65 research outputs found

    Children are victims of dog bites due to irresponsible dog ownership, parenthood, and managers of school institutions in Serbia

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    The prevalence and the incidence of dog bite studies are mainly based on hospital records. However, in this study, the information about dog bites to children was obtained by searching Serbian online newspapers, between January 2008 and May 2018. Sixty-nine articles from Serbian online newspaper report dog bites to 79 children between January 2008 and June 2018. Children over 6 years old (school class) constituted 65% of the sample and 51% were boys. Most commonly, children were bitten by dogs of known owners (59%). Stray dogs were involved in fewer bites to children (41%; P < 0.05). Children sustained the greatest number of dog bites during the spring months (37%) and the lowest in the summer (14%). Mongrels were involved in 37% of all bites followed by terriers in bull type (21%). Head, face, and neck (32%) were the most common individual site of injury from dog bites. Most children (68%) sustained bites without previous interaction with dogs. Data collected from newspapers on dog bites to children cannot provide a real insight into the scale and severity of the problem. However, these data can be the trigger for further studying of this problem by health workers, veterinarians and scientists, and a warning to local authorities to tackle the problem of irresponsible dog ownership.This is the peer-reviewed version of the article: Vučinić, M.; Vučićević, M. Children Are Victims of Dog Bites Due to Irresponsible Dog Ownership, Parenthood, and Managers of School Institutions in Serbia. Journal of Veterinary Behavior-Clinical Applications and Research 2019, 30, 61–68. [https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jveb.2018.12.005

    Analysis of the CHD gene in birds as a molecular marker for sex determination

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    Одређивање пола код птица је изузетно тешко, првенствено због чињенице да је преко 50% врста мономорфно. Пре дефинисања молекуларно генетичких метода, за детерминацију пола код птица користиле су се многе традиционалне методе чија је главна карактеристика, а уједно и највећа мана – непоузданост. Резултати који се добијају применом различитих метода морају бити пре свега поуздани, а анализе економичне, брзе и безбедне. Висококонзервисани CHD ген је откривен 1995. године на W хромозому птица, док је на Z хромозому откривен 1997. године. Постојање разлике у дужини интрона између Z и W хромозома омогућава разликовање полова након PCR рeaкциje. У раду су као узорци коришћени перје, крв, брис усне дупље, фецес и пaрaфински ткивни исeчци различитих ткива. Поређена је успешност реакција у зависности од тога који је узорак коришћен, као и успешност реакција када се користила обична полимераза и полимераза специјално дизајнирана да буде отпорна на инхибиторе PCR реакције. Кoришћeњeм PCR тeхникe и сета прајмера 2550F/2718R испитана је могућност примене CHD гена као молекуларног маркера за одређивање пола код 550 јединки пореклом од 83 врста птица широко дистрибуираних дуж филогенетског стабла...Sex determination in birds is extremely difficult, primarily due to the fact that more than 50% of bird species are monomorphic. Many traditional methods that have been used before defining molecular genetics methods have their biggest lack as their main characteristic – the unreliability. The results obtained using different methods should be primarily reliable and analysis should be fast, secure and cost-effective. Highly conserved CHD gene has been discovered in 1995 on the W chromosome, and in 1997 on the Z chromosome. The difference in the intron length between the two chromosomes allows sex determination after the PCR reaction. Blood, feathers, buccal swabs, faeces and formalin fixed paraffin embedded tissue samples were used for analysis. We compared the success of the reaction depending on which sample was used, also we compared the success of the reactions when used ordinary polymerases and polymerase designed to be resistant to PCR inhibitors. Using PCR and set of primers 2550F/2718R we have examined the possibility of using CHD gene as molecular markers for sex determination of 550 individuals originating from 83 species of birds widely distributed along the phylogenetic tree. Sex was successfully determined in 74 bird species. In 26 of those it was carried out for the first time using molecular markers and PCR..

