33 research outputs found

    Incremental validity of Personality assessment inventory (PAI) in explaining certain psychopathological entities

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    Pitanje svodivosti psihopatoloških fenomena na bazičnu strukturu ličnosti je važno konceptualno-empirijsko pitanje u oblasti izučavanja ličnosti i psihopatologije. Dimenzionalni modeli ličnosti pretenduju da budu sveobuhvatni, odnosno da poseduju kapacitet da obuhvate sve ključne psihopatološke klastere. U ovom istraživanju proveravan je potencijal šestodimenzionalnog modela ličnosti da obuhvati sve ključne psihopatološke fenomene merene patocentričnim Inventarom za procenu ličnosti PAI. Inventar za procenu ličnosti (PAI) je savremen inventar ličnosti koji do sada nije primenjivan na našoj populaciji. Uvodjenje novog instrumenta u kliničku praksu postavlja pred istraživače zadatak provere njegovih psihometrijskih karakteristika, ali dodatne validnosti u odnosu na već postojeće instrumente. Problem: Glavni problem ovog istraživanja je dvojak: prvo, provera psihometrijskih karakteristika Inventara za procenu ličnosti (PAI) na našoj populaciji i drugo, provera njegove dodatne diferencijalno-dijagnostičke valjanosti u odnosu na bazičnu strukturu ličnosti operacionalizovanu šestofaktorskim modelom ličnosti. Inkrementalni doprinos PAI inventara ocenjivan je kroz proveru diskriminativnog potencijala PAI inventara u odnosu na instrumente za procenu bazične strukture ličnosti u predikciji različitih psihopatoloških entiteta. Bazična struktura ličnosti je u ovom istraživanju konceptualizovana kao šestodimenzionalni model odnosno kroz petofaktorski model (bazične dimenzije ličnosti: Neuroticizam, Ekstraverzija, Otvorenost, Savesnost i Saradljvost) proširen konceptom Dezintegracije konativnih funkcija. Metod: Na uzorku koji je uključio 160 ispitanika oba pola podeljenih u četiri grupe (zdravi, anksiozni, shizofreni psihotični i psihotični ispitanici (klasifikovani prema MKB-10 medjunarodnoj klasifikaciji bolesti) primenjeni su Inventar za procenu ličnosti (PAI), NEO-PI-R upitnik za procenu 5 bazičnih dimenzija ličnosti i DELTA 10 upitnik za procenu dezintegracije kao šeste bazične dimenzije ličnosti. Inkrementalni doprinos Inventara za procenu ličnosti (PAI) u klasifikovanju ispitanika po dijagnostičkim grupama, kao i povezanost psihopatoloških konstrukata koje on meri sa merama bazičnih crta ličnosti, proveren je kroz serije diskriminativnih i hijerarhijskih regresionih analiza. Rezultati: PAI upitnik za procenu ličnosti pokazuje u celini zadovoljavajuće psihometrijske karakteristike na našem uzorku. Potvrdili smo očekivanje o supstancijalnom unapredjenju diskriminativne validnosti PAI instrumenta u odnosu na instrumente za procenu bazičnih dimenzija ličnosti (NEO-PI-R I DELTA 10)...The question of reconceptualization of psychopathology into the basic personality structure is an important conceptual-empirical issue in the area of personality and psychopathology. Dimensional models of personality pretend to be comprehensive, that is, to have a capacity to embrace all key psychopathological clusters. In this research we investigate the capacity of six-dimensional model of personality to incorporate all crucial psychopathological phenomena measured by Personal Assessment Inventory - PAI. Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI) is a contemporary personality inventory, and has not been applied so far to a Serbian sample. Introduction of a new inventory in clinical practice, demands that researchers test its psychometric performance, as well as an incremental validity compared to already existing instruments. The puzzle: The main problem in the research is two-sided: first, to validate the psychometric properties of the Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI) within a Serbian population sample and second, to validate PAI incremental validity in relation to basic personality structure operationalized through the six-dimensional model of personality. The incremental contribution of PAI has been tested through discriminative potential of PAI compared to the instruments for basic personality dimension measures in prediction of different psychopathological entities. In this research basic personality structure is conceptualized as a six-dimensional model, i.e. a five-factor model (basic personality structure: Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness, Agreeableness and Conscientiousness) extended by a basic concept of conative function Disintegration. Method: On the sample of 160 examinees of both genders and divided in four groups (without pathology group, anxiety disorder group, schizophrenic psychotic group, non-schizophrenic psychotic pathology group – classified according to the MKB-10 international classification of disorders) we applied Personality Assessment Inventory, NEO-PI-R questionnaire for the assessment of five basic personality traits and DELTA 10 questionnaire for the assessment of sixth basic personality dimension – the disintegration. Incremental contribution of Personality Assessment Inventory in classification of different psychopathological groups was examined through series of discriminative and hierarchical analysis of regression. Results: PAI questionnaire for the personality assessment shows satisfactory psychometric characteristics on our sample. We have confirmed the expectations of substantial incremental validity of PAI instruments, compared to instruments for basic personality assessment (NEO-PI-R I DELTA 10)..

