9 research outputs found

    Novi nalazi tulara (Insecta, Trichoptera) za Hrvatsku: vrste Oecetis furva (Rambur, 1842) and Orthotrichia tragetti (Mosely, 1930)

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    Two species, Oecetis furva and Orthotrichia tragetti, are recorded for the first time in Croatia. Moreover, O. tragetti is recorded for the first time in the limno-ecoregion Hungarian Lowlands (ER11). Adult caddisflies were collected from 2010 to 2012 in Kopački rit Nature Park. Sampling was conducted using light traps (15 W UV lamp) that were operated monthly, with the exception of May when two light trap samples were taken. Both species were collected at various habitats, from both perennial and ephemeral bodies of water (river course, lake, channels). O. furva was collected on the lower reach of the Drava River, in the eutrophic Lake SakadaÅ” and in two different channels; Vemeljski dunavac (intermittent channel) and Čarna (perennial reclamation channel). O. tragetti was collected in the eutrophic Lake SakadaÅ” and the Čarna channel. These data represent a significant contribution to the general knowledge of caddisflies in Croatia, and particularly of insufficiently investigated wetlands and lakes in the continental region.Vrste Oecetis furva i Orthotrichia tragetti po prvi puta su zabilježene za faunu Hrvatske. Osim toga, vrsta O. tragetti prvi puta je zabilježena u Panonskoj ekoregiji (ER11 Mađarska nizina). Odrasle jedinke tulara prikupljane su u periodu od 2010. ā€“ 2012. godine na području Parka prirode Kopački rit. Uzorkovali smo jednom mjesečno, uz izuzetak svibnja kada smo uzorkovanja obavili dva puta. Kao atraktant koristili smo UV lampu jačine 15 W. Obje su vrste zabilježene na različitim tipovima stalnih i povremenih staniÅ”ta (riječni tok, jezero, različiti kanali). Vrsta O. furva zabilježena je na donjem toku rijeke Drave, zatim na eutrofnom jezeru SakadaÅ”, te na dva različita tipa kanala; Vemeljski dunavac (povremeni kanal) i Čarna (stalni melioracijski kanal). Vrsta O. tragetti zabilježena je na eutrofnom jezeru SakadaÅ” i kanalu Čarna. Ovi podatci predstavljaju značajan doprinos poznavanju faune tulara Hrvatske općenito, a posebice nedovoljno istraženih močvarnih i jezerskih staniÅ”ta kontinentalnog dijela Hrvatske

    Equine Seroprevalence Rates as an Additional Indicator for a More Accurate Risk Assessment of the West Nile Virus Transmission

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    The West Nile Virus (WNV) is a zoonotic arbovirus that has recently been causing outbreaks in many countries in southern and Central Europe. In 2012, for the first time, it caused an outbreak in eastern Croatia with total of 7 human clinical cases. With an aim of assisting public health personnel in order to improve survey protocols and vector control, the high risk areas of the WNV transmission were estimated and mapped. The study area included cities of Osijek and Slavonski Brod and 8 municipalities in Vukovarsko-Srijemska County. Risk estimation was based on seroprevalence of WNV infections in horses as an indicator of the virus presence, as well as the presence of possible WNV mosquito vectors with corresponding vector competences. Four mosquito species considered as possible WNV vectors are included in this study: Aedes vexans, Culex modestus, Culex pipiens and Ochlerotatus caspius. Mosquitoes were sampled using dry-ice baited CDC trap, twice a month, between May and October. This study suggests that the two mosquito species present the main risk of WNV transmission in eastern Croatia: the Culex pipiens ā€“ because of good vector competence and the Aedes vexans ā€“ because of the very high abundances. As a result, these two species should be focus of future mosquito surveil- lance and a vector control management

    Mosquito Survey during West Nile Virus Outbreak 2012 in Northeast Croatia Enrih

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    During the August and September 2012, seven human cases of the West Nile neuro-invasive disease were reported in Croatia. Medical entomology research on a potential vectors during the outbreak was supported by the Ministry of Health. A mosquito survey has been done in 64 sites in three eastern Croatian counties (Osijek-Baranja County, Vukovar-Srijem county and in Brod-Posavina county). Dry ice baited CDC traps were used for mosquito sampling in a period from the 10th to 25th September 2012. A total of 1785 mosquitoes were collected and 5 species were determined. The most numerous species were Aedes vexans with 1634 specimens, a Culex pipiens c., the potential vector of WNV, was present with 6.39%, in 114 specimens. That species was present in 43 out of 64 investigated sites. Vector control included both the control of mosquito larvae and the adults. Treatments have been done on 184 small breeding sites and on 2900 ha of an urban area

    Prvi nalaz invazivne vrste sjemenarki Megabruchidius tonkineus (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Bruchinae) u Hrvatskoj

