89 research outputs found


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    The production of packaging products is experiencing annual growth. Packaging is made from a broad spectrum of materials with different properties. The European Union adopted Directive (EU) 2019/904 on reducing and preventing the environmental impact of certain plastic products. This directive aims to encourage a circular economy among consumers and producers by ensuring that single-use plastic products are not be placed on the market when suitable and affordable, more sustainable alternatives are available. Despite regulations, disposable plastic packaging for food products remains prevalent in the market. This research focused on disposable packaging for berries. A conceptual solution was devised from sustainable material suited for the food industry, alongside creating a product prototype. Additionally, a comparative visual study was conducted to evaluate the storage quality of berries in different packaging solutions. The study also included a of a survey, to assess participants\u27 awareness of the environmental impact of plastic packaging and to identify preferences for more sustainable alternatives. The presence of numerous packaging solutions can leave consumers uncertain about the most sustainable packaging.Proizvodnja ambalažnih proizvoda raste na godišnjoj razini. Ambalaža se izrađuje iz širokog spektra materijala različitih svojstava. Europska unija donijela je Direktivu (EU) 2019/904 o smanjenju i sprječavanju utjecaja određenih plastičnih proizvoda na okoliš. Direktiva želi promicati kružno gospodarstvo kod potrošača i proizvođača kako na tržište ne bi došli plastični proizvodi za jednokratnu uporabu ukoliko su dostupne odgovarajuće i cjenovno pristupačne održivije alternative. Na tržištu je često prisutna jednokratna plastična ambalaža za prehrambene proizvode. U ovom istraživanju proučavana je jednokratna ambalaža namijenjena bobičastom voću. Osmišljeno je idejno rješenje od održivog materijala namijenjenog prehrambenoj industriji te je izrađen prototip proizvoda. Provedeno je usporedno vizualno istraživanje kvalitete skladištenja bobičastog voća te anketno istraživanje, kojim je dan uvid u poznavanje ispitanika o temama vezanim za štetnost plastične ambalaže te prepoznavanje njezinih održivijih inačica. Razna ambalažna rješenja mogu zbuniti kupce koji često nisu informirani o najodrživijim vrstama ambalaže

    Impact of Croatian EU accession on its foreign trade and customs system

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    The paper provides an overview of the effects of Croatian EU accession on its foreign trade and customs system, with special emphasis on bilateral trade with EU and CEFTA countries. With Croatia entering the EU, Croatian trade agreements with the South Eastern European countries no longer apply due to its simultaneous exit from CEFTA. These processes will certainly lead to certain changes in the Croatian foreign trade. The paper, therefore, analyses the current state and the dynamics of foreign trade with EU and CEFTA member countries in the period from 2007 to 2013. Moreover, we also offer an overview of possible changes in foreign trade and customs system, as well as the potential effects of these changes estimated within the previous theoretical and empirical research

    Atmospheric Deposition of Cadmium in Croatia Studied by using moss Biomonitoring Technique and ICP-AES

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    Croatia participated for the first time in moss survey in 2005, in the framework of the InternationalCooperative Programme on Effects of Air Pollution on Natural Vegetation and Crops with heavy metals inEurope (UNECE ICP Vegetation) when different species of moss samples (Hypnum cupressiforme, Pleuroziumschreberi, Brachythecium rutabulum and Homalothecium sericeum) were collected from 96 locations evenly distributedover the country. An additional 27 new sampling sites were added for the investigation in 2010. Moss sampleswere collected during the summer and autumn of 2010. Collected moss samples were air dried, cleaned and totallydigested by using microwave digestion system. Digests were analyszd for cadmium by atomic emission spectrometrywith inductively coupled plasma (ICP-AES). The results for cadmium were compared with the results obtained inprevious investigations in Croatia and some other neighboring countries and Norway as a pristine area. The contentof cadmium ranges from 0.10 mg kg–1 to 1.42 mg kg–1. It was found that the median value of cadmium (0.38 mg kg–1) is 1.41 times higher than the value obtained in the study performed in 2005. Compared to the other countries, Croatiashows insignificantly higher median value. Highest contents of cadmium were found in the Podravina region (1.14mg kg–1 and 1.42 mg kg–1) where cadmium inputs as a result of anthropogenic origin from Slovenia and Austria (Pband Zn mines and smelter plants). High levels of cadmium were also found in moss samples collected at some industrializedareas in northern parts of Croatia as a result of anthropogenic influence as well as in samples collected in theCoastal region where high levels are a result of geological origin