    Hranidbeno ponašanje pasa lutalica u javnom prihvatilištu

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    Feeding time of stray dogs on the first, second, third, fifth and seventh day of captivity in a municipal shelter was studied. The average value of the feeding time of dogs decreased from the first day (429.07±107.08 seconds) to the third day in captivity when it reached the lowest average value (229.53±95.18 seconds). The feeding time of dogs on the third day in captivity differs significantly from the same parameter on the first (429.07±107.08 seconds) and second day (372.73±100.58 seconds) in captivity (p lt 0.01). The highest average value of feeding time of stray dogs in the shelter was recorded on the first day. On the fifth and seventh day the feeding time of dogs increased compared to the third day. However, there were no significant differences of the average value of feeding time on the third day comparing with the fifth day (260.8±111.06 seconds) or the seventh day (301.33±119.89 seconds). Dogs ate their food more slowly on the fifth and the seventh day than on the third day, but more quickly than on the first and the second day (372.73±100.58 seconds). Significant differences were estimated comparing the feeding time of dogs on the first day with the third (p lt 0.01), fifth (p lt 0.01), and seventh day (p lt 0.05) of housing in the municipal shelter. Also, the feeding time of dogs on the second day differed significantly from the third (p lt 0.01) and the fifth day (p lt 0.05).U radu su prikazani rezultati proučavanja brzine unošenja hrane kod pasa lutalica u javnom prihvatilištu u Beogradu prvog, drugog, trećeg, petog i sedmog dana boravka. Prosečna brzina unošenja hrane je opadala počev od prvog dana (429,07±107,08 sekundi) do trećeg dana boravka pasa u zatočeništvu kada je ovaj pokazatelj dostigao najnižu vrednost (229,53±95,18 sec). Brzina unošenja hrane trećeg dana se statistički značajno razlikovala u poređenju sa prvim danom (429,07±107,08 sec) i drugim danom (372,73±100,58 sec) boravka pasa u prihvatilištu (p lt 0,01). Najveća prosečna vrednost brzine unošenja hrane zabeležena je prvog dana boravka u prihvatilištu. Petog i sedmog dana boravka u prihvatilištu brzina unošenja hrane se povećala u poređenju sa trećim danom. Međutim, nisu uočene statistički značajne razlike u poređenju brzine unošenja hrane između trećeg i petog (260,8±111,06 sec) i trećeg I sedmog dana (301,33±119,89 sec). Psi su mnogo sporije unosili hranu petog i sedmog dana nego trećeg dana, ali brže nego prvog i drugog dana boravka u prihvatilištu (372,73±100,58 seconds). Značajne razlike su utvrđene u brzini unošenja hrane između prvog i trećeg (p lt 0,01), petog (p lt 0,01), sedmog dana (p lt 0,05) boravka pasa u prihvatilištu. Takođe, brzina unošenja hrane se značajno razlikovala i drugog dana u poređenju sa trećim (p lt 0,01) i petim danom (p lt 0,05)