    Case of intestinal obstruction by gravel in red-eared slider (Trachemys scripta elegans) solved with medicamentous therapy

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    Red-eared sliders (Trachemys scripta elegans) are often kept as pets, even though their sale is prohibited in many countries due the invasiveness of this species. This report describes a case of a 4-year-old red-eared slider that presented with a month-long history of lethargy and unwillingness to go into the water and was unsuccessfully treated with antibiotics and corticosteroids. Upon clinical and radiological examination, it was discovered that the patient was suffering from intestinal obstruction caused presumably by gravel stones. Medicamentous therapy consisting of meloxicam, lactulose and Ringer’s solution for reptiles was then started and the turtle managed to pass all the ingested stones via the alimentary tract. Control radiological examination has shown no signs of highdensity structures in the lumen of the intestines, and the turtle has made a full recovery. With enterotomy often being considered indicated in chelonians suffering from intestinal obstruction caused by gravel, this is, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, the first reported case of this kind resolved solely with medicamentous therapy in a red-eared slider

    Ascaridia galli infection in laying hens and the results of in vitro efficacy of levamisole, piperazine and carvacrol, whether is necessary to change the deworming protocols?

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    We present a case of Ascaridia galli infection in laying hens on a farm in central Serbia. During the rearing period on litter, ascaridosis was diagnosed at 15 weeks of age by routine parasitological fecal examination. Pullets were treated with flubendazole for one week, and two weeks later the hens were moved to battery cages. The production results were within technological standards until the 23rd week and the medical health status was without any clinical symptoms. After that period weight loss began, the egg production dropped to 70% and eggs were of poor quality. Subsequently, severe feather pecking and an increase of mortality were reported. The postmortal examination showed severe anemia and several gross lesions in the liver, intestines, lungs, and kidneys. Different sizes of A. galli were found in the lumen of the duodenum and jejunum. Gross changes of the intestinal mucosa were present, such as a thickened intestinal wall with hemorrhagic spots, inflammation and necrotic patches. Histopathological examination showed marked changes in the intestines, liver and kidneys. All visible live parasites were collected and stored in Earles balanced salts, and females were used for in vitro susceptibility testing. Median lethal concentration (LC50) of piperazine, levamisole and carvacrol for A. galli was 119.7 mu M, 2.71 mu M and 3.26 mu M, were applied, respectively. Based on our results, it is likely that reinfection occurred after completed dehelmintization. In relation to the new circumstances and the regulation for laying hen welfare the deworming protocol should be changed in order to ensure successful dehelmintization. In order to prevent reinfection the treatment must be done at the end of the rearing period and thus be maximally effective

    Ekspresija KIT receptora na kutanim mastocitomima pasa bez c-kit mutacija

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    Histopathological examination, grading, immunohistochemical staining and molecular genetic examinations are the proposed criteria that should be used for cutaneous mast cell tumors (CMCTs) classification. The presence of aberrant CD117 expression and mutations of the c-kit proto-oncogene could be an indicative parameter for final histological grading. Determination of the connection between the localization of KIT receptor expression and the histological grade of CMCTs without c-kit proto-oncogene mutations was the main goal of this study. The study included twenty four CMCTs and six control skin samples from 30 dogs of different ages, breed and sex. Formalinfixed and paraffin-embedded tissue samples were stained with hematoxylin-eosin and toluidine blue and immunohistochemically tested for CD117 expression. DNA was extracted from the same paraffin blocks and subsequent polymerase chain reaction amplification was performed using PE1 and PE2 primers. Degree of malignancy was determined based on the presence of mitotic figures, multinucleated cells, bizarre nuclei and karyomegaly in 10 high power fields. Based on histological features, fourteen of 24 CMCTs were of a high histological grade, while ten were classified as a lowgrade malignancy. CD117 cytoplasmic expression was observed in nine of fourteen high-grade malignancy CMCTs, which confirms the link between the aberrant CD117 expression and increased cell proliferation.Histopatološko ispitivanje, gradacija, imunohistohemijsko bojenje i molekularno genetska ispitivanja su predloženi kriterijumi za klasifikaciju kutanih mastocitoma pasa. Prisustvo aberantne ekspresije CD117 i mutacija c-kit protoonkogena moglo bi da bude indikativni parameter za finalnu histopatološku klasifikaciju mastocitoma. Glavni cilj ispitivanja je određivanje povezanosti mesta ekspresije KIT receptora i histološkog gradusa mastocitoma bez c-kit mutacija. Ispitivanjima su obuhvaćena 24 mastocitoma i 6 kontrolnih isečaka kože uzorkovanih od ukupno 30 odraslih pasa različitog uzrasta, rase i pola. Uzorci fiksirani u formalinu i ukalupljeni u parafinske kalupe su bojeni hematoksilin-eozinom, toluidin plavo metodom i imunohistohemijski primenom CD117 antitela. DNK je izolovana iz istih parafinskih kalupa, a PCR amplifikacija je izvršena primenom specifičnih prajmera PE1 i PE2. Stepen malignosti je utvrđen na osnovu prisustva mitotskih figura, multinuklearnih ćelija, ćelija sa bizarnim jedrom i kariomegalije na 10 polja velikog uveličanja. Na osnovu histopatoloških osobina, 14 od 24 mastocitoma su svrstani u visoki stepen maligniteta, dok je 10 mastocitoma niskog stepena maligniteta. Citoplazmatska ekspresija CD117 je uočena kod 9 od 14 mastocitoma visokog stepena maligniteta, što potvrđuje vezu između aberantne ekspresije CD117 i povećane ćelijske proliferacije