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    The invasive seed beetle Megabruchidius tonkineus (Pic, 1904) is an agricultural pest native to the east Asian region that was first recorded in Europe (Germany) in the 1980s. There are further recent reports of this species from Bulgaria, France, Hungary, Russia, Serbia and Switzerland. Megabruchidius tonkineus resides in the seed pods of Gleditsia triacanthos L. (Fabaceae) and is recorded for the first time in Croatia in our study. The general morphological, biological and distributional features of this invasive species are given.Invazivna vrsta sjemenarki porijeklom iz orijentalne Azije Megabruchidius tonkineus (Pic, 1904), nađena je po prvi puta u Hrvatskoj u mahunama gledičije (Gleditsia triachantos L.). Prvi nalaz ove vrste u Europi zabilježen je 80-ih godina proÅ”loga stoljeća u Njemačkoj, međutim odnedavno postoje dokazi da se ta vrsta ustalila u Bugarskoj, Francuskoj, Mađarskoj, Srbiji i Å vicarskoj. U radu su prikazana osnovna morfoloÅ”ka i bioloÅ”ka obilježja vrste kao i njezina rasprostranjenost na području Istočne Hrvatske

    Dinamika bogatstva vrsta komaraca u uzorcima (Diptera, Culicidae) hvatanim metodom CDC klopke uz suhi led na području grada Osijeka

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    In this paper the results of a ten year investigation of mosquitoes using dry ice baited CDC traps in the city of Osijek, Croatia are presented. In the first year we recorded 16 species. During these ten years the total of 20 species were determined. The single method, dry ice baited CDC traps, makes it possible to determine almost the entire fauna in a given area. The estimated fauna is statistically calculated. Five non-parametric estimators were chosen for evaluation: one-factorial Jackknife (Jackknife-1); two-factorial Jackknife (Jackknife-2); one-factorial Chao (Chao-1); two-factorial Chao (Chao-2) and Bootstrap. The estimated fauna contains between 22 and 29 species. The method used turned out to be very good when used over a long period of time, because new species were registered even in years without many mosquitoes.U ovom radu govori se desetgodiÅ”njim rezultatima istraživanja komaraca, koji su hvatani metodom CDC klopke uz suhi led kao atraktant u Osijeku. Prve istraživačke godine zabilježeno je 16 vrsta. Tijekom deset istraživačkih godina broj poznatih vrsta popeo se na 20. Predpostavka ovog rada je da se koriÅ”tenjem samo jedne metode uzorkovanja može se doći do skoro kompletne faune nekog područja. Očekivana fauna izračunata je statistički. U tu svrhu koriÅ”teno je pet neparametarskih estimatora: jedanfaktorijalni Jackknife (Jackknife-1); dvofaktorijalni Jackknife (Jackknife-2); jedanfaktorijalni Chao (Chao-1); dvofaktorijalni Chao (Chao-2) i Bootstrap. Ovim statističkim metodama je određeno da se broj vrsta komaraca u Osijeku kreće od 22 do 29 vrsta. KoriÅ”tena metoda se pokazuje kao dobra ako se koristi kroz duže vremensko razdoblje, a naročita joj je vrijednost u tome Å”to su se nove vrste evidentirale u godinama kada i nije bilo puno komaraca. Do otkrivanja kompletne faune ovom metodom, potrebno je uzorkovati joÅ” neko vrijeme

    An overview of mosquitoes and emerging arboviral infections in the Zagreb area, Croatia

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    Mosquito control in the Zagreb area has been conducted for many years, whereas the fauna has only been investigated in the last 20 years. So far 30 mosquito species have been detected in the city area. Culex pipiens form molestus is the dominant mosquito species in indoor breeding sites. In forested areas and areas exposed to flooding, the active period is early spring and the dominant species are Ochlerotatus sticticus, Ochlerotatus cantans, Ochlerotatus geniculatus and Aedes vexans. The eudominant mosquito species found in the artificial breeding sites are Culex pipiens and the Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus. Invasive Ae. albopictus, present in the Zagreb area since 2004, has expanded to a larger area of the city during the last three years. The recent emergence of the human West Nile virus and Usutu virus neuroinvasive disease in Zagreb and its surroundings highlighted the role of mosquitoes as vectors of emerging arboviruses. The paper focuses on mosquito species and arboviral infections detected in humans and animals in the Zagreb area, Croatia

    Risk assessment of mosquito born diseases in relation to climate changes and introduction of exotic species