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    The aim of this study was to estimate the quality of life in females with primary osteoporosis and vertebral fractures as a consequence of the disease, and to compare it to people without vertebral fractures. Subjects and Methods: Our crosssectional study included 200 female patients with primary osteoporosis (100 with vertebral fractures and 100 without fractures), mean age 63.85±8.52 years, who received treatment at the Clinic for Medical Rehabilitation, Clinical Center of Vojvodina in Novi Sad. Data were based on history, questionnaire, and measurements of bone mineral density by DXA method using the Lunar Prodigy Primo device. Quality of life assessment was done by use of the Quality of Life Questionnaire of the European Foundation for Osteoporosis (QUALEFFO-41). Vertebral deformities were established by lateral radiography of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar regions by an experienced radiologist. Statistically signifi cant differences were established between the two groups, in particular for pain (t=-2.72, p=0.01), daily activities (t=-3.67, p=0.01), performing housework (t=- 4.84, p=0.01), mobility (t=-3.40, p=0.01), leisure activities (t=-2.66, p=0.01) and perception of health status (t=2.48, p=0.05). Results: The results indicated that the quality of life in patients with vertebral fractures did not differ according to the level of fracture compared to the control group. Patients with vertebral fractures had a number of limitations due to pain and poorer physical functioning compared to those without fractures, while the quality of life dependence on the level of fracture was not recorded.Cilj istraživanja bio je procijeniti kvalitetu života žena s primarnom osteoporozom i prisutnim vertebralnim prijelomima kao posljedicom bolesti u odnosu na osobe bez vertebralnih prijeloma. U ispitivanju je sudjelovalo 200 bolesnica s primarnom osteoporozom (100 s vertebralnim prijelomima, 100 bez vertebralnih prijeloma) srednje dobi 63,85±8,52 godina, koje su provele terapiju u Klinici za medicinsku rehabilitaciju Kliničkog centra Vojvodine u Novom Sadu. Podatci su zasnovani na anamnezi, upitnicima, kao i mjerenjima mineralne koštane gustoće metodom DXA pomoću uređaja Lunar Prodigy Primo. Vertebralne frakture su potvrđene rendgenskim slikama cervikalne, torakalne i lumbalne kralježnice očitanim od iskusnog radiologa. Kvaliteta života procijenjena je primjenom upitnika QUALEFFO-41. Dobiveni rezultati ukazali su na statistički značajne razlike između ispitivanih skupina u intenzitetu boli (t=-2,72; p=0,01), svakodnevnim aktivnostima (t=-3,67; p=0,01), obavljanju kućanskih poslova (t=-4,84; p=0,01), pokretljivosti (t=-3,40; p=0,01), društvenim aktivnostima (t=-2,66; p=0,01), percepciji zdravstvenog stanja (t=2,48; p=0,05). Rezultati ukazuju na to da se kvaliteta života u bolesnica s vertebralnim prijelomima ne razlikuje prema razini prijeloma u odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu. Bolesnici s vertebralnim prijelomima imaju brojna ograničenja zbog boli i lošijeg fi zičkog funkcioniranja u odnosu na osobe bez osteoporotičnih prijeloma, dok zavisnost kvalitete života o razini prijeloma nije utvrđena

    Carcass characteristics and meat quality of broilers fed on earthworm (Lumbricus rubellus) meal