    Mikotoksini i njihov efekat na ljudsko zdravlje

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    Health risks associated with the consumption of products contaminated with mycotoxins are worldwide recognized and depend on the extent to which they are consumed in diversified diet. To some extent, the presence of small amount of mycotoxins in cereals and related food products is unavoidable; this requires risk assessments which are to be carried out by regulatory bodies in several countries to help establish regulatory guidelines for the protection of public health. By assessing the levels at which these substances in food may pose a potential risk to human health, it is possible to devise appropriate risk management strategies. However, several important factors have to be taken into account in making a rational risk management decision, such as adequate toxicological data and information concerning the extent of exposure, availability of technically sound analytical procedures (including sampling), socioeconomic factors, food intake patterns and levels of mycotoxins in food commodities which may vary considerably between countries.Zdravstveni rizici povezani sa konzumacijom proizvoda kontaminiranih mikotoksinima su prepoznati u celom svetu. U izvesnoj meri prisustvo malih količina mikotoksina u žitaricama i drugim proizvodima je očekivano i neminovno. To iziskuje procenu rizika od strane regulatornih tela koja moraju imati ulogu u uspostavljanju regulatornih smernica za zaštitu javnog zdravlja. Nakon procene nivoa mikotoksina u hrani potrebno je osmisliti odgovarajuće strategije za upravljanje rizikom. Nekoliko važnih faktora treba uzeti u obzir pri donošenju odluka o racionalnom upravljanju rizikom, uključujući toksikološke podatke, nivoe izloženosti, dostupnost analitičkih procedura, socioekonomske faktore i nacionalnu legislativu

    Maligni tumori kod Labrador retrivera koji se koriste za pronalaženje narkotika

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    The two corpses of police dogs, of Labrador retriever breed used for fi nding narcotics, were sent to the Scientific Veterinary Institute 'Novi Sad', and examined post-mortem, in order to determine the cause of death. Post-mortem examination revealed the presence of neoplastic changes in the mandibular region, pulmonary parenchyma and axillary region. The samples of neoplastic changes were sent to the Laboratory of Patohistology within the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Belgrade, in order to specify the diagnosis. Histopathology examination revealed an adenocarcinoma in lungs and haemangioendothelioma in axillary region. Is there any role of drug sniffing on the occurrence of neoplasia in Labrador retriever breed is still unknown, but it could be an important factor in the development of neoplasia in these dogs.Dva leša policijskih službenih pasa, rase Labrador retriver koji se koriste za pronalaženje narkotika, dostavljeni su u Naučni institut za veterinarstvo 'Novi Sad', kako bi se na osnovu patomorfološkog pregleda utvrdio uzrok smrti. Tokom obdukcije utvrđeno je prisustvo neoplastičnih promena u mandibularnoj regiji, plućnom parenhimu i aksilarnoj regiji. Uzorci promenjenog tkiva dostavljeni su na Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Univerziteta u Beogradu, u laboratoriju za patohistologiju kako bi se odredila tačna dijagnoza. Patohistološkim nalazom utvrđeno je prisustvo adenokarcinoma u plućima i hemangioendotelioma u predelu aksilarne regije. Kakvu ulogu može imati udisanje narkotika na pojavu neoplazmi kod Labrador retrivera još uvek nije poznato, ali se pretpostavlja da to može biti jedan od faktora u nastanku neoplastičnih promena kod ovih službenih pasa

    Da li je simptomatologija PBFD više zavisna od vrste domaćina nego od soja virusa? – Slučaj 8 rozenkolisa

