46 research outputs found

    The importance of cross-reactivity in grass pollen allergy

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    According to the data obtained from in vivo and in vitro testing in Serbia, a significant number of patients have allergic symptoms caused by grass pollen. We examined the protein composition of grass pollens (Dactylis glomerata, Lolium perenne and Phleum pratense) and cross-reactivity in patients allergic to grass pollen from our region. The grass pollen allergen extract was characterized by SDS-PAGE, while cross-reactivity of single grass pollens was revealed by immunoblot analysis. A high degree of cross-reactivity was demonstrated for all three single pollens in the sera of allergic patients compared to the grass pollen extract mixture. Confirmation of the existence of cross-reactivity between different antigenic sources facilitates the use of monovalent vaccines, which are easier to standardize and at the same time prevent further sensitization of patients and reduces adverse reactions

    Igg vezivanje alergena i alergoida polena pelina prethodno izloženih simuliranim uslovima gastrointestinalnog trakta mereno domaćim elisa testom

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    This study considers the influence of exposure to simulated gastrointestinal conditions (saliva, gut, intestine and acidic conditions of the gut) on IgG binding of unmodified allergens and three types of LMW allergoids of Artemisia vulgaris pollen extract obtained by means of potassium cyanate succinic and maleic anhydride. It also concerns the optimization of a self-developed ELISA assay for comparison of the specific IgG binding of mugwort pollen extract and modified mugwort pollen derivatives. The ELISA was conducted with a mugwort pollen extract coupled to the plate, using the sera from 12 mugwort- pollen allergic patients. The exposure to saliva fluid for 2 min did not influence the IgG binding properties of allergens and allergoids. Exposure of mugwort pollen allergens and LMW allergoids to the acidic conditions of the gut did not dramatically change their IgG binding properties. By exposing mugwort pollen extract and LMW derivatives to the SGF conditions for 1 h, the percent of IgG binding epitopes was reduced to a half of its starting value in the extract and to about 30%in all the allergoid samples. After prolonged exposure only the carbamyl derivative showed reduced IgG binding. Changes of the IgG binding potential of all four samples after exposure in SIF followed a similar pattern.Predmet ovog rada je ispitivanje promena IgG vezivanja nemodifikovanih alergena polena A. vulgaris i tri tipa alergoida malih molekulskih masa dobijenih tretmanom sa kalijum-cijanatom, i anhidridima ćilibarne i meleinske posle izlaganja uslovima gastrointestinalnog trakta (saliva, želudac, tanko crevo i kisela sredina želudačnog soka) i optimizacija domaćeg ELISA testa za određivanje IgG vezivanja alergena i alergoida polena pelina.UELISA testu je za pločicu kuplovan ekstrakt polena pelina i koriŔćeni su serumi 12 pacijenata alergičnih na pelin. Izlaganje salivi u trajanju od 2 minuta ne utiče na IgG vezujuće osobine alergena i alergoida. Izlaganje kiseloj sredini želudačnog soka značajno ne utiče na IgG vezujuće osobine alergena i alergoida polena pelina. Posle izlaganja simuliranom želudačnom soku alergena i derivata u trajanju od 1 sata, procenat IgG vezujućih epitopa u nemodifikovanom uzorku se smanjuje na polovinu početne vrednosti i na oko 30 % kod sva tri derivata. Jedino se kod karbamil-derivata % IgG vezivanja dodatno smanjuje sa produžavanjem izlaganja SGF-u.Promene u IgG vezujućem potencijalu sva 4 uzorka posle izlaganja simuliranim uslovima tankog creva prate sličan obrazac

    Allergenic potency of kiwi fruit during fruit development

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    Food allergies, including kiwi fruit allergy, have been the subject of extensive research in the last few years. The aim of this study was to examine a possible relationship between the developmental stage of kiwi fruit and its allergenic potency. The protein and allergen patterns of kiwi fruit extracts in September, October, November and December fruit in the period from 2000-2002 were analysed. One of the factors that may contribute to the difficulties in proposing well-defined and standardized fruit extracts should also be the time of fruit harvesting. In this particular case, when the kiwi fruit was edible throughout November and December, we showed discrepancies in allergen content and potencies both in qualitative and quantitative terms. Two major allergens of kiwi fruit, Act c 1 and Act c 2, mainly accounted for the highest allergenic potential of November kiwi extract in vivo and in vitro. Not only the content of major allergens, but also the ratio of different proteins and even isoforms of the same allergen (Act c 2) change with fruit ripening. These findings should be taken into account during preparation of extracts for allergy diagnosis