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    Autorice polaze od teze da pravno uređenje položaja radnika naspram poslodavca u slučajevima kada je radnik stvaratelj određene intelektualne tvorevine po samoj svojoj prirodi potpada pod područja najmanje dvaju grana prava. Ta dvojakost jasno se odražava u sukobu interesa stranaka ovih odnosa. Naime, osjetljiva ravnoteža interesa u odnosu radnik-poslodavac dodatno je opterećena time što je radnik istodobno i autor, odnosno izumitelj. Složenost ove problematike dodatno podcrtava i okolnost što su određeni aspekti prava intelektualnog vlasništva – moralna prava – toliko naglašeni da ih radnopravni interesi ne mogu prevladati. Vodeći računa o sve snažnijim migracijama radnika, ali i kapitala, autorice, pored materijalnopravnog pristupa temi, ne zaobilaze ni onaj kolizijskopravni. U okviru potonjega, akcesornost poveznice koja se oslanja na radnopravni statut široko je prihvaćeno načelo. No, i u okviru sukoba zakona također se osjeća navedena dvojakost problematike, i to poglavito glede pitanja mjerodavnog prava za određivanje izvornog nositelja prava intelektualnog vlasništva. Naime, osjeća se snažno djelovanje onih interesa koji zagovaraju depaçage u odnosu na ostala pitanja, neovisno o tome jesu li skloniji načelu teritorijalnosti ili univerzalnosti. Usporednopravna raščlamba, koja se ograničava na nekoliko europskih pravnih sustava, prvenstveno u ovom radu služi propitivanju kakvoće hrvatskih rješenja i u tom smislu autorice iznose određene zaključke de lege ferenda, kako u odnosu na materijalnopravna rješenja, tako i ona kolizijskopravna.The authors of this paper build on the hypothesis that rules regulating the relationship between employees and their employers where employee creates a subject matter protectable by an intellectual property right, can be characterised as belonging to no less than two branches of law. This twofold nature is clearly reflected in the divergence between the parties’ interests. The sensitive balance of interests in the employee-employer relationship is disturbed by the fact that the employee is at the same time the author or the inventor. The mentioned tension is further aggravated by the fact that certain aspects of the intellectual property rights – moral rights – are so vital that they may not be overcome by interests inherent in labour law. In the light of the intensifying mobility of employees and capital, the authors approach the topic not only from the perspective of substantive law, but also from the perspective of the conflict of laws. Within the latter field, the accessory connecting factor relying on the law applicable to employment contracts seems to be a widely accepted principle. However, here as well the tension between the two branches of law is strongly felt, in particular concerning the question of the law applicable to determining the original owner of an intellectual property right. Namely, compelling interests advocate in favour of depaçage from other issues, irrespective whether there is an inclination towards the principle of territoriality or to the principle of universality. The comparative legal analysis, limited in this paper to several European legal systems, is primarily aimed at probing the quality of provisions contained in Croatian statutes and in that sense the authors present certain conclusions de lege ferenda, both in relation to substantive law and conflict of laws