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    Eight lovebirds of both sexes and different age were admitted showing alterations in behaviour and apathy. During the initial examination delamination of the beak was noted in all birds and discrete areas of alopecia in three of eight birds. Based on clinical experience, molecular diagnostic on PBFD, sequencing of obtained amplicons, and histopathological examination were performed. All birds tested positive on the presence of PBFD virus, despite the fact they did not exhibit expected clinical signs for PBFD. Sequencing results showed 100% match with sequences previously isolated from parrots with PBFD exhibiting classical PBFD manifestation. Histopathological examination showed similar findings as in previously described cases of PBFD in parrots. Other studies on psittacine birds correlate clinical manifestations and nucleotide variations with geographic localization. Our results indicate that the clinical manifestation of the disease is more dependent on bird species than on the genetic variation of the virus or the geographical distribution.Osam rozenkolisa oba pola različite starosti su primljeni na pregled zbog uočenih promena u ponašanju i apatije. Tokom inicijalnog pregleda kod svih ptica je uočena delaminacija kljuna, a kod tri jedinke bila su prisutna i diskretna polja alopecije. Na osnovu kliničkog iskustva postavljena je sumnja na oboljenje bolest kljuna i perja te je urađena molekularna dijagnostika na pristutvo virusa bolesti kljuna i perja, sekvencioniranje dobijenih amplifikata i patohistološko ispitivanje. Rezultati ispitivanja su potvrdili prisustvo virusa u uzorcima od svih ispitivanih jedinki, poklapanje nukleotidnih sekvecni od 100% sa uzorcima od drugih ptica sa drugačijom kliničkom slikom, a patohistološke promene su identične onima opisanim kod bolesti kljuna i perja. Studije brojnih autora povezivale su kliničku manifestaciju bolesti sa nukleotidnim varijacijama ili geografskom lokalizacijom. Međutim, opisani rezultati bi mogli da ukazuju da je kliničko ispoljavanje bolesti više zavisno od vrste domaćina nego od genotipa virusa koji bolest izaziva i od teritorije na kojoj se bolest ispoljava

    Tehnike izvođenja preventivnih reproduktivnih zahvata – kastracija malih sisara

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    Kunići, glodari i afrički patuljasti ježevi su sve češći pacijenti u veterinarskim ambulantama. Jedan od najčešćih razloga dovođenja ovih životinja kod veterinara je patologija genitalnog sistema. Naime, kod više od 50 procenata ženki kunića starijih od 4 godine javljaju se neoplazme materice, a kod više od 25 posto ženki zamoraca, starijih od 4 godine može da se dijagnostikuje pojava policističnih jajnika. Kod pacova i miševa oba pola, starijih od 2 godine, kod 30 posto slučajeva su prisutne neoplazme na mlečnim žlezdama i kod preko 50 procena- ta ženki ježeva se u toku života pojavi metritis ili neka vrsta neoplaz- mi materice. Ova statistika postaje još problematičnija kada se uzme u obzir da je većina neoplazmi na genitalnim organima ovih životinja (kod ježeva taj broj ide i do 95 posto) malignog karaktera. Jedini način da se sa sigurnošću prevenira razvoj ove patologije je pravovreme- na ovariohistirektomija. Ovariohistirektomija je i jedina vrsta terapije kada se dijagnostikuje većina nabrojanih stanja, ali kako se simptomi kod ovih životinja obično pojavljuju u poodmaklim stadijumima bolesti reproduktivnog sistema i kako većina ovih neoplazmi ima maligni po- tencijal, dešava se da dijagnoza bude postavljena kada se već razviju metastaze ili organizam bude iscrpljen. U takvim, teškim slučajevima, od jedne bezbedne i jednostavne procedure, ovariohistirektomija po- staje intervencija sa neizvesnim ishodom

    A case of nerve sheath tumor followed by multicentric high-grade T-cell lymphoma in an African pygmy hedgehog (Atelerix albiventris)

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    A 3-year-old intact male African pygmy hedgehog was presented at the Teaching Hospital of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Belgrade, with a growth on the left side of its abdomen. After clinical examination, the mass was surgically removed, and histopathological findings indicated a nerve sheath tumor. The hedgehog fully recovered after surgery and was euthanized eight months later due to the appearance of multicentric changes in the internal organs. Further necropsy and macroscopic, cytologic, histopathologic, and immunohistochemical findings revealed that the tumor was a multicentric high-grade T-cell lymphoma. This is an unusual case of an African pygmy hedgehog with two different neoplasms−a nerve sheath tumor followed by lymphoma