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    ΔΕΝ ΔΙΑΤΙΘΕΤΑΙ ΠΕΡΙΛΗΨΗThe aim of the research was to evaluate the carcass characteristics and meat quality from chickens fed on diets in which fish meal was substituted with raw earthworms (Lumbricus rubellus) or earthworm meal. In the trial which lasted 42-days, 100 one-day-old Hybro broilers were divided into the control and three experimental groups. The control group was fed on standard broiler feed, the first (E-I) and the second experimental groups (E-II) were fed a diet in which 50% or 100% of fish meal was substituted with earthworm meal, respectively, whilst the third group (E-III) consumed feed without fish meal, but was given raw chopped earthworms ad libitum from day 1 to day 42. The replacement of fish meal with fresh earthworms resulted in significantly lower carcass weights in the E-III group in comparison with the control group (p<0.05). The differences in drumstick, thigh and breast meat share relative to the carcass mass were not significant (p>0.05). The lowest fat content in thigh and breast meat was in the group in which fish meal was replaced with earthworm meal. The lightness (L*) of thigh and breast meat was highest in the broilers fed fresh earthworms ad libitum. No significant differences in pH value were detected between the experimental groups (p>0.05). The most consumer acceptable were drumstick samples from E-II group and the least acceptable samples from the control group. Earthworm meal may be considered an adequate substitute for fish meal in broiler chickens’ diet since it does not impair the production performance, carcass yield and meat quality


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    The aim of this study was to estimate the quality of life in females with primary osteoporosis and vertebral fractures as a consequence of the disease, and to compare it to people without vertebral fractures. Subjects and Methods: Our crosssectional study included 200 female patients with primary osteoporosis (100 with vertebral fractures and 100 without fractures), mean age 63.85±8.52 years, who received treatment at the Clinic for Medical Rehabilitation, Clinical Center of Vojvodina in Novi Sad. Data were based on history, questionnaire, and measurements of bone mineral density by DXA method using the Lunar Prodigy Primo device. Quality of life assessment was done by use of the Quality of Life Questionnaire of the European Foundation for Osteoporosis (QUALEFFO-41). Vertebral deformities were established by lateral radiography of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar regions by an experienced radiologist. Statistically signifi cant differences were established between the two groups, in particular for pain (t=-2.72, p=0.01), daily activities (t=-3.67, p=0.01), performing housework (t=- 4.84, p=0.01), mobility (t=-3.40, p=0.01), leisure activities (t=-2.66, p=0.01) and perception of health status (t=2.48, p=0.05). Results: The results indicated that the quality of life in patients with vertebral fractures did not differ according to the level of fracture compared to the control group. Patients with vertebral fractures had a number of limitations due to pain and poorer physical functioning compared to those without fractures, while the quality of life dependence on the level of fracture was not recorded.Cilj istraživanja bio je procijeniti kvalitetu života žena s primarnom osteoporozom i prisutnim vertebralnim prijelomima kao posljedicom bolesti u odnosu na osobe bez vertebralnih prijeloma. U ispitivanju je sudjelovalo 200 bolesnica s primarnom osteoporozom (100 s vertebralnim prijelomima, 100 bez vertebralnih prijeloma) srednje dobi 63,85±8,52 godina, koje su provele terapiju u Klinici za medicinsku rehabilitaciju Kliničkog centra Vojvodine u Novom Sadu. Podatci su zasnovani na anamnezi, upitnicima, kao i mjerenjima mineralne koštane gustoće metodom DXA pomoću uređaja Lunar Prodigy Primo. Vertebralne frakture su potvrđene rendgenskim slikama cervikalne, torakalne i lumbalne kralježnice očitanim od iskusnog radiologa. Kvaliteta života procijenjena je primjenom upitnika QUALEFFO-41. Dobiveni rezultati ukazali su na statistički značajne razlike između ispitivanih skupina u intenzitetu boli (t=-2,72; p=0,01), svakodnevnim aktivnostima (t=-3,67; p=0,01), obavljanju kućanskih poslova (t=-4,84; p=0,01), pokretljivosti (t=-3,40; p=0,01), društvenim aktivnostima (t=-2,66; p=0,01), percepciji zdravstvenog stanja (t=2,48; p=0,05). Rezultati ukazuju na to da se kvaliteta života u bolesnica s vertebralnim prijelomima ne razlikuje prema razini prijeloma u odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu. Bolesnici s vertebralnim prijelomima imaju brojna ograničenja zbog boli i lošijeg fi zičkog funkcioniranja u odnosu na osobe bez osteoporotičnih prijeloma, dok zavisnost kvalitete života o razini prijeloma nije utvrđena