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    Računalni program vrsta je autorskih djela koja je donijela određene posebnosti u poimanju stupnja originalnosti kao pretpostavke za stjecanje autorskopravne zaštite. Temeljem usklađivanja autorskopravnih zakonodavstva država članica Europske unije kontinentalnoeuropski koncept originalnosti značajno se približio anglosaksonskom konceptu originalnosti koji ne zahtjeva nužno kreativnost u stvaranju intelektualne tvorevine. Propisi europskog prava, ali i hrvatskog prava koje je s njim usklađeno, sadrže tek neka od pravila o imovinskopravnim raspolaganjima računalnim programima, dok se u preostalom dijelu primjenjuju odredbe zakona kojima se uređuju obvezni odnosi, razlikujući pravila koja se odnose na građanske, trgovačke i potrošačke ugovore. Konglomerat različitih pravila koja se odnose na imovinskopravna raspolaganja računalnim programom kao autorskim djelom često nije lako razdvojiti, no to je razdvajanje od odlučujuće važnosti, kako za pravilnu primjenu materijalnog prava, tako i za primjenu kolizijskih pravila kada je riječ o ugovorima s međunarodnim obilježjem. Kolizijskopravni pristup pitanjima raspolaganja autorskim pravom tijekom povijesti doživio je različite stadije, a danas se primarno upućuje na primjenu prava koje su ugovorne strane izdabrale, što je slučaj, ne samo u hrvatskom međunarodnom privatnom pravu, nego i u usporednim pravima uključujući i pravo EU. U nedostatku stranačkog izbora poveznica se uobičajeno, kao i kod drugih ugovornih odnosa, nadahnjuje doktrinom karakteristične činidbe, pri čemu postoje prijepori oko toga koja je činidba karakteristična. Kod određivanja mjerodavnog prava valja uočiti i problem razgraničenja dvovrsnih aspekata ugovora o raspolaganju autorskim pravom: čisti ugovorni aspekti te oni aspekti koji se odnose na samo pravo jer su ovi potonji izuzeti iz primjene ugovornog statuta uslijed djelovanja načela teritorijalnosti prava intelektualnog vlasništva. Također, posebna pozornost kod određivanja mjerodavnog prava za ugovore o raspolaganju autorskim pravom treba biti usmjerena na pravila koja se odnose na zaštitu potrošača.Computer program is a sort of copyrighted works which brought certain specific features in conceptualising the level of originality needed for meriting copyright protection. Based on the harmonisation of copyright laws in the EU Member States, the concept of originality in civil law has significantly approached to the concept of originality in common law which does not require creativity in creating intellectual product. EU law instruments and Croatian laws harmonised with it, contain only some rules on transactions concerning the computer programs, whereas the general obligation laws are pertinent in the remaining part, distinguishing between rules on civil, commercial and consumer contracts. Conglomerate of different rules regulating transactions involving copyrighted computer programs are not separated without difficulty, but such separation is of crucial importance for correct application of substantive laws as well as conflict rules in case of cross-border contracts. Conflict of laws approach to the issue of copyright transactions has undergone transformations in the past, while today the primary connection is made by the parties’ choice of applicable law, both in Croatian private international law, and in comparative law including the EU law. In the absence of the parties’ choice, the connecting factor is, as is the case with contracts in general, inspired by the doctrine of the characteristic performance, where the question as to the which performance is characteristic remains highly debated. In determining the applicable law, one has to be mindful of the delineation between two sorts of issues related to a copyright contract: purely contractual issues and those which concern the right as such, the latter being excluded from the application of the lex contractus due to territoriality principle. Likewise, special attention has to be paid to the consumer-protective rules in determining the applicable law for consumer copyright contracts.Il programma informatico rappresenta un genere di opera dell’ingegno, la quale ha introdotto determinate peculiarità circa il modo di concepire il grado di originalità alla stregua di presupposto volto all’ottenimento della protezione del diritto d’autore. Quale conseguenza dell’avvicinamento delle legislazioni degli Stati membri dell’Unione europea in materia di diritto d’autore, il concetto di originalità noto nell’Europa continentale s’è avvicinato in maniera significativa al concetto anglosassone di originalità, il quale ultimo non richiede necessariamente la presenza della creatività nel compimento dell’opera intellettuale. Le disposizioni del diritto europeo, come pure del diritto croato che è conforme al primo, contengono soltanto alcune regole riguardanti la disposizione patrimoniale dei programmi informatici; mentre, nella restante parte si applicano le disposizioni della legge che regola i rapporti obbligatori, differenziando le regole che si riferiscono rispettivamente ai contratti civili, commerciali e dei consumatori. Spesso è difficile discernere il conglomerato di differenti regole che si riferiscono alle disposizioni patrimoniali del programma informatico, quale diritto d’autore; ciò nondimeno, tale distinzione è di importanza decisiva ai fini di una corretta applicazione sia del diritto sostanziale, che delle norme sul conflitto di leggi, allorquando si tratti di contratti internazionali. L’approccio internazionalprivatistico relativo alla disposizione del diritto d’autore ha scorto l’avvicendarsi nel corso della storia di diversi stadi; oggi è rivolto principalmente all’applicazione del diritto prescelto dalle parti, e ciò non rappresenta soltanto la tendenza del diritto internazionale privato croato, ma così è anche nel diritto comparato e nel diritto comunitario. In mancanza di una scelta precisa della parte, solitamente il collegamento viene ricercato, similmente a quanto accade negli altri rapporti contrattuali, nella dottrina che sostiene la prestazione caratteristica, pur non essendo affatto pacifico che cosa s’intenda con il concetto medesimo di prestazione caratteristica. Nell’individuare il diritto applicabile è opportuno scorgere anche il problema della distinzione dei due diversi aspetti del contratto di disposizione del diritto d’autore: gli aspetti puramente contrattuali e gli aspetti che si riferiscono al diritto come tale, giacché sono esclusi dall’applicazione della lex contractus in ragione del principio di territorialità del diritto di proprietà intellettuale. Nell’individuazione del diritto applicabile ai contratti di disposizione del diritto d’autore, va dedicata, altresì, particolare attenzione alle regole che si riferiscono alla tutela del consumatore