    Izolovanje i karakterizacija 68 kD alergena iz ekstrakta kućnih grinja

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    House dust mites (HDM) represent a major source of allergens, contributing to the increasing incidence of type I hypersensitivity disease worldwide. Over 30 different IgE-binding proteins from the HDM extract were detected. Although group 1 and 2 have been identified as major allergens, due to the safety and efficacy of allergy diagnosis and immunotherapy, there is a need to carefully evaluate the clinical relevance of other allergens present in the HDM extract. In regard to this, a high molecular mass allergen of about 68 kD was purified from the HDM extract using a combination of gel permeation chromatography and reversed-phase chromatography. The IgG and IgE reactivity of the purified protein were preserved during the purification process, as confirmed by Western blot analysis with polyclonal rabbit antibodies and dot blot analysis with a pool of sera from subjects with house dust mite allergy, respectively. In addition, the IgE reactivity was confirmed using ELISA testing with nine patient sera. The biological potency of the 68 kD allergen was confirmed by skin prick testing in five allergic subjects, suggesting that the high molecular mass allergen is a good candidate for component-resolved diagnosis of house dust mite allergy and eventual therapeutic treatment.Grinje iz kućne praÅ”ine predstavljaju jedan od glavnih izvora alergena koji su u značajnoj meri doprineli porastu prvog tipa preosetljivosti. Preko 30 IgE-vezujućih proteina iz kućne praÅ”ine je detektovano do danas. Alergeni grupe 1 i 2 označeni su kao glavni alergeni kućne praÅ”ine. Međutim, da bi se poboljÅ”ala sigurnost i efikasnost dijagnoze i terapije alergijskih oboljenja izazvanih grinjama iz kućne praÅ”ine, neophodno je odrediti klinički značaj svih alergena iz ovog alergenskog izvora. U ovom radu izolovan je alergen visoke molekulske mase od 68 kD iz ekstrakta kućne praÅ”ine kombinovanjem gel-permeacione hromatografije i reversno-fazne hromatografije. IgG i IgE reaktivnost prečiŔćenog proteina je proverena u 'Western blot'-u i 'dot blot'-u sa poliklonskim zečijim antitelima na ekstrakt kućne praÅ”ine i 'pool'-om seruma osoba alergičnih na kućnu praÅ”inu, redom. 64 % pacijenata je pokazalo IgE reaktivnost na prečiŔćeni protein u ELISA testu. BioloÅ”ka reaktivnost prečiŔćenog alergena je potvrđena u kožnim probama na pet pacijenata, ukazujući da je prečiŔćen alergen dobar kandidat za dijagnozu alergije na kućnu praÅ”inu pojedinačnim komponentama i eventualni terapeutski tretman

    Digestibilnost alergoida polena pelina u simuliranim uslovima gastrointestinalnog trakta

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    Chemically modified allergens (allergoids) have found use in both traditional and novel forms of immunotherapy of allergic disorders. Novel forms of immunotherapy include local allergen delivery, via the gastrointestinal tract. This study conveys the gastrointestinal stability of three types of mugwort pollen allergoids under simulated conditions of the gut. Allergoids of the pollen extract of Artemisia vulgaris were obtained by means of potassium cyanate, succinic and maleic anhydride. Gastrointestinal tract conditions (saliva, and gastric fluid) were simulated in accordance with the EU Pharmacopoeia. The biochemical and immunochemical properties of the derivatives following exposure to different conditions were monitored by determining the number of residual amino groups with 2,4,6-trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid, SDS PAGE, immunoblotting and inhibition of mugwort-specific IgE. Exposure to saliva fluid for 2 min did not influence the biochemical and immunochemical properties of the derivatives. In the very acidic conditions of the simulated gastric fluid, the degree of demaleylation and desuccinylation, even after 4 h exposure, was low, ranging from 10 to 30 %. The digestion patterns with pepsin proceeded rapidly in both the unmodified and modified samples. In all four cases, a highly resistant IgE-binding protein the Mwof which was about 28-35 kD, was present. Within the physiological conditions, no new IgE binding epitopes were revealed, as demonstrated by immunoblot and CAP inhibition of the mugwort specific IgE binding. An important conclusion of this study is the stability of the modified derivatives in the gastrointestinal tract of patients, within physiological conditions. The means that they are suitable for use in much higher concentrations in local forms of immunotherapy than unmodified ones.U ovom radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja stabilnosti tri tipa alergoida polena pelina u simuliranom želudačnom soku. Koristeći kalijum-cijanat anhidrid ćilibarne i anhidrid maleinske kiseline, napravljeni su alergoidi polena pelina (Artemisia vulgaris). Saliva i želudačni sok su simulirani na osnovu evropske farmakopeje. Biohemijske i imunohemijske osobine derivata posle izlaganja različitim uslovima, praćene su: određivanjem broja slobodnih amino grupa u reakciji sa TNBS, SDS PAG elektroforezom, imunoblotom i određivanjem pelin-specifičnog imunoglobulina E (IgE). Izlaganje salivi u trajanju od 2 minuta ne utiče na biohemijske i imunohemijske osobine derivata. U kiseloj sredini želudačnog soka ne dolazi do značajnog demaleilovawa i desukcinilovanja. Čak i posle četvoročasovnog izlaganja, taj procenat je u opsegu 10-30 %. Alergoidi pelina se trenutno digestuju pepsinom, sa izuzetkom visoko rezistentne proteinske trake molekulske mase 28-35 kD, koja odgovara važnom IgE-vezujućem proteinu polena pelina. Imunoblotom i CAP-inhibicijom je pokazano da, u okviru fizioloÅ”kih uslova, ne dolazi do stvaranja novih IgE-vezujućih epitopa. Hemijska stabilnost modifikovanih derivata u simuliranim uslovima želudačnog soka omogućuje da se tokom imunoterapije mogu primenjivati veće doze alergoida nego nemodifikovanog ekstrakta polena pelina