    Incremental validity of Personality assessment inventory (PAI) in explaining certain psychopathological entities

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    Pitanje svodivosti psihopatoloških fenomena na bazičnu strukturu ličnosti je važno konceptualno-empirijsko pitanje u oblasti izučavanja ličnosti i psihopatologije. Dimenzionalni modeli ličnosti pretenduju da budu sveobuhvatni, odnosno da poseduju kapacitet da obuhvate sve ključne psihopatološke klastere. U ovom istraživanju proveravan je potencijal šestodimenzionalnog modela ličnosti da obuhvati sve ključne psihopatološke fenomene merene patocentričnim Inventarom za procenu ličnosti PAI. Inventar za procenu ličnosti (PAI) je savremen inventar ličnosti koji do sada nije primenjivan na našoj populaciji. Uvodjenje novog instrumenta u kliničku praksu postavlja pred istraživače zadatak provere njegovih psihometrijskih karakteristika, ali dodatne validnosti u odnosu na već postojeće instrumente. Problem: Glavni problem ovog istraživanja je dvojak: prvo, provera psihometrijskih karakteristika Inventara za procenu ličnosti (PAI) na našoj populaciji i drugo, provera njegove dodatne diferencijalno-dijagnostičke valjanosti u odnosu na bazičnu strukturu ličnosti operacionalizovanu šestofaktorskim modelom ličnosti. Inkrementalni doprinos PAI inventara ocenjivan je kroz proveru diskriminativnog potencijala PAI inventara u odnosu na instrumente za procenu bazične strukture ličnosti u predikciji različitih psihopatoloških entiteta. Bazična struktura ličnosti je u ovom istraživanju konceptualizovana kao šestodimenzionalni model odnosno kroz petofaktorski model (bazične dimenzije ličnosti: Neuroticizam, Ekstraverzija, Otvorenost, Savesnost i Saradljvost) proširen konceptom Dezintegracije konativnih funkcija. Metod: Na uzorku koji je uključio 160 ispitanika oba pola podeljenih u četiri grupe (zdravi, anksiozni, shizofreni psihotični i psihotični ispitanici (klasifikovani prema MKB-10 medjunarodnoj klasifikaciji bolesti) primenjeni su Inventar za procenu ličnosti (PAI), NEO-PI-R upitnik za procenu 5 bazičnih dimenzija ličnosti i DELTA 10 upitnik za procenu dezintegracije kao šeste bazične dimenzije ličnosti. Inkrementalni doprinos Inventara za procenu ličnosti (PAI) u klasifikovanju ispitanika po dijagnostičkim grupama, kao i povezanost psihopatoloških konstrukata koje on meri sa merama bazičnih crta ličnosti, proveren je kroz serije diskriminativnih i hijerarhijskih regresionih analiza. Rezultati: PAI upitnik za procenu ličnosti pokazuje u celini zadovoljavajuće psihometrijske karakteristike na našem uzorku. Potvrdili smo očekivanje o supstancijalnom unapredjenju diskriminativne validnosti PAI instrumenta u odnosu na instrumente za procenu bazičnih dimenzija ličnosti (NEO-PI-R I DELTA 10)...The question of reconceptualization of psychopathology into the basic personality structure is an important conceptual-empirical issue in the area of personality and psychopathology. Dimensional models of personality pretend to be comprehensive, that is, to have a capacity to embrace all key psychopathological clusters. In this research we investigate the capacity of six-dimensional model of personality to incorporate all crucial psychopathological phenomena measured by Personal Assessment Inventory - PAI. Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI) is a contemporary personality inventory, and has not been applied so far to a Serbian sample. Introduction of a new inventory in clinical practice, demands that researchers test its psychometric performance, as well as an incremental validity compared to already existing instruments. The puzzle: The main problem in the research is two-sided: first, to validate the psychometric properties of the Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI) within a Serbian population sample and second, to validate PAI incremental validity in relation to basic personality structure operationalized through the six-dimensional model of personality. The incremental contribution of PAI has been tested through discriminative potential of PAI compared to the instruments for basic personality dimension measures in prediction of different psychopathological entities. In this research basic personality structure is conceptualized as a six-dimensional model, i.e. a five-factor model (basic personality structure: Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness, Agreeableness and Conscientiousness) extended by a basic concept of conative function Disintegration. Method: On the sample of 160 examinees of both genders and divided in four groups (without pathology group, anxiety disorder group, schizophrenic psychotic group, non-schizophrenic psychotic pathology group – classified according to the MKB-10 international classification of disorders) we applied Personality Assessment Inventory, NEO-PI-R questionnaire for the assessment of five basic personality traits and DELTA 10 questionnaire for the assessment of sixth basic personality dimension – the disintegration. Incremental contribution of Personality Assessment Inventory in classification of different psychopathological groups was examined through series of discriminative and hierarchical analysis of regression. Results: PAI questionnaire for the personality assessment shows satisfactory psychometric characteristics on our sample. We have confirmed the expectations of substantial incremental validity of PAI instruments, compared to instruments for basic personality assessment (NEO-PI-R I DELTA 10)..