    Pregled istraživanja i novi nalazi rasprostranjenosti alohtonog maločetinaša Branchiura sowerbyi u Hrvatskoj

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    The freshwater oligochaete Branchiura sowerbyi is indigenous to southeast Asia, but can be found inhabiting most of Europe. This tubificid was even described for the first time outside of its natural area of occurrence: in the garden of the Royal Botanic Society in London. It has spread over all continents except Antarctica, and in Europe it has been found in 23 countries. The presence of this non-native species may affect other species\u27 relationships in the benthic community and thus have substantial effects on food webs of aquatic ecosystems. Our goal was to present the first comprehensive overview of the distribution of this potentially invasive species in Croatia as a basis for the future monitoring of the species distribution. In Croatia, B. sowerbyi was found for the first time in 1954 in Varaždin’s thermal stream and the following year in the lake of the Botanical garden, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb. To date, B. sowerbyi individuals were found on 64 different sites in Croatia, mostly occupying the Pannonian Lowland Ecoregion (ER 11) with only two findings in the Dinaric Western Balkan Ecoregion (ER 5).Prirodni areal rasprostiranja vrste Branchiura sowerbyi je jugoistočna Azija, no ovaj se maločetinaš može pronaći u slatkovodnim ekosustavima diljem Europe. Čak je i prvi opis ove vrste tubificida bio izvan njegovog prirodnog areala rasprostiranja, točnije u botaničkom vrtu „Royal Botanic Society“ u Londonu. Ova vrsta danas je prisutna na svim kontinentima osim Antartike, a u Europi je zabilježena u 23 zemlje. Prisustvo ove alohtone vrste može imati još neutvrđene implikacije na zajednice slatkovodnih makroskopskih beskralježnjaka, kao i na funkcioniranje hranidbenih mreža unutar ovih zajednica. Cilj ovog rada bio je izraditi sveobuhvatan pregled distribucije ove vrste na području Hrvatske kao bazu za buduće nadziranje širenja te vrste. U Hrvatskoj je vrsta B. sowerbyi nađena prvi put 1954. godine u termalnom potoku u Varaždinu, a već sljedeće godine pronađena je u Botaničkom vrtu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Dosad je vrsta zabilježena na 64 različite lokacije na području Hrvatske, većinom u Panonskoj ekoregiji (ER 11), dok je u Dinaridskoj ekoregiji (ER 5) dosad zabilježena na samo dvije lokacije

    Diet at the Roman Village of Virovitica Kiškorija South, Croatia

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    Virovitica Kiškorija South site was a Roman village. In this paper archaeological, archaeobotanical and archaeozoological finds are presented and interpreted, comparing them with similar sites and the information available from ancient sources. The site was divided in complexes that made a whole. The finds within respective complexes are presented and compared with similar archaeological sites as well as the data from ancient written sources. The goal of the paper was to find out what kind of diet was present in the Roman village in Pannonia and to analyse the differences and similarities between this village and analogue sites