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    Rizik oboljevanja od bolesti koje prenose komarci vezan uz dva osnovna parametra. Prvi je sastav i biologija komaraca na određenom prostoru, a drugi je biologija uzročnika na tom istom prostoru. Nisu svi komarci prenosnici uzročnika bolesti. Najpotencijalniji prenosnik uzročnika bolesti su komarci vrste Aedes eagypty. Malariju kao narasprostranjeniju bolest prenose komarci roda Anopheles, a među njima najbolji prenositelj je Anopheles gambiae. Na području Hrvatske od 50 dosada zabilježenih vrsta potencijalno medicinsko značenje ima 15 vrsta. Anopheles atroparvus, An. plumbeus, An. sacharovi, Culex pipiens, Aedes albopictus neke su od najznačajnijih vrsta koje su potencijalni vektori u Hrvatskoj. Klimatske promjene igraju značajnu ulogu u promjeni uvjeta staniÅ”ta, te omogućuju da se na nekom prostoru pojave vrste koje do tada nisu bile prisutne. Tigrasti komarac, Aedes albopictus zabilježen je u Hrvatskoj 2004. i udomaćio se u Istri, a sve mu je čvrŔća populacija u Zadru, Å ibeniku, Splitu, Dubrovniku, i nove na Cresu i LoÅ”inju sve redom visoko atraktivne turističke destinacije u koje dolazi veliki broj turista. U radu je prikazano njegovo Å”irenje. Tijekom 2007. Aedes albopictus, dokazan je kao vektor Chicungunya virusa u Italiji s kojim se zarazilo 207 osoba u talijanskoj pokrajini Emilia Romagna.The risk of contracting a vector-born disease is linked with two basic parameters. The first is the composition and biology of mosquitoes in a certain area, and the second is the biology of agents in the same area. Not all mosquitoes are vectors of disease. The most potential vectors are the Aedes eagypty mosquitoes. Malaria as the most widespread disease is spread by the mosquitoes of the genus Anopheles, of which the best vector is Anopheles gambiae. Out of 50 mosquito species recorded in Croatia, 15 have potential medical significance. Anopheles atroparvus, An. plumbeus, An. sacharovi, Culex pipiens, and Aedes albopictus are among the most significant species that are potential vectors in Croatia. Climatic changes play an important role in changing the condition of habitats, making it possible for new species to enter certain areas. The tiger mosquito was recorded in Croatia in 2004, and it can now be found in Istria, and more increasingly in Zadar, Å ibenik, Split and Dubrovnik, with new sites found on the islands of Cres and LoÅ”inj, which are very attractive tourist destinations. The tiger mosquito may pass on a virus from a tourist who may be unaware of having it, and it may start an epidemic. The dissemination of this species is presented in this paper. During 2007 Aedes albopictus was proved as a vector of Chicungunya virus in Italy. Since then to the beginning of September, 207 cases of infected persons were recorded (one of whom died) in two villages near the tourist resort Ravena, in the Emilia Romagna province

    Dinamika bogatstva vrsta komaraca u uzorcima (Diptera, Culicidae) hvatanim metodom CDC klopke uz suhi led na području grada Osijeka

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    In this paper the results of a ten year investigation of mosquitoes using dry ice baited CDC traps in the city of Osijek, Croatia are presented. In the first year we recorded 16 species. During these ten years the total of 20 species were determined. The single method, dry ice baited CDC traps, makes it possible to determine almost the entire fauna in a given area. The estimated fauna is statistically calculated. Five non-parametric estimators were chosen for evaluation: one-factorial Jackknife (Jackknife-1); two-factorial Jackknife (Jackknife-2); one-factorial Chao (Chao-1); two-factorial Chao (Chao-2) and Bootstrap. The estimated fauna contains between 22 and 29 species. The method used turned out to be very good when used over a long period of time, because new species were registered even in years without many mosquitoes.U ovom radu govori se desetgodiÅ”njim rezultatima istraživanja komaraca, koji su hvatani metodom CDC klopke uz suhi led kao atraktant u Osijeku. Prve istraživačke godine zabilježeno je 16 vrsta. Tijekom deset istraživačkih godina broj poznatih vrsta popeo se na 20. Predpostavka ovog rada je da se koriÅ”tenjem samo jedne metode uzorkovanja može se doći do skoro kompletne faune nekog područja. Očekivana fauna izračunata je statistički. U tu svrhu koriÅ”teno je pet neparametarskih estimatora: jedanfaktorijalni Jackknife (Jackknife-1); dvofaktorijalni Jackknife (Jackknife-2); jedanfaktorijalni Chao (Chao-1); dvofaktorijalni Chao (Chao-2) i Bootstrap. Ovim statističkim metodama je određeno da se broj vrsta komaraca u Osijeku kreće od 22 do 29 vrsta. KoriÅ”tena metoda se pokazuje kao dobra ako se koristi kroz duže vremensko razdoblje, a naročita joj je vrijednost u tome Å”to su se nove vrste evidentirale u godinama kada i nije bilo puno komaraca. Do otkrivanja kompletne faune ovom metodom, potrebno je uzorkovati joÅ” neko vrijeme


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    The monitoring of mosquito population for the eventual purpose of better mosquito control happened in Osijek from 1995-2004. The primary method research-monitoring of mosquitoes used was dry ice baited CDC-traps for a period of 10 years. This provided significant information on mosquito species, their dynamics and seasonal activity. A total of 207,136 mosquito specimens was collected. Among this number 20 species were identified, however, 7 species made up 99% of the total. From these 7, three ecological groups based on breeding sites were determined: flood water mosquitoes, container breeding mosquitoes, and permanent and semi-permanent water breeding mosquitoes. The seasonal dynamics of these three groups are shown in this paper. The average dynamics of all mosquito species was reflected in three peaks: at the end of May, in the middle of July (the biggest one) and in the middle of September. The eudominant species was Aedes vexans which comprised 76% of the total mosquito fauna in the investigated area The flood water species highly correlated with the average dynamics of all the species in the area of Osijek as well as with the average water level of the Danube River