholesterol levels. Statistically significant differences were established in almost all variables referring to premenopausal and postmenopausal women, except in body height, subscapular skinfold thickness and triglyceride concentration. Significant correlation with the risk factors was detected in BMI and both skinfold thicknesses, while the subscapular thickness correlates more intensively with the risk factors than it is the case with the triceps thickness. The results indicate that BMI equally correlates with risk factors as well as skinfold thickness

    Inclusion of preschool children into organized activity in leisure time

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    All physical activity of preschool children during the day occurs while they are in kindergarten or during their leisure time. The aim of the study was to present the results related to the participation of children in organized activities during leisure time and what is the perception of parents about the scope of their children’s physical activity and the time spent on watching TV, using computers and playing video games (as a part of wider study). The research was conducted in 2017 in the Preschool institution “Naša Radost” in Subotica. The survey questionnaire was filled in by 135 parents for children of the average age of 5.14 years (+0.91). The survey questionnaire contained questions about children’s nutrition (NutriStep survey) and their involvement in organized activities with educational and sports-recreational content during leisure time, as well as parent’s opinion on quantity in child’s sedentary activities. 65.9% of children aged 5 to 7 was found to attend some kind of organized activity, most often within programs of foreign language schools, sports schools and programs with aesthetic presentation of skills is important (ballet, dance and folklore). The largest number of parents reported that their child spent one hour watching TV, using a computer or playing games. About 71% of parents reported that their child was physically active enough. In both cases, a statistically significant difference was found between boys and girls. Within the family circle and within the educational institution, where children spend most of the time, it is necessary to provide conditions for undisturbed growth and development. One of the best ways is through exercising physical activity


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    The aim of the study was to determine and compare blood lactate levels by the round in which the senior wrestler ended the match in an official national Greco-roman wrestling competition.Materials and method: Study was conducted on 20 male wrestlers, finalists of national competition of Serbia. They were divided into three groups according to the round in which the athlete won the match; G1=8, G2=6 and G3=6. Lactate assessment was provided at two points; after warm-up, and three minutes after final match ended. The two-way ANOVA and Fisher’s LSD statistic were used in order to compare differences between the 3 groups (wrestling who won after the first, second or third round). The level of statistical significant was set at 0.05Results of lactate values reported between the 3 groups of wrestlers after the warm-up was similar, whereas, after the match, wrestlers who won after the third round showed significantly higher lactate levels compared to athletes who won after the first (7,45 mmol/L; p<0,001) or second round (4,48 mmol/L; p=0,014). Lactates values of wrestlers that won after the first or second round were close to significance (2,97 mmol/L; p=0,06).Conclusion wrestlers that won their match after the third round accumulated higher lactate levels compared to those who won after the first or second round, indicating that these athletes seem to be trained to work at high intensity

    The effects of different karate disciplines on physiological, motoric and мorphological characteristics of elite athletes