    Uticaj veličine vegetacionog prostora na prinos semena trava

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    This paper surveys sowing norms (row spacing and seed rate) in both our country and the world, as well as the optimal seed rates in grass seed production. It gives a short overview of row spacings and seed rates applied in our and some other countries. Earlier, grass cultivated for the purpose of seed production was grown on small vegetation area. According to some researches, high seed yields can be achieved by cultivating grass on large vegetation area. Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that the highest cocksfoot, timothy, meadow fescue, tall fescue seed yield was achieved with plants grown in 50 cm spaced rows employing lower seed rates (8 and 4 kg/ha of seeds). The highest Italian ryegrass and perennial ryegrass seed yield was achieved with plants grown in 20 cm spaced rows employing 20 kg/ha of seeds.U radu je dat pregled setvenih normativa, načina setve i količine semena, u našoj zemlji i u svetu, najoptimalnije količine semena pri setvi u proizvodnji semena trava. Takođe je dat kratak osvrt na način i gustinu setve koji se primenjuje u našoj zemlji i nekim zemljama sveta. U ranijem periodu su se biljke za proizvodnju semena gajile na manjem vegetacionom prostoru. Međutim, istraživanja ukazuju da se visoki prinosi semena trava mogu postići pri gajenju biljaka na većem vegetacionom prostoru. Na osnovu provedenih istraživanja o uticaju načina i gustine setve na prinos semena trava moguće je zaključiti da se visok prinos semena ježevice, mačijeg repa livadskog vijuka, visokog vijuka postiže setvom semenskog useva na 50 cm i primenom nižih doza semena (od 8 do 4 kg/ha). Visok prinos semena italijanskog i engleskog ljulja se postiže setvom na međuredno rastojanje od 20 cm između redova i primenom 20 kg/ha semena

    The Right to Reuse Public Sector Information Versus Copyright and Related Rights – Conflict of Public Law and Private Law Principles

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    U radu se razmatra odnos prava na ponovnu uporabu informacija javnog sektora, uređenog u Zakonu o pravu na pristup informacijama na temelju Direktive 2013/37/EU o ponovnoj uporabi informacija javnog sektora (PSI direktiva), prema autorskom i srodnim pravima. Najprije se pravo na ponovnu uporabu informacija javnog sektora razgraničuje od prava na pristup informacijama. Utvrđuje se da autorsko i srodna prava predstavljaju ograničenje primjeni prava na ponovnu uporabu informacija javnog sektora. Utvrđuju se vrste autorskih djela i predmeta srodnih prava koji se uglavnom stvaraju u službi. Posebno se analiziraju pravni režimi pripadanja autorskih i srodnih prava na djelima i predmetima srodnih prava koji su nastali u izvršavanju državne i javne službe te se upozorava kakav je njihov utjecaj na mogućnost ponovne uporabe informacija javnog sektora. Daju se prijedlozi de lege ferenda u svezi s autorskopravnim uređenjem, koji bi omogućili bolju primjenu prava na ponovnu uporabu informacija javnog sektora.The right to reuse information is regulated at the European level by the PSI Directive, which is in principle implemented in the Member States\u27 legislation by legislation that usually regulates the right of access to information. In Croatia, it is implemented in the Act on the Right of Access to Information. The PSI Directive, and consequently the relevant national legislation, encourage the reuse of public sector information, based on the understanding that public sector information is a valuable economic resource that could be successfully used in creating added value in the society. However, the right to reuse is limited by copyright and related rights belonging to public sector bodies or to third parties. While it is not disputed that third parties fully reserve their copyright and related rights, it may be questionable how public sector bodies can and may enforce their copyright and related rights when the issue of reuse of information is raised. In the exercise of a civil or public service, certain types of copyright works are created, such as: maps, drawings, sketches, plans, photographs, tables, collections, surveys, written and spoken works, etc., including databases. In the Member States of the European Union there are different solutions regarding the belonging of these objects created in the state or public service. According to Croatian law, copyright on works created in the execution of a state or public service belongs to the author unless it is otherwise regulated by a labour contract, another contract or another act regulating employment. Since the relationship with the civil servants is still not regulated in this respect, it appears that the majority of copyright and related rights are in the hands of the civil servant and that the information on which civil servants have rights is practically unavailable for reuse. This will certainly not contribute to efficient application of the right to reuse public sector information in Croatia, so this problem needs to be approached systematically. Thereafter, it is also necessary to systematically approach the development of policies for dealing with public sector information suitable for reuse. It is not necessary to restrict the copyright and related rights belonging to public sector bodies through regulations, but it is necessary to harmonize how they act in relation to the information of which they are holders of copyright and related rights. The state is, through the public sector bodies, in the position of a private law holder of copyright and related rights, and it must assess when its interest of a private legal nature overrides its public law duties and obligations. In principle, this will happen when the realization of the interest of a private legal nature guarantees the sustainability of the work and activities of a particular public authority that would be undermined by providing information for free use. However, there are obvious trends for public sector bodies to voluntarily provide, under the best possible conditions, information regarding which they have copyright and related rights for reuse, since this benefits the society as a whole