8 research outputs found

    Obtención de materiales dotados de la resistencia mecánica y baja lixiviabilidad obtenidos a partir de residuos mineros e industriales.

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    Fecha de solicitud: 01.04.2001.- Titulares:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones científicas (CSIC).- Vsevolod A. Mymrin.[EN]Materials possessing mechanical resistance and low leaching ability are obtained from mining and industrial residues. A paste is formed from various residual materials from mining and metallurgical industries both ferrous and non-ferrous, constituted principally by oxides, of calcium, chlorides, sulfates, silicates and carbonates, apart from other salts. Materials are forged, being maintained in a medium sufficiently alkaline and in the presence of a sufficiently high number of metallic ions. [ES] Obtención de materiales dotados de resistencia mecánica y baja lixiviabilidad obtenidos a partir de residuos mineros o industriales. Llevados a cabo con todos estos materiales se ha llegado a la conclusión de que la fabricación de una pasta obtenida a partir de los diversos materiales residuales procedentes de las industrias minerometalúrgicas de metalurgia férrea y no férrea, constituidos fundamentalmente por óxidos, entre ellos el de calcio, pero no necesariamente sólo por ellos, ya que en algunos casos existen cloruros, sulfatos, silicatos y carbonatos, entre otras sales, da lugar al fraguado de estos materiales cuando se mantienen en un medio suficientemente alcalino y en presencia de un número suficientemente elevado de iones metálicos.Peer reviewe

    Research of the environmentally safe waste-based building materials

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    Introduction: in the article the estimation of new ecological safety biopositive polymer-mineral composite (BPMC) building materials obtained with the use of technogenic wastes is considered. This approach is one of the ways to solve the problem of improving the environmental safety of the environment. Materials and methods: BMPC environmental safety studies were performed using microstructural, X-ray and elemental analysis methods, studying physical and mechanical properties and fire safety. Man-caused wastes inventory and classificational ecological assessment by the lif e cycle was carried out. Results: the conformity of the Baikal region man-caused wastes (such as fly ash from heat-power engineering, aluminosilicate microspheres, isolated from bottom ash wastes, marble dust (microcalcite), industrial waste of polyvinylchloride (PVC), as well as small-sized mica waste in the form of vermiculite) to the basic characteristics that allow to use this wastes in the production of BMPC-products by extrusion as fillers. The man-caused wastes ecological utilization mechanism was developed. Composition of composite materials, in which industrial PVC waste is used as the matrix, and fly ash, ash microspheres, marble dust and vermiculite as fillers, were developed. The proposed technology for the production of BPMC products allows the use of technogenic wastes in a wide range in the composition from 20 to 60 %. The new biopozitive polymer-mineral composite products properties were studied. Conclusions: the conducted studies of the composition and properties of samples obtained using different types of man-made waste in the polymer-mineral composites production proved that the production of BPMC products ensures the building materials and environmental safety through the reliable and durable materials production that comply with regulatory requirements. According to the life cycle environmental safety assessment, the waste products obtained on the basis of waste have significant advantages in terms of a technical and environmental characteristics set