    Plasma fucosylated glycans and C-reactive protein as biomarkers of HNF1A-MODY in young adultā€“onset nonautoimmune diabetes

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    OBJECTIVE Maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY) due to variants in HNF1A is the commonest type of monogenic diabetes. Frequent misdiagnosis results in missed opportunity to use sulfonylureas as first-line treatment. A nongenetic biomarker could improve selection of subjects for genetic testing and increase diagnosis rates. We previously reported that plasma levels of antennary fucosylated N-glycans and hs-CRP are reduced in individuals with HNF1A-MODY. In this study, we examined the potential use of N-glycans and hs-CRP in discriminating individuals with damaging HNF1A alleles from those without HNF1A variants in an unselected population of young adults with nonautoimmune diabetes. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS We analyzed the plasma N-glycan profile, measured hs-CRP, and sequenced HNF1A in 989 individuals with diabetes diagnosed when younger than age 45, persistent endogenous insulin production, and absence of pancreatic autoimmunity. Systematic assessment of rare HNF1A variants was performed. RESULTS We identified 29 individuals harboring 25 rare HNF1A alleles, of which 3 were novel, and 12 (in 16 probands) were considered pathogenic. Antennary fucosylated N-glycans and hs-CRP were able to differentiate subjects with damaging HNF1A alleles from those without rare HNF1A alleles. Glycan GP30 had a receiver operating characteristic curve area under the curve (AUC) of 0.90 (88% sensitivity, 80% specificity, cutoff 0.70%), whereas hs-CRP had an AUC of 0.83 (88% sensitivity, 69% specificity, cutoff 0.81 mg/L). CONCLUSIONS Half of rare HNF1A sequence variants do not cause MODY. N-glycan profile and hs-CRP could both be used as tools, alone or as adjuncts to existing pathways, for identifying individuals at high risk of carrying a damaging HNF1A allele

    Inflammatory bowel disease associates with proinflammatory potential of the immunoglobulin g glycome

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    BACKGROUND: Glycobiology is an underexplored research area in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and glycans are relevant to many etiological mechanisms described in IBD. Alterations in N-glycans attached to the immunoglobulin G (IgG) Fc fragment can affect molecular structure and immunological function. Recent genome-wide association studies reveal pleiotropy between IBD and IgG glycosylation. This study aims to explore IgG glycan changes in ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn's disease (CD). METHODS: IgG glycome composition in patients with UC (n = 507), CD (n = 287), and controls (n = 320) was analyzed by ultra performance liquid chromatography. RESULTS: Statistically significant differences in IgG glycome composition between patients with UC or CD, compared with controls, were observed. Both UC and CD were associated with significantly decreased IgG galactosylation (digalactosylation, UC: odds ratio [OR] = 0.71; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.5ā€“0.9; P = 0.01; CD: OR = 0.41; CI, 0.3ā€“0.6; P = 1.4 Ɨ 10(āˆ’9)) and significant decrease in the proportion of sialylated structures in CD (OR = 0.46, CI, 0.3ā€“0.6, P = 8.4 Ɨ 10(āˆ’8)). Logistic regression models incorporating measured IgG glycan traits were able to distinguish UC and CD from controls (UC: P = 2.13 Ɨ 10(āˆ’6) and CD: P = 2.20 Ɨ 10(āˆ’16)), with receiverā€“operator characteristic curves demonstrating better performance of the CD model (area under curve [AUC] = 0.77) over the UC model (AUC = 0.72) (P = 0.026). The ratio of the presence to absence of bisecting GlcNAc in monogalactosylated structures was increased in patients with UC undergoing colectomy compared with no colectomy (FDR-adjusted, P = 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: The observed differences indicate significantly increased inflammatory potential of IgG in IBD. Changes in IgG glycosylation may contribute to IBD pathogenesis and could alter monoclonal antibody therapeutic efficacy. IgG glycan profiles have translational potential as IBD biomarkers

    Eosinophil cationic protein in relation to allergic inflammation

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