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se utvrde efekti različitih disciplina u karateu (sportske borbe - kumite i forme - kata) na morfo-funkcionalne karakteristike karatista seniora. Pored ovoga su utvrĎivane i razlike u odnosu na dužinu trenažnog staža, kao i akutni fiziološki odgovor na specifično fizičko opterećenje tokom simulacije takmičenja. Uzorak je obuhvatio 72 ispitanika koji su prvenstveno bili podeljeni na kata (n = 33) i kumite (n = 39) grupu, a potom i u odnosu na trenažni staž u tri grupe (starija n = 23, srednja n = 24 i mlaĎa n = 25). Svi ispitanici su testirani kroz bateriju od 36 testova za procenu morfo-funkcionalnog statusa. Rezultati su pokazali razlike u pojedinim morfo - funkcionalnim karakteristikama ispitanika u odnosu na takmičarsku disciplinu. Kumite borci su imali izraženiju longitudinalnost (p < 0,01), dok su kata takmičari imali izraženije potkožno masno tkivo praćeno većom koštanom masom (p < 0,05). TakoĎe su ispitanici kata grupe pokazali superiorniju fleksibilnost donjih ekstremiteta (p < 0,05), dok su kumite ispitanici bili bolji u pokazateljima apsolutne snage skokova kao i aerobnih sposobnosti (p < 0,01). U odnosu na trenažni staž javile su se razlike u svim varijablama za procenu vertikalne skočnosti (visini skoka i maksimalnoj snazi), funkcionalnim pokazateljima kao i varijablama za procenu mišićne snage u korist najstarije grupe (p < 0,05). Razlike dobijene u fiziološkim odgovorima na akutno opterećenje kroz specifičnu takmičarsku disciplinu, kao i razlike u praćenoj temperaturi jezgra tela nisu bile značajne. Rezultati ovog istraživanja ukazuju da treniranjem različitih karate disciplina dolazi do odreĎenih specifičnih morfo-funkcionalnih promena u organizmu. Na ove promene bitno utiče i trenažni staž, odnosno vreme provedeno u specifičnom treningu.The aim of this study was to determine the effects of different competitive disciplines in karate (sports fight - kumite and forms - kata) on morpho-functional characteristics in senior karate athletes. In addition, differences in relation to training experience, as well as the acute physiological response to a specific physical exertion during the simulated competition were determined. The sample included 72 athletes primarily divided into kata (n = 33) and kumite (n = 39) group, and to training experience into three groups (oldest: n = 23, medium: n = 24, and youngest: n = 25). All subjects were evaluated through a battery of 36 morpho-functional tests. Differences were found between two competitive disciplines. Kumite athletes had significantly longer dimensions (p < 0.01), whereas kata competitors had more pronounced subcutaneous adipose tissue accompanied by higher bone mass and superior flexibility (p < 0.05). Furthermore, kumite athletes had better indicators of absolute power in jumping performance and aerobic capacity (p < 0.01). Differences also occurred in all variables of vertical jumping assessment (jump height and maximum power), functional indicators (p < 0.05) and muscle strength evaluation (p < 0.01) in relation to training experience. All differences found were in favor of the oldest group. No differences were found in physiological responses to acute load of the specific competitive discipline, or in body core temperature measured. The results of this research indicate that training for different karate disciplines had led to certain specific morpho-functional changes in the body. These changes were partially affected by specific training regimes and training experience


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    This reaserch included 30 participants. Examinees were divided in three subsamples. First subsample included 10 soccer players (22,0±2,82 years 79,3±8,23 weight), second subsample included 10 judokas (19,6±2,63 years 82,7±19,42 weight) and third subsample was made of 10 students that were not involved in any sport (21,1±0,57years 79,1±11,17 weight). By applying t-test conclusions we remade. Between judokas and soccer players there were no statistically significant differences found in analyzed variables. Between judokas and students were found visible differences in all analyzed variables in favour of judokas ( significance p=0,01 particularly in variables PTHR and PTHL). Between soccer players and students significant difference (p=0,05) were found in variables PTQL and PTQL/W in favour of soccer players

    Differences in anthropometric, motoric and cognitive abilities between athletically trained and untrained girls

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    Study aim: the aim of the study was to identify differences between athletically trained and untrained subjects with respect to body composition, motor and cognitive abilities

    Ultra Short-Term Heart Rate Recovery After Maximal Exercise in Two Different Body Positions in Elite Male Judokas Compared to Students of the Sport Faculty

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    Heart Rate Recovery response to exercise has been recognized as a marker of physical fitness. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the effects of two different recovery protocols (supine and standing position) on heart rate during the first minute of recovery with a group of elite male judokas and group of students, after maximal progressive treadmill test. Twenty-four male participants took part in this study, twelve (n=12) judokas (Serbian national team) and twelve (n=12) stu¬dents as a control group. They were exposed to maximal progressive exercise treadmill test in order to record HR (bpm) during the test and during the first minute of recovery. One-way analysis of variance with repeated measures is used to test the differences bet¬ween subjects’ responses over time. Statistical significance was assessed using ANCOVA and Student’s t-test for dependent samples. HRmax was similar in both trials for investigated groups. The results of Student's t test showed significant differences between applied protocols in all HR levels for both groups. In addition, the within subjects effects for supine protocol showed significant differences between groups (F=14.172, P=0.0001), where the group of judokas revealed lower HR than students for 10s and 20s of recovery period (F=18.801 and F=19.668, p<0.01, respectively). Obtained data could suggest better adaptation to exercise for trained judokas in exerting better potentials with faster recovery HR immediately after the exercise in supine position, consequently revealing better adaptation to training load