    Role of fructose in the adaptation of plants to cold-induced oxidative stress

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    This work presents findings, which indicate important role of fructose, fructose 6-phosphate (F6P), and fructose 1,6-bisphosphate (FBP) in preservation of homeostasis in plants under low temperature. Cold combined with light is known to incite increased generation of superoxide in chloroplasts leading to photoinhibition, but also an increased level of soluble sugars. In the present study, oxidative stress in pea leaves provoked by cold/light regime was asserted by the observed decrease of the level of oxidized form of PSI pigment P700 (P700(+)). Alongside, the increased antioxidative status and the accumulation of fructose were observed. The antioxidative properties of fructose and its phosphorylated forms were evaluated to appraise their potential protective role in plants exposed to chilling stress. Fructose, and particularly F6P and FBP exhibited high capacities for scavenging superoxide and showed to be involved in antioxidative protection in pea leaves. These results combined with previously established links implicate that the increase in level of fructose sugars through various pathways intercalated into physiological mechanisms of homeostasis represents important non-enzymatic antioxidative defense in plants under cold-related stress

    The LRP1 gene polymorphism is associated with increased risk of metabolic syndrome prevalence in the Serbian population

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    The determination of genetic background in metabolic syndrome (MetS) represents one of the necessary steps to prevent the disorder, thus reducing the cost of medical treatments and helping to design targeted therapy. The study explores the association between individual alleles of the LRP1 gene and the diagnosis of MetS to find correlation between the low-density lipoprotein receptor-related (LRP1) gene polymorphism and each individual anthropometric and biochemical parameter. The study included 93 males and females, aged from 19 to 65, divided into two groups. The genotype of each person was determined from the restriction fragment length polymorphism-polymerase chain reaction (RFLP-PCR) profile. Results indicated the association of the T allele form of exon 3 LRP1 gene with development and progression of MetS that further pointed out its negative impact on tested anthropometric and biochemical parameters. The presence of the T allele in patients multiplies the chance of occurrence of deviations from the reference values of body mass index (BMI), (4.24-fold) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) (20.26-fold) compared to C allele carriers. The results showed that T allele presence multiplies the chance (4.76 fold) for the occurrence of MetS in comparison to C allele carriers. Correlation found that the T allele of the LRP1 gene with MetS determinants is not negligible, therefore, the T allele may be considered as a risk factor for MetS development