458 research outputs found

    The Potential Application of Selected Fungi Strains in Removal of Commercial Detergents and Biotechnology

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    The consumption of synthetic detergents is increasing year by year due to increasing urbanization, which reflects on higher concentration of this pollutant in the environment. In order to purify wastewaters from different pollutants, the application of new technologies such as bioremediation is necessary. From the environmental point of view, it is important to identify microorganisms that are tolerant to the presence of this pollutant. This chapter presents the experimental evaluation of ability of several fungal species, isolated from municipal sewage and industrial wastewater, in removing a high detergent concentration (anionic surfactants) from the environment as well as their potential application in biotechnology. The selected fungi were cultivated in Czapek-Dox liquid medium supplemented with commercial detergent “Merix” (Henkel, Kruševac, Serbia). Changes of physicochemical and biochemical parameters such as pH, redox potential, dry weight biomass, and enzymes activities such as alkaline protease and phosphatase were evaluated during 16 days of cultivation. The obtained results could be useful in the implementation of tested fungi in bioremediation processes and in biotechnology

    Our Experience in Testing Potential Prebiotics

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    Background/objectives: Normal growth and development of the human gastrointestinal tract begins at the earliest age of life. The microbiota is a complex system and there are numerous efforts to influence these microbial species in order to improve health. Prebiotics with probiotics act synergistically in organisms, so they represent supplements or food ingredients specifically intended for this role. In children, analyzing the microbial composition can determine the potential for obesity later in life, which is why the influence of nutrition in the earliest period is an important factor, especially for preterm infants. Human milk is the best source of nutrients, but in cases when it is not available, infant formulas are important because, in addition to their nutritional role, they also achieve a prebiotic effect in the body. The goal of this paper was to provide an overview of our research and application of potential prebiotics. Methods: The methodology was based on the analysis and synthesis of collected and systematized data and research results. Results: Supplementation with inulin, GOS and FOS is very important in the nutrition and development of infants, which was also shown during our clinical research of infant formulas supplemented with these prebiotics, where the bifidogenic effect was pronounced in the feces of infants fed with prebiotic infant formula. Human milk provides unique prebiotics, the effect of which is difficult to replicate. In vitro testing of some microbiologically synthesized potential prebiotics such as levan, pullulan, and beta-glucan, which is the first step in the analysis of potential prebiotics, showed a positive effect on individual probiotic strains or on a consortium of microorganisms isolated from infant feces. Determination of biochemical parameters and gas production are further criteria for the selection of potential prebiotics. Discussion: Our research indicates that there are different effects of prebiotics on selected individual probiotics or cultures from feces, which can be further tested in vitro and in vivo and then potentially applied in nutrition and supplementation.Proceedings of The 14th European Nutrition Conference FENS 2023, Belgrade, Serbia, 14–17 November 202

    Sweet peppers, irrigated crop alternative in Cova da Beira, Portugal : propagation.

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    Na perspetiva de encontrar culturas alternativas e com valorização económica para os terrenos das zonas abrangidas pelo Regadio da Cova da Beira, e por solicitação empresarial e dos agricultores da associação de Regantes (ARCB), desenvolveu-se um projeto-piloto, conjunto, para a produção de plantas e frutos de pimento (Capsicum annuum L.) com o objetivo de obtenção de pimentão doce, vulgo colorau, cujos intervenientes foram sete agricultores da ARCB, a Escola Superior Agrária do IPCB, a CM de Penamacor e a empresa Ibersaco.Abstract In order to find alternative crops and economic value to the land of the areas covered by the irrigation of Cova da Beira in Portugal and by order of a company and the Association of irrigators farmers (ARCB), we developed a pilot project, set to the production of plants and fruits of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) with the aim of obtaining paprika. This collaboration included the following players: seven farmers from ARCB, the Agrarian School of the IPCB, the City Council of Penamacor and Ibersaco Company.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Da li okolnosti i događajl na našoj planeti dovode u pitanje održivost proizvodnje hrane i eliminaciju siromaštva i gladi?

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    Održivost i održivi razvoj je poslednjih godina često u upotrebi kao i zeleno/i i životna sredina, verovatno kao eho „Rio deklaracije o životnoj sredini i razvoju“ iz 1992. godine, u kojoj se u Principu 1 doslovno navodi: „Human beings are at the centre of concerns for sustainable development. They are entitled to a healthy and productive life in harmony with nature”. Pojam održivosti/održivog razvoja kao ekološko-socio-ekonomske, najtačnije, političke kategorije, datira iz 1983. godine kao rezultat rada Brundtlandine komisije OUN, prema kojoj je prihvaćeno: „Održivi razvoj (OR) je razvoj koji zadovoljava potrebe sadašnjosti bez ugrožavanja sposobnosti budućih generacija da zadovolje svoje potrebe”. Posledično, OR iz vizure prirodnih nauka bio bi neometani protok supstanci i energije kroz sve ekosfere na zemlji, odnosno odvijanje biogeohemijskih ciklusa uključujući i hidrološki ciklus, bez nepredvidjenih dogadjaja, reakcija, zastoja! Kreatori i promoteri OR su u OUN došli 2015. godine do Rezolucije Generalne skupštine o OR sa 17 ciljeva, sa agendom 2030, medju kojim su i iskorenjivanje siroimaštva (1.) i gladi uz održivu poljoprivrednu proizvodnju (2.), kojom su glavni akteri bili zadovoljni udobno zavaljeni u dobro plaćene fotelje. Nažalost ubrzo posle toga, tako reći jedna za drugom došle su dve velike pošasti svetskih razmera koje i dalje traju, komplikuju se i postaju kompleksnije: pandemija CoViD-19 (od 2020. sa upozorenjem SZO na opasnost od „majmunskih boginja“ 2022.) i rat u Ukrajini (od 24. 02. 2022.). OR nema rešenje za održivost OR, odnosno nema rezervne varijante i prave odgovore, ni u jednom od rokova, koji se razmatraju. Situacija u kojoj se sada nalazi stanovništvo Zemlje i ugroženost okoline, ozbiljnim polutantima kao posledice oba navedena nepredviđena-neočekivana (?) događaja (mikroplastika i proizvodi supstanci emitovanih usled vojnih dejstava), nema pozitivan ishod u dogledno vreme. Ilustrativan je primer gradjanskog rata u Siriji, koji je počeo 2011. godine i sa manjim intenzitetom traje i danas u kojoj je zbog navedenih okolnosti i nezapamćene suše (Cilj 13.: Klimatske promene) ove godine proizvedeno nepunih milion tona žitarica, što je samo oko 25 % višegodišnje proizvodnje i nedovoljno je za stanovništvo ove zemlje, a nema ni za izvoz susednim zemljama. U zaključku navodimo deo naše nedavne prezentacije [„Are Sustainability (and Sustainable Chemistry) on the Edge?”] na Fall 2022 Conference of the American Chemical Society, sa jasnom porukom da je na bilo koji rok sveobuhvatna održivost, a pre svega da su proizvodnja hrane i ishrana-iskorenjivanje siromaštva i gladi, praktično nedostižni ciljevi OR.Invited lectur

    Naftni zagađivači u aluvijalnim sedimentima - uticaj intenziteta kontakta sa podzemnim vodama na dejstvo mikroorganizama

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    The influence of the intensity of interaction between oil pollutants and ground waters in alluvial sediments on the effect of microbial activity was investigated in this work. The study was based on a comparison of detailed analyses of two fractions of an oil pollutant originating from a Danube alluvial formation near the Pancevo Oil Refinery: fraction 1. separated from the aqueous layer by decantation. presumed to have been in less intensive interaction with water. and fraction 2. isolated from the aqueous emulsion by extraction with chloroform. presumed to have been in stronger interaction with water, Both fractions were shown to originate from the same type of oil pollutant. Nevertheless. significant compositional differences between the two fractions were observed. A significantly pronounced domination of even carbon number homologues of C-18-C-24 n-alkanes in fraction 2. atypical for crude oil pollutants, compared to the corresponding distribution observed in fraction 1, suggested a more intense activity. i.e., a much better effect of microorganisms in direct contact with the oil pollutant within the aqueous environment. The identification of even carbon number C-14-C-18 n-alcohols and C-14-C-18 fatty acids, as well as cholesterol, in fraction 2, suggested that microorganisms of the algal type in non-photosynthetic conditions were most probably responsible for the mentioned microbial processes.Procenjivan je uticaj intenziteta interakcije između naftnog zagađivača i podzemne vode aluvijalne formacije na intenzitet mikrobiološkog dejstva. U tom cilju poređani su sastavi dve frakcije naftnog zagađivača iz jednog pijezometra (krug Rafinerije nafte Pančevo, aluvijalna formacija reke Dunav): frakcije 1, odvojene od vode dekantovanjem (slabija interakcija sa vodom) i frakcije 2, izdvojene iz vode ekstrakcijom (jača interakcija sa vodom). Dokazano je da obe frakcije vode poreklo od istog naftnog zagađivača. Znatno veća obilnost normalnih alkana sa izrazitom dominacijom parnih homologa (C18–C24) u frakciji 2 nego u frakciji 1 ukazuje na intenzivniju aktivnost mikroorganizama u vodenoj sredini. Alkoholi normalnog niza sa parnim brojem ugljenikovih atoma (C14–C20), holesterol i masne kiseline normalnog niza sa parnim brojem ugljenikovih atoma (C14–C18) u frakciji 2 dokaz su da su za mikrobilošku aktivnost u nefotosintetičkim uslovima odgovorni mikroorganizmi algalnog tipa

    Antioxidant and antimicrobial potentials of champignon mushroom

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    Fruiting bodies of some wild and cultivatable mushrooms contain medicinal compounds which are being used in traditional medicines and cosmetics. Champignon mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) is the most widely cultivated species of edible mushroom worldwide. This paper focuses on antioxidant and antimicrobial importance of A bisporus. Water-soluble polysaccharide-enriched fraction was isolated from the dry carpophores of Agaricus bisporus. Antioxidant activities were investigated using in vitro assay systems: 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging and chelating ability on ferrous ions. Antimicrobial activity was tested against Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria in vitro by disk diffusion method in order to determine the zones of inhibition. At concentrations of 0.1-10 mg/ml, the scavenging abilities of A bisporus ranged between 12.3-75.5 %. The radical scavenging ability of the positive controls-tocopherol and ascorbic acid, at the concentrations of 0.1-20 mg/ml, were between 79.9-80.8 and 80.6-91.1 %, respectively. Polysaccharide extract from A bisporus showed steadily increasing chelating ability as concentrations increased to 88.2 % at 20 mg/ml. The chelating ability of the citric acid was between 7.2-10.7 %, at the concentrations of 0.1-20 mg/ml. The study of antimicrobial potential of polysaccharide extract showed more potent activity against Gram-positive Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 49532 (26.7 ± 0.2 mm), Bacillus cereus 10876 (27.5 ± 0.4 mm), Geobacillus stearothermophylus ATCC 7953 (22.8 ± 0.3 mm) than Gram-negative bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 35032 (10.4 ± 0.6 mm), Proteus hauseri ATCC 13315 (12.1 ± 0.1 mm) Escherichia coli (0157:H7) 35150 (12.7 ± 0.4 mm) with exception of Klebsiella pneumoniae ATCC 27736 (22.3 ± 0.2 mm)

    Gas Chromatography in Environmental Sciences and Evaluation of Bioremediation

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    Crude oil and its derivatives, as the key energy-generating substances and raw materials used for production, are very widely used in all domains of work and everyday life. With the advent of oil as a fuel, there was the most intense economic growth and it can be said that the entire modern civilization is based on the utilization of oil. However, rapid growth and development of civilization in the past two centuries with the mass use of fossil fuels has led to imbalances and distortions of natural processes. In spite of improvements in technology and equipment used for oil drilling, transport and processing by the petroleum industry, oil and oil derivatives represent a significant source of environmental contamination

    Produkcija biotehnološki korisnih metabolita gljivom mucor racemosus u tečnoj czapek-dox podlozi sa dodatkom sintetičkog deterdženta

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    The capacity of native isolate Mucor racemosus to produce several potentially useful metabolites in a liquid Czapek-Dox medium supplemented with powder anionic-type detergent MERIX (Henkel, Serbia) at concentrations of 0.3% (D3) and 0.5% (D5) was examined in this study. The changes of pH values, the total protein content, activities of acid and alkaline invertase, α-amylase, as well as biomass dry weight were evaluated during fungal growth from inoculation until the 16 th day. In addition, the qualitative and quantitative amino acids content of 16 days old fermentation broth was determined by HPLC. D3 considerably enhanced the biomass dry weight (43%), α-amylase activity (49.59%) and the quantity of arginine (40.38%), and also influenced the production of a high amount of proteins (5.32 g/L). D5 significantly enhanced the biomass dry weight (53%), the quantity of arginine (119.09%) and alanine (192.79%) and induced the production of valine, serine and glutamate. In the D5 medium, α-amylase retained 100% of its activity. The acid and alkaline invertase activity was moderately inhibited by D3 and D5. The obtained results may have considerable biotechnological, industrial and environmental potential

    Are sustainability and sustainable chemistry on the edge?

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    The world was hit almost simultaneously by two unplanned for catastrophes: the COVID-19pandemic and the war in Ukraine. Almost overnight everything has stopped (pandemic) and the world has rapidly accelerated (war). In both situations, everything has changed radically, both in everyday life and globally. From the perhaps more banal shortages of nails, screws and beer in Germany, due to the impossibility of deliveries from Ukraine (but from Russia and Belarus, also), to the almost cataclysmic energy crisis, food shortages, rising prices, dismissal of workers and inflation. The lack of critical materials, for which (REEs and Sb) the PRC holds the key in production, recicling and reuse, has stopped the production chains of almost all industries. Helium shortage threatens to shut down many key health instruments (NMR). Both disasters contribute to unimaginable levels of environmental pollution, beyond control. The war, where explosives and new types of issile/rocket fuels, pollute the air, land and water resources to unimaginable proportions, but also protective medical devices are contributing with micro- and nano-plastics. What could happen with regard to contamination of the Black and Azov Seas is hard to imagine, such as in the possible use of chemical weapons. When it comes to life and death, hunger and suffering, destruction and diseases all the lofty goals of humanity, including sustainability and consequently sustainable chemistry, cannot be in focus.For that very reason, never forget the “golden” rules:1. When the prices of nickel and copper on the LME rise, war is on the horizon!2. With the release of frozen prehistoric forms of primitive life forms, as must occur from the melting of permafrost, we should expect more pandemics!The time of easy life in developed countries is behind us and life will be dizzyingly fast with uncertain directions, flexibility and diversification that are almost unpredictable. Luckily, the imagination of chemists is without limits, (primarily due to the chemical common sens and per se sustainable chemical education on universities) which provides optimism, security and sustainability to everyone because: “Chemistry (is) for Life®”.Poster presented at: ACS Fall 2022 Conference-Sustainability in a Changing Word, 21/08/2022, Chicago, ILAbstract: [https://cer.ihtm.